My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1187

Chapter 1187:

All of a sudden, in the huge hall, except for Lin Feng, everyone closed their eyes to the moving melody, including Sean.

The audience who are sitting in front of the computer and watching the live broadcast are not bad. After all, the effect of listening on the spot and listening in front of the computer is very different. The live shooting and recording team of this concert are all from the Royal Dubai Opera House. The team, in terms of technology, cannot be compared with the team of the Summit Group, so it is impossible to restore the music played by Lin Feng to the live video without loss.

But even so, the piano music, which has been greatly reduced in the computer, still moved the audience in front of the computer into a mess. Some audience members were already crying in front of the computer, while some audience members stared at Lin Feng’s voice like lightning. Ordinary fingers, there are also some people who are posting barrage.

“The sound of the piano is so touching! I cried when I heard it!”

“Look, the audience at the scene all closed their eyes, as if they were asleep! The sound of the male god’s piano is really magical!”

Indeed, the audience at the scene seemed to fall asleep. In fact, they had entered another world, a world constructed for them by Lin Feng’s music.

Not knowing how long it took, these people were suddenly awakened by a sound, which was the sound of birds flapping their wings.

So these people opened their eyes in unison. At this time, they actually saw that in the center of the stage, Lin Feng was surrounded by a group of white pigeons!

Those white pigeons were obviously attracted by the sound of Lin Feng’s piano, so they flew in directly from the hollowed-out dome of the opera house and surrounded Lin Feng. ..

Chapter 1709 Xianle

Seeing this scene, all the audience at the scene couldn’t help exclaiming, and all the audience who were sitting in front of the computer watching the live broadcast couldn’t help but scream.

“Look! It turned out to be a white dove!”

“Lin Feng’s piano sound actually attracted white pigeons!”

“Too awesome! It turns out that there really is such a magical piano sound in this world!”

Whether in the East or the West, there is a legend that some harp sounds can attract birds, bees, or evoke swimming fish in the water… And the legendary harp sounds can actually be called It is “fairy music”, and people who can play this kind of piano sound are often also legendary gods.

Of course, before everyone thought that this was just a legend, that it was just an illusion of the ancients, and it was impossible in reality. Since it is impossible for gods to appear, then “Xianle” naturally cannot appear.

But now, the scene in front of them completely subverted their previous views.

The legendary things really happened in front of their eyes!

At this moment, everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their hearts were surging, it was difficult to calm down.

Everyone muttered to themselves: “It’s incredible, it’s incredible! The legend turned out to be true!”

“It turns out that someone can actually play such a miraculous piano sound! Isn’t it only the gods who can play such a piano sound?”

“Lin Feng can actually play such a sound, is he a god?”

Among these people who muttered to themselves, also included Sean, who was still invincible just now.

He did not expect that in his lifetime, he would be able to see such a miraculous scene, and the scene in front of him was as unbelievable as a myth! This is completely a myth being staged in front of you!

While everyone was amazed, Lin Feng’s piano sound had attracted more and more birds.

At this moment, there are not only white pigeons flying in from the dome, but also other colorful birds. Those birds have very gorgeous feathers and clear and moving calls. They flap their wings and surround Lin Feng. Around him, a crisp sound echoed with Lin Feng’s piano sound, which sounded even more moving.

At this time, Lin Feng’s piano sound was mixed with the sounds of these birds. It didn’t look like it came from a man-made piano, but it seemed to come from nature.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was surrounded by many colorful birds, no longer looked like a mortal, but an angel!

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, many viewers were also amazed there.

“The sound of the piano has attracted so many birds! These birds are so beautiful!”

“Ah ah ah! The male **** is really handsome!”

“The male **** looks like an angel! It’s just a pair of wings!”

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Feng’s fingers finally slowed down, and the melody he played gradually fell. After the melody completely stopped, those colorful birds fluttered their wings reluctantly and flew away from the dome.

After watching the last bird disappear into the dome, Lin Feng let out a light breath, then turned around, looked at the audience at the scene, and said with a smile, “How is it, everyone was satisfied with my performance just now? ”

Still… satisfied?

After listening to Lin Feng’s words, everyone just stared at him dully, because at this time, everyone didn’t know what to say, and they seemed to lose the ability to speak in an instant.

Now let them say something better? Everything just now was so shocking that they didn’t know what language to use to express it!

Seeing that everyone didn’t speak, Lin Feng smiled lightly, turned to look at Sean not far away, and said, “Do you think I won this competition, or did you win?”

Sean looked at Lin Feng for a while, and then squeezed three words out of his throat: “You won.”

In the competition just now, there was no need for a referee at all, there was no suspense, and a fool could see who won.

Lin Feng just used one finger to play the “fairy music” that can attract birds to hover. Compared with the fairy music played by Lin Feng, what is Xiao En playing? Nothing!

Although what Sean played just now was a classic piano piece composed by himself, which is recognized by the music industry all over the world as a masterpiece that can go down in history, but compared with the “fairy music” played by Lin Feng, there is no comparison in the slightest. .

Because what Lin Feng played just now was not the music that the world should have!

The sentence “This song should only exist in the sky” should describe the kind of music that Lin Feng played just now!

“You admit defeat?” Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile, “Then you haven’t forgotten what you said just now, right?”

Sean nodded with a pale face, then heaved a long sigh, then turned and walked outside.

At this moment, Sean’s whole person seemed to be ten years old, and his figure was hunched, and he moved out tremblingly, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

At this moment, Sean was heartbroken. But his heart was ashes not because he lost to Lin Feng in the competition just now, but because the “fairy music” that Lin Feng played just now made him feel ashamed.

He has been on the road of music for decades and has become the top musician in the world. He originally felt that he had no regrets in his life, because in the field of music, he has become the top figure in the world. It’s something he’s proud of, it’s all his beliefs.

But just now, after hearing the immortal music played by Lin Feng, everything he was proud of was shattered, his faith was disillusioned, and his world collapsed!

He suddenly realized that what Lin Feng played just now was the real music, and what he played before was garbage!

After watching Sean with a hunched back disappear into the hall door, Lin Feng retracted his gaze, smiled and said, “Okay, just now this was just a small episode, from now on, my concert today will be officially announced. start.”

Then Lin Feng got to the front of the piano again and started to play his next piano piece. ..

Chapter 1710 A successful conclusion

But this time, Lin Feng did not play with one finger again, because Lin Feng felt that it was more comfortable to play the piano with ten fingers.

In an instant, bursts of beautiful melody floated from the black and white piano keys again, like wisps of clear springs, flowing in the air, and soon the wisps of clear springs gathered into the ocean, wrapping everyone in it.

So everyone at the scene was immersed in the ocean of Lin Feng’s music again. Along with Lin Feng’s music, they sometimes smiled, sometimes sad, and sometimes cried… The songs played by Lin Feng have a magical power that can easily evoke everyone. The joys and sorrows deep inside.

After Lin Feng played a few piano pieces, he got up and played the cello, and later he also played the pipe organ… He acquired all-round performance skills from the system, so he could perfectly control any musical instrument in the theater. During the rest of the concert, Lin Feng tried almost all the instruments. During this process, many beauties also joined in and played with him. However, the beauties still played with accompaniment or played with Lin Feng. , after all, musical instruments are not their strong suits. If they are allowed to play alone, most of them will not be able to hold the audience.

Although their performances are not perfect, because the tunes played by Lin Feng are so moving, they can completely cover up some of their deficiencies in their performances.

Because Lin Feng’s performance was so wonderful, everyone was so immersed in it that they couldn’t feel the passage of time. Before they knew it, three hours had passed.

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