My Succubus System (18+)

Seven, Five And Four (3)

Chapter 135 : Seven, Five And Four (3)
*Note that in this chapter I recton an earlier mistake. Plate is like a second HP for armor, while Abs refers to ‘absolute’ defense. Abs removes a finite amount of damage, while Plate acts as a second ‘health’ bar. Once Plate is depleted, the armor will be destroyed as it has exhausted it’s ‘life’.*

Danger poured forth from the sky, and it took the form of a rolling beam of condensed miasma. Oliver was the first to act, conjuring a powerful barrier and deftly manipulating it so that it would act as a shield.

The beam of miasma acted more like a laser than anything. It smashed against the hastily made barrier so fiercely that Oliver strained to maintain his magic. The blocked or dispersed miasma rolled across the surface of the barrier and streamed down along the sides, falling to the ground in the process.

The first blow sustained by the Archmage elf was enough to deplete the Plate protection on his gear by a little more than half. Now the remaining amount was slowly being eaten away by the lingering miasma which flowed downward and gathered around his ankles. The situation was no doubt the same for anyone caught up in the splash effects of the attack.

He could only do this much, avoid a certain death by being melted by corrosion in the form of grey and black clouds. This was only manageable due to the fact that he activated a time release potion to constantly restore his mana. His MP was being utterly ravaged by the weight of the attack and the sheer volume of condensed miasma being fired his way. When his shield gave away, those beneath it would be washed in a wave of highly concentrated miasma and most likely die.

45% protection from his gear’s Plate remained.

The ‘beam’ was actually condensed miasma charged with magic and ill intent. Oliver recognized this from the beginning after having been swatted like some sort of fly. However, just because his Evil Eye could discern the nature of the attack, that didn’t mean he had the means to effectively neutralize it. Their best chance was Vivian, whose Fox Fire had a unique quality, one that Oliver could never hope to copy with his abilities as an Archmage.


Fox Fire, the blue, ethereal flame which held the unique property of consuming any other magic it came into contact with. Using this Vivian was able to easily slash through the miasma armor, allowing her blade to cleave into her foe relentlessly and efficiently. The situation would have been ideal if Vivian Lex had finished the enemy when she had the chance. Oliver knew she was capable of far more than she currently displayed. He also understood why she refused to use her true abilities.


*Damn demon kin.* Oliver thought privately, even has he strained against the incoming attack which threatened to melt them all. For demons, above all else they valued their vices. Without exception every demon he’d ever met felt this way. In the case of Vivian Lex, she thrived on secrets -- the keeping and knowledge of them. The more well kept a secret, the more irresistible it would be to the Doyenne. This included any secrets about herself.


Oliver was fully aware of Vivian’s ability to transform her appearance and her weapons. He also knew about Fox Fire because it had been used against him before. He knew that she could, without a doubt unleash much more of the unique element if she felt inclined. The main issue was that Fox Fire, by nature, was difficult to handle.


A small spark could grow into a fireball if it was fed enough mana from the user, in combination with any mana the flames consumed. Thus, Oliver also understood Vivian’s need to be careful with the flames, for they were much more difficult to extinguish than normal magic.

As for his other team members, Ryo was exceedingly arrogant in Oliver’s mind. Perhaps even more so than the elf himself. To wander into a shard, a blood shard no less without any type of weapon or defense was beyond reckless. Yet--the Doyenne never voiced a worry or concern. In fact, as far as Oliver knew she’d actively recruited this mysterious person specifically for this mission.


*Stupid.* He thought privately, once more. He would never rely on an unknown in a situation like this. If Oliver had to choose between two devils, it was best to choose the one he knew. The blond haired elf cast a glance towards Vivian, who was now covering her nose and mouth to prevent inhalation of miasma. The acidity levels were quickly eating away at the protections provided by their enchanted gear. Soon they would only have Mana Skin to protect against miasma burn and even that would not be enough.


*It’s now or never.* He transmitted to the Doyenne.

*Stop holding back and just do it. We can worry about the damage later!* Oliver practically demanded this of his chapel leader. His mana was reaching critical levels, as was his willpower to keep up the barrier.

*Quit whining. I’ll handle this.*

It was the voice of the third man,Ryo. Until now Oliver had lost sight of him in the commotion, in fact he hadn’t even given much thought to the enigma that was Ryo aside from how useless he appeared to be. Sure, gravity magic was impressive, but even Oliver could use it freely to some extent. What else did this rude man even have to offer?

Oliver racked his brain for the most efficient solution. Relying on luck in a life or death battle simply wasn’t his style. He didn’t want to give in to ‘hopefully the attack will cease’, or ‘maybe the creature’s strength will wane’. Even ‘this mysterious guy will handle it’ was no good for him. He needed something decisive, a fatal option that would end the battle for good.

In the split second Oliver devoted to this thought, Ryo disappeared. Oliver scanned the nearby environments for any signs of him and nearly shouted in anger as he found the young man.

*Are you crazy!? Get back beneath the shield! The Doyenne will handle it!* Oliver forgot himself and broadcast his intent to the entire alliance group.

*Silence. We aren’t the same.* This was the reply which seemed to echo through the alliance link. Then something which defied logic happened.


Oliver watched as the highly concentrated miasma washed over the body of Ryo, burning away his clothing down to his underpants. The focus of the beam quickly shifted in his direction, consuming him entirely with their foe’s rage.

*Shit!* Oliver thought as he released the barrier and made a mad leap as far from the point of impact as possible. He was certain that Vivian was right behind him, but there was no such luck.

*What the…* Oliver chanced a glance backwards and noticed that Vivian was standing stone still in the same place, her gaze focused upwards. The ethereal blue glow of Fox Fire covered her body from head to toe, and it was growing in intensity by the moment. By coating herself in the demon wisp’s flame she was safe.

What’s more the cocky man, Ryo had also taken on a much different appearance as well. His upper body, once filled with the beginning of acid burns had healed over. In the place of his wounds were assorted earthen plates and scales. His body was cloaked in a dual tone aura of black and grey energy which seemed like the only force capable of defying what was to come. Ryo’s once cocky features were now twisted in anger, rage even as he thrust his fist upwards and bared his teeth. It immediately reminded Oliver of something immeasurable in dread and power -- a dragon.

“It can’t be… She bought that guy here?” Oliver mouthed as he turned and stopped in his tracks.

Oliver felt his blood run cold as a sphere of grey rapidly expanded outwards. He recognized the chill feeling of gravity magic, a force so closely intertwined with universal law that simply using it was considered by most as beyond dangerous.

For the briefest of seconds time stopped and everyone within the sphere felt an unseen force weighing down on them. This lasted for what seemed like the longest second, then both the force of weight and the grey world were gone. What came next was a thunderous noise as something fell to the ground with tremendous speed and immeasurable density. The ground quaked and the earth rumbled as shockwaves reverberated through the air with such force that everyone with a radius of thirty meters was pushed back. All save for two people, Vivian Lex and the man known as Ryo. This was caused by the person whom Oliver realized was known by another moniker -- Behemoth.

The ground cracked in a spiraling pattern, then caved inwards. It was like an invisible hammer was falling upon one single spot. Repeatedly, shocking the earth and sky with each resounding blow.

Everyone watched in awe, partly because they struggled to understand what they were seeing as Ryo snapped his fingers in repetition. Each motion caused another invisible hammer to fall, six total before finally all was still.

*You went overboard.* Vivian was the first to speak. She allowed her Fox Fire aura to dissipate as she stepped forth towards the large, circular hole in the ground. The geometry of the pit was unparalleled in its superiority -- a perfect circle some four meters deep. At the bottom lay a bloody, quivering mass and something shining with a dark energy.

*Bracha. This is the core right? I’ve never seen one this..ominous looking.* Bracha quickly moved to Vivian’s location in order to affirm the Kitsune’s findings.

*Indeed. But.. something’s strange. This is inside of the Grimlock. Cores usually exist at a fixed point inside of a shard.* Bracha also seemed genuinely puzzled at this turn of events.

*It looks like...this creature consumed the core.*

*Is that even possible?* Vivian asked.

*...Yes. I guess so. There’s no other explanation.* Bracha offered up.

“Uhm, hello? Is anybody else paying attention?” It was Shula’s voice, and there was a decidedly nervous tone mingled within it.

*Use telepathy.* Vivian corrected almost instantly.

*Shut up and look!* Shula retorted as she pointed towards the ground, just a couple of meters away from her position.

There, a quivering mass of black began to move. It resembled a pile of goop at first, but rapidly began to grow as it absorbed miasma. Within seconds the mass formed into something else entirely. What’s more there were several dozen other masses littering the ground, surrounding them from all directions.

Chapters will be posted every 3-4 days from here on out in terms of schedule. I'm still dealing with alot in my work life and struggling to find a balance. Thanks for your patience.

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