My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: : Was Wearing Small Shoes

Dean Sun left, and he left with him, as well as the leaders of the college and the instructors. Although Dean Sun never gave me a good face from beginning to end, anyone who was careful could see that he treated me well. The attitude is not like the dean treats the students, but more like the elders treat the juniors.

The final result is that the three of us will each make a review in front of the teachers and students of the whole school tomorrow, and record a major demerit.

I always remember the look in the eyes of class director Li Wenmin when he left, both angry and helpless.

After this turmoil, it is estimated that I will become the most unpopular person in the class, but what does that have to do with me?

But anyone who takes me seriously is not something I take seriously.

After the leader of the hospital finished his speech, it was the leader of the instructor, that is, the second lieutenant platoon leader.

The platoon leader spoke loudly and seemed full of energy. I reckon that even without a microphone, his voice could be heard by the teachers and students in the entire hospital.

After he finished speaking, he began to cooperate with the academy’s leaders to assign instructors.

Because 70% of the Department of Clinical Medicine of Chinese and Western Medicine are female, the college finally decided to let female instructors train several classes with more female students.

Unfortunately, the class I’m in… the ratio of male to female students is astonishingly 4 to 6.

Therefore, Xia Xiaoman whimpered in a very dissatisfied voice,

“I don’t want a male instructor…”

It doesn’t matter to me, I don’t naively think that female instructors will be more merciful than male instructors. These soldiers pay more attention to principles when it comes to business affairs, and love and righteousness in private. On the training ground, even if they are their own sons. Yes, it is also true.

“Train more in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime!”

The first thing the soldier standing at the front of the class said was to shatter our illusions of being lazy in training.

“Although you are only college students,” he continued, “what I want to say is that you, in my hands, don’t take any luck, because I…”

Before he could finish his words, the female instructor who despised the boy who was fighting with me had no strength came over, she patted the soldier on the shoulder lightly, and then the two walked aside.

After whispering a few words, the soldier left, but the woman walked up with a smile.

Standing in the position of the previous soldier, she pulled the hem of her clothes under her belt, and after straightening her hat, she cleared her throat again and said with a smile,

“Hello everyone, my name is Su Xiaomi. Starting today, in the next half month, I will lead you to train together. I hope you will cooperate with me in my work.”

After the voice fell, there was a thunderous applause. I followed the flow and clapped my palms gently.

Her voice was gentle, but there was an unmistakable feeling in people’s ears. I didn’t know if I was the only one who had this feeling.

After all the lectures were finished, it was time to allocate the venues. The west playground was large enough, and the group training of fifteen or six classes was not crowded at all.

The first training was to line up, so, under the command of Instructor Su, we made a rectangular array of seven rows and six columns according to our height and gender, with girls in the front and boys in the back.

After walking around our team with a smile, she nodded with satisfaction,

“First of all, I don’t teach you to step and turn, I will teach you to stand in the military posture first.”

As soon as they heard the standing military posture, there was a hissing sound of gasping for air in the entire team.

Anyone who has undergone military training knows that walking at the same pace and kicking straight steps is not the most annoying thing, but the most annoying thing is standing in the military posture. That guy, even a little weak, can give you a shock.

Su Xiaomi seemed very satisfied with the effect, with a warm smile on her face,

“Then…Which classmate should we invite to come out and give us a demonstration? Anyone willing to take the initiative, please raise your hand.”

In this case, only Silly Fork raised his hand.

“There’s no such thing!” Her tone sounded disappointed, but her expression didn’t look like she should have been disappointed at all, “Then I have to… ask classmate Shen Le to come out and give us a demonstration, and everyone applauds. ”

Thumbs up for your mother… I was a little angry and complained in my heart, although I like to exercise on weekdays, so my physical fitness is not bad, but I still appreciate the insensitivity of standing in the army.

“Is classmate Shen Le here? Can you come out for a while?”

I really wanted to slap her back with a bad sentence, but in the end I came out reluctantly.

“Report, here.”

Su Xiaomi waved to me with a gentle smile on his face,

“Come here, handsome boy!”

As soon as these words came out, I was speechless. This wonderful instructor, are you sure you didn’t go to the wrong place?

I jogged to the front row of the phalanx and stood beside her.

“The running posture is quite standard!” She put her hands on her chest and looked at me curiously, “Have you participated in a similar military training summer camp before?”

God is so full to participate in that, I can’t stop madly complaining in my heart, she is definitely because I didn’t succumb to her eyes before, and she was angry and revenge on me.

“Report, military training in high school.”

She smiled and nodded, “Rarely do you still remember, will you stand in a military posture?”

“Report, no!”

“No, it doesn’t matter,” she laughed as she unbuttoned the belt around her waist, “I will teach you, and I will teach you.”

After speaking, her smile disappeared instantly, and she suddenly shouted at me loudly,

“Put your chest up, raise your head, raise your hips, and tuck your belly!”

This sudden roar shocked me at the time, so much that I didn’t dare to think about it, my body couldn’t instinctively follow the content of her roar and finished all the movements.

“Not bad!” Her smile came out again, “It’s quite fast.”

As she spoke, she turned around me, and from time to time she gently twitched my body with the belt in her hand,

“The **** is too high.”

“The arms are hanging down naturally, and the **** is placed on the seam of the trousers.”

“Nod, adjust your breathing, don’t make your shoulders too high, or you will look like a tortoise with a shrunken head.”

“Right, that is it!”

After carefully correcting my every move, she turned to the classmates who were watching the fun.

“Okay, let’s go over there and teach you to turn first.”

Nima… It really is targeting me. At this moment, I almost want to cry without tears. I am really honored. Really, I was targeted by the instructor on the first day of military training. I asked who else?

“Instructor, Shen Le is still here!”

Hearing this brisk and bright voice, I was immediately overwhelmed with excitement. Yesterday’s hot pot meal was not free, and today’s one was not free.

“Student Xia Xiaoman, right!” Su Xiaomi first glanced at Xia Xiaoman, and then smiled, “Don’t you know that standing in a military posture is not only good for your body, but also good for your temper?”

“Instructor, I don’t study much, don’t lie to me.”

“It’s okay, the instructor reads a lot, and the instructor doesn’t lie to you.”

After she finished speaking, she took a group of classmates and walked to the open space next to her.

The surname is Su, don’t go out of your mind, I’m going to fight you one-on-one… I stand alone under the sun, and that’s how I feel at this moment.

“…one, one, one two one…”

“To the left–”

“All have — rest — stand at attention.”

“One-two-one, one-two-one, one-two-three–four–”

“one two three four–!”

The whole playground echoed with the shouts of the instructors and students, and a surge of youth and the heat of the sun kept hitting me.

I stood alone on the west playground, my whole body was tense without a trace of relaxation, and the sweat poured out wildly. After soaking my clothes, it dripped onto the ground again.

There were three breaks. The first time, Xia Xiaoman ran over to look at me, and then was chased away by Su Xiaomi. During the second break, Su Xiaomi came over and she asked me a question,

“Need a break?”

The anger accumulated in my chest surged wildly and burst through my throat in an instant. My extreme and stubborn character made me let out an uncompromising roar.


I guarantee that everyone in the entire West Playground heard my roar.

Su Xiaomi’s entire face collapsed instantly, and his eyes flashed coldly at me.

“Then just keep standing!”

After speaking, she turned and left.

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