My Sister The Villainess: Alternate Volume 2

Chapter 5

"Listen, asshole, I don't give a damn if you're an ancient wendigo spirit of pure hunger and hate. If you disturb my sleep, you're getting a branch in your ass. Again. Now be a good watchdog."

Damien kicked away the giant being of malice like it were a mutt off the street and returned to his tent. 

Wejrnwjelfn the Accursed squealed in pain as it was abused. Never in its long, ancient, life had it been treated so. It had always been the one doling out the pain and fear, never the other way around. 

"Can you please not antagonize the insatiably hungry malevolent spirit?" Vera grumbled next to him.  

She was sleeping with her back towards Damien just a foot away atop a comfy, thick bedroll with a warm blanket over her.

Damien's eyes blazed over how cute she looked. He bent over her and kissed her cheek, which caused her hair to stick up. 

"Shh. It's okay," He cooed. "My pretty girl," He whispered and planted another kiss at her shoulder, his right hand roaming down her arms, then legs.  "Hubby's here."

Vera turned around and gave a baleful glare. "The hell do you think you're doing?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't touch me with those filthy lips."

Damien was unashamed. "What? I'm just comforting my pretty girl. "

"It's annoying." She replied. "Why didn't you just buy the extra tent?"

Damien smiled patiently. "Can't be helped. My funds were frozen. What else could I do?  I need to save so I can buy that artifact."

"You're so full of shit," Vera replied. "You're doing this on purpose."

"I am," He admitted easily. "You crave my affection, Vee. Just admit it."

The girl turned away again. "Keep dreaming."

Damien clenched his jaw as a sudden burst of rage overcame him. He squashed it like a bug and kept up his attack. "I do. You're in all of them, tending to our children and kissing me with passion at every opportunity."

At his other side, Mary spoke up. "...Can you two please not flirt? I have to sleep, too."

Damien grinned and looked at the woman lying there, looking like a  meal with her thin sleepwear and bodacious curves obvious even under the blanket. 

"Jealous? I can flirt with you, too, if you'd like."

Mary stayed silent. He, as her daughter said, did this on purpose. Mary knew that. But even if she didn't quite like it, he was her Young Master. How could she really speak out against him? If he wanted to sleep with this mother and daughter, he could. 

Thankfully, he wasn't the type to use his powers and status to force them. Vera, who was too young for his tastes, was of course out of the question. He was saying these words of tease merely to prepare her to accept him in the future. He wouldn't touch her till she came of age and her body matured.

Mary? Damien found using his power against her to the extent of sex the games of lesser men. He was too prideful to simply let his Sex Demon abilities be how he seduced a woman. He'd rather take his time in conquering Mary.

She understood that every time his gaze fell upon her figure, his eyes roaring with desire. Yet he could control himself. 

For the millionth time, Mary sighed in relief at this knowledge. He was, as she thought for yet another million times by now, unlike his mother. Muriel was impatient. What she wanted, she had to have then and now. Damien could wait. 

Perhaps if Mary withstood his advances long enough, he'd subside. He wasn't one to obsess over a female. 

It's just....well, "if" was the keyword there. 

Mary, at this point, didn't quite know what she wanted. His nonstop barrage of sweet nothings these few months did more to weaken her defenses than his powers did. Damien meant every would he said to her when it came to romance.

But her heart belonged to Elias, his father. 

Or at least, it should. But his actions ever since he met Muriel disappointed and hurt her so many times. Damien, at least, was his own man. Not another string wound around his mother's finger.

Damien, unlike Elias, wanted her. He also wanted Vera. It was greed, sure, but who wasn't?

And if she was honest, it made her feel good. It's just that, like Vera, Mary knew this was a dangerous path. She still loved Elias and was not as lost in Damien's charms as Vera was, but to say she didn't like his affection deep down would be a lie.

"Go to sleep, Young Master," Was all she said. 

Damien moved back to his own corner of the tent, chuckling. Mary was slowly wearing down, he could tell. Her body wanted him, and her heart also longed for something real. But there were various obstacles that prevented her from letting herself accept him.

The fact Vera loved him and his mother being chief among them. Not to mention that she already loved his father. But that bastard picked his psychotic bitch of a mom over Mary, so Damien believed as long as he persisted she'd eventually come around.

He was a man with a large heart. He could love them both. Harems he didn't care much for...but a mother-daughter pair like these two, who so deserved being loved? He could spare room for them both. 

Damien went to sleep without further comment. He did hear some scratching on their tent sometime later. and some patter of inhuman footsteps. But his new guard dog took care of that.

Seriously, why wendigos?  

Next thing you know he'll find the Jersey Devil and a Skinwalker trying to eat them. Well, whatever. He'll add them to his collection if that happens. 


"You're looking for the black market of Valen, huh" Harris tapped his chin. "Well, you can't get in without connections. Luckily, fate has placed us together!" 

Harris, a very wealthy and well-known merchant in his own right, had met a series of bad luck. He'd had a large delivery of goods to be made to the city of Ko housed within the perilous Dry Lands. He'd wished to establish a base there and increase his range of influence.

However, along the way, he'd met a group of hostile Aeil bandits. They, each one stronger than five men combined, easily made quick work of his hired guards and robbed him blind. Thankfully(?) they were an honorable(?) people and allowed him enough rations and a camel to make make it out of the dry, arid landscape

The camel died as soon as he reached the edge of the border between the Dry Lands and the rest of the continent. From then, he had scrounge for any kind of food he needed. 

He was given a bow and some arrows, which he had no experience with, but he quickly learned a little about the craft as desperation and instinct took over. He was able to survive off berries and some small game

Just barely.

He'd walked many miles. His feet blistered, and he had to rely on vague knowledge of herbology to attempt to comfort the pain. He, a man used to privilege, nearly gave up. But he was a true merchant through and through and prevailed with the belief he could weather whatever storm life may through at him. 

Last night, that belief firmly crumbled...until his savior swooped in and rebuilt his faith! In himself, obviously. Harris understood that luck is also part of one's ability, and Harris had always been a rather lucky man. 

The fact that luck held out in his hour of most dire need reaffirmed that Harris, indeed, a man blessed by the Heavens!

And this other problem his savior had? It doubled Harris' beliefs! Now not only repay his savior right off the bat, but he could also even use this to build a connection to the man. Someone with the raw strength to force even that monstrous creature into submission was worth getting close to.

Harris didn't know much about that creature, but it was very strong. He knew this because the man, Damien, had wanted to check its capabilities and the thing had uprooted an entire tree with its raw strength of arm.

To subdue something like that....

Hm. It was truly a godly strength. No other way to describe it. Harris absolutely needed to get in such a person's good graces!

Luckily, Harris, as blessed by Lady Luck as he is, had the perfect opportunity to do so.

"I have connections in Valen. I can easily get you an invitation."

Damien grinned and clapped him on the back. "Well then, my portly new friend, it seems this is the start of a beautiful relationship." How could Damien not know this guy's intentions?

Merchants didn't do a damn thing without profit in mind. Damien didn't dislike that sort of thing. 


It was half a day later. 


Damien heard the voice of their carriage driver call out to him. "Yeah?"

"It appears to be...b-bandits, Sir."


Damien stepped out of the carriage with interest. As expected, the road was blocked by several rough-looking men wearing bloodstained armor and swords. A bit behind them were the remains of another small group. He couldn't see the bodies, but he knew there probably wasn't anyone left alive. 

He ignored that and smiled jovially at the rogues. "Well met, fellow travelers!" He spoke friendly. "What seems to be the problem? Do you need any help, perhaps?"

At Damien's words, there were several laughs and not a few jeers at his expense. Even still, his smile didn't diminish in the slightest.

There was a bald-headed man in the middle who stood in front of the others. He had his hand resting on the pommel of his sword. The man casually spat on the dirt road.

"How many of you in that carriage of yours?"

Damien blinked. "Just a few. Why?"

"Everyone out. Now." The man's eyes turned cold. 

Damien pretended to pause. "...Sir, there's no need for that, surely?" Damien took out a gold piece from his pocket and flicked it to the other party. "How about we settle it with that and end this peacefully?"

The man caught the coin without trouble. "I said tell them to get the fuck out!" He barked harshly. 

Damien wasn't at all scared. "Very well." And he called to his companions. 

The two women walked out calmly, but Harris was slightly more anxious. There were a lot of ruffians, after all...

As soon as the leading man caught sight of Mary and Vera his eyes instantly burned with lust. "Leave your women and the rest of you can go."

Damien's smile widened. "Ah, I see. So it's going to be like that, is it?" He laughed. "Alright, I understand." With that, he walked back towards the carriage.

"Yeah, run along now." The leader taunted.

"Fuck, these two bitches are exquisite. Hey, boss, can I play with the young one first?"

"Dumbass, obviously you can't! The boss likes them small and tight. Wait your turn! The kid will still be there tomorrow."

"Idiots, you don't know what's good. Look at her mother...shit, I wanna stick my cock between those tits."

The bald man didn't care about his men's comments. He was too busy eying Vera. As he imagined her pained tears, his cock turned hard as rocks. He was already salivating at the thought of sticking his member down her throat. 

Her mouth was so small he'd have to tear out her teeth so it didn't scrape...

Meanwhile, Damien, who everyone had already forgotten about as they stared at the two girls, returned. With Harris' bow.

Before anyone had even noticed his presence, he's already notched an arrow and sent it flying. It flew with remarkable precision straight towards the bald man's crotch.

A heart-chilling scream echoed throughout the forest.

Damien shook his head at the man dropped to his knees in utter agony. "Oh, shut up. It's not like I killed you." He looked towards the other bandits who were now hurrying towards him with brandished weapons. "I am curious how many severed cocks down your throat you can survive, though"



Harris sat in silence. 

He stared out the window in a daze, traumatized by the event that had taken place before his eyes. His balls shriveled at the memory. 


....Dear gods, nine.

And then the others went up the other end. stuffing a turkey. 

Harris looked at the man opposite him with hollow eyes. The scene of Damien's gloved hand inserting one severed cock after another into that man's rear was something Harris knew would haunt him till the end of days.

You didn't even have the decency to kill him.

Even now, the man was being dragged by a rope by the back of their carriage. He didn't move, didn't even utter a single cry or sob. But Harris felt in his heart the man was alive. 

Harris swallowed. The creature from before, who had hidden in the forest all this time, had come to beg its master for the remains of the other men. It had eaten them whole. Its belly bulged as nearly a dozen men were feasted upon. They had still been alive! 

Even then, it wanted more once done. 

"I'm planning to sell that one, so no. Fatass, haven't you had enough? Shit, you're like a dog. You'll eat till you burst."

Sell him? At the market? Harris was visibly disturbed.

"My gods, just kill him already!" Harris croaked. "No man should have had to endure such...such...horror."

Damen merely snorted. "Tell that to the men and women those bastards had killed, raped, and sold before we got to them."

Harris could find no argument for that. Even so...even so...!

He had never been exposed to such atrocities. What kind of Devil was this man, to have even laughed as the man begged for mercy through the bloodied severed cocks of his subordinates?

He's insane. Utterly insane! 

For the first time in his life, Harris didn't care about profits. It didn't matter even if the man turned out to be the Emperor of the Martial empire's very own son, Harris wanted nothing to do with him at all.

Once they got to Valen, Harris would give the man what he wants and wipe his hands clean of the maniac!

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