My Succubus System (18+)


Chapter 202 : Auction (2)
Agni’s body moved boldly, but her mind raced as she struggled to come up with the perfect thing to say. She wanted to project confidence, enough for Katrin and herself -- yet she found herself woefully unprepared on a mental level.

Zura, Galina, Vivian Lex, Bracha -- instinctually she realized that these ladies had a lifetime of experience that she did not possess. At least in terms of being a confident woman. She knew that she would need a lot more practice in order to carry herself the way they did. So she decided on the next best thing, imitation.

She took a deep breath, pulling her timid friend along as she moved to the center of the stage. Zura offered the Succubus a reassuring smile and stepped back, allowing the two to take front and center.

*I can’t believe I’m about to do this.* Agni thought inwardly, yet she’d made up her mind -- all that was left was to follow through! She stared out across the thousands of adventurers gathered in the central square of Grenvale. She suddenly developed tunnel vision as she took in the gravity of the sight. Agni wondered if this was what it felt like to perform at a concert. She was almost sure, save for the calm which had settled over the people gathered. It was as if they wanted something, their expectations imposed through their collective gaze.

As if she’d fully committed, Agni mentally hit the switch that would allow her to go through with her plans.

“Hey everyone! Hi hi! I’m Agni Heartfyre!” She said with a high energy greeting. She waved her hand as she spoke, offering a bright smile, one that completely caught Zura off guard. The Courtesan would never have expected...this. Whatever this was.

“As you can see, I’m a Succubus.” Agni said, her voice growing smaller as she turned her backside towards the audience, causing her tail to flick to and fro several times as she looked over her shoulder.

“Oh, but I don’t have my wings yet.” She said, suddenly switching tones.

*I-is this how you do it? Create an emotional appeal?* Agni wondered as she mimicked faux disappointment.

“And this is my best friend Katrin Voss! She’s a super-awesome Scribe.” Agni said, maintaining her same perky persona as she pulled Katrin closer, wrapping her arm across the woman’s shoulders.

“She’s super shy, but she has a big heart once you get to know her.” Agni then said, she shifted her persona once more, growing suddenly serious.

“Now listen, don’t get any strange ideas.We’re a package deal, a couple. C-O-U-P-L-E.” She spelled out to further emphasize her point as she admonished an invisible person, complete with finger wagging and brow furrow.
“We do everything together package deal, so don’t think about trying to separate us, okay?”

“Besides,” Agni said, changing gears once more, “We’re both off the market.” She cringed internally at the new levels of “perkiness” she was now reaching. Luckily it was almost over. She only had one more thing to do, and she was determined to see it through to the end. But there was just one problem--

*Ugh, I don’t know any other poses. I guess this one will have to do.* She thought inwardly, maintaining her outward demeanor all the while. She lifted her hands in a particular position as she moved to strike her final pose. She offered up these closing words in an effort to exit the stage with Katrin as soon as possible.

“We currently have no plans to switch chapels, but we want to thank each and every one of you for all of your support. If you see us around, don’t be shy. Say hello--okay?”

*I can’t believe I just used the Sailor Moon “I’ll Punish You” pose. In public. Purposefully, in front of this many people!* Agni thought inwardly.

The audience was now completely silent, it seemed that even Zura had no idea what to do or say. The silence was so eerie that Agni could feel her eyebrows beginning to twitch. The seconds ticked by yet they seemed to stretch as a cold chill worked its way up her spine.

*E-escape!* She thought to herself. Agni swiftly grabbed Katrin by the wrist and moved to exit the stage. Unfortunately she would not get very far. A deafening sound erupted from behind her, it was the thunderous applause of onlookers.

“She’s wholesome as fuck! How is that even possible?”

“Stupid! She’s a demon, she’s just saying that. She’s going to suck your soul out the minute you go to sleep!”

“That’s not the only thing she can suck!”

“Her friend is so cute, I want a Scribe!”

“She’s mine, die!”

“What the hell was that stupid pose at the end? Ha ha ha.”

Agni could feel the blood rising, her face growing more flush by the moment as a sense of overwhelming bashfulness overcame her. The sensation, coupled with the rousing response was enough to root her feet firmly in place.

“1,000!” Someone shouted.

“Are you serious? It’s a package deal, you heard her. It’s worth at least 3,500!”

“If you’re broke just say you’re broke! 5,500!”

“6,500! I have maid outfits that would look great on BOTH of you!”

And just like that, the situation began to spiral out of hand.

“6,500, we’ll take that as the starting bid.” Zura said as she pointed to a rotund man in the audience.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a minute!” Agni protested , waving her hands wildly as she stepped towards Zura. She was only stopped by Katrin, whom Agni had forgotten momentarily. From the expression on Katrin’s face it was clear, her embarrassment was only second to her bewilderment.

“I’m not for sale!” Agni said, stepping towards Zura to help carry the vicious whisper she unleashed. The Courtesan just gave her a smile as she continued to address the audience’s fervor.



Various people in the audience continued to cry out, each time a bidding paddle was raised to signal their bid.

“Just 9,500! That’s pathetic!” Shula’s voice rang out as she chose to finally make her presence known.

“Whoa, what the fuck is that? Some kind of gothic loli demon?” Someone shouted. The wild bidding halted almost instantly as Shula floated downwards, taking a place next to Agni and Katrin.

“Clearly you all don’t understand the value presented before you.” Shula said, her arms folded as she floated forward to address the bidders.
“You have here a prime specimen, a rarity.” Shula said. She then turned, flashing a devilish smile towards Agni before she continued.

“A virgin Succubus.” The moment the words left her mouth, Shula had already bridged the distance between Agni, Katrin and herself.

“See? The shape and curvature of her body? Her soft and beautiful skin. The shine of her vermillion hair. Her perky, round, cha-chas?” Shula said as she floated around Agni in a circle, highlighting each of her “selling points” as she did so.

“And when you touch her in the right places, well let’s just say things can get intense. See?” Shula said as she reached out to slide her fingers between Agni’s thighs.

“E-excuse you!?” Agni nervously warbled as she swatted Shula’s hand away.

*I’m so embarrassed!* She thought inwardly, so much so that she forgot to threaten Shula’s life, as customary in situations like this.

“She’s worth at least 20,000. And…” Shula said, this time floating nearer to Katrin.

“These mountains of love will keep you warm throughout all your days.” She said as she reached around from behind to jiggle Katrin’s breasts. Katrin’s face contorted with embarrassment, if she was overwhelmed before, she was far gone now!

“S-Shula! Stop!” Agni protested as she lunged forward to grab her familiar by the tail. Shula deftly avoided her grasp by spinning and floating upwards as she turned invisible. A few seconds later she appeared near the front of the stage.

“Clearly you good people are misjudging the value of paradise. The sanctity of Purity. And make no mistake, there’s paradise between those mounds.” Shula said, pointing dramatically towards Katrin’s chest.

“T-ten thousand!” A man shrieked eagerly as he waved his paddle.

“Fuck off! Twenty thousand easy!” Another person shouted, this time a woman.

*Oh my god! I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. In..both lives!* Agni thought as she covered her face, which was now beet red. Katrin by contrast seemed rooted in place as she fidgeted nervously, attempting to do the same. In the end she could only moan as she buried her face in Agni’s bosom.

“They’re so pure-hearted! I can’t let you perverts have them, 30,000!” An emotional man shouted out, prompting yet another bidding war between the crowd.

“We’re not for sale, we’re not for sale!” Agni repeated as she turned , attempting in vain to hide her face. That was when she felt the familiar sting, the bittersweet sensation of a well placed smack against her left ass cheek.

“See? It must be jelly. Jam don't shake like that!” Shula shouted, just moments before Agni grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off stage. Katrin hurried along after them, much to the chagrin of the bidders.

“Come back, my angels!”

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