My Succubus System (18+)


Chapter 183 : The Hall Of Dicks (2)

“Not today.” Zura said with a smile,she glanced sideways at Agni who was now sighing with relief.

“Hmmph.” The woman’s thick accent made her reply sound extremely harsh, so much so that Agni felt incredibly intimidated. Agni also felt this was intentional, for as she walked by, following Zura closely, the woman used a leather whip to tap the succubus on the ass.

“I-I’m not sure how I feel about this..” Agni nearly whimpered as she latched onto Zura.

“Good. The only way you can grow is to be put into unexpected situations, am I right?” Zura’s consoling grip was in direct contrast with the pleasure in her voice as she patted Agni’s hand.

*Oh god. I’m going to get fucked.* Agni thought to herself. Her stomach fluttered wildly, as if butterflies were furiously dancing within.

“Do you want to?” Zura asked, pausing a moment to stare Agni directly in the eyes.

“Do I want to ‘what’ ??” Agni asked defensively. She cut her eyes, studying Zura’s face as suspicion began to rise. This wasn’t the first time Agni felt Zura had practically read her mind.

“Take a seat, I mean.” Zura asked, motioning to a nearby chair. Agni suspicion began to slowly wane, but the pleasant smile on Zura’s face as she sat caused her some concern still.

*Can she read minds? She’s definitely messing with me if so.*

“Uhn!” A loud moan drew Agni’s attention across the room. Not more than three meters away there was a young woman being furiously pounded doggystyle by a pair of velvet hands that seemed to reach out from the nearby wall.

The expression of ecstasy on the woman’s face made Agni feel somewhat envious, even though the sight of a faceless black being stretching out to have his way was almost light nightmare fuel.

“What is this place?” Agni asked as Zura sat down opposite her. The two were now sitting at a small circular table at the center of the room. All four walls of the rectangular room were covered in a substance that could very well have been the walls themselves. The material looked to be a mix of velvet and latex, and judging by the way it stretched and conformed to the man’s body it may have been something created specifically for this place.

There were six “stalls” along the widest walls of the room and two on the shortest. Each area looked to be set up for a different type of debauchery. The area where the young woman was now quivering due to a series of well timed, almost rhythmic backshots, had a pair of steps made of the same wall material. She could comfortably position herself in all the best angles using them, and enjoy the benefit of clenching the freely giving material beneath her.

Her face was flush, her eyes pressed firmly shut as she focused on draining the moment of every ounce of pleasure that it had to offer. In a way Agni could only admire the intensity of the scene unfolding nearby.

“This is...a training area of sorts. For people who wish to work at the Silken Petal.” Zura said as she nodded towards the tall, dark haired woman. She placed a cup of tea before Zura and Agni as well before walking behind the succubus and placing her hands on Agni’s shoulders. Agni felt a cold sense of dull fear coursing through her veins, suddenly she felt like prey -- something to be eaten, beneath the woman’s touch.

Her body tensed up instinctively, that is until the woman began to play with Agni’s hair. Her touch was so welcoming, so soft yet firm that Agni almost began to melt as the woman proceeded to massage her shoulders. Her skilled hands moved upwards along the back of Agni’s neck until the firm pressure of fingers against the succubus’ scalp caused her to almost drool.

“And the woman behind you could be considered a sensei...of sorts..” Zura continued as she sipped on her tea.

“Mhm.” Agni practically murmured, feeling all of the tension leave her body. She felt like a putty to be molded in this woman’s care. Agni was just falling into the endless abyss of mind numbing comfort when the sound of words, gently whispered, pulled her back to her senses.

“All peeping birds will be punished.”

At first the words didn’t make sense, but as realization dawned Agni was hit with a series of flashbacks. Black leather, a whip and a groveling man. These were a few of the images that flashed through her mind as she recalled having seen this woman before.

As if her words had the desired effect, the woman’s gentle caress disappeared. She then moved around the table with a self satisfied smirk nearly painted across her well defined features. She settled on a place behind Zura, blessing the Courtesan with the massage techniques that Agni just had a taste of.

“It seems like you’ve already met Galina.” Zura said, motioning towards the tall, slender woman behind her. Looking at her in the light, Agni was once again reminded of how fair Galina’s skin was. Her facial features were sharp, making her nose and cheekbones well defined. Despite this there was beauty in those features, her eyes were also dark -- brown, or black-eyed as some might say. Agni recalled the tight fitting leather suit that she first saw Galina don. It was then, with a sudden epiphany that Agni realized Galina was also in the room the day of her “intervention”. She recalled a pretty woman with a harsh gaze set upon her, shades of the same gaze Galina offered now.

Appraising. Unyielding. Wild. These were just a few words which sprang into Agni’s mind as her eyes locked with Galina’s.

Predator and prey. Agni got the distinct notion that this woman valued that phrase above anything.

*This is the type I do poorly with. I hate being pushed or prodded. Ugh.* Agni thought inwardly as she slouched a bit in her chair.

*What’s worse, her personality seems totally overbearing..*

“I’ve seen her around..” Agni replied, nearly sighing as she did so.

In the nearby environs the sexual act reached a fever pitch, prompting Galina to leave her position behind Zura. A moment later she gripped the man’s still hard erection firmly and used her free hand to slap the head of his dick. The strike was so hard, so forceful that the sound of a slap reverberated across the room, echoing wildly. The man released a loud yelp and Agni could tell his knees buckled.

Then, in the next moment Galina squated most gracefully and took his manhood in her mouth. The way that her tongue eagerly devoured the man’s head made Agni pause, her breath caught in her throat. Agni found herself clenching the seat of the wooden chair as she watched Galina suck the pain from her victim in a matter of seconds. The man’s body shuddered, causing his knees to buckle once more. This time it was because of the intense pleasure.

After a few seconds of this Galina released her firm grip on the man’s shaft and turned around to face the young woman. She was sprawled out across the step-like piece of furniture before her, perspiration covering her body.

“Is that it? Can you take no more?” Galina’s voice grew louder, she followed this provocation with a loud slap against the young girl’s ass. She moaned gently, her body shuddering as Galina’s fingers slipped skillfully inside of the young woman’s body.

“Still wet, which means you can still fuck, yes?” She said, matter of factly as she continued to probe the young woman. The woman clenched the soft, foam-like steps and bit her lips. Whatever stimulation Galina used was clearly working, for a few moments later the young woman’s hips began to gyrate. She was ready for another round.

“Again. And fuck her like you mean it.” Galina said as she got to her feet and slapped the head of the man’s dick once more. She then walked towards the table again, licking the juices from her fingertips as she moved.

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