My Space-Time System

Chapter 301 - Lesson 2

Chapter 301 - Lesson 2

Close to an hour into their night shift, the system interrupted the trio's argument and informed them about the beasts approaching the city's barriers.

Seeing this, Castiel and Blake shot fireballs into the air, alerting everyone on the wall. The ash cop who was supervising their team looked over the wall to see the beasts but saw nothing.

He was about to caution them on sending a false alarm, but that was when Major Reeves arrived at their position.

"It was a fals…" The Sergeant was forced to swallow his words when he heard the Major complementing Blake's team.

"Nice work…" Major said with an impressed expression on his face. "Your job now will be to take down only the saber-tooth Moose."

'Saber-tooth moose? The hell is going on?' The Sergeant switched from the major and the students to the area in front of the barrier, but still couldn't see anything.

An elite rank saber-tooth moose was a 2m tall walking tank covered in brown fur. They possessed razor-sharp teeth that could easily pierce through the thick hide of a knox, and armor-busting horns that were 6ft in length.

Although they were elite rank beasts, they were categorized amongst the beasts that were meant to be immediately put down, because of the damage they could deal to the barrier.

It was when the team had gathered, that the sergeant finally saw frenzied beasts running out of the forest.

'How were they able to sense so far out?' The sergeant was stunned by the team's sensory skill. At that time, Blake's team had already come together and an array began forming above them.

In a matter of seconds, the array was completed, the light blue color of mana had changed to a bright cyan color and moved in front of the team. Stretching forth his hand, Blake released the charged spell.

Elemental Cannon: Thunderbolt.


Like a caged berserk beast that had its cage opened after a long while, a sudden burst of a powerful streak of purple lightning left the center of the array.

Not caring about the other beasts, the thunderbolt went straight for the sabertooth moose.


The thunderbolt was so fast that when it saw the incoming attack it was already too late to react. So the saber-tooth moose bellowed as it braced for impact using its horns.


A loud explosion was heard, and once the dust has settled they saw chunks of the sabertooth moose all over the place.

"We need to get that battle array." Right from when the battle array appeared, the other teams had witnessed what had just happened, and they were utterly stunned by the power of the battle array.

Everyone knew how strong the body of the sabertooth moose was, talk more of the head and horns which were multiple times stronger than steel. Still, the sheer power of the thunderbolt had blown through everything like a hot knife through butter.

"Seems I overestimated its defense." Blake said as the team deactivated the battle array.

"Although you had used more mana than required, you used less compared to if you had used solo attacks." Major Reeves said. "Extra 1 point for continuously impressing me. Nice job."

At that moment, 2 fireballs had been shot into the sky. So Major Reeves left to determine if they were any threats.

"Did you say you got the array from the library?" Tessie couldn't help but ask as a stunned look was plastered on her face.

Although this wasn't their 1st nor 20th time using the array, they had never tested the upper limit of its power. That was why she was shocked by the results.

As for the question, she couldn't believe that something this powerful was sitting in the library. This was because tier 2 battle arrays this strong were on sale for high prices.

"Yup…" Blake confirmed.

Apart from their encounter with the sabertooth moose, no other team came in contact with any threatening. Making the rest of their night shift a peaceful one.


Once it was dawn, the teams were dismissed to have breakfast and get some rest before they reported to the wall by noon.

After they woke up and had lunch, the 8 teams returned to the wall, where once again Major Reeves was staring into the forest.

"You might be wondering why you weren't asked to kill the beast during your night shift, well it is because they would be needed for the 2nd lesson." Major Reeves said with an evil grin.

"On the premise that beasts were to get through the barrier, you are meant to learn how to control your attacks in order to avoid your attacks harming your teammates or destroying equipment." He explained.

"You will need 2 skills to complete this exercise. The 1st is close combat skills, while the 2nd is being able to remain calm even in the sight of death.?From the reports I have gotten about your exercises, It is safe to assume that you all have these skills." Major Reeves said.

"The execution is a simple one. The barrier would be lowered and an earth ramp would be made for the beasts to get onto the wall. Your task would be to defend yourselves, so remember to do it as efficiently as possible." Major Reeves stomped his feet on the ground 4 earth ramps that could fit 2 beasts at a time, erupted from below.

"Now get into position." The moment the Major said those words, the part of the barrier leading up to the ramps opened, and on seeing this, the beast began rushing onto the ramps.

Like the last exercise, the number of beasts each team got was dependent on their luck. Unfortunately for Blake's team because they had the highest number of beast.

'Couldn't he wait for us to get into position?' Blake cursed as the team ran to their positon.

When they got into formation, a barrier appeared behind and at the sides of the team, preventing the beasts from moving to other parts of the wall and also preventing the teams from running.

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