My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054:

“I see.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“Now you have become the target of all scientists, and many scientists are complaining about you in groups.” Hu Yifei said with a smile: “It seems that the gaffe is a bit serious. My phone is going to be blown up by the media.”

Lin Feng said with a wry smile: “This is something that can’t be helped. I had long expected that I would encounter a lot of doubts when I put forward my prediction. Only time will prove that I am right.”

Hu Yifei nodded and said, “Hey, by the way, in your earthquake forecast report, the place where an earthquake will occur recently seems to be London, England, right?”

“Yes.” Lin Feng nodded and said, “A small earthquake will occur in London, England in a week, just a magnitude 3 earthquake.”

“So once this earthquake in London, England happens a few days later, it will prove that you are right,” said Hu Yifei.

“Yes.” Lin Feng nodded and smiled: “So now I don’t need to debate with those scientists at all. After a few days, they will know that facts speak louder than words.”

“Not bad.” Hu Yifei said with a smile: “So now these scientists are complaining, let them complain. The more they complain now, the more swollen their faces will be in a few days.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, have you and Sister Xin finished their work? Why don’t we go shopping together later.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“Okay.” Hu Yifei smiled and said, “I’ll call them now.”

After a while, Lin Feng went out shopping again with the beauties, and went back to the apartment only late at night.

In the next few days, Lin Feng still went back and forth between the apartment and the company at two o’clock and one line. In the past few days, the matter about Lin Feng’s prediction of the earthquake did not subside at all, but intensified.

Because during this period of time, Lin Feng’s honey has also started a debate with some scientists on the Internet. During the debate, some scientists have become a little annoyed, and have even called Lin Feng in public to propose that this earthquake prediction is an insult to these scientists, and at the same time It’s also disrespectful to science.

During the debate, everyone also reached a consensus: after a few days to see if there will be an earthquake in Lundun, we will know whether Lin Feng is right. ..

Chapter 1485 God-like intuition

Lin Feng’s prediction of the London earthquake has even angered some scholars and scientists in London. They all feel that Lin Feng is playing a malicious joke with them!

A lot of people even claimed that if there was an earthquake in London that day, they would live stream it!

And this day, in the expectation of everyone, finally came, and at the same time came the three-magnitude earthquake.

At ten o’clock in the morning on this day, a magnitude 3 earthquake occurred in London.

Within an hour of the earthquake, the news spread across the country, and then around the world.

Originally, a small earthquake of magnitude 3 could not have attracted so much attention. After all, such a small earthquake only damaged a little building and did not cause excessive casualties.

But because of Lin Feng’s previous prediction of the London earthquake, after the news spread at this moment, it attracted a lot of attention, and it caused a sensation in the whole world in an instant.

All of a sudden, the world’s major media are frantically reporting on this three-magnitude earthquake in London.

“There’s really an earthquake in London! It’s a magnitude 3 earthquake!”

“Fuck, this is exactly the same as Lin Feng’s previous prediction! Lin Feng originally predicted that there would be an earthquake in London today!”

“Lin Feng also predicted that there would be a magnitude 3 earthquake in London today, but it actually happened, and it was really a magnitude 3 earthquake!”

“It was said by Lin Feng! I thought he was joking!”

“Lin Feng can actually predict earthquakes!”

“My God, it’s incredible! Even those scientists who specialize in earthquakes can’t predict earthquakes, but Lin Feng did it!”

At this moment, after learning the news, the most excited is the honeys.

“Haha, I knew that our male god’s prediction would not be wrong!”

“Of course, our male **** is omnipotent!”

“Haha, those scientists were trying their best to complain about our male gods before, but now they’re slapped in the face?”

“Those scientists’ faces were swollen by our male god!”

“These scientists just like to pretend, scientists are amazing? Our male gods are much better than them!”

“The male **** has created a miracle again! The male **** can predict the occurrence of earthquakes, which is a matter for the benefit of all mankind!”

While netizens were discussing and the media were scrambling to report, scientists all over the world also had a huge shock at the moment.

There is no doubt that the earthquake in London this time not only shook one London, but shook the whole world, and the scientific community was especially shaken, as if an atomic bomb had been dropped!

All the scientists around the world were shocked by this incident. They never expected that Lin Feng could actually predict earthquakes, and those scientists who complained about Lin Feng before felt very ashamed at the moment.

A scientist immediately posted his feelings on his Weibo: “I was extremely shocked by the London earthquake this time, and as a geologist specializing in the field of earthquakes, I also feel very ashamed. In the past For decades, I have been devoting myself to studying the mechanism of earthquakes and trying to predict earthquakes, but there has been no progress. When I almost gave up on this topic, Mr. Lin Feng, as a non-professional, has done what we have. What no expert can do!”

This scientist has undoubtedly spoken the hearts of many scientists around the world. They all feel ashamed at the moment. They had dismissed Lin Feng’s prediction before, thinking how could a non-professional person predict an earthquake? Are they scientists better than amateurs?

But at this moment, it turns out that these professional scientific scholars are indeed inferior to Lin Feng, a non-professional person. This time, Lin Feng has undoubtedly slapped some scientists in the face!

Immediately afterwards, many scientists all over the world expressed their views on the matter in public, and those scientists all expressed their admiration and even admiration for Lin Feng. Many of the scientists who had complained about Lin Feng before also apologized to Lin Feng in public.

When the major media in the world reported on this incident, they were full of praise for Lin Feng. All the famous media in the world called Hu Yifei one after another, hoping to interview Lin Feng about this matter. I was interviewed by Time Magazine. After all, Lin Feng and Time Magazine are already old friends.

So the reporter from Time Magazine went to Huaxia and conducted a brief interview with Lin Feng.

In this interview, Lin Feng said: “There were many people who questioned me before, but I didn’t speak out because I knew that this earthquake would prove who was right and who was wrong. I think everyone should believe me now. Right? I can guarantee that all the earthquakes I predicted within a hundred years will eventually happen, so I hope everyone can take precautions. The reason why I publish my own prediction is to let people all over the world. To be protected from being harmed by disasters like earthquakes”

After Lin Feng expressed his opinion, a reporter from Time magazine asked: “Mr. Lin Feng, the most curious thing for all of us now is that you are not a professional scientist, so how did you predict these earthquakes? ?”

The question asked by this reporter is naturally the most curious question for people all over the world at this moment.

Chapter 1486 Nominations for the Nobel Prize in Science

I have to say that Lin Feng’s words made all scientists in the world feel ashamed! There is even a feeling of wanting to cry without tears!

If Lin Feng said that he predicted the earthquake through some scientific research, these scientists would be more balanced, but Lin Feng actually said that he was just relying on it! straight! Sleep! They have spent decades studying this topic without any progress, but Lin Feng didn’t have to do anything, he just predicted the earthquake by intuition!

After these scientists heard Lin Feng’s words, their hearts collapsed!

After watching the interview with Lin Feng, Honey and netizens sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

“Haha, our male **** is awesome, he even predicted the earthquake with his intuition!”

“Those scientists have worked hard for decades, but they are not as good as our male god’s intuition!”

“Haha, now those scientists must be jealous of our male god!”

“This time, scientists all over the world have been crushed by our male god!”

“Haha, we should let those scientists who like to pretend to be forced to see the darkness of society!”

“Our male **** is very talented, what’s the big deal in predicting an earthquake?”

“Those scientists have been studying for hundreds of years, and they are not as intuitive as our male gods!”

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