My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Lisa Rong also saw Lin Feng and Zeng Xiaoxian, and immediately rushed towards the two of them, pointing at Zeng Xiaoxian and scolding: “Zeng Xiaoxian, you are finally willing to show up? You actually said you want to do an interview? Who are you interviewing?”

In order to get a good deal, Zeng Xiaoxian didn’t tell Lisa Rong who he was going to interview the enchanting author, so Lisa Rong didn’t know about it at all.

“Hey hey hey!” Zeng Xiaoxian’s face showed a rippling and cheap smile, and said in a greasy voice: “Lisa, I promise that after this interview is done, my program’s popularity will greatly increase.”

“Who are you interviewing!” Lisa Rong said angrily with her arms in front of her chest.

“He!” Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to Lin Feng next to him.

Lisa Rong looked at Lin Feng carefully, but couldn’t find any obvious or famous person Lin Feng was, and immediately became angry: “Zeng Xiaoxian, not all cats and dogs can be on the radio! Go, tonight’s interview is canceled.”

Zeng Xiaoxian said calmly, “Lisa, don’t you go online?”

“Don’t you see that I’m busy? I’m not free!” Lisa Rong said angrily.

“Aren’t you a fan of “The Devil’s Life”?” Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile on his face: “The writer of the Devil’s Evil is standing in front of you and doesn’t know it?”

Lisa Rong was stunned when she heard it, and said incredulously, “Is he a lover?”

“Hello, I’m Love Saint, the author of Enchanting Evil, my real name is Lin Feng!” Lin Feng took the initiative and said.

Lisa Rong looked at the handsome Lin Feng and suddenly felt dizzy. This happiness came too suddenly. I actually saw my idol.


Chapter 10 The Director is Shocked

Lin Feng was slightly startled when he saw Lisa Rong who was so excited, but he didn’t expect that Lisa Rong was also his book fan.

“So you’re a lover, I’m your book fan Lisa Rong, you can call me Rong Rong!” After Lisa Rong knew that Lin Feng was the author of the evildoer, she suddenly became a lady, her voice was very gentle, very annoying, and her face was small It was still reddish and reddish, with a little woman’s attitude, which formed a sharp contrast with just now.

Hearing Lisa Rong’s voice, Zeng Xiaoxian felt goosebumps, and looked at Lisa Rong strangely, she also has a gentle side!

“Hello!” Lin Feng shook hands with Lisa generously, and then said, “I’m here to interview Zeng Xiaoxian this time.”

“Zeng Xiaoxian, why didn’t you tell me earlier!” Lisa looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and returned to her original appearance.

“I want to surprise you!”

“There are no surprises, but I am frightened!” Lisa said angrily: “If I had known that the lover was coming, I would have switched to the golden gear!”

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled. He didn’t tell Lisa in advance so that Lisa would not give up the opportunity to interview Lin Feng to other columns.

“Okay, it’s getting late, let’s start!” Lin Feng said.

Lisa nodded obediently, and then only the staff members took their places and started recording today’s program.

Lin Feng and Zeng Xiaoxian entered the studio, Zeng Xiaoxian made an OK gesture, and the show started.

“Hello everyone, welcome to listen to your moon my heart, a good man is me, I am Zeng Xiaoxian!” Zeng Xiaoxian still started tonight’s show skillfully with his eyebrows shaking.

“Today, Xiaoxian has invited a new friend for everyone. Then the author of the recently popular online novel “The Devil’s Life” is Qingsheng, Qingsheng, please say hello to the audience and friends!”

“Everyone, everyone, I’m a lover, the author of Enchanting!” As soon as Lin Feng’s words came out, the fans who were listening to the radio were excited. They had been watching Enchanting for a long time, but they had never seen the author’s photo. Now they finally have the chance. Of course I was very excited to hear the author’s voice.

“Today, Xiaoxian will tell you the story behind the creation of the novel “August 18 Monster!” Zeng Xiaoxian also winked at Lin Feng.

“Love Saint, I don’t know what’s the inspiration for your creation of this monster?” Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

“Actually nothing, all inspiration comes from life, life is the best textbook, so this book is also from life, higher than life!” Lin Feng answered fluently, and he didn’t understand a little, too Forced.

“So that’s how it is!” Zeng Xiaoxian said, “How many 10,000 words are expected in this novel?”

“The number of words is over one million!” Lin Feng said.

“I have a question, and it is estimated that book fans would also like to know, that is, will the protagonists Ergou and Cao Jianjia be together in the end?”

“This, I’ll buy a pass first, you can wait and see!” Lin Feng said.

“Love Saint, did you expect this book to be so popular?”

“No, not at all!” Lin Feng shook his head and said, this is the novel of the beacon drama princes. Although it was very popular at the time, it was not so popular at the time. Maybe the world is different. unexpected.

“The fire of the evildoer is also to thank all the fans for their support. I would like to thank all the friends who supported me and the evildoer, thank you!” Lin Feng said gratefully.

“In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that the enchanting has begun to publish physical books, and friends who are interested can buy them and collect them, and the adaptation of the anime is already in production, I believe I will be able to meet you soon. !” Lin Feng said.

Hearing this news, the enchanting book fans were all excited and excited for a while, and they all decided to buy the enchanting book for collection as soon as it was published, and they were also looking forward to enchanting anime very much.

“Okay, it’s time to interact with the audience!” Zeng Xiaoxian said at this time: “Who will be the first lucky audience?”


Originally, this late-night show that no one cared about was now extremely popular, and the phone calls kept coming in, which caught Lisa a little by surprise.

“Hello, hello, may I ask who you are?” Zeng Xiaoxian answered a call and asked. The other party is a female voice.

“I’m a die-hard book fan of Enchanting, I want to talk to Love Saint!” The other end of the phone didn’t give Zeng Xiaoxian any face, and said directly.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, “Hello, I’m a lover!”

“Love Saint, I want to be your girlfriend and give birth to a child for you!” The other end of the phone was very enthusiastic, and Lin Feng couldn’t resist it.

“Thank you for your support, I will definitely write this book!” Lin Feng said.

“Okay, the next audience!” Zeng Xiaoxian just said, and Lisa raised a sign outside to indicate: Now the radio’s phone has been hit, the system has crashed, and the phone can’t be connected!


When Zeng Xiaoxian saw this sign, he was so angry that he vomited blood. With such an opportunity, the system actually collapsed.

At this time, Lisa Rong also received a call from the director: “Hey, director, what’s the matter?”

“What’s going on? Why is the listening rate of Zeng Xiaoxian’s “Your Moon My Heart” so high tonight? And it’s ridiculously high, reaching 80%!” The director asked in confusion. .

“Director, it’s like this, Zeng Xiaoxian didn’t know what happened and invited Love Saint, the author of enchanting evildoer, to come over for an interview, so there is such a situation!” Lisa Rong explained. With Lin Feng’s current popularity, he does not lose to those first-line stars at all.

“Ah? The author of the enchanting evildoer?” The director was very pleasantly surprised and said hurriedly: “Quick, remember to keep him, I’ll be there soon, and I want him to sign!”

“Understood, Director!” Lisa Rong couldn’t help laughing and laughing after hearing this, but she never thought that at such a young age, the Director would also be a fan of enchanting books.

Because of the failure of the phone, the interaction with the audience was directly skipped, and the radio station received a lot of complaints.

Soon, the show will come to an end.

“Here, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all my friends with a song, and thank them for their support!” Lin Feng said at the end.

Lin Feng also wanted to take the opportunity to test whether the singing talent was really that magical.

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