My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

The Aftermath

We held hands on the way home.

Neither of us really needed to speak.

All our feelings had already been conveyed.

Thankfully the clouds covered up the moonlight, hiding both our flushed faces.

Somehow Eve fell asleep while we were walking.

At first, I was worried.

She had collapsed after all.

If I wasn't there to catch her fall she would've had a nasty wake-up call with the concrete pavement.

I guess it was a taxing day.

All that walking around must have done a toll on her.

I lifted her into a princess carry and took her the rest of the way home.

I was so focused on not dropping her, I didn't realize the irregular breathing patterns or the slight grin on her face.

The door guard only gave me a jealous glare while the old man shambling in the lobby gave me a knowing wink.

I nodded at them and went towards our room.

After shifting her to be leaning against my side, I used my now free hand to open the door.

I carried her to the bedroom where I laid her under the covers.

I quickly got changed and joined her.


I'm not sure why I didn't just put her in her own bed.

When she snuggled under the covers with me, I felt a little more self-conscious.

Instead of a simple kinship between siblings, it now held a deeper meaning.

My body seemed to be more aware of her closeness than usual.

It was like each of my senses had become extra sensitive to her.

Her warmth.

Her smell.

Her body pressed against mine.

I had a hard time sleeping that night.

By the time I woke up, Eve was already long awake.

Neither of us had plans for the day so we just lazed around.

While watching a television drama, Eve had been the one to start talking.

"I'll be meeting the other girls in the show tomorrow. They already guaranteed my spot and we'll start training next week. Until then, we're supposed to be getting friendly with each other."

"Yeah? That sounds nice. It'll just be normal days at the restaurant."

"Maybe I can bring some of the other girls over to the restaurant? Wouldn't that up your exposure?"

"Thanks for the concern but I think it'll be a little too much if a group of supermodels suddenly shows up."

"I guess so."

Like that, we kept making small talk.

We were pointedly avoiding the subject of last night.

We both obviously remembered what had happened, but neither of us really wanted to talk about it.

Maybe we were holding onto the hope that ignoring it would somehow preserve that memory.

Before I knew it, the day had passed and it was already time for bed.

The last thing I thought of before falling asleep was of the future.

After seeing Eve spend so much money on me, I felt a little strange.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I appreciated the gesture but now I was made fully aware of the difference in our social statuses.

She was a supermodel, with millions of fans and connections with countless luxury fashion brands.

I was just a waiter at your everyday restaurant who happened to be lucky enough to have a celebrity sibling.

While overthinking about my relationship with Eve, I slowly drifted away into sleep.

I was so focused, I didn't even notice her beside me shift in her sleep, revealing that she was only wearing a pink negligee.


The first thing that greeted me when I walked into the restaurant was a greeting from Yvonne that swiftly died.

I was wearing the casual outfit Eve had put out for me, while keeping my work clothes in a small backpack.

Yvonne was fidgeting behind one of the tables and had her hand half-raised in a wave.

Her face seemed a little frozen.

She turned around robotically as I made my way past her with a slight smile.

I passed by some of the other waiters and gave them some greetings.

I walked into the small locker room and began changing.

When I left, I found Yvonne waiting for me, leaning against the wall.

She pointed her finger at me with a curious look on her face.

"You. Explain. Now."

I had an inkling of what she wanted me to explain but I decided to pretend I didn't know.

"Explain what?"

"Don't play dumb! Was it your sister who took you shopping?"

I've never really cared for my appearance or fashion so seeing me dressed in something other than my plain shirts and pants must've been surprising.

"Yeah, she dragged me around and got me a ton of new outfits."

"I can tell. You look completely different!"

"Really? Different how?"

"No offense, but you used to look more savage and had a wild look. Now you, I don't know, look kind of cool? I guess clothes really do make the man."

I absent-mindedly touched my face.


She says something under her breath, catching my attention.

"That bitch is so stupid! Doesn't she know something like this will only attract even more useless bugs around him?"

She turned back towards me with a slight grin.

She punched me in the arm out of nowhere.

"Ow! What was that for!"

"For being an idiot!"

She then walked away, leaving me frowning.

I just sighed and got to work.

Today was going to be a long day.


"Yeah it was pretty boring. Everyone just looks and acts the same."

Eve was complaining to me while we ate a late-night dinner.

"Like it's not even funny. I swear they're all made in some factory and shipped out in bulk."

"Rude. You do realize you're talking about your own colleagues."

"So? I don't even know their names, why should I care!"

Eve was shoving a bite of stir-fried lentils into her mouth.

I also unfortunately converted to a rather veggie-heavy diet.

I felt bad for Eve so promised to train together with her.

Now I had regretted that almost instantly.

Why the hell was I following a supermodel's dieting?

Every time I cheated and ate an actual meal, I just apologized in the direction of Eve's room with my hands folded together.

In response to Eve's comment, I placed a spoonful of lentils onto her plate.

She glared at me, before hatefully taking a bite.

She was chewing furiously like she had a personal grudge against them.

This time she hadn't come to pick me up at the restaurant and was instead waiting for me at home.

Her hair was damp, indicating a recent shower. It carried a smell of strawberries.

"C'mon it couldn't have been that bad."

"I guess. There were a couple of girls that weren't as annoying as the others." She chewed with as thoughtful of an expression that was possible with a mouth full of lentils.


"Mmhmm. We made a group chat and they're planning on meeting sometime later this week for a girl's night out."

"Why don't you host it here?"


"You can just use our place. I think it's big enough to fit you and your friends. There's also a pretty good nightclub only a block away from here."



She muttered something about, "no way in hell am I gonna bring you even more girls over to seduce."

She grinned at me. "It'll be too inconvenient for us to have that many people over Adam. I can't put all that extra work on you!"

"It's fine! Just bring them over, I wanna meet my sister's colleagues too!"

"No!" Her expression darkened and she was speaking in a much lower tone than normal.

"Alright! At the least go with them on their night out. It'll be a good chance to bond with them, yeah?"

"Ehhhh. I wasn't planning on joining them! I wanted to spend more time with you..."

"If you won't bring them here you'll have to go to them. I can't have you being alone at your job. Just think of it as my duty as your older brother."

"Tch. By a few minutes...Jeez it's not fair when you put it like that. Okay! I'll ask them if they mind if you tag along."

"What? That wasn't what I said!"

"Well I'm not going if you aren't! And I sure as hell am not bringing them over here!"

What kind of sister wants to go clubbing with her brother?

I moved to stop her but she already texted out a message.

I heard the telltale dings of replies instantly.

Her face broke out in a mischievous grin as she showed me the phone screen.

– ECRLV Angels -

Eve: Hey guys, would you mind if my brother came along with us?

Carol: Really? I was thinking that you didn't want to join us since you still hadn't replied. I don't really mind if he comes along. You can vouch for him, right? If he's your brother, he surely wouldn't be some perv scumbag.

Rachell: Not too much. Do you think he'll even want to be stuck babysitting a group of supermodels?

Lindsey: Ehhh...depends. Is he cute?

Valentine: Hey! Isn't it supposed to be a 'girls' night out :\

"They seem mixed so what's with that triumphant look on your face?"

"Hoh-hoh-hoh! Because it isn't over yet! I still have my trump card!"

She seemed to forget the fact that I'll be meeting the other models and seemed a little too focused on the "clubbing together" aspect of it.

She took a picture of my face.

"Not bad Adam. You're looking unusually innocent. The lighting is kinda strange so some of your scars are even smoothed over."

She posted it immediately.

More dings.

This time she read out the messages.

"'Whaaaaaaa! He's so fricking cute! I can totally see the resemblance!' That one's from Lindsey."

"'What the...Is he your younger brother? He looks totally pettable!' Bwahaha they think you're my younger brother!"

I knocked her on the head for teasing me.

"Don't make fun of me so openly like that. Do you guys have a date set or is it going to be random?"

"Uhhh, I think we decided on a Wednesday night?"

So in two days, huh.

She muttered under her breath.

"I'll have to stock up on Adamnium before then. I have a bad feeling about having Adam meet so many women. I'm practically handing him to them on a silver platter! Kuh! I'll make sure that he can only keep his eyes on me."

She rushed at me and gave me a tight squeeze.

I could feel her smooth cheeks rubbing against my chest.

My body seemed to be reacting to hers more strongly now.

And it was strange, to say the least.

She felt my physical reaction and her eyes widened before she giggled.

I try to separate her from it, a little embarrassed at getting a hard-on from my sister.

She only held onto me tighter.

"I'm never letting you go," she whispered.

Just what am I going to do with this girl?

Normal people would turn tails and run the other way seeing the red flags of a possessive lover.

But me?

For crying out loud, I was contemplating a relationship with my own twin sister!

Normal was a word that could never describe me.

Instead of being alarmed or even disappointed, I could only see Eve's possessiveness as cute.

I guess love truly is blind.


A.N. Some future career options I'm considering for Adam are founder of a model agency, founder of a talent agency (includes actors, singers, and models), or some shady underworld boss.

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