My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158:

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, “Okay, remember what you just said.”

Then Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. ..

Chapter 1661 Bought all limited editions

After a while, the phone was connected, and it was the Rolls-Royce CEO Warren East who answered the phone at the moment.

This Warren Easter and Lin Feng are also acquaintances. In the past, at Bill Gates’ dinner, Lin Feng knew Warren Easter, and later Easter kept inviting Lin Feng to help Rolls-Royce as an endorsement , but they were all rejected by Lin Feng.

And at this moment, after Wo Lun received Lin Feng’s call, he undoubtedly felt flattered!

“Mr. Lin Feng, you actually called me in person! I’m really honored!” On the phone, Wallen smiled respectfully.

“Yeah, old friend, I want to trouble you with something.” Lin Feng smiled lightly and went straight to the topic. He doesn’t have time to talk politely with Wo Lun now, and besides, he doesn’t need to be polite with Wo Lun either.

“Mr. Lin Feng, if you have anything to do with me, just say, I will do my best to help you.” Wen Yan said quickly.

In his opinion, it is a great honor to be able to help Lin Feng!

“Well, your group launched a limited edition Rolls-Royce Phantom 5000 half a month ago, right?” Lin Feng asked.

“Yes, that is the Phantom of the Global Commemorative Edition we just launched. We only produced ten cars in total.” Warren said with a smile.

“So how many cars are left in this car now?” Lin Feng asked.

“So far, we have only sold one to the sheikh of Dubai.” Warren smiled: “This car is the most prestigious one in our Phantom series, so not everyone is eligible to buy it. Of course, if Mr. Lin Feng wants to buy this car, it is an honor of our Rolls-Royce Group, and I can send the car to you by air at any time.”

“Okay, I’m going to buy this car now, and I’m going to buy all the remaining 9 cars.” Lin Feng said lightly.

“Ah?” Wo Lun on the other end of the phone couldn’t help but stunned for a while, because he didn’t expect Lin Feng to buy so much in one go.

“What’s the matter, is there a problem?” Lin Feng asked.

“No… Of course there’s no problem.” After a moment of stunned, Wo Lun said quickly.

In fact, the Rolls-Royce Group has very strict restrictions on the purchase of this car. Most of the people who are eligible to buy this car are the heads of state of some countries, or people with great influence all over the world. And even these people, they only have the right to buy one car, if they offer to buy more cars, the Rolls-Royce Group will refuse.

For example, the sheikh of Dubai wanted to buy two cars to go back, but Warren rejected him outright, because only in this way can the dignity of this car be highlighted!

But since the person who spoke was Lin Feng, no matter what the rules were, they could make an exception!

“If there is no problem, now you can airlift me all 9 cars to Palm Island in Dubai.” Lin Feng smiled and said.

“Ah? Are you in Palm Island?” Wen Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said: “Okay, Mr. Lin Feng, I’ll make arrangements now, I promise to deliver these 9 cars to you within an hour. !” Warren said.

“That’s good.” Lin Feng nodded, hung up the phone, and then said to the second-generation rich in Dubai, “Within an hour, someone will bring the car by air.”

Hearing this, a rich second-generation sneered: “Asian, you’re pretty good at pretending, who were you calling? You can get the car in an hour? You’re bragging too much, aren’t you?”

“Okay, then I’ll give you a chance, wait for an hour, and after an hour, if I don’t see the car, you wait to go to jail!” Markhard sneered, because he thought that anyway, the police are now If he didn’t come, they couldn’t do anything to the Asian man. They simply waited for a while. If he didn’t see the car, he could justly throw this Asian man into prison!

“Don’t worry, I will definitely disappoint you.” Lin Feng said with a light smile.

So after a while, Lin Feng and others walked towards a nearby pier.

Although the Rolls-Royce Group will transport 9 vehicles by air, the Palm Island is full of entertainment facilities and residential areas. There is no way to park the plane, so Rolls-Royce can only park the plane first. At Dubai Airport, and then the car will be transported by boat to the terminal on Palm Island.

After a while, they came to the pier near Palm Island.

In addition to Lin Feng and the beauties, as well as the Prince of Dubai and a few rich second-generations, other tourists also followed them to the pier, because these tourists are very happy to watch the fun, and naturally they will not miss this opportunity to watch a good show !

At this time, a group of police from Dubai also arrived, but Markhard had promised Lin Feng to wait for an hour before, so the police did not arrest Lin Feng for the time being after learning about the situation.

After they arrived near the pier on Palm Island, they waited for about half an hour, and then a huge ship docked at the pier.

And on that ship, 9 limited-edition Phantoms that had just been airlifted were parked!

After the ship docked, Lin Feng immediately walked to the edge of the pier, with his toes on the ground, and then his whole body fell on the deck of the ship like a fallen leaf.

“Wow! What a strong jump!”

“It’s so handsome! This person seems to be using Huaxia’s kung fu just now!”

“Who is this person?”

At this moment, everyone is naturally very curious about Lin Feng’s identity, because Lin Feng has been wearing a pair of big sunglasses, so everyone does not know Lin Feng’s identity. But everyone vaguely felt that this young man must not be an ordinary person, otherwise he would never dare to smash the Prince of Dubai’s car into scrap metal, and now he is so calm! Because of this, everyone is looking forward to what will happen next… Maybe this person can really get a Phantom limited edition over here!

And what these people expected happened quickly, and what happened next far exceeded their expectations.

Lin Feng got on the boat, and after confirming his identity with the people on the boat, the people on the boat drove the car to the pier. ..

Chapter 1662 What concept?

Watching one after another of the Phantom limited editions drive onto the dock, a wave of screams suddenly sounded around.

“My God! It’s actually a limited edition Phantom!”

“This guy really bought a limited-edition Phantom! It’s awesome!”

“Fuck, why did you drive another one?”

“I buy Karma, there is more than one limited edition Phantom!”

“The third car is up again!”

“Who the **** is this person! He actually bought several limited-edition Phantoms in one go! There are only 10 of them in the world!”

“The fourth one is coming!”

“God, how many cars did this man buy!”

At the same time, more and more tourists gathered here. After seeing these limited edition phantoms, no one could not help the urge to scream, so the surrounding screams became louder and louder. .

In this way, amid the exclamations of the crowd, finally, all 9 Rolls-Royce Phantom Limited Editions drove to the pier, parked there, bathed in the bright sun, exuding a compelling light. It is the light of local tyrants! This light almost blinded the eyes of everyone on the scene!

And the rich second generation in Dubai, especially the Dubai prince Markhard, looked at this scene, all of them were stunned, as if they were petrified!

They didn’t expect that the Asian man actually got the Phantom Limited Edition within an hour, and there were not only one, but 9 copies in one go!

A full 9 cars! What is this concept?

You must know that there are only 10 cars of this noble limited edition model in total. Except for the one that was smashed by Lin Feng just now, there are only 9 cars left in the world! And now, all the remaining 9 cars in the world have been bought by Lin Feng! How can this not shock these rich second generation?

In the face of these 9 limited-edition Phantoms, the crowd around them is going crazy.

“9 limited-edition Phantoms! Dammit! There are only 10 of these models in the world!”

“That’s right! The car that was smashed just now is here. The only 9 cars left in the world are all here!”

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