My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102:

When these scientists saw Lin Feng, they came up one after another and greeted Lin Feng very respectfully. Among these scientists, there were some elderly professors, but no matter who they were, after seeing Lin Feng, the expressions on their faces The expressions are very respectful.

Because Lin Feng is a person who has made great contributions to scientists around the world, because he predicted earthquakes, he was enough to make scientists all over the world in awe, so these scientists naturally respect Lin Feng very much in their hearts.

After Lin Feng got to know these scientists, he chatted with them after a while.

“Mr. Lin Feng, you have successfully predicted earthquakes before, which shocked scientists all over the world. Now I think about it, I still feel incredible. Mr. Lin Feng, did you really predict earthquakes as you said before, relying on intuition?” Chatting and chatting, a middle-aged and elderly professor shifted the topic to this matter.

In fact, not only this scientist, but scientists all over the world are very puzzled about this matter, so the professor finally couldn’t help but ask.

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: “It’s really intuitive. Hey, yes, professor, where do you usually investigate later? Is it at the North Pole?”

Seeing that Lin Feng changed the subject, these scientists did not ask any further questions. One scientist nodded and said, “Yes, we are going to reach the North Pole, and then we are looking for a piece of floating ice to investigate.”

“Ice floes?” Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked, “Usually, how big of an area of floes do you usually conduct investigations on?”

Hearing that, another scientist smiled and said: “This is not necessarily the case. The last time we visited the site was a piece of floating ice about 28 kilometers long and 16 kilometers wide.”

In fact, at the North Pole, floating ice is equivalent to land, because almost all of the Arctic Circle is covered by the vast Arctic Ocean, and some huge floating ice floating on the Arctic Ocean has become a piece of independent land.

While they were chatting, the “Xuelong” was also breaking through the ice. A few hours later, the ship had traveled to the center of the Arctic Ocean, which was also inside the Arctic Circle and was very close to the North Pole.

At this moment, Lin Feng and others on the boat looked around, and they were surrounded by an endless world of ice and snow, which looked very shocking.

“It’s so beautiful, it’s the most shocking scenery I’ve ever seen.” Simon took out his camera and took pictures of the majestic glaciers in the distance.

“Mr. Lin Feng, I estimate that we will be able to reach the North Pole in more than an hour. Are you going to explore the ice floes with us, or are you visiting other places?” Hao Hui, the captain of the expedition, asked suddenly. .

Lin Feng smiled and said: “I wonder if there will be many animals in the places you are investigating? This time, I want to see more animals in the Arctic Circle.”

Hearing this, Hao Hui said: “Before we investigate, we must make sure that there are no dangerous animals on the ice floes, such as polar bears.”

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: “But we all want to see polar bears.”

“Ah? Are you going to see polar bears?” After hearing this, these people were stunned for a moment, and then one person laughed: “Mr. Lin Feng, polar bears are very dangerous. Although they look naive, they will not attack humans at will. But If they are in a bad mood, once they attack humans, the consequences will be very serious, polar bears are the most ferocious animals here!”

“It’s okay, we will protect ourselves.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“Mr. Lin Feng, polar bears are really dangerous. Besides polar bears, there are also Arctic wolves on some large ice sheets. They are also very ferocious animals. You should think twice.” People are very worried.

“It’s okay, we brought guns.” Lin Feng said lightly.

Seeing Lin Feng’s insistence, these people stopped persuading them, so the captain laughed and said, “In this case, Mr. Lin Feng, after we reach the North Pole, we will send you to a relatively large icefield first. There are more animals, and then we will go to investigate.”

“Thank you so much.” Lin Feng smiled.

More than an hour later, the “Xuelong” reached the North Pole.

This is the northernmost point of the earth. At this North Pole, Lin Feng found that the icebergs here are steeper and majestic, and the glaciers are wider.

After a while, the “Xuelong” drove to the side of a vast ice field, but the “Xuelong” was too large to drive directly to the edge of the ice field, so it could only send a small boat from the boat, and then Lin Feng. After waiting, they got on the boat and rowed towards the opposite ice field.

After a few minutes of paddling, Lin Feng and others successfully landed on the icefield, and upon seeing this, the “Xuelong” drove away.

Of course, before leaving the “Xuelong”, the expedition team told Lin Feng that they would return here after their expedition and bring Lin Feng and others on the return journey. ..

Chapter 1573 Encounter with the Predator

After boarding the ice field, Lin Feng, Chen Lei and others were very excited, because it was their first time here and they were full of curiosity about everything here.

At this time, Bei Ye, the foodie, was already looking for something to eat.

After a while, Master Bei suddenly stopped and said with a smile, “Look, I found something to eat!”

Lin Feng and the others walked over to take a look, and saw a few fish on the ground, but these were no longer complete fish. These fish had obviously been bitten, and they seemed to be leftover food from other animals. .

Of course, even the leftovers eaten by other animals are often a rare delicacy for Bei Ye, who is at the top of the food chain.

Lin Feng glanced around and saw several huge footprints.

At this time, Bei Ye and others naturally discovered these footprints.

“It looks like the footprints of a polar bear!” Looking at these footprints, Ma Tai said in shock.

Lord Bei turned his head and glanced, nodded and said, “Yes, these must be the footprints of polar bears. Only those big guys have such big footprints, and these fish must be leftovers by polar bears.”

While talking, Master Bei ate these fish with relish, and tore off a piece of fish and handed it to Lin Feng, smiling: “Lin Feng, come and enjoy the deliciousness, this fish is quite fresh, it is only found in the Arctic Circle. Only herring, I finally eat this deliciousness, haha!”

So Lin Feng also tasted the meat of this herring, then nodded and said with a smile, “It tastes really good, but I want to get some fresh ones to eat.”

Then Lin Feng walked to an ice surface in front of him, crouched down, and smashed the ice surface with a punch.

The ice layer here is very thick, and the ice surface is naturally very hard. If the local indigenous people want to fish on the ice sheet, they must use some tools, such as hard and sharp wooden sticks to break Open the ice surface, but Lin Feng doesn’t need those tools because he is strong enough.

Hearing a “bang”, Lin Feng’s fist smashed a hole in the ice.

Under the ice surface, it is really the seawater of the Arctic Ocean. After Lin Feng broke the ice surface, he didn’t have time to reach out to catch the bottom. Those fishes jumped out of the hole and jumped on the ice surface. of.

Then a few people immediately stepped forward and caught the fish, only to see that the fish were very large. These fish are not only large, but also very tender and delicious. After a while, Lin Feng used a dagger to make these fish into sashimi, and then began to eat them.

Before recording Wilderness Survival, Lin Feng had no hobbies for sashimi, but later, because he ate some sashimi while recording the show, Lin Feng gradually fell in love with this kind of thing.

Of course, when Lin Feng eats sashimi, he still adds some seasonings. After adding these ingredients, the taste of these sashimi is absolutely no less than the sashimi in those Japanese restaurants. After all, in the Arctic The fish grown in the place are all natural and pollution-free, so the fish is naturally more delicious than the fish in other places.

While everyone was enjoying the delicious sashimi here, Lin Feng suddenly heard a voice.


After Lin Feng heard this voice, he turned around immediately, only to see Master Bei and the others also looking surprised.

“Is it the sound of gunshots?” Lin Feng asked.

“It seems so.” Bei Ye nodded.

As soon as Master Bei finished speaking, there were several gunshots in the distance.

“It seems that there are other people on this icefield,” said Bei Ye.

Lin Feng nodded, then stood up and said, “Let’s go over and take a look. Since the people over there have shot, maybe there is some danger.”

Lin Feng was worried that the people over there were attacked by dangerous animals such as polar bears or arctic wolves, so he was eager to go over there to see, and if anyone was really in danger, they would also lend a helping hand.

At the moment, everyone couldn’t care about enjoying the delicious food, and threw the prepared sashimi into their backpacks and walked in the direction of the sound of gunfire.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, they saw that there was indeed a group of people in front of them, and there were indeed two polar bears beside the group of people.

However, the situation was different from what Lin Feng and others had imagined. It seemed that this group of people was not in any danger. Instead, it was the two polar bears who were in danger.

Because at the moment the two polar bears are being surrounded by this group of people, and all of these people have guns in their hands. What surprised Lin Feng even more was that these people were not holding ordinary pistols, but long-barreled shotguns!

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