My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071:

After the plane landed, Lin Feng and a few people got off the plane, and then they went directly to the destination, which is a wetland jungle.

Before they came to Hainan, Hainan had just experienced an unprecedentedly violent typhoon, so the jungle looked unusually messy after the typhoon passed through.

When Lin Feng and others walked into this jungle, they could see that the jungle was full of broken trees and traces of being destroyed by the typhoon.

It was now more than three o’clock in the afternoon. Bell looked at his watch, looked at Lin Feng and the others, and said with a smile, “Guys, let’s start here and go on our adventure.” Everyone nodded and continued. Go deep into the jungle.

This jungle is naturally a primeval forest inaccessible to people, otherwise Lord Bei would not have chosen it at all. In such virgin forests, the number is very dense, and in the dense woods, there are often many unpredictable dangers lurking.

In fact, the jungle they set foot in at the moment has always been a nightmare for many explorers… It can be said to be one of the most dangerous jungles in the world, and the degree of danger is no less than the world-famous Amazon jungle!

The climate in this jungle is a subtropical rainforest climate. In the jungle under this climate, it is easy to breed some very dangerous beasts, such as crocodiles. The crocodiles here are world-famous, not only fierce, but also in large numbers. People are speechless. Those crocodiles often travel in groups. There used to be many unlucky explorers who accidentally fell into the crocodile pool, and then were eaten by many crocodiles without leaving any bones…

After a few of them walked for a while, they came to a swamp.

When they got here, several people stopped at the same time, and then Lord Bei turned to look at Lin Feng, and said with a smile, “Mr. Lin Feng, I wonder if you can feel that the swamp in front of us is the A dangerous place.”

“I think there must be a crocodile in here, right?” Lin Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled.

“That’s right.” Bei Ye smiled: “These crocodiles are very cunning. They are now hiding in the water without saying a word. As soon as we enter their territory, they will immediately attack us and turn us into The food in their mouths.” After a pause, Lord Bei looked around for a while, and then pointed to the side: “But we have no other way to go, so we must use these rattans and branches to cross this place. A swamp.”

“But these vines and branches may not be able to bear our weight.” Lin Feng glanced at it and smiled. ..

Chapter 1517 Dangerous Crocodile Territory

“Yes, so this is a very exciting attempt.” Bei Ye said with a smile: “If we accidentally do not grasp the branches, or the branches and vines we are grasping are broken, we may fall off. I was eaten by a crocodile when I entered the pool.” Having said that, Master Bei looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, “Mr. Lin Feng, are you afraid?” “What is there to be afraid of?” Lin Feng heard the words and smiled lightly: ” I hope I don’t fall into the swamp, otherwise those crocodiles will be unlucky.” Hearing that, Lord Bei was stunned, and then laughed: “Mr. Lin Feng, I like your attitude. Haha, okay, now Let’s start.” Then Lin Feng and Pei Ye walked to a big tree next to them, both of them climbed up the big tree, then grabbed the branches and vines on the tree and started to move forward.

Simon and others stayed in place. Simon held the camera in his hand and aimed the camera at Lin Feng and Bell, while the other two stood by and watched.

They are not the protagonists of the video. Of course, they don’t need to climb the vines to cross the swamp. Later, they can use other tools to go to the opposite side of the swamp. The way to cross the swamp is because they, as the protagonists of the show, must restore the real scene of survival in the wilderness. They don’t have too many tools on them, so they can only cross the dangerous swamp in this way.

This swamp is quite large. Lin Feng and Bei Ye grabbed the branches and canes and moved forward for more than 20 minutes before reaching the middle of the swamp.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly saw some movement in the swamp under his feet. He looked down and saw a crocodile head emerge from the swamp!

Seeing this, Lin Feng couldn’t help being startled, and in surprise, he almost let go of the cane he was holding!

The head of the crocodile is very large, as big as three heads of Lin Feng. From the head of the crocodile, you can see how big the crocodile is!

At this moment, the crocodile was holding its head high, looking at Lin Feng with a pair of golden eyes full of hunger.

And its body also moved forward with Lin Feng. Those hungry eyes were always staring at Lin Feng. It was obviously very much looking forward to Lin Feng falling into the swamp, so that it could enjoy a delicious meal… Crocodile as a wetland. A reptile, its jumping ability is not strong, and at this moment Lin Feng is still relatively high from the water surface, so it has no way to jump up and attack Lin Feng. This creature can only wait for the rabbit to follow Lin Feng all the time, looking forward to Lin Feng. Fall into its territory, and then it attacks Lin Feng again.

“Mr. Lin Feng, you are being targeted by a crocodile.” At this time, Lord Bei also saw the crocodile at Lin Feng’s feet, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Yeah.” Lin Feng smiled, turned around to take a look, and saw that there were also crocodiles at the feet of Pei Ye, and there were more crocodiles than Lin Feng’s feet, four or five!

However, the battle-hardened Bei Ye didn’t change his face even in the face of these four or five crocodiles. He continued to chat and laugh with Lin Feng, and at the same time, he turned his head and explained to the camera in the distance.

“Audience friends, now Mr. Lin Feng and I are crossing a swamp, as you can see, this swamp is the territory of crocodiles, and now these big guys are opening their **** mouths to welcome us, but don’t worry , we won’t let these guys succeed…” In this way, Bei Ye moved forward with Lin Feng while talking, and more and more crocodiles were floating in the swamp. There were too many crocodiles, so it seemed Densely packed, they all raised their heads in the swamp, staring at Lin Feng and Bell.

I have to say, Lin Feng felt a little hairy when he looked at the dense crocodiles in the water. After all, he still saw so many crocodiles at the same time. If people with intensive phobia saw this dense crocodile, they might faint on the spot. !

If ordinary people saw so many crocodiles in the water, they would have fainted long ago, because in this case, if they accidentally fall into the water, it can be said to be fatal, so ordinary people do not have that. Mental endurance!

Even Lord Bei, the expression on his face is a little nervous at the moment. Although he has encountered many dangerous situations, the situation at this moment is not inferior to the dangerous situations he has experienced before!

At the moment, Lin Feng’s face was flat, and he couldn’t see any tension on his face.

As the so-called art master is bold, he is talking about Lin Feng!

Just now, Lin Feng told Pei Ye that if he really fell into this swamp, then it would be these crocodiles that would be unlucky… Pei Ye thought that Lin Feng was very humorous, but in fact Lin Feng was not joking.

With Lin Feng’s ability, even if he does fall into this swamp, it is not certain whether the crocodile will take care of him or he will take care of the crocodile!

After moving forward for a while, the expression on Bei Ye’s face became even more tense, because he found that the trees in front were getting sparser and sparser, and between these trees, only some very thin vines were connected. The thing is, these canes are very low, so when they grab these canes, their bodies must be very above the water, so that those crocodiles in the water have a chance to attack them… Although their The jumping ability is weak, but they can still jump out of the water and attack them if their body is close enough to them.

“Mr. Lin Feng, our situation is not very good, you have to be careful.” Bei Ye turned around and said something to Lin Feng, then he grabbed a low rattan in front of him and quickly faced the opposite side. of a large tree moved past.

At this moment, a crocodile in the swamp suddenly jumped up, opened its **** mouth and bit Bei Ye’s foot!

Seeing this, Lin Feng was taken aback. The beast in the water finally couldn’t hold back and launched an attack!

In fact, these crocodiles are very smart, they know very well how far their prey is from themselves, they have a chance of winning when they launch an attack, otherwise they will not waste their energy. ..

Chapter 1518 The crocodile escapes

Of course, Lord Bei is not a vegetarian either. When the crocodile’s **** mouth was about to bite his feet, his body in mid-air suddenly turned vigorously, just avoiding the crocodile’s blood. At the same time, Master Bei kicked the crocodile’s head with his right foot.

Hearing a plop, not only did the crocodile not bite its prey, but he was also kicked back into the swamp by Lord Bei. At this moment, the shadow area in this crocodile must be very large…

Seeing that Pei Ye successfully avoided the crocodile’s attack, Lin Feng who was behind Pei Ye also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “Bei Ye, good work.”

Lord Bei laughed and said, “These guys want to eat me, but it’s not that easy.”

But when Bei Ye just finished saying this, he suddenly discovered something serious: the branch he was holding broke!

He heard the cracking sound of the branch breaking. At the same time, Bei Ye’s body also fell a lot. At this moment, the only remaining branch in Bei Ye’s hand was already crumbling, and it could break at any time. danger.

And if this branch breaks, then Lord Bei will undoubtedly fall into the crocodile-filled swamp, then waiting for Lord Bei is an extremely tragic fate!

Even the veteran Bei Ye, facing this situation at this moment, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely nervous!

Not only Master Bei, but other people were also very flustered when they saw the situation at the moment, including three others including Lin Feng and Simon.

Although the photographer Simon was flustered, he still aimed the camera at Bei Ye and Lin Feng, not wanting to miss any wonderful moment. The other two standing beside him took out firearms from their backpacks at the same time, one with a pistol and the other with a sniper rifle.

As Pei’s follow-up team, they naturally need to prepare some firearms to deal with some emergencies. Any dangerous situation may occur in the wilderness. When encountering some emergencies, they must use firearms to protect Pei. Father’s life is safe.

At this moment, it has undoubtedly reached a critical moment when it is necessary to use firearms. If Lord Bei falls into the swamp, they will definitely shoot those crocodiles. Of course, even so, they may not be able to rescue Bei Ye from the mouths of these ferocious crocodiles! Because there are too many crocodiles here, even if they shoot, it will not have much effect! So at this moment, these people are all solemn, because they all know very well how dangerous the situation of Lord Bei is at the moment!

At this moment, Master Bei is holding the remaining branch and moving forward cautiously. He does not dare to make too big movements, because he knows that if he moves too much, the branch he is holding will easily break. Time to be tragic!

And the crocodiles in this swamp have long been unable to hold back, and now that Bei Ye is so close to them, of course they will not give up this opportunity to attack their prey!

The next moment, several crocodiles jumped up from the water at the same time, and opened their **** mouths to bite at Bei Ye!

Seeing this, Lord Bei, who was vigorous behind him, twisted his body again and avoided the attacks of these crocodiles at the same time.

However, when Bei Ye avoided the attacks of these crocodiles, because of his too much movement, a branch he was holding in his hand finally broke, so Bei Ye’s body fell instantly and fell into the In the swamp!

“Oh no!”

“I buy it!”

Seeing this scene, the three of Simon suddenly screamed in horror.

I saw that the crocodiles in the swamp rushed towards Bei Ye at the same time, and Tai Long and Mattai also shot at the crocodiles at the same time.

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