My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129:

At this moment, Lord Bei and the others had already parked the boat on the shore, and were waiting for Lin Feng anxiously.

After seeing Lin Feng ashore, Master Bei and others were overjoyed and hurried up to meet him.

“Lin Feng, you finally escaped safely! Great!” Several people shouted excitedly.

“By the way, Lin Feng, how many sharks were there just now?” Lord Bei asked.

“There are 8 sharks. If it wasn’t for a killer whale that helped me stop those sharks, I might have eaten them all by now.” Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Lin Feng still had lingering fears.

After hearing what Lin Feng said about the situation just now, Master Bei and the others were also breaking out in cold sweats.

“It seems that we have to be more careful in the future. I don’t want to provoke those sharks anymore.” Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

Several people walked towards the island while talking. ..

Chapter 1613 Desert Island Water Monster

“This island has a beautiful scenery, why is it called Devil’s Island?” Lin Feng said with a smile while admiring the scenery on the island.

Around them, there are green trees and a lush color, and in that lush color, there are all kinds of colorful flowers competing for beauty, rendering the scenery on this island extremely charming and fascinating.

The scenery on this island is undoubtedly very beautiful, compared to the Big Island of Hawaii where they were before.

For Lin Feng, this place is undoubtedly more attractive than the Big Island of Hawaii, because it is an island off the beaten track, almost isolated from the world, all the scenery here is pure natural, without any artificial traces, so here Lin Feng can be closer to nature.

“Lin Feng, haven’t you heard a sentence? The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.” Master Bei said with a smile, “That’s true.” Lin Feng smiled and then asked, “Master Bei , since this island has been called the Devil’s Island, how many people have died on this island?”

Bei Ye smiled lightly and said, “This one is too many to count.”

“I can’t count?” Lin Feng was stunned when he heard that, and then smiled: “Listening to what you said, it seems like a lot of people lost their lives here? Too many to count?”

“Actually, I can’t say that, because no one knows whether those people are dead or not. To be precise, they are missing.” Lord Bei chuckled, and then continued: “Actually, a long time ago, some developers had I bought the right to develop and operate this small island, and I plan to open a playground here and build a resort like the Big Island of Hawaii. For this reason, the developer sent some people to the island to investigate, but Well, those who were sent to this island never went back.”

“So they all disappeared on this island?” Lin Feng asked.

“Yes.” Lord Bei nodded and said with a smile: “That incident caused a sensation all over the world at that time, and later, many explorers came to this island one after another, trying to find out why those people disappeared, but The explorers who entered this island later, without exception, never went out again. So this island became a devil’s island that no one dared to come to. Some people say that this island is cursed.”

Such a terrifying thing, but Master Bei spoke in a succinct manner, his face did not change, and there was a trace of excitement on his face, because it made him feel some excitement.

“So, then we…” Hearing this, Chen Lei’s face turned pale.

After all, she is a girl. Although Chen Lei is more courageous than other girls, she can’t help but feel a little scared when she hears this.

Don’t say it’s a girl, if it’s an ordinary man, I’m afraid I’m already scared out of my mind. After all, how many brave people like Lin Feng and Bei Ye are?

Lin Feng smiled and said, “Don’t worry, everyone will be fine with me.”

Even after hearing what Lord Bei said was so terrifying just now, Lin Feng was still full of confidence. He was confident that no matter what was terrifying here, he would definitely ensure the safety of everyone.

“Yeah.” Chen Lei nodded when she heard this, and after hearing Lin Feng’s words, she immediately calmed down. Because in her mind, Lin Feng is omnipotent, as long as Lin Feng is by his side, she can relax.

While speaking, several people have already entered the depths of this small island.

At this time, they had already walked to a lake.

After seeing the lake, Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

Because this lake looks so beautiful, the lake is quiet and deep, it looks like a piece of blue jade, quietly inlaid there.

“This lake is so beautiful!” Chen Lei exclaimed, then walked quickly to the edge of the lake, picked up a handful of lake water, took a sip, then turned her head and said in surprise, “The lake water here is so sweet. !”

Lin Feng also walked over and picked up some lake water and tasted it. Sure enough, as Chen Lei said, the entrance to the lake here is very sweet and has a heart-wrenching feeling.

Only in this isolated place can such pure natural and pollution-free springs be nurtured.

It just made Lin Feng a little puzzled that the lake seemed to be too quiet.

This lake is so quiet that Lin Feng can’t even feel any fish swimming in the lake. This is very abnormal. In such a pure natural lake, there should be many lively fish swimming. And here is dead silence.

Just when Lin Feng felt a little puzzled, he suddenly heard a loud noise, the lake surface suddenly shattered, and then, a huge head emerged from the lake surface!

After seeing this head, everyone present was stunned, including Lin Feng.

Because this huge head looks really weird, this head looks like a snake head, its mouth is very pointed, and it also has fangs similar to those of a poisonous snake, but it is obviously not a snake, because in its head It also has two horns that make its head look like a bull’s head, but it has only one eye…

In short, what appeared in front of him was a monster whose name was impossible to name.

Moreover, its body is also covered with a layer of green and red scales, which flashes a dazzling layer of light in the sun.

“This is a water monster!” Bei Ye suddenly exclaimed: “Leave!”

As soon as Master Bei finished speaking, the monster sank into the lake again.

Seeing the monster sinking into the lake, Bei Ye and others subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the monster had no intention of attacking them.

But Lin Feng’s expression changed drastically, he hurriedly pulled up Chen Lei in front of him, and flew back.

When Lin Feng and Chen Lei just retreated to the shore, less than two meters away in front of them, the lake surface suddenly shattered, and then the huge head appeared again!

This monster is very cunning. Just now, it did not rush directly to attack Lin Feng and others, but sank into the water and swam to where Lin Feng and others were, and then emerged from the water to attack them. ..

Chapter 1614 Mutation

Seeing this scene, Bei Ye and others were stunned, Chen Lei’s face was as pale as paper, and even Lin Feng felt terrified at the moment.

I have to say that the situation just now was too dangerous. If it wasn’t for Lin Feng’s keen intuition, he pulled Chen Lei away from the lake in time, and the two of them would have been swallowed by this monster by this time!

The movement speed of this monster is too amazing, faster than the sharks that Lin Feng encountered before!

At this moment, the monster stared at its huge eyes and looked at Lin Feng and others on the shore, but did not launch any more attacks, it seemed unwilling to leave the lake.

Its one eye is golden yellow, just like the eyes of a crocodile, shining with evil and greed.

Lin Feng couldn’t guarantee that this monster would not suddenly attack them, so he also kept an eye on this monster, always on guard.

If it were another animal, Lin Feng might have rushed up to teach it a lesson at this moment, but facing this monster at this moment, Lin Feng did not dare to act rashly.

Because this monster was so weird, Lin Feng didn’t know its details, so he didn’t dare to rashly attack it.

“Lin Feng, let’s go!” Bei Ye shouted to Lin Feng behind him.

Hearing this, Lin Feng took Chen Lei’s hand and slowly backed away. While backing away, Lin Feng’s eyes were still fixed on the monster to prevent it from attacking suddenly.

The monster stared at Lin Feng and the others and stepped back, and after a while, it sank into the lake again.

“It seems that this monster will not leave the lake.” Lord Bei breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, “But no matter what, let’s get out of here quickly, it’s too dangerous!”

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