My Succubus System

Chapter 212: 212

Chapter 212: 212

Chapter 212 : Enigma (2)

"Well. Like I said, he attacked me. And I felt my body seize up, I couldn't move. And then.."

"Wh-what? No. I.. I thought it was broken. I.. I thought I was fr--"

"Michelle? Michelle, what's wrong?"

"Get away from her, quickly!"

"What the hell is going on?" They whispered to themself. They peered downward from a perched place, nestled along the wall in a nearby alleyway. They preferred to remain hidden, but with the commotion they had to chance a peek. What they saw was enough to stifle breathing and make one's blood run cold.


They watched as a young woman was engulfed in a large sphere of black flames. They could feel their heart beating in their ears, the all too familiar sound of rushing blood as it pumped through a heightened body. It normally only happened when they used their abilities, but in this moment it was out of fear.

They could feel their hands growing clammy, sweaty even as xe listened with bated breath. The only thing xe could think as events transpired were, "Shit! Suina, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Soon the alleyway was clear and when xe was confident that xe was alone, xe stepped out of their hiding spot. Despite revealing xemself all of their distinguishing features were concealed. An ankle length black-leather cloak, complete with a hood to conceal their facial features. A slender body with fair, porcelain like skin stepped into the dim twilight. Leather gloves, leather bracers both of which complimented their leather vest, pants and boots. Stained leather, darker than the usual which helped with discretion.

They clicked their tongue as xe recalled just how often they'd been forced to skulk around lately. It was all beginning to pay off, and yet--

"Dammit!" They whispered viciously. They knelt down in the exact spot where Michelle met her end, hoping to find some remnant or clue. Nothing remained. They clenched their first, out of frustration mostly.

*This just complicated things.* They thought to themselves as xe walked along the alleyway, mulling over their thoughts.

*I'll need to move fast.* He pulled their hood over their crown, making sure to conceal their features as he stepped into the crowded square. The Skill Shop was now taking place and he would not be denied their goal.


Agni continued along her way, her thoughts jumbled , all things considered. She'd just watched a person die and several others be maimed. How could she not? With every passing day in this strange new world Agni found her reality shifting. For an earth sign, she found this somewhat troubling.

She was just thinking on how to best conceal the situation from her familiar when Agni felt her chest tighten. This happened just as someone walked by, causing her senses to kick into overdrive. It wasn't a sense of caution, but rather anger --unbridled and relentless. She clenched her fist, turning to face the passerby. She couldn't see his face, but his features, his gait were all incredible.


"Who are you?" She said without thinking. This prompted the hooded figure to stop in his tracks. He turned, ever so slightly revealing his face. In turn Agni's eyes widened and she felt her heart skip a beat.

"Hey." She said, her voice growing deeper. The word echoed outwards as more of a growl than speech. The figure ignored this however and took off. Carried by the winds of her own emotions Agni gave chase. In the back of her mind she knew that it was foolish, but the vivid image of Michelle's death lingered like a specter. She needed answers, and this person could provide them. What's more she didn't care if *he* melted and burst into flames.


"She's been gone too long. I wonder what Zura is doing." Shula said, impatiently at that.

"Do you miss her already? Separation anxiety?" Katrin asked as she smirked. The alcohol had done a world of good to loosen her tongue. Shula rolled her eyes, offering a strongly worded reply.


Katrin had to admit, she was enjoying this festival a bit more than she anticipated. The atmosphere was so festive and she found herself completely swept away in it. Perhaps in a past life she wouldn't have allowed as many luxuries. After all, living in the corporate world -- even as someone's gopher -- allowed for very little personal time.

*Perhaps dying was one of the best things that ever happened to me.* The thought surprised even herself, yet that was her honest feeling. She peered down into the cup of spirits, one that she'd been sipping on happily for the better part of the evening.

For a moment she considered scaling back, but then another thought bubbled forth replacing this notion.

*This is a new me. I won't be bound by the ideals of my old life!* Katrin's face took on a determination which made her look strange, given the fact that her cheeks were rose colored. Consequences of drinking,, she supposed.

*I-I wonder if this is how frat-boys feel at a party?* She then thought as she glanced down into her cup once more with renewed vigor. She brought the wooden cup to her lips, only to feel it fall from her grip. For a moment the brunette Scribe doubted her eyes, but even as her cup hit the ground she realized it was real.

A seed of light, it was the closest thing Katrin could describe the phenomena as. A small orb which floated close to her face, its movements reminded her of a bug. Yet it was unmistakable, this orb was a magical construct. She swatted at the orb of light and watched as it deftly evaded her attempts to get rid of it.

"S-shoo!" She said, swatting once more.

"What the hell is that?" Shula asked, seemingly amused at the floating ball which appeared no larger than a bug.

"I-I have no idea." Katrin stammered, then just when she was beginning to get agitated the orb created some distance between them. It grew larger, but only by a bit and began to expand.

"Wait--I know what this is. This is.. Magic script." Katrin murmured as the 'orb' began to spread and form words. As a Scribe Katrin's abilities were to inscribe words of power, using runes, into objects or materials. These runes had specific meanings when imparted to different objects, calling forth hidden or latent abilities. She could even enchant ordinary scrolls to produce magic spells, something she'd grown quite adept at early on.

She recognized the floating shape as something familiar to the early stage of Magic Script, namely using mana to form shapes. In this instance, an arrow. The arrow pulsed with intention, as if to say "this way". It then turned into a butterfly made of magical energy and began to flutter away.

"Katrin? Where do you think you're going?" Shula demanded, but Katrin ignored her. She was more captivated by the fluttering magical construct. Perhaps it was the boose, or simply her mood at the moment but her curiosity was piqued.

"First Agni now you?" Shula shouted as Katrin weaved through the crowd. In the next moment she was gone from view.

"Ugh. Fine. Whatever." Shula said as she crossed her arms, making up her mind to have fun without her two normally constant companions. Katrin, on the other hand, was elated. The butterfly reminded her of a whimsy she'd long since lost. She felt like a young girl again, carefree and light hearted. She followed the butterfly, even as it moved through the crowd and rose above her. Eventually she found that the sound of the festivities died down and things were more quiet. Katrin realized she was now a considerable distance from the square. And though there were still people near, she suddenly felt...apprehensive.

The shifting emotions in her heart sobered her up somewhat and for the first time she considered whether this construct might be a trap of some sort. She focused on the magic, attempting to discern its intention. This was something that Oliver Pagnal had once briefly touched on with her and the others. Magic could be infused with intention which altered its purpose. Although this largely held true with "free magic", it could also be used in lesser degrees with spells.

Katrin felt nothing dangerous from the hovering butterfly, which seemed to wait as she made up her mind. No malice, no sense of danger -- nothing at all in fact. For a brief moment Katrin glanced over her shoulder and considered going back for help. But in the end, she decided against it.

*Help for what? It's just a butterfly.* Aside from this, there was another reason Katrin decided to ignore her normally cautious nature.

*You always do this. Rely on others, even for the most simple of things.* This was a habit that hindered progression in her past life. She vowed never to let past tendencies ruin the second. With a vigorous head shake and a gentle slap against her cheeks Katrin decided to follow the butterfly, albeit cautiously, wherever it might lead. Soon the sound of music was distant as she walked towards a nearby section of Grenvale. One that she was somewhat familiar with.

Sprim Row could be considered the slums of the city. It was where all sorts of less reputable people ventured and dodgy things of all sorts occurred. As she walked she couldn't help but remember the time she and Agni were both accosted by a group of snatchers. Katrin struggled to push the thought from her mind and chose to keep focused on the butterfly which seemed to have found its master.

Katrin turned a nearby corner only to find the magical butterfly fluttering near a young woman's head. The moment she noticed Katrin their eyes locked. The young woman was obviously a Beastia -- a category of adventurer who had beast-like features. This particular woman had short blue hair which reminded Katrin of the clear sky. Atop her head were two ears which revealed the young woman to be a lycanthrope.

For a moment they stood, staring at one another. Katrin wasn't sure what to make of the situation -- but the young lady seemed friendly enough. And then she took note of the lycanthrope's clothing. A thick cloak with an attached hood. Obviously old and used with shredded edges. Katrin's jaw tightened as she called forth one of her weapons, a Grimoire. This living item was one that could grow along with its owner, such were the category of items called 'Living Weapons'.

Despite Katrin's motion to defend herself, the blue-haired Lycanthrope did not move. Instead she spoke calmly and clearly.

"I just want to talk. You don't know me, so you have no reason to trust me. But please.. Hear me out. You and your friends are being targeted."

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