My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.11: Thee Armory

Welcome to the next chapter of our shopping saga as we battle wild mall ninjas in the street! if only they had a mall to terrorize, Poor sad ninjas. so who wants to bet on who wins, I think red has a chance at besting them all. please read this chapter while you wait in line.


 “Here.” My mother handed me a twenty, giggling. “What do you know about fuzzy clothes?” she asked.

“hmm, they feel pretty good like a soft dog or cat, kinda nice to get a hug in one. Why ya wanna know?” I asked raising an eye brow.

“why’d I tell you.” She gave her mock serious face, looking away.

“how about now?” I asked giving her a twenty, narrowing my eyes.

“Well, I was thinking of pajamas. What do you think of pastel purple?” she asked handing me the twenty under her arm.

“trying to color coordinate?” I asked.

“you know it.” She smirked. “so how ya feel about it?” she asked.

“It wouldn’t hurt to see how it looks. Maybe I’ll take a nap in it.” I joked.

“you do and I’ll leave to eat dinner without you. A mother’s got to take care of herself ya know.” She retorted

“if I can go without dinner then I guess you can go without a few hugs.” I said looking at my claws like I had better things to do.

“but I love your hugs!” she said looking defiantly at me. Looking at her in the eyes sternly. we began to smile before giggling at each other



We continued like that until we found this flower armory? What stood in front of us was a thick cream white building with sturdy red crystal pillars and red windows. It looked more like a fort than a clothing store, it even had two hulking minotaur statues guarding the doors.

Looking at my mom, she smiled proudly while snorting. “Her dad can be a little protective.” She said to herself before turning to me. “don’t let the orichalcum spook you, the owner is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She doesn’t care for formalities, so just be friendly.” She said reassuringly. Which only made my eyes balloon at the mention of the rare fantasy metal. Whoever the owner’s father is, he must be mega rich.

Walking past the glaring statues, I could’ve sworn one was watching me. Inside was completely different as a soft twinkling  sound greeted us, the back wall was pastel blue while the other walls a green. There were signs that looked like stickers of animals holding words, there was a fiery red beaver, a unicorn and even a little white fox that moved depending on what angle you saw it from. There were rows of different clothes, one half of the store held different bright colors while the other half was more mellow and calmer colors. One of the walls had charms, bracelets and other types of accessories. The lights were little glowing orbs that floated lazily around the ceiling producing soft light.

While looking at the store a very tall woman approached us, she was taller than Mr. Minnow maybe 9ft tall. She even had 2 pairs of horns, the larger ones extended from the sides of her forehead curved forward like a bull’s horns but shined like polished brass. The second smaller pair came from the sides of her head in front of her ears and curled downward and had earrings (?) but hanging from her smaller horns. She had long ears like a cow that matched her platinum hair color which was styled like some photo model. She wore a white dress with a black belt hanging on her hip with a chibi girl holding a black shield as a buckle. She smiled at us showing her pointed teeth and large canines that looked like lion’s teeth, surprising me.

“Ally! How have ya been! I couldn’t wait to see you after you called me!” she picked up my mother into a hug, rubbing their cheeks together.

“I missed you too Amanda! I’ve been doing a lot better!” my mother said with a huge smile. “I really wanted to bring my little Oly to get your professional opinion.” She said proudly.

“That’s why I reserved the whole store!” Amanda said before looking at me with sparkling eyes. “So this is the Oly you spoke so sweetly of! Well she came out as the cutest little dragon I’ve ever seen!” she said to my mother.

“I know right! I think Oly gets it from me.” My mother said smugly.

“especially her eyes!” Amanda agreed. “so this is our canvas, hmm?” she said looking at me as she smiled with glowing eyes.

“yes! I want to temper Oly’s beauty and cuteness!” my mother agreed as her eyes also glowed watching me.

“Um… could you just pretend I’m a guy?” I asked trying to stand my ground. I wasn’t sure if I’d consider myself fully female, I still needed to consider my options.

“AWW! You’re a brave one! I’ll honor your wish Oly unless you say otherwise.” She said with a bigger smile. “Now let’s get to work!” she said taking me and my mother deeper into her store.


We started at the more colorful side of the store, looking for those fuzzy pajamas, mom mentioned. Both Amanda and my mother found two each , both of them having me line it up with my body before settling on a nice purple one that was long sleeve and a big rabbit eared hoodie. It felt soft that I almost put it on right there, the rabbit ears even fit over my horns! What luck, with this I would be the cut-I’ll be nice and warm. But to be safe I got a light blue one too, I won’t be caught cold! There was even something that grabbed my eyes, it was like a fuzzy sock but it was long, was this for tails? Looking around, I slowly walked up to it, my tail swaying side to side like a dance. Turning my back to it and let my tail get almost half way into it. It felt amazing, sooo warm, soo soft and it matched my purple hoodie! It made me sigh with a small smile before Amanda popped up behind me.

“These would look nice too!” she said holding a light pink shorts and short sleeve pjs to my body. Before whispering in my ear. “You know, you should go where your heart tells you to go.” She said, making me blush realizing she saw me testing out the tail sock thing. Making me quickly pull my tail out as my spine tingled from embarrassment as my tail went stiff. I wasn’t supposed to like this, isn’t this a little wrong? Taking the clothes I robotically walked away, trying to ignore her advice.

As I walked away, my mother walked up to Amanda and pointed at the tail sock and held up two fingers. Amanda gave a sly smile while nodding to her.

Deciding that I needed some more normal clothes, I went over to a few regular looking shirts. Grabbing a nice warm green shirt, it had some colored beads around the collar, looking like a necklace. My vision zoomed into the beads, looking for cracks, any fading or any other flaws. I didn’t see any so I added it to my collection of clothes as I continued my search, not noticing my mother and Amanda nodding in approval before adding their picks to the pile. Nothing will get in my way to adding to my collection! My tail bobbing happily as I searched for my next addition to my hoard.

That’s when something glinting caught my eye, making me rush over to it like a toddler seeing candy. My eyes zoomed in, was it really here? No way! It is! My tail stiffened and twitched as I tried to hold back my excitement at my find. There hanging on the wall was a bracelet of Deluxeman, the golden giant of justice! The bracelet had the faces of different Deluxemen across the years, even one I didn’t recognize who looked a little like an Asian dragon. I had to have this! No way would pass up the chance to have something from my childhood. Grabbing it instantly I rushed over to my mom to gus-brag about my latest find. “Look! I can’t believe I’d find something so awesome like this here!” I beamed at my mother.

“what a lucky find! We have to get this!” she concluded. “This takes me back.” She smiled to herself.

“Yeah! Maybe we should plan another marathon?” I asked winking at my mother. She nodded her head crazily in agreement

 “Hell yeah! WE HAVE TO PLAN IT!” she was ecstatic like I was taking her to a amusement park in a different country. So much so that she was jumping. I kinda wanted to join in but being watched by a smiling Amanda made me keep some maturity, not even my tail moved.



After sometime Amanda and my mother pushed me into another room in the back. One with a couple couches with a table between them, another room with curtains and several glowing signs. It kinda looked like a talk show room with its layout and compared to the store, this room was more mellow with browns and cream tan colors.

They then scooted me into the curtain room with all of the clothes we selected.

“Now honey just go in the order you have the clothes in and try them all. Then show us the ones you really like Pwees.” My mother asked hopefully.

“As long as there’s nothing weird then sure, I don’t mind showing my favorites.” I agreed. My mother always wanted to be sure if I looked good in something, a couple exes in my old world were the same way.

“Oh and make sure you have fun Oly. You’ll look extra cute if you do!” Cheered Amanda.

What! How could having fun add to cuteness? Searching my thoughts I walked into the changing room not really sure how fun and new clothes could expand on my already apparent-um I said nothing!

Grabbing the top clothes, I changed into a light gray shirt that was a little thinner of a material. Putting it on, it stretched over my body and clung to my chest! It was the pants problem all over again but as a shirt now! At least it felt nicer than jeans but it shows off the large round shapes on my chest… Then I put on a pair of faded blue jeans that fit a little looser than my current pair my mom got me, it still showed off my thighs and rear sadly. “at least my butt doesn’t look as big now” I commented. To add the finishing touches, I put on a charcoal button jacket, I uh don’t think it’ll close with my chest this big. Looking at my reflection I saw my female companion look like some attractive reporter or a writer, all I needed was a camera or coffee to look the part. Looking over to the pile of clothes, I knew I’d be here awhile.


After some time I went through my pile of clothing, I had a selected a few favorites, based either on how they felt, how much I could move or if the style interested me. Picking up a loose fitting red tang top shirt, it had tied straps that hung on my shoulders and another pair of straps that went up from collar of my shirt and tied to the piece of fabric that went between my wings. Other than it showing my collar bone and a little below that, I really liked how free and flowy the tang top was. Paired with cream blue shorts that ended two or three inches below my butt with a white waist band that needed to be tied once my tail went into the hole. Looking in the mirror I saw my companion look super cute as she turned back and forth swaying the loose top and showing off different angle. She was ready for a day near a coastal town.

Leaving the changing room, I walked over to my mother and Amanda who were sitting on the couches, they were all smiles as I approached.

“there you are! You look so sweet!” Amanda said happily

“I knew you’d come out looking great! you even mixed your own look!” my mother said. She knew I didn’t follow their set looks. She’s sharper than I thought.

“I think a white shirt with a jacket might go well with these shorts too.” I said feeling proud from their complements.

“you’re on to something Oly.” She said quickly drawing something out on a large notepad and then showing my mother who looked impressed. She turned it to me, it was a simple sketch of a big black jacket that a popped collar and some padding on the shoulders and elbows. It even had measurements for certain lengths.

“that looks really good! I didn’t know you were a fashion designer.” I said amazed.

“Yup, it was a hobby of mine but since I have my own shop, why not?” Amanda smiled at me. “Anyway let’s see what else you got hotshot.” She winked with a smile.


Going back in I changed into something that called me. I’d normally ignore it but a part of me was curious. Pulling up a white skirt and buttoning the four gold buttons, it kinda looked like a corset. It hugged my lower ribs and reminded me of my comforter at home, it was sung like sleeping with a girlfriend. I will admit it was unnerving to feel your bare thighs touching as I walked, I kept thinking I was naked. A image that made me blush like the sun was in front of me. Next I added a white shirt with a folded collar that little semicircles at the edge and on the short sleeves. The shirt only slightly showed my chest, so I guess I looked a little modest. Something about that made me feel safer or calmer as I smiled at my companion who smiled back with her rounded sharp teeth.

Leaving the changing room, I grabbed the edges of the skirt as I slowly walked to my audience who gushed at my shy approach.

“I didn’t think you’d pick a skirt! You look soooo precious Oly.” My mother said holding onto Amanda for support.

“You really pull off that shy girl look. All the boys would be lining up wanting to protect you with that.” Amanda said with stars in her eyes. My mother nodded excitedly as Amanda said this.

That made my spine feel like it was clenching itself, making my shoulders pinch backwards and my wings wrap around me like a cloak. This feeling was a cold whisper, telling me to protect myself as I hid the clothes under my wings and my crystal scales started glowing. I don’t want guys to look at me! They’ll only think about lewd, R rated things! Oh no, I’m a set of tits to them! this made my field of view widen before my new eyelids closed making the world pale again.

 Seeing this, Amanda stepped in front of my mother before holding her hand out and blowing a white powder. Being hit with it made my back relax as my wings loosened up and my vision returned to normal. I felt a lot calmer, almost like nothing was wrong.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were getting comfortable with being somewhat feminine, I might have said something I shouldn’t have.” Amanda apologized, lowering her head.

“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to have a freak out like that.” I said with a relaxed face. Whatever that powder was, I don’t feel even the least bit anxious, just neutral… “I’d like to continue if that’s alright with you, Amanda.” I said coolly, realizing that I needed to get more clothes lest I be left bare when washing day came along.



Seeing my little Oliver react like that worried me. He looked like he was ready to defend himself from a hoard of wights. The thought of Oly fighting those ugly toothed creatures made me shudder. Seeing this meant I had to pay more attention to his needs to keep his smile lasting forever. That’s when Amanda blew that white powder making Oly relax and think rationally but he felt different, like a robot.

“Amanda. What was that?” I asked as Oly walked into the changing room. My voice sounding hurt.

“ I’m sorry Ally, I didn’t want to let your guys’ day be ruined by his fears.” Amanda said looking at the floor.

“What was that powder.” My voice becoming cold as I stared her down.

Flinching at my change in tone, Amanda looked at me with wet eyes. “it was a new medicine, I take it to focus but I was told that it helps calm monsters down. It won’t last long at the amount I used, only a few minutes.” She explained in shame.

“Please don’t use that again, without asking. I don’t want you to drug my boy and mute his colors.” I warned. “it hurt me to see him like that. Amanda, as my friend please tell me next time.” I said with tears in my eyes.

“I’m sorry, I was so s-scared that I-I acted without thinking.” She whispered.

I just hugged her, pulling her close. “I’ll just be more careful next time.” I said to myself.



After selecting a good portion of my pile we thanked Amanda before leaving for our next store. I was wearing a pair of jean shorts that ended a few inches above the middle of my thighs. It neatly folded at the end and had two zippers on the front at the waist, making it easy to put on. Coupled with my white sweater and my epic Deluxeman bracelet. I felt like a cool cucumber as we took to the sidewalk.

“Oly. How do you feel?” my mother asked, her voice sounding serious.

“Not bad, these clothes fit nicely and I don’t feel my everything as I walk like I did in those pants.” I said thinking she was asking about the clothes again.

“No I mean, are you ok with this so far? Is there anything you’re worried about?” she asked picking my mind.

“oh. I feel alright, I’ll just need to be more careful not to put you in danger.” I said, skirting around how I really felt. I didn’t want to worry her too much, whatever that was, I’ll find a way to keep it in check.

“okay? Then do you want to get something to drink?” she asked trying to be more casual but not fully believing me.

“um, I’ve been craving some milk tea, the colors in the store reminded me of it.” I said looking at the sky. There were quite a few flying monsters up there, entering and leaving skyscrapers doing who knows what.

“alright let’s get you some boba, the kind that pops in your mouth.” She suggested, knowing that was one of my all-time favorite type.

“alrighty then! Let’s hunt for our drinks!” I said cheerfully.


Hi peoples and people, so I have a funny story to tell. you see I just happened across some extra time aaaaannndd we now now have another chapter already. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. anyways, today we get another store to see and a new character in Amanda. this tall girl loves cake, writing stupid jokes in the sand and art! speaking of art, I looked through a few different clothing outfits and now I really want to draw my own clothing. like the fancy stuff of those anime girls with big jackets and moody background or those over detailed clothes that you can't stop staring at. sadly I'm not a great artist but hey I'll have fun anyway.

As always, Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope your eyes have eaten their fill on my story. Outside of that, I hope everyone has fun in their life, especially fun being who they want to be..... as long as it's in a positive way.

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