My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 765

Chapter 791: : At This Moment

Time passed, and it was time for the exam week. The classrooms in each teaching building were turned into exam rooms. Even some classrooms that were outdated or did not have the conditions to be arranged as exam rooms have long been occupied by people.

At this time last semester, our review location had moved to the Ice Cream Shack, and it was already winter and it was cold!

However, this year, the review site has been selected in the study room of my “home” where my sister and I currently live. The ready-made huge desk is enough for all of us to use. Even Qin Mengmeng couldn’t help sighing after sitting down.

“According to how suitable it is to study here, we should have chosen this place from the beginning, everyone, right!”

“Well, agree!”

Xia Xiaoman was holding a Chorus in his mouth, and what he was looking at was not a review material at all, but a novel.

Chen Sisi is also there, but this guy didn’t bring a review material. I heard that she has never taken the exam since she went to school.

On the contrary, for her identity, she does not need to use grades to prove herself, whether or not she has learned knowledge, and what knowledge she has learned, she only needs to know what she knows.

After all, she doesn’t need to look for a job after graduation. A diploma, which is the lifeblood of ordinary people, is a pair of meaningless messages to him.

So, in the end, it is the ordinary people who need to prove themselves.

Of course, this is not absolute, for example, Sun Jueqian and Shen Liuli, the identities of these two people are equally scary, but they still study hard, and they are still in the top three in the exam.

Sun Jueqian studies hard because she has not found anything more interesting than accepting knowledge at this stage, and Shenliuli studies hard is simply a responsibility.

No matter what you do, you must do your best to be the best and be responsible for yourself.

Therefore, compared with them, my sister and I are a bit low. I study because of my status as a student, and my sister studies because I am studying and have no time to spend with her.

“Xiaoman, lend me your notes, I’m not sure about a few test sites!”

I scratched my head, feeling a little stressed.

Compared with the calmness of the last semester, I feel a little bit in a hurry. I have an exam tomorrow, and I still have a few vague concepts.

“No, see for yourself, ask me if you don’t understand!”

Xia Xiaoman pushed a book to my hand at will. Although she said that she could ask her if she didn’t understand, I knew that this guy could not be counted on when I saw how devoted she was to reading the novel.

Compared with my self-study review, my sister seems to be very happy. Qin Mengmeng and Sun Jueqian, who seem to be academic masters, are actually super gods of learning. The rhythm of a thousand questions a day. , Six got to fly.

Alas, how can the gap between everyone be so big!

Time gradually slipped away during our review. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, the yellowish sunlight slanted through the high-strength double-layer soundproof glass and fell on our solid wood desk.

The review started at one o’clock in the afternoon, and it was almost five o’clock at this time. I looked up and glanced around, and found that everyone in the room except me was playing with their mobile phones, even my sister was no exception.

I turned my head, raised my hand to block the slightly dazzling sunlight, and looked out the window…

The buildings nearby are not too high. Some old plane trees can still vaguely see the green canopy. In the distance, there are skyscrapers. The buildings are scattered, and the farther is the sun and the golden light. of clouds.

The sound was blocked outside by the glass, and all I could hear was the faint breathing of everyone in the study and the rubbing of the pages when the pages were turned.

It was another ordinary afternoon, but this ordinary afternoon was branded into the memory forever by my inadvertent glance.

I looked down at the textbook that I was flipping through. The traces drawn by the black ink pen reflected the sunlight slightly. Next to the book was my mobile phone. According to the reflection of the image on the black screen, it seemed that the screen was not as smooth as I imagined. .

I reached out and picked up my phone, got up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, then turned on the camera function, facing the desk,

“Cough, everyone, look at me!”

I coughed lightly and said loudly.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to me, and they looked at me at the same time involuntarily.

I clear the screen with my fingers, and imprint everyone’s expressions at this moment into the photo.

“Sudden filming?” Chen Sisi looked at me with a half-smile, “What did you want to do when you filmed us all at once?”

“Why don’t you think about it!” I smiled and shook my head, “I just felt that the atmosphere was quiet and it made people feel extraordinarily beautiful, so I wanted to record it!”

Having said that, I posted the original image of the photo in the group.

Of course, it’s not too late to share, I’m going to find some time to wash it out myself, put it in a photo frame, and hang it on the TV wall in the living room.

Although the feelings will gradually blur with time, the picture will not. After one year, two years, five years, ten years, or even longer, I will look through the album again and accidentally find this photo, and I will definitely be full of it. move.

Xia Xiaoman was wearing headphones and frowned slightly.

The elder sister raised her head with a smile on her face and gestured with a scissors hand.

Qin Mengmeng looked confused.

Chen Sisi crossed her legs and turned her head to look at me.

Sun Jueqian pressed the book with one hand and supported her fair chin with the other, facing me.

Shen Liuli had a very straight back and sat in a very ladylike posture.

An Xin’s mouth was still slightly raised, and she looked ignorant.

Looking at the different expressions and movements of everyone in the photo, I always think this photo is perfect.

At about six o’clock, everyone completely lost the motivation to study and began to discuss what to eat for dinner.

“Did you go out to eat again? I’m tired of eating!” Xia Xiaoman frowned.

“Why don’t you let Shen Jun cook a sumptuous dinner to treat us, after all, it’s been a hard day studying!”

Qin Mengmeng was not polite at all, she opened her mouth to ask me to cook, and boasted that she had a hard day studying.

“I’m afraid you’re tired after playing all day!”

I replied to her with a smile, as everyone knew each other more and more, the relationship became more familiar, and there was no longer any restraint in getting along with each other.

“There is everything in the refrigerator, you can make whatever you want to eat by yourself!”

Chen Sisi was not polite at all, and regarded all the things I bought in the refrigerator as the common property of the society, but her words really won my heart, but the next sentence made me vomit blood,

“Don’t eat what you don’t do!”

So ma, actually I just wanted to say that I still have a lot of knowledge points that I haven’t reviewed in place, so I’ll trouble you for dinner.


I muttered angrily.

“That’s it, it’s too much, you are too much”!

My sister raised her arms and gave me a smile,

“Can’t I just let my brother do it for me?”

Pfft… I thought she was showing my solidarity, but in the end, she was so supportive of me, it made me sad.

“Okay, sister, I know what kind of person you are.”

Everyone laughed one after another, obviously amused.

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