My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068:

More importantly, after Lin Feng and others attacked Mi Jian’s many institutional websites, these Mi Jian hackers were also helpless! Because Lin Feng used a brand new attack method, before Lin Feng, no hacker had used this method to attack the website! These hackers had never seen such an attack method as Lin Feng, let alone cracked it!

In this world, apart from Lin Feng himself, I am afraid that only God can crack this attack method of Lin Feng!

The king of hackers once again felt Lin Feng’s terror. He thought that after a period of introspection, he was enough to fight Lin Feng, but he didn’t expect that Lin Feng would put him in a predicament once again, and he felt very powerless!

While these Mi Jian hackers were helpless, Lin Feng and other Huaxia hackers rushed forward, and the scope of the attack quickly expanded.

However, Lin Feng and other Huaxia hackers attacked Mi Jian’s institutional websites from beginning to end, and did not attack other commercial websites, because Lin Feng felt that this matter had nothing to do with Mi Jian’s business groups, so he did not It is necessary to attack those commercial websites.

Lin Feng’s move has only one purpose, which is to make Mi Jian people realize that China’s hackers are not easy to bully, and Huaxia people are not easy to bully!

In this way, Lin Feng and others took less than a day to capture almost all of Mi Jian’s institutional websites, and all of Mi Jian’s institutional website systems were paralyzed. On the pages of these websites, the Chinese flag fluttered. very bright…

The media from all over the world are naturally reporting this incident wildly, and many media are gloating over the misfortune when they report this incident.

After all, this incident was provoked by Mi Jian’s hackers from the very beginning. It makes sense for Huaxia hackers to fight back in the face of Mi Jian’s provocation. Therefore, many media are on the side of Huaxia hackers. Seeing Mi Jian at this moment The hackers were beaten by the Huaxia hackers led by Lin Feng, and these media naturally applauded the Huaxia hackers.

“Lin Feng led Huaxia hackers to capture a large number of Mi Jian’s institutional websites, and Mi Jian’s White House website fell!”

“Mi Jian’s White House website was attacked by the Chinese hacker team and has now collapsed!”

“The Huamei Hackers’ victory has been decided, and the Huaxia Hackers team will be the final winner!”

At this moment, major media from all over the world have predicted in their reports that the final winner of this Huaxia hacker war must be the Huaxia team.

Because the facts are already very clear, since Lin Feng took action, the Mi Jian hacking team has never broken the firewall of any website in China, but almost all of the official websites of Mi Jian’s organization have been captured… Therefore, this Huamei hacker war still has Suspense? of course not!

As the media from all over the world are scrambling to report it, netizens all over the world know about this at this moment, and everyone knows that Mi Jian’s hackers have been hanged by Huaxia’s hackers!

Of course, to be precise, those hackers by Mi Jian let Lin Feng hang and beat him alone!

After many honeys around the world learned about this incident, they all started to talk about it on the Internet, and netizens all sneered at those Mi Jian hackers.

“Aren’t these Mi Jian hackers quite arrogant at first? Are they cowardly?”

“Haha, this hacking battle is a must for Huaxia! There is absolutely no suspense!”

“I think the Mi Jian agency should come forward to mediate next? Otherwise, what will happen to the websites that their agency collapsed? Those hackers didn’t restore the website to normal at all, haha…”

“This is the end of provocation to Lin Feng! These Mi Jianhao hackers are too self-sufficient!”

While netizens all over the world were talking about it, Lin Feng was sitting in his room, leisurely watching the comments on the Internet, as well as the reports of major media on the matter.

At this moment, Lin Feng and other hackers of the Huaxia team have stopped attacking Mi Jian’s institutional website, because at this moment, most of Mi Jian’s institutional websites have been paralyzed, and Mi Jian’s group of hackers have no ability to restore those websites to normal. Therefore, in fact, this Huamei hacking war has ended, and Lin Feng and the others naturally do not need to continue to take any action against Mi Jian’s website.

Next, what Lin Feng has to do is to call Ao Pu… Lin Feng knows Ao Pu will definitely call, because the matter has reached this point, only Governor Mi Jian can mediate.

After a while, the beauties also walked into Lin Feng’s room.

Hu Yifei said with a smile, “Lin Feng, you paralyzed all of Mi Jian’s websites so quickly. Those Mi Jian hackers must be shocked, right?”

Lin Feng smiled lightly when he heard the words, and said, “I want this effect, let them know what a real hacker is.”

Li Shuang said with a smile: “I think it won’t be long before Mi Jian’s agency will come forward to mediate this matter, right?”

“Yes, I’m waiting for Op’s call now.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“Then when Opp calls, what are you going to tell him?” Hu Yifei asked.

“It’s very simple, let the Mi Jian hackers come out and apologize.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s cell phone rang.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and saw that it was Oppo calling, so Lin Feng smiled and answered the phone.

“Governor Op, do you have anything to do with me?” Lin Feng asked knowingly after the call was connected.

After hearing this, Oppo laughed and said, “Mr. Lin Feng, you probably already guessed the purpose of my call, right? I hope you and your hacker team can hold your hands high, otherwise our organization’s website will be destroyed. No help.” . .

Chapter 1512 Apology

Hearing that, Lin Feng smiled and said, “Governor Oppo, I don’t quite understand what you are talking about.”

Wen Yan said with a wry smile: “Mr. Lin Feng, we are all old friends, so we don’t have to go around like this, right? I am not calling you as Governor Mi Jian, but as a friend, I hope you can take my face and restore those websites of our institution to normal, and now because the website is down, a lot of work of our institution has been affected.”

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, “Then when your Mi Jian hackers attacked our Huaxia institutional website, why didn’t Governor Aup stop it? You seem to be completely letting your hackers do their best, so it’s like this, I can only treat you the same way.”

“Uh, this…” Hearing that, Opp couldn’t help being a little embarrassed, because he really didn’t know how to explain this matter. After all, it was indeed their side that condoned those Mi Jian hackers at that time, and they were wrong on this point.

Of course, it was not Aopu’s personal decision to indulge Mi Jian’s hackers to attack Huaxia’s website, but Mi Jian’s attitude after consultation. Although Aopu was the governor of Mijian, he was not the only one who made the final decision. of.

After being stunned for a moment, Aopu smiled bitterly: “Mr. Lin Feng, we are wrong about this, so let’s do it, if you can restore our website to normal operation, I will apologize to Huaxia on behalf of the organization, and those attacks. Hackers of the Huaxia website, I will also ask them to apologize to the Huaxia organization, what do you think?”

“This can be.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“So, Mr. Lin Feng, did you agree?” Aop asked.

“Yes, I agreed.” Lin Feng smiled and said, “But I hope to hear your apology first, and then I will help you restore the normal operation of the website.”

“No problem,” Opp said. “I’ll make a statement on behalf of us in a moment, apologizing for our omission this time.”

“It’s more or less the same.” Lin Feng smiled lightly when he heard the words, and said, “Governor Aopu, the reason why I promised to help you is also because we are friends. If you were not my friend, I would not let it go. ”

“I know.” Aopu smiled: “I feel very happy that Mr. Lin Feng values our friendship so much.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, “Governor Aopu, I know that although you are the governor of Mi Jian, you are involuntarily in the decision-making of some things, so this time, I don’t blame you. But I hope After this incident, you can tell those of you in Mi Jian that we, Huaxia, will not tolerate a little insult.”

“I remember.” Opp smiled bitterly.

After a while, the two hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Opp looked at the void in front of him, sighed involuntarily, then turned to the secretary beside him and said, “Help me arrange a press conference right away, I want to make a statement on the Huamei Hacker War incident. ”

A moment later, Aopu issued a statement in front of the door: This time the Huamei hacker war incident is our negligence, because we did not stop the behavior of domestic hackers in time, which led to the fermentation of the gaffe, and finally led to this result. . In this regard, we express our deepest apologies to Huaxia. At the same time, in my capacity as Governor Mi Jian, I will make the Mi Jian hacker who provoked the incident this time apologize to the Huaxia Organization, admit his mistakes, and we will also punish these hackers to show our sincerity to the Huaxia Organization. ‘s apology.

And when Opp made this statement in front of the door, media from all over the world gathered at the door.

Therefore, after Opp made this statement in front of the door, his statement soon spread all over the world, and for a while, the video of his statement went crazy on major media around the world After seeing this video, netizens also let out a burst of amazement.

“Aop actually apologized to Huaxia Organization!”

“Oppo apologized to the Huaxia organization on behalf of the organization! It’s unbelievable! This is the first time I hear an apology to an organization in another country!”

“Yes! I didn’t expect Mi Jian to bow his head sometimes!”

“You can’t keep your head down. The official website is still paralyzed. I think Aopu apologized at this time. It must be Lin Feng’s request?”

“That is necessary, and only Lin Feng can make him bow his head!”

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