My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075:

Since these villagers were so enthusiastic, Lin Feng couldn’t let them down, so although he felt a little tired, he patiently signed autographs for these villagers who worshipped him, and took pictures with them, because Lin Feng knew that this was just for him. It’s a matter of hands, but for these villagers, being able to get a photo of their idol is enough to make them excited for half a year, and even a photo of Lin Feng and them can become something they are proud of in their entire lives. .

After taking pictures with these villagers, these villagers are still scrambling to let Lin Feng live in their own homes, because for them, it is a great honor to have their idols live in their own homes for one night, and it also makes them feel A very happy thing.

In the end, Lin Feng chose a family at random, and then stayed in this family’s house at night. This family has a son and two daughters, both of whom are still in school. They are all fans of Lin Feng and admire Lin Feng very much. Of course, their parents also regarded Lin Feng as an idol, but they worshipped Lin Feng for different reasons. Their sons and daughters were fans of Lin Feng, but their parents were full of admiration for Lin Feng because of some of Lin Feng’s patriotic feats. .

In the evening, this family also prepared a table of sumptuous dinner to entertain Lin Feng and others, and Lin Feng and others also feasted on it very rudely. They are all food that can’t be said to be delicious, such as compressed biscuits. At this moment, I am enjoying the delicious food made by this person at home.

After eating, everyone went back to their rooms and prepared to rest.

What surprised Lin Feng was that the villager still had the Internet in his home. Lin Feng was surprised but also very happy, so he immediately took out the laptop he carried with him, and some beautiful women who were far away in the Shanghai market. Have a video chat.

At this moment, these beauties are all sitting in their own rooms, surfing the Internet and surfing Weibo or something. Without Lin Feng at night, they all feel extremely lonely and bored. At this moment, their QQ sounded “DiDi” at the same time. They glanced at the message prompt and found that Lin Feng had created a video chat group and invited them to video chat. These beauties were overjoyed and immediately accepted Lin Feng. , entered the chat group.

After a while, there were more than a dozen people in the group. Anyway, the beauties who were online came in after receiving Lin Feng’s invitation.

“Ladies, have you missed me during this time?” Lin Feng sat in front of the computer, looked at the faces of the beauties in the video interface, and said with a smile.

“Of course I do!”

“We all want to kill you these days!”

“We all feel so bored without you!”

After hearing Lin Feng’s words, all the beauties complained one after another. For them, especially for the baby and others who lived with Lin Feng before, they felt very lonely when Lin Feng was not with them for a day, not to mention this. At one time, Lin Feng had been away from them for several days!

“Lin Feng, when are you coming back?” Hu Yifei then asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said, “Not necessarily, it will take half a month to conservatively estimate.”

“Ah? Half a month? Or a conservative estimate?” After hearing this, the beauties suddenly let out a whimper. For them, this was undoubtedly another half month of torture!

“Didn’t you say you’d only be going for a few days? You’ve been out for about a week now, and another half a month?” Li Shuang said with a frown. She was obviously a little dissatisfied with this. Originally, she thought Lin Feng She was about to come back, but Lin Feng let her down again!

Lin Feng said with a smile: “Originally, we really planned to go back in a few days, but now our trip to Hainan has ended, but Lord Bei said that he still wants to explore another place, so I don’t want to leave him alone. run home?”

“Then where are you going next?” Qin Xin asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said, “Next, we are going to the Taklimakan Desert.”

“Ah? Taklimakan Desert?” Wen Yanyan Bingbing said, “It’s a place called the Sea of Death. It’s too dangerous for you to go there, right?”

Lin Feng smiled and said, “You don’t have to worry about this. I’ve even been to space, so what are you afraid of in the sea of death?”

Hearing this, Qin Xin said helplessly: “How can this be compared? I don’t think the sea of death is much safer than space.”

“Yeah, Lin Feng, why don’t you go, come back soon.” Lin Wanyu also said.

All the beauties persuaded Lin Feng to go back quickly and not to go to the sea of death, but their persuasion was naturally futile. Although they said a lot of persuasion, Lin Feng still insisted on going to the Taklimakan Desert, so the beauties had no choice but to do so. He went. ..

Chapter 1525 Entering the Sea of Death

After chatting with the beauties for a while, Lin Feng smiled and said: “Okay, beauties, it’s not too early, let’s talk about it here. You all go to bed early, sleeping late is not good for your skin. These days I’m not by your side at night, so you should endure the loneliness first, and when I come back, I will definitely double the compensation for you.” Lin Feng’s words made all the beauties blushed, and at the same time Lin Feng Turn off the computer, turn off the lights and rest.

After a night of rest at the villagers’ homes, the next day, Lin Feng and others left the town and set off for the Taklimakan Desert known as the “Sea of Death”.

Of course, it is unrealistic for them to walk from Hainan to the Taklimakan Desert. The Taklimakan Desert is in Xinjiang, and it is too far from Hainan. If they walk there, they may have to walk for half a year. So Lin Feng let his private jet take them to the border town of the Taklimakan Desert, and then they walked into the desert.

After a few hours of flying, Lin Feng’s private plane sent several people to a small town on the edge of Taklimakan, leaving Lin Feng and others there, and then the plane left first.

It was not early at this time, it was already evening, so Lin Feng and others walked into a small town on the edge of the desert, planning to stay here for one night, and then officially set off into the desert the next day.

When Lin Feng and others entered the town, they were warmly welcomed by the residents of the town, because now Lin Feng is known to all women and children in China, so everyone knows him wherever he goes. All Chinese people admire Lin Feng, not only because Lin Feng is a superstar and the richest man in the world, but also because Lin Feng is a national hero who has created many honors for the motherland.

In the evening, in order to express their welcome to Lin Feng and others, the residents of the town specially held a bonfire party. The people of Xinjiang are a nation that can sing and dance well, so at this bonfire party, the people of Xinjiang used cheerful The singing and dancing expressed their enthusiasm for Lin Feng. Lin Feng also didn’t show courtesy to these enthusiastic Xinjiang people. He ate meat, drank heavily at the bonfire party, and danced with beautiful Uighur girls… In short, it was a very wonderful night.

After spending a wonderful night in the town, Lin Feng and others set off for the Taklimakan Desert the next day. Next, they will be greeted by various unknown dangers in the “Sea of Death”!

However, this time, of course, Lin Feng and the others did not want to cross the Taklimakan Desert on foot, because that would be a waste of time. Lin Feng specially let the plane transport an off-road vehicle for them to drive in the desert.

At this moment, Lin Feng was driving an off-road vehicle and galloping over an endless desert.

I have to say that driving on such a vast land is full of pleasure in itself!

Above them is a vast and blue sky, and in front of them, this is an endless yellow sand, and there is a horizon that can’t see the edge. , the sun above his head is scorching the desert like a furnace.

As they got closer and closer to the center of the desert, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher. After a few hours, they had entered the interior of the desert, and the climate here was already very hot, so Lin Feng and others simply Take off your upper body clothes.

While driving, Lin Feng smiled and said to Lord Bei next to him: “Master Bei, this sea of death may disappoint you, because in this barren desert, it seems that there is nothing you can eat. Hearing that, Lord Bei laughed and said, “No no no, Lin Feng, you don’t know, there are still many delicious foods in the desert, especially the lizards and scorpions in the desert, which are very delicious.”

When talking to Lin Feng, Lord Bei’s eyes were also searching the surrounding desert, hoping to capture the delicious food he liked.

A few hours later, Lord Bei caught a few lizards in the desert. Lord Bei took out a knife, cleaned it up briefly, and then put these lizards in his mouth and chewed with relish. Then Lin Feng succeeded again. Found a few scorpions, a gerbil, and even a rattlesnake for his meal, which was amazing…

Before they knew it, they had been driving in the desert all day, and now it was night, so they stopped the car, set up the tent, and decided to spend the night here.

After they set up the tent, they lit a bonfire next to the tent, and then a few people sat and chatted by the bonfire.

After a while, they suddenly heard the sound of a car, and at the same time they also saw the light of the car lights in the distance.

Then, several off-road vehicles drove over, stopped not far from them, and got off a group of people.

This is a group of foreigners, all blond and blue-eyed, and they should look like white people in Europe and America.

After seeing these people, Lin Feng immediately took out his sunglasses from the backpack next to him and put them on, because he just wanted to be alone for a while. He didn’t want to be recognized by these foreigners and then pulled by them to sign an autograph. Photo or something.

But Bell and others did not wear sunglasses because they were not as troubled as Lin Feng.

So when these foreigners walked up to Lin Feng and others, they immediately recognized Bell.

“Oh, Mr. Bell, it turned out to be you, haha, what a coincidence, I have seen your survival in the wilderness!” The bald head in the lead said to Bell with a smile, and then sat down beside Bell.

“Mr. Bell, why are you here, are you here to record “The Wilderness”?” the bald head asked.

At this moment, Lin Feng was sitting next to the bald head, so Lin Feng could clearly see that there was a hideous snake tattoo on the head of the bald head. ..

Chapter 1526 Loulan Ruins

Lin Feng then turned his gaze to the other people beside the man, and saw that they were all burly bodies, and the expressions on their faces were a bit fierce.

Moreover, when Lin Feng glanced at the waists of these men, Lin Feng found that their waists were bulging, and it was obviously a pistol!

Obviously, these men are not ordinary tourists, or even explorers. It is impossible for ordinary tourists or even explorers to carry guns. As for the reason for their appearance here, Lin Feng is also very curious.

Just when Lin Feng wanted to set the words of these people, Bell had already helped Lin Feng to ask the questions in his heart.

“Then, Mr. Henry, what are you doing here? Aren’t you here to explore like me?” Bell asked with a smile.

The Henry he was talking about was the bald head sitting beside him and Lin Feng, the leader of the group.

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