My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

When Lin Feng looked up again, he found that Qin Yumo no longer knew where he was.

Hey, forget it, don’t look for her anymore.

Lin Feng took the shower gel and went to the cashier to check out. The waiter asked with a smile, “Do you have a membership card, sir? You can get a 20% discount!”

Lin Feng touched his pocket and found that he forgot to bring his membership card, “I’m sorry, I forgot to bring it!”

“Swipe me!” At this time, a Qian Qianyu handed over a supermarket membership card, Lin Feng looked up, isn’t this Qin Yumo?

“Why is this so embarrassing?” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“It’s okay!” Qin Yumo said with a slight smile.

“Thank you then!” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

Seeing Lin Feng’s smile, Qin Yumo lowered his head a little ashamed.

“Alarm!” At this time, Lin Feng remembered the voice of the Love Saint System in his mind: “This woman has a high opinion of the host, reaching the point of love at first sight!”

love at first sight?

Lin Feng was overjoyed, he didn’t expect Qin Yumo to fall in love with him at first sight!

“The host’s charm has greatly increased, and the host’s charm value will be rewarded with 100!” At this time, the system sounded again.

“I heard that this is good for teeth!” Qin Yumo smiled and put a bottle of Yida in front of Lin Feng. Then walked away.

Lin Feng picked up Yida and shouted at Qin Yumo with a smile, “Hey, this is your Yida!”

“No, this is your Yida!” Qin Yumo said with a smile, then left the supermarket.

Lin Feng looked at Yida in his hand and smiled.

When Lin Feng returned to the apartment, he found that everyone in the apartment was not there. He probably went to the bar. Lin Feng put down the shower gel in his hand, chewed two more Yida and went out.

When Lin Feng came to the bar, he saw everyone sitting on the sofa chatting.

“Zeng Xiaoxian, it’s hard for someone to fall in love with you, so let’s get married!” Lu Ziqiao said jokingly, looking at the dejected Zeng Xiaoxian.

“Mr. Zeng, what’s wrong?” Lin Feng walked over and asked.

“Lin Feng, do you know? Teacher Zeng’s ex-girlfriend Laura proposed to Teacher Zeng!” Tang Youyou said excitedly.

“Mr. Zeng, you should be content, Laura is pretty good!” Zhang Wei leaned on Zeng Xiaoxian’s shoulder and said, “Now the ratio of males and females is seriously imbalanced, it’s a blessing for Laura to see you!”

“Just kidding, no one wants my brother Xian?” Zeng Xiaoxian flipped his hair and said, “Why am I a show host and a public figure, okay?”

“Hey, Teacher Zeng, narcissism and brain damage are self-harm!” Lu Ziqiao said meaningfully beside him. “I just have my Linda!”

“Zeng Xiaoxian, I think Laura is not bad!” Hu Yifei also said.

“Mr. Zeng, when did Laura propose to you?” Lin Feng asked, “Why didn’t I know.”

“Hey, it’s not Brother Xian, I’m very attractive!” Zeng Xiaoxian said very smugly.

This is Zeng Xiaoxian’s memory.

After Lin Feng and Lisa Rong left again, Zeng Xiaoxian walked out of the radio station building alone. As soon as he walked out of the door, a black BMW was heard in front of Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian just wanted to curse, but when he saw that the driver was actually his ex-girlfriend Laura.

Laura got out of the car, walked in front of Zeng Xiaoxian, and said affectionately, “Xiaoxian, how have you been recently?”

“Eat well, sleep well, stay healthy!” Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily. He both loves and hates Laura, and his feelings are very complicated.

“Xiaoxian, I was wrong!” Laura took the initiative to take Zeng Xiaoxian’s hand: “Xiaoxian, let’s get back together, let’s get married!”

“Ah?” All this happened so suddenly that Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little bit out of reach: “You… What did you say? Are you going to marry me?”

“Yes!” Laura nodded and said, “I figured it out, you are the best for me, and I decided to get back with you!”

“I… I didn’t think about getting back together with you!” Zeng Xiaoxian looked like a bitter melon, and he didn’t want to look back.

“I don’t care, I’m going to marry you!” Laura said domineeringly.

“I don’t have any flowers!”

“Hey, here it is!” Laura took out a bunch of flowers from the car and handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian.

“I don’t have a diamond ring!”

“This is a diamond ring!” Laura handed a ring box to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian stared at the flowers and the ring in a stunned manner, and suddenly felt like crying without tears, why does Laura hate marriage so much?

“I don’t care, the ring and flowers are all handed over to you. After three days, you won’t propose to me, but I’ll propose like you!” Laura handed the flowers and diamond ring in her hands to Zeng Xiaoxian, and then left.

“Tell me, should I propose or not?” Zeng Xiaoxian had a bitter face.

“Mr. Zeng, there must be something strange about this!” Guan Gu dragged his chin miraculously, looking like he was thinking: “Laura suddenly finds you, and suddenly wants to marry you, there must be something strange, and only Conan can solve it. already.”

“Yes, Mr. Zeng, do you know why Laura suddenly wants to marry you?” asked Lu Ziqiao, the prodigal son of love.

Zeng Xiaoxian was silent for a moment, then shook his head again. “How do I know!”

“Then do you want to marry her?” Lin Feng asked again.

In an instant, Zeng Xiaoxian was silent, yes, his own decision is the most important, whether to get married or not, that is his own decision!

“Teacher Zeng, summon the courage of your man!” Zhang Wei said encouragingly.

“Mr. Zeng, make your decision, we all support you!” Lin Wanyu also said.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded and said thoughtfully, “I understand!”

After solving Zeng Xiaoxian’s problem, everyone chatted happily again, but Lin Feng noticed that Hu Yifei had been staring at him, so he asked with a smile, “Yifei, why are you looking at me like this?”

“Lin Feng, I just have a question in my heart!” Hu Yifei looked up at Lin Feng and said.

doubt? What doubt?


Chapter 14 Confession

“What question?” Lin Feng asked curiously.

“Lin Feng, what is in your brain, why are you so talented?” Hu Yifei asked, blinking his bright eyes.

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