My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173:

At this moment, the highest bidder was the chief of Abi, and the chief of Dilai came in second.

These two people are undoubtedly the two richest people in the entire Middle East!

Abi is the largest emirate among many countries in the UAE. Therefore, the chief of the Emirate of Abi is in a sense the highest head of the entire UAE, and even the chief of Dilai is subject to the constraints of the chief of Abi in some aspects. of.

However, although Dilai is not the largest emirate in the UAE, it is the most economically powerful emirate in the UAE, so the status of the chief of Dilai is naturally very high. In this way, the relationship between Dilai and Labuzabi It is very subtle, there has always been a secret rivalry between Chief Dilai and Chief Abi.

For example, in Lin Feng’s dinner bid this time, the two most influential figures in the UAE competed there again: the highest bidder in the first few minutes was the chief of Abi, and in the next few minutes, the chief Dilai surpassed the chief of Abi. After bidding, he ranked his name first, but after a few minutes, Chief Abi surpassed the bidding of Chief Dilai… The two are constantly refreshing the height of the bidding, and the level of local tyrants is amazing.

In addition to the chief of Dilai and the chief of Abi, there are of course many other members of the UAE royal family who participated in this bidding.

Many members of the royal family of Dilai participated in the bidding and ranked the highest. After all, among several emirates, Dilai is the most local tyrant.

In addition to Dilai, several other emirates in the UAE also have many members of the royal family participating in the bidding.

Among Dilai and other emirates in the UAE, the most tyrants are of course the members of the royal family of these emirates. Therefore, among the top 100 people, more than 70 are members of the royal family of the UAE. Lin Feng thought to himself that this charity dinner might eventually become the parliament of the United Arab Emirates!

In the next time, what everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly the competition between Chief Abi and Chief Dilai. Everyone can see that these two old rivals want to overwhelm each other in this bidding.

“Chief Dilai has bid $100 million!”

“Chief Abi has bid $150 million! He has surpassed Chief Dilai again!”

“Chief Dilai has increased the price again, and now he has bid 300 million US dollars!”

“Chief Abbey has bid another $400 million…”

As expected of the two richest super-tyrants in the Middle East, as soon as the two competed, they immediately caused screams one after another.

Everyone is adding tens of millions of dollars and tens of millions of dollars, but these two local tyrants seem to have red eyes, and they are all 100 million US dollars and 100 million US dollars!

Of course, the reason why these two chiefs made such crazy bidding, in addition to wanting to overwhelm each other in this world-renowned bidding event, to find a sense of superiority, there is a bigger reason, because they both I want to shorten the distance with Lin Feng in this way.

Two days ago, Chief Di Lai made Lin Feng the honorary chief of Di Lai, which caused a sensation all over the world. At that time, some people were happy and some were sad. And Chief Abi was undoubtedly the group of people who felt sad after hearing the news. The reason is very simple. Although Dilai and Abi belong to the same emirate, the two countries have always been secretly competitive, especially in business.

So, when Chief Abi saw that Chief Dilai had established a friendly relationship with Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, by making Lin Feng an honorary chief, how could he not be nervous?

Originally, Abi’s national financial resources were slightly inferior to that of Dilai, but Abi was the largest emirate, with the largest land area and vast territory. Relying on the advantages of resources, this barely maintained its status as the capital of the seven emirates. , and Abi’s head status among the seven emirates is constantly being challenged by Di Lai, and it is not certain when the capital status will be replaced by Di Lai, who is developing rapidly.

Now, Di Lai has a relationship with Lin Feng again, which means that Di Lai’s economic strength will be further strengthened in the future. In this way, the distance between Abi and Di Lai will be further widened. This kind of The situation was enough to make Abi break out in a cold sweat!

Therefore, in this bidding, the chief of Abi will be so crazy to bid with the chief of Dilai, because he hopes to win the favor of Lin Feng in this way, and establish a relationship with Lin Feng, the world business leader, only in this way, Abi Emirate was able to pull back a game in the economic competition with Dilai.

Of course, the chief of Dilai also knew what the abacus was planning, so he had to obstruct it, which caused the ups and downs of the bidding scene.

In the next ten hours, the bidding of these two super local tyrants has undoubtedly become the biggest attraction in this bidding event, and it is also the most popular news in the world.

In addition to the heated discussions among netizens, major media from all over the world have also carried out overwhelming reports on this incident.

“Lin Feng auctioned off the charity dinner, which caused two UAE chiefs to bid wildly. Chief Dilai’s bid has reached 3 billion US dollars!”

“Chief Dilai and Chief Abi want to compete for the first place in the bidding list. Who will be killed in the end?”

News headlines like this occupied the front page headlines of major news media around the world, and at this time, everyone was paying close attention to this matter, and at the same time, they were undoubtedly very curious, and they would eventually sit first in the bidding list. Who is it?

Lin Feng was also very curious about this. ..

Chapter 1687 Visiting the door

However, this situation is undoubtedly what Lin Feng likes to see. For Lin Feng, the hotter the two big local tyrants are, the better. of charity!

At this moment, in the villa, the beauties who were watching the online bidding live broadcast with Lin Feng were also pleasantly surprised by the constantly rising bidding prices.

“These two chiefs are really crazy. According to this trend, the combined bids of the two of them may exceed 10 billion, right?” Qin Xin said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and smiled: “I think it will definitely exceed 10 billion US dollars. This is really good news for all poor children in the world.”

It is worth mentioning that it is not only the two local tyrants who are bidding frantically at this moment. After their ranking, the bidding is also very fierce.

Almost every few minutes, the bidding ranking on the website is refreshed, and people who were still on the list a few minutes ago are often squeezed out by those who have paid a higher price a few minutes later.

At this moment, even the bidders ranked at the bottom have reached a price of 60 million US dollars.

Therefore, from the current situation, it can be determined that the funds that can be raised through this dinner bidding will definitely exceed 20 billion US dollars!

Lin Feng was undoubtedly very satisfied with this situation, and at the same time he couldn’t help but marvel at the local tyrants of the Emirati. Sure enough, here are the most local tyrants in the world!

In the following time, the bidding continued to intensify, and Lin Feng did not continue to pay attention to the bidding. He drove his Rolls-Royce RV and went shopping with all the beauties…

On this day, in addition to shopping with the beauties, Lin Feng also went to many famous scenic spots in Dilai and had a great time.

On the morning of the second day, the bidding that made many local tyrants crazy finally came to an end.

After a whole day of bidding, in the end, it was the chief of Abi who became the first bidder with a price of US$7 billion, while King Dilai came in second with a price of US$6.9 billion!

In fact, at the last minute before the bidding was completed, both of them were still bidding frantically, and the reason why Di Lai’s chief lost only 100 million US dollars to Chief Abi was not because he refused to bid higher. but because he had something to do at the time, he signed a document and forgot to increase the price for the time being. When he returned after signing the document, he found that the bidding had ended!

After seeing this result, Chief Di Lai was furious and almost beat the person who asked him to sign the document!

This bid, he finally lost!

However, even if Chief Di Lai lost the bidding and did not take the first place, it would not matter much, because his bid was similar to that of Chief Abi, and of course Lin Feng could feel the weight of his bid.

After the bidding, all the netizens were amazed when they saw the bidding prices of the local tyrants on the bidding list.

Especially the prices offered by Chief Dilai and Chief Abi made netizens scream.

“$7 billion! Damn, these two chiefs are really rich!”

“The combined bids of these two chiefs are already $16.9 billion!”

“My God, I finally saw how rich the UAE chief is!”

“Except for these two chiefs, other local tyrants have also bid very high! The lowest price has reached 80 million US dollars!”

At this moment, Lin Feng was sitting in the room with all the beauties. Looking at the comments on the Internet, Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s cell phone rang.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and looked at it, and saw that it was an unfamiliar phone number, but Lin Feng picked it up anyway.

“Mr. Lin Feng, hello, I’m the chief of Abi, bin Zayed.” The other party said.

“Ah?” Hearing that, Lin Feng couldn’t help but stunned for a moment, Abi’s chief? Lin Feng didn’t expect Abi’s chief to call him, and how did he know his phone number?

However, although Lin Feng was a little surprised, he didn’t show it. He just smiled and said, “It turned out to be Chief Ben Zayed.”

“Mr. Lin Feng, your bidding for this dinner has just ended. You should already know the specifics of the bidding, right?” Bin Zayed asked.

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