My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 652

Chapter 678: : Departure, Düsseldorf

Early in the morning of the eighth day, my mother woke my sister and me from our sleep.

Today is the day to go to Germany. The air ticket is booked there. It will fly directly from Chongshan to Dusseldorf. It will take off at 10:20 in the morning, and the arrival time will be around 9:00 tonight.

I already sent an email a few days ago to express that we should just go there. Everything has been prepared over there, but yesterday, my mother and sister still packed up some salutes, at least changed the underwear. And a jacket can not be without.

Moreover, the temperature in Dusseldorf is relatively low, so you need to bring two more sets of thick clothes.

At the urging of my mother, my sister and I got up slowly and lazily.

Momojiji finished breakfast, and it was almost eight o’clock before we went out with a small silver suitcase.

There is no need to drive the car, and the subway needs to be changed, so we stopped a taxi directly on the roadside and went directly to the airport.

Changed the boarding pass and started boarding.

I was a little surprised that there were quite a few people who didn’t want to go to Düsseldorf. It wasn’t until my curiosity drove me to search the Internet that I found out that Düsseldorf is actually the most densely populated and economically viable place in Europe. The most developed region is also an important city for German advertising, clothing, exhibition and communication industries.

However, it seems that in the email, my cheap brother said that the Shen family’s manor is no longer in Düsseldorf, but in a small county next to Düsseldorf – the outskirts of Duisburg.

So I checked Duisburg again.

This product turned out to be the center of the steel industry and a port city. The most important thing is that Duisburg, the “rust city” that had been in decline, has gradually come to life because of the “Belt and Road” initiative, and not only has a German “Huaxia City” and is gradually becoming a “European logistics center”.

I don’t know if I don’t see it. It turns out that our country has unknowingly been so skinny.

When I got on the plane, I found the corresponding position according to the number. My elder sister had to sit by the window, and my mother had to sit in the middle. Then my elder sister quit and she wanted to be next to me.

So it became my mother sitting by the window and my sister sitting in the middle.

After sitting down, he twisted his body in satisfaction, stretched his arms and stretched,

“Ah, it’s the first time I’ve been in first class. The chairs are so comfortable!”

I smiled and didn’t answer, then continued to take out my phone and read some introductions about this destination on the Internet.

Just when I was fascinated, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

“Sir, the plane is about to take off, please turn off your mobile phone, thank you for your cooperation!”

I looked up subconsciously and saw a tall and handsome woman wearing a flight attendant uniform looking at me with a smile on her face.

“Feel sorry!”

I smiled embarrassedly, then turned off the phone.


The flight attendant thanked me again for my cooperation with a gentle smile, and then started to ask everyone if they were off.

After seeing the flight attendant, my sister suddenly couldn’t hold back and came up to me curiously,

“Brother, what are you looking at? You are so fascinated!”

“Just information about Dusseldorf and Duisburg!”

After I finished speaking, I curiously looked past my sister and looked at my mother,

“By the way, Mom, have you been to Duisburg or Dusseldorf?”

“No?” Mom was not particularly convinced, and tilted her head to think for a while, “At least not in my memory.”

“Then how did I get from Duisburg, Germany to Chongshan? Or did they send me over to you?”

This makes me wonder, since my mother has never been to Germany, how did I become her son? Moreover, even if she goes to Germany, she may not be able to return to China if she picks up a child casually!

The biggest possibility is that they sent me over there, and then randomly picked my mother as my adoption target.

“This…it’s possible!” Mom nodded with a smile.

But I couldn’t laugh anymore. I appeared when my mother lost her memory. In this way, my mother’s amnesia is most likely related to the appearance of “I”, and the biggest possibility is that the Shen family made a move.

When I think of this, I get very angry, and it’s okay to abandon me, even my mother’s memory of my family. I know who did it, so I have to look for him desperately.

About my life experience, about the world of consciousness, about my mother’s memory, about my so-called fiancée, in this trip to Germany, it is also time to solve it.

I took a deep breath, and my sister who was sitting beside me suddenly grabbed my palm tightly,

“Brother, are you not feeling well?”

“When the plane takes off, the air pressure in the body is out of balance, and there is some tinnitus, but it’s okay, it’s not a big problem!”

“You do more fake throat movements.”

My throat is moving all the time, and I swallow a little bit of saliva from my mouth.

After the plane stabilized, I took a while to feel better.

Now we can move around in the cabin. My sister unbuckled her seat belt, took out her tablet, and opened the pre-downloaded video. The three of us watched it together.

It takes about 11 hours to get from Chongshan to Dusseldorf International Airport, but fortunately, my sister downloaded a lot of videos, and there are two or three single-player two-player games on the tablet, that is, one person controls half of the screen , and then control the car to collide on a small round platform, whoever persists to the end wins.

After watching the video for a while, my mother fell asleep, so my sister and I played games.

For this kind of game that is not too technical, my sister and I are basically facing each other.

After playing for a while, I felt a little tired, and then I suggested to listen to music and chat.

My sister took out the earphones, and after plugging them in, we each wore one, then leaned on the chair and chatted without a word.

We chatted for a while about the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and then we talked about our travel plans in Germany. Finally, for some reason, we talked about Chen Sisi.

I remember when Qin Mengmeng came to play at our house before the new year, my sister and Qin Mengmeng posted a photo in the group. At that time, Chen Sisi returned a photo of Galileo throwing iron **** while standing at the Leaning Tower of Pisa to go to school, and commented that When she was so angry, she bought the tower and knocked it down.

But from that picture, it can also be inferred from the side that she should be Italy at that time.

Two days ago, in the group to send a message of New Year’s greetings, Qin Meng germinated a “cute” photo of holding a coconut. The background behind her seems to be a Hawaiian beach.

But she didn’t go into the water and said that she has a cleanliness addiction. Although the self-purification ability of sea water is strong, she still dislikes seeing so many people swimming in the water, which is very similar to me.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Qin Mengmeng’s photo of the beach in Hawaii directly exploded a lot of interesting pictures.

Xia Xiaoman was wearing a thick antifreeze suit, standing in a snowy place.

We asked her where she was and she said it was at the top of Changbai Mountain.

She was just talking nonsense, and I saw a little penguin behind her who seemed to be poking their brains, but I didn’t point it out.

Then there was Sun Jueqian. The location was the library of Oxford University. She said that her father was going there for business, so she went to play with him.

The photo An Xin posted was taken by Chen Sisi. It was late at that time. She was walking around the Champs-Elysees with a baseball bat in her hand and a hip-hop outfit. She is a bad girl!

Everyone chatted for a long time and couldn’t see Shenliuli bubbling out, so my sister took the initiative to @ Shenliuli, but she didn’t get a reply.

It wasn’t until three days later that Shenliuli came out with a “.”, and then attached a picture of the hail of bullets and blood.

So, the group was in a frenzy in an instant, and they all asked her why she went there and why it was so **** and terrifying.

It turned out that she went to sea with a merchant ship at home and met pirates in Somalia. Fortunately, she was fine.

However, those pirates were miserable, threatening the safety of Shenliuli, the most potential heir of the Shen family. The Somali pirates estimated that this time they would be bleeding heavily.

I didn’t know about it before, so I don’t know what kind of state everyone is on vacation. Now that I know it, my whole person is not well. Is everyone’s holiday life so interesting?

The plane provided free lunch at noon. I woke up my mother and sister who were asleep. After lunch, the three of us chatted for a while.

About half-afternoon, I couldn’t stand it either, so I leaned on the chair and fell asleep for a while, and it was past five o’clock in the afternoon when I woke up.

Of course, more than five o’clock here refers to Yanjing time. The plane is all the way to the west, and the sky outside the window does not mean to be dark at all.

The time difference between the two places is more than six hours. When we arrived in Dusseldorf around 2:40 in Yanjing time, it was only 3:40 in the afternoon.

After eating the free night provided on the plane, no one continued to sleep.

We chatted while looking out the window.

“Brother, it should be dark in Chongshan by now!”

“The morning and evening line should have just swept across Chongshan, and the afterglow of the setting sun has not completely dissipated.”

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