My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 745

Chapter 771: : Entrepreneurship Design Competition

In the blink of an eye, it’s mid-June.

On this day, the teacher announced that after class, he packed up his books and walked out of the classroom.

I also took my textbooks and was about to go back to cook lunch for my sister when the monitor Tang Wenxin suddenly stopped me.

“Li Qiao, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you!”

I stopped, looked back at this guy who was excellent in every way, and asked with a bit of surprise,

“What’s the matter, monitor, what’s the matter?”

“Well, there is something I want to discuss with you.”

“I go first!”

Xia Xiaoman packed his schoolbag early in the morning. After seeing that I was stopped by Tang Wenxin, Tang Wenxin didn’t say anything, so he thought that he was in the way here, so he offered to go first.

“Goodbye, classmate Shen Le!”

Shen Liuli raised her hand and waved at me, then left the classroom with Xia Xiaoman.

I took out my phone and checked the time, but I didn’t panic, so I waited for Tang Wenxin to tell me the purpose of keeping me.

“That’s it, are you free this summer?”

‘summer vacation?”

I looked at him in amazement, and immediately realized that it was already mid-June, and it was the final exam week in two weeks.

I remember that I should have finished the college entrance examination by this time last year, another year has passed, and after three months, I will also be an old senior.

“What’s the matter, if it’s not long, there should be no problem.”

I remember my mother said that she planned to hold an engagement ceremony for my sister and I during the summer vacation.

“It’s not long, it will take about ten days!”

“If it takes ten days…there should be no problem!”

The summer vacation takes about ten days, that is, around July 10, and I can still squeeze in this time.

“Then what exactly does it do?”

“It’s just a business plan!”

Tang Wenxin smiled bitterly, then pressed his hand on me, motioning me to sit down and talk.

After I sat down, I looked at Tang Wenxin with a puzzled face, thinking in my heart, is this guy going to start a business? But why did he start a business with me to make a business plan together? Do you want to start a business with me?

I felt like I was thinking too much, so I stopped thinking and looked at him, looking forward to his explanation.

“Isn’t there an Entrepreneurship and Employment Association in our school? They will hold a business plan design competition during the summer vacation, requiring individuals or teams to participate. I thought it was very interesting, so I planned to form a team to participate in the competition.”

I nodded slightly, which is quite in line with Tang Wenxin’s behavior, after all, he has always been the kind of conscientious, sunny and cheerful image in the class.

“Okay, no problem!”

I smiled and nodded in agreement with his invitation.

Now that I have decided to marry my sister and inherit my mother’s company, I can’t live as leisurely as I used to, and I should take the responsibility slowly.

Whether it’s the next president of Churen Photography Club, or forming a team with Tang Wenxin to participate in the “Entrepreneurial Plan Design Competition” held by the Entrepreneurship and Employment Association, this is very beneficial to my growth, so I have no reason to refuse.

However, as soon as this idea came out, I couldn’t help but sigh to myself that people’s changes were really abrupt. I remember watching a TED public class before, and I remember a foreign psychology professor saying that people’s personality changes in stages and suddenly Changed, I sneered at it at the time.

Now, this kind of sudden change in stages has happened to me, and I know my own shallowness and ignorance.

After I agreed to his invitation, our team was initially established, but now there are only two people, which is obviously not enough.

“What do you think of Liu Xiang?”

As recommended by Tang Wenxin, I personally feel that Liu Xiang is very good, and he is active in the class.

“Liu Xiang is actually quite good in all aspects, but his interest is more in basketball!”

Tang Wenxin rubbed his brows, then he was afraid that I might misunderstand something, so he quickly added an explanation,

“I have no objection to Liu Xiang joining us. In fact, if Liu Xiang is willing, I am very happy. It’s just that I chatted with him last time, and when I was about to talk about this, a friend who played basketball with him. It’s here, so I feel that it is unlikely that I will be interested in our ‘Entrepreneurship Design Competition’!”

Tang Wenxin’s remarks seem to let me see the flaw in him, that is, he is too concerned about his image in front of others, so whether he acts or speaks, he seems to be restrained.

Well, Tang Wenxin like this makes me feel more like a fresh person. I used to feel a little uncomfortable in front of him.

“Try it, I’ll go tell him!”

“Well then, Liu Xiang will trouble you.”

I raised my hand and made an OK gesture with a smile, and then asked,

“Anything else?”


Tang Wenxin was slightly confused,

“Well, about Shen Liuli, if she is also interested, you can invite her to join. Of course, there is also Xiaoman. I often see her working in an ice cream shop in the South Shopping Center this semester. She should also have a lot of unique insights into entrepreneurship.”

Uh… well, from the moment he mentioned Shenliuli, I knew that he still remembered Shenliuli, but, buddy, you and Shenliuli are really not from the same world, so I understand that you like her mood, but really can’t help you!

I thought so in my heart, but said on my mouth,

“Okay, no problem, I’ll definitely invite them.”

“Well, then please, I will invite some other students in the class, and try to make up six or seven people!”

After we allocated our respective tasks, we talked about some rough ideas about the “entrepreneurship plan”. In the end, although we did not get any results, the exchange of ideas between each other has left a hazy pus in our hearts. imagine.

Looking at the time, it was almost half past twelve, so I quickly stopped the topic,

“Don’t talk, don’t talk, I’m really leaving now!”

Tang Wenxin also looked at the time and smiled awkwardly.

“Sorry for delaying your lunch!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

I smiled and waved my hand, it’s nothing if I delay, but if I delay my sister’s meal, the problem will be big.

After saying goodbye to Tang Wenxin, I hurried out of the classroom with the book in hand. Sure enough, as soon as I left the door of the classroom, my sister’s phone came in.

“Where are you, it’s been half an hour since get out of class, why haven’t you come back?”

“Sorry, sorry, I’ll be back!”

I apologize as I trot.

“Hurry up, my food is ready, it will be cold later!”

Huh? I was a little surprised, my sister has already cooked food? Really rare!

But on second thought, when I injured my hand, she was also cooking, washing, and taking care of me, so cooking shouldn’t be difficult for her, right?

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