My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.14: A Clash Between Mind and Body

Welcome to another Chapter! Awesome! Here at Crash Down, we give our fans the most brutal fighting experience! To the point of of encouraging fans to toss in their own chairs for engagement! Ain't that cool or cool? So grab your chair as we begin this next match!


“Wow, this might be kinda fun!” Belle said, holding up the paper detailing the essay, report, project. His fluffy tail curled and waved at the tip in a relaxed motion.

“What do you mean? Got an interesting family background?” I asked trying to distract myself from the thought of how I’d do the project.

“Yup! My family’s a mix of all three… uh, Nya-jin…” he blushed at saying the name again. ”um it’s really cool to have so much of my family show off their unique and cool abilities. Though I still step on my uncle Phil when he comes over. He’s so small for a sila cat, you’d think he was a kitten!” he beamed, happy about how small and cute his uncle was. “What about your family? I didn’t think you’d have a dragon as a relative.” He asked quietly.

His eyes were huge that I looked away. His question was something I was hoping to avoid. “It’s just been my human brother and mother… and please don’t ask about my father… So I'm not sure about dragons. ” I said to Belle.

“hmmm… you can still talk about your human family and what they do!” Belle said directing the conversation. “They have to have different traditions or beliefs right?” He asked pretty certain he found gold.

“You know, you have a point!” I said with an impressed smirk. “I’ll just have to ask my mother about this. Maybe watch from a distance?” I thought out loud.

“Yeah, you could shadow her! And if your cover’s blown, just blindside her with a big hug!” Belle said with a toothy grin as he jumped up with his arms up for a bear hug.

“Haha, yeah. She loves hugs, perfect! I got a secret weapon to help get info.” I said laughing and going along with Belle’s suggestion. Until my stomach growled in agreement. “um… I guess I’m pretty hungry. I should get some lunch. I’ll see you later Belle” I said. Looking at the door before breathing and getting up.

Walking up to the doorway and out into the hallway, I made my way to the cafeteria putting up a front like I did when I walked into school. Only to be surprised by a familiar cute voice.

“So what should we get partner!” Belle said walking next to me. He followed me out of class and walked beside me like he belonged there.

“Um, you don’t need to do-“ I was trying to caution him because like it or not school was always about image and reputation. But he cut me off.

“But I’m hungry too.” He looked up at me with big kitten eyes and a small frown. Belle was master of cuteness it seemed because I couldn’t say no.

“I wanted something meaty and some veggies. With an over easy egg on top.” I finished.

“ then let’s go hunting for the food.” Belle cheered.



The walk up to the line was almost unbearable as people lowered their heads, back away or pretend they didn’t see me and looked away. Even the line almost backed away until cafeteria staff member walked up and handled mine and Belle’s orders. The whole they would shake or tremble randomly as they wrote what we wanted before quickly rushing off. The only reason why it was somewhat easier was because Belle would distract me with random questions or jokes to lighten the mood.

Finding a spot to sit wasn’t too hard as students would leave their tables the moment we began looking around. I didn’t do anything and yet they rushed off like I was some bully or had a bad odor. Not wanting to bug too many people we took a nearby empty table, as we waited for our food. I didn’t really liked this, being some scary beast was the worst, I wasn’t anything else to them. looking at the floor I saw a crumb and wished to be that crumb instead of me. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to worry about the issues of life… no, that would just leave my mother in tears. Nodding my head, I continued a conversation with Belle.



Hmm why’s everyone on edge today, there hasn’t been any ‘accidents’ lately. I’ve been a good girl I swear.

As I strolled into the cafeteria I found the source of all this yummy fear. My lips raising into a sweet smile as I saw a dragon scare off some children from with nothing but a look. ‘Taking’ their seats, my kind of people, she’s even got a cute little toy with her too. I like her, I could definitely learn a thing or two from this dragon. Life might just get that much easier….

Gliding across the floor, I could feel the mana this dragon was releasing. I could tell she was purposely doing this to further mark her territory. Each step closer I could feel the thick mana pulsing from her body, it sent shivers down my spine and my heart squirmed in my chest, wanting to run away. But I could tell this was also test too.

“Hello there mighty dragoness.” I greeted her by lowering my head and using the correct mannerisms as I held my right hand open two inches below my face. Making sure to hold my wings tightly to my back, opening them before her would be a sign of challenge.

I could feel her eyes on me as my muscles tensed and my feathers tried to rise only to stop as I clenched my other hand tightly. She waited a moment longer to see if I’d crack under her pressure, I’m not going to falter before you, you’ll approve of me.

“Hello…. Is there something you want?” came the dragoness’ seductive voice, her words were like honey to me. She was obviously more of a tomboy based on how masculine her inflection was.

“yes, I simply wish to introduce myself before you. Perhaps invite you to see me compete in the upcoming fall Mountain race later next month. There I would conquer a grotesque mountain harpy with my superior team, in your glory.” I said trying to gain her favor. The mana seemed to pull back, had I gain this small gift?

“What harpy are you… about.” She asked in curiosity.

Looking up to face her I smiled sweetly. “The lowest of excrement, a useless harpy called Kathy!” I said in building excitement, my smile widening.

That was when the mana came crashing down all over me like a wild tsunami, as if crushing my very bones and battering my soul. The dragoness rose and opened her powerful wings, looking down on me. And spoke. “I’d like to see you try.” Came her domineering voice full of control, full of excitement. Before I could agree to her test, the world went black.



What a creep! That stupid busty winged shit stain of a bird was speaking like she owned the place! I was tempted to pop that worthless head of her’s for slinging trash at MY Friend! But that lucky germ fainted before I could do anything prompting two teachers to intervene, one taking her away while another took me to another larger room and keeping Belle from following me.

Once in the room, my anger soared as my muscles tensed making my body shake in rage, my wings making a cocoon around me as I was building heat. I had to put her in her place! Quickly opening my wings and arching my back I roared, releasing a heat wave from my body, scorching the air and ground around me. Suddenly my mind shouted to move, making my legs push off the floor as my wings clapped the air, pushing me backwards. And barely avoiding a rubber ball that exploded into gas.

Looking around I spotted a small child with scars all over his bare chest as he began to pull his arm back before pitching another ball at me. Which rocketed at me becoming almost like a thin line as it flew at me. This prompted me to lean forward tightening my leg muscles as I jumped to the side, my claws digging into the floor as I did so. As I was mid jump I cocooned myself in my wings building my heat up to the point my clothes were starting to catch fire. Before I landed I opened my wings part way, directing a heat wave where I last saw that kid. It didn’t hit him as the kid moved to a different spot, making the directional heat wave useless as it pelted the floor full of melting holes.

Before I could react to this another ball hit the floor next to me, releasing gas near my face giving me slight drowsiness as the world shook and swayed. Shaking my head, I tensed my shoulders making my body hot and my scales to start glowing. Spotting the kid again I folded my wings around my shoulders before rushing him, crushing the floor beneath every step as my muscles were gaining strength. He was about to run or jump away as I got half way to him, but his eyes were still on me. Pulling back my wings, my scales reflected the surrounding light at him making him flinch as I blinded him. Allowing me to press my advantage as my next step crushed the floor as I launched myself at him, reaching with my clawed hands.

He smiled from under his arm before disappearing right as I was inches away from him. My momentum carried me forward as my face planted into the floor making my body itch a little. My vision was starting to get blurry making it harder to get up. Before I could do anything else gas exploded from the floor around me. Realizing too late that I was surrounded with these gas balls ended with my eyes slamming shut and my body lurching forward….. SNORE


“mmmmhm” I grumbled.

Something poked my cheek.

“Fiv- ten, more mi….” I negotiated.

Now both cheeks were being poked and wouldn’t stop.

My eyes shot open in annoyance at the prodding, my sleep was important to me! There in front of me was a kid with pointed ears and a friendly smile with prominent canines.

“Wh-who?” I asked confused.

“That was a great work out! My back needed the stretch!” he said in a gruff voice. “the name’s Jaque! Nice to finally meet you Oliver.” He said with a cheeky face.

“whua-what happened?” I asked unsure what was going on and how this kid knew me.

“you fell to your instincts and then we had a fun work out.” He said nodding his head like it was obvious. “even though it was your instincts in control you still managed to improve your attacks! And in such a quick pace too, you’re impressive kid!” he said complementing me, with his hands on his hips in a macho man pose.

“Um… Jaque who are you?” I asked finally regaining my senses.

Looking at the kid I could see he had a muscular body like a martial artist, he had tanned skin with slightly white scares on his shoulder, across this chest and a few on his cheek and brow. He had white unkempt hair with pointed wolf looking ears that had a few notches in it. but he still looked like a twelve year old. It made me worried for him, for having such a difficult life to have to end up like this.

“Hmm? I’m Jaque I told you already. Can’t you hear me? I didn’t hit you so your ears should be working.” He looked confused, holding his chin at my apparent deafness. He started mumbling to himself in thought, making a frown before clenching his teeth. His face was turning red in all the focus making smoke come out of his ears?

“um… are you a student here?” I asked trying to clarify the confusion. This made his ears poke upwards as he turned to face me before crossing his arms and flexing his arm muscles.

“I am no mere student! I am Jaque! The white slash! The undefeatable wolfkin before the martial god!” he pronounced himself, each title drawing more confusion on my face and making him look more and more worried. “The Unpassable Blockade? The king of sweets?” he asked.

“Oh the king of sweets? Didn’t he eat his competitor’s pasties at every baking and sweets competition? I heard he was a fat pudgy guy though.” I said looking at him up and down. “you don’t look like that huge cheater.” I said shaking my head.

“um…” he raised a finger before lowering it. “I’m the P.E. teacher?” he said with a pale face like his first love rejected him.

“Oooh! Yeah Mr. Minnow mentioned a heated work out if our class failed to be respectful.” I said nodding my head.

“What! He said his students were excited to train with me! He told me their whines and crying faces were for joy!” Jaque looked hurt, falling to his knees with his eyes shaking.

“Um… you are making them better students though!” I quickly said. “by working out their negative energy they uh- become more productive, yeah.” I said thinking up a reason that would keep him happy.

Jumping up from the floor his skin glowed as if he was fully energized. “YES! You are right, I am aiding the youth in exorcising their bad karma from their souls!” he smiled at me. “Thank you for bringing peace to my wounded soul wise Oliver! I shall hold your words in my heart as I train you to master your abilities.” He said happily as he flashed a smile and gave a thumbs up like a hero in an anime.

A little taken aback by his quick recovery I stood there stunned for a second. His anxiety just slid off his back like water, making me a little jealous of this. But maybe it’s just because he doesn’t over think as much? Looking at him, he was jumping from hand to hand like he was dancing with his arms. Or not?

“so how will you train me? Is there some boulder I need to pull, wax a car or some waterfall I need to stand under?” I asked wondering what crazy training technique I’d have to go through to achieve some inner control.

He paused his work out to stare blankly at me. “You watch too much TV.” He said, looking at me like I was a some purple googly eyed duck. “you’ll easily carry a boulder, waterfall training is for body strengthening and I don’t have a car but thank you for offering. No we will exercise the only way true monsters have done.” He said sagely.

I leaned forward thinking it was some secret art lost to time or something mystical and super magical. My tail even bobbed up and down.

“And that is in the art of battle!” he said with a big laugh. “I’ve always wanted to battle a dragon closer to my size!” he said honestly. Was he training me or himself? “what’s wrong why are you giving me such a face?” he asked seeing my confused expression.

“I uh, thought you’d do something more…. Mystical?” I said, a little disappointed.

“What are you human! Oh wait you were, er… mana is more like a muscle to us monsters. The more you work it out the better you get!” he said proudly as smoke came out his ears again. “We don’t need all that wasteful meditation and wand business, just these!” he said pumping up an arm and slapping the muscle with a heavy slap.


Hey all! I got super stressed today so I hit the iron to pump out a new chapter. now I feel at peace, I can finally pass on... so anyway this has been a super great week but don't expect my chapter uploads to be like this all the time. We all got lives you know and I can't be creative without some R&R (Research and Refences). So this chapter focuses on two characters and we even get a fight scene! Why you ask? Because we have dragon! And what better way to jump start a character intro than with a battle.

As always, Thank You for reading this chapter. It's enjoyable to pop a new one and see what happens next in Oliver's life. outside of me, I hope you find that show you were looking for and find it on sale because who doesn't like when things go your way!

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