My Sudden Monster Convergence

ch.2: A whip from Reality


hello again! here's chapter 2 of this story. I hope you have fun reading and stick around for future chapters as I know people want to get to to the potatoes of what this story is about. but truly we have to chew our burger before we finish our fries. Anyway here's to a good meal and to a new chapter!


Lost in the revelation that I could lose a piece of myself shocked me to my very core. I could become a… girl… I wasn’t sure what I’d do in this situation. Not am I changing but I could become something…. I wasn’t sure if this would take me beyond the bounds of a normal sanity. Sweating at this, I could feel my whole body shaking as if the world was freezing over. Could I actually handle this? Would my perception of reality cut my head of-

A huge hand clasped my shoulder, its firm grip spooking me. “Oliver this class is for this difficult change in life. No one is an invincible mountain. I hope you’ll trust me to help you through all this.” Mr. Minnow voice was carrying a resolute kindness. Looking up at him, I could tell his eyes looked through me, as if life has tempered his understanding of me, of everyone here. With a slight squeeze, he turned back to the rest of the class. “Now I want everyone here to understand that you will succeed! You will discover more about yourselves than you would have realized! But don’t let fear lead you, we are our own masters of ourselves!” now standing in the front again, his serious face softened a few degrees as he prepared for his next part of class.

“Now can anyone tell me what they know about monsters! It can be anything, your own family ancestry, your opinions or interests in a certain monster type!”

“That lizard men have strong vision.” Said a student to my left. He seemed to be pumping his chest outward in pride.

“That’s right, Jean! Lizard men can see more color than a normal human, some can even perceive heat with a single look!” Mr. Minnow said with a nod.

“I heard lamia are very cuddly girls!” teased a guy behind me. It sounded like he was directing this at the snake girl then Mr. Minnow. Who hissed at him in annoyance.

“And do you know why that is?” Mr. Minnow's stern voice froze the student. “Lamia strangle their prey on instinct and those they don’t like.” Mr. Minnow eyed the student before continuing. “Their cuddliness is a carryover from that instinct! The same way humans squeeze something small and cute!” at this Mr. Minnow flexed his arms. “Until they pop!” his muscles pumping outward.

This spooked the student as he sunk back into his seat. I hoped he realized this isn’t a simple matter, as I looked back at Mr. Minnow. He was probably a smaller guy before gaining all that muscle. I’m sure he could actually bust through a wall with little effort.

“I heard some monsters can be both… um, genders?” a student asked hesitantly.

“Yes some can be like this! One being a succubus and their cousin the incubus! Regardless if they are natural born or converged, their body takes on the physical appearance of what they or their prey desires!” Mr. Minnow watches the whole class. Many of the guys and some girls are excited at more info. Sighing, Mr. Minnow continues. “Although it isn’t a permanent choice, due to their weird magic. They can be both genders at once or become like that at a later date. So if anyone becomes a succubus or a incubus, they can freely effect their anatomy, just don’t do it in class!” Mr. Minnow shouted, while at the same time releasing a dark aura.

I think the whole class got the message as we all were shaking. It felt like a hungry tiger was sizing up its next meal.

I had a lot to consider after hearing everything in class and maybe more. Sighing I walked over to the lunch line, thinking of all the possible bad ends being a monster could bring. Not even considering the whole gender change conversion could bring. Waiting in line went pretty fast as I was lost in thought in how much pain I might go through.

Once at the front I grabbed a tray, seeing a lot of the different food choices. Possibly for the different monster students here, there was even a chart on the wall showing portion sizes per monster. Having a craving I scanned for what might best fit my hunger and there it was! It surprised me to find steak at a school, though remembering the size of the school I was sure this place gets a huge budget. Eyeing the steak in its tender glory as it glistened in a mellow smelling sauce, I drooled. I could never get enough of steak and all its devilish flavor, hopefully it came wit- ho oh! Potatoes too! Maybe life here won’t be too bad I muse to myself. In my old world steak had become rather expensive that I had to go for the cheaper alternatives like chicken or just plain veggies. Hopefully the future doesn’t get as bad.

Looking around I found mark sitting with a bird girl? As I approached I saw the girl better. She had brown speckled feathered arms  with a thumb sticking out of where her hand (?) should be. She wore a grey apron like shirt with a familiar band name of quantum devastators. From the side I saw a red tube bra and form fitting shorts ending above the knee. What surprised me was that she was supporting herself  with a single leg that bent like a bird or a dinosaur while using the other to hold a large fork.

“Not trying to creep out more girls are you mark?” not sure how to approach the group due to the bird lady. I chose to tease him.

“Are you?” the bird girl questioned, raising a brow. Her voice sounding very familiar if it had a slight auto tune to it.

“Kathy! I-I wouldn’t dare! Don’t give me a heart attack!” mark said sweating under the intense stare of Kathy. Her eyes looked like they could spear the moon from how serious she looked.

What! Kathy’s this feathery girl?! Looking at her bird legs, I wondered how she ever keep up in track and field. How does she even live like that?! Does she do other sports then?

“Maybe I should keep an eye out, don’t want you stalking any mon girls now.” Kathy said smiling.

“So you can have the pick of the lot! No fair kat bar!” mark argued, using her dumb nickname to get some even footing in this argument.

“You know I only like human girls mark.” She said bluntly. “anyway how are ya Oliver? Did anything surprise you about monsters in that new class?” bored with mark she turned to me, giving a smirk. 

Outside of Kathy’s new look, she’s still treating Mark the same way my original world’s Kathy did. It’s still a little weird though. “Uh… yeah. Apparently natural born slimes aren’t overly interested in relationships.” I said deciding to lead with a weird fact I learned. Slightly looking away.

“Of course they aren’t! natural slimes normally split up making two like a cell! They’re the gods of being ace. You’ll be lucky to find a slime just researching the topic, let alone one wanting an experience.” Mark huffed, crossing his arms. Apparently it bugged him slimes weren’t generally curious, I guess Slimes work differently here.

“Well someone had to have dicked a slime.” Kathy said smugly at mark’s response, her feathers puffing up slightly.

“I know! And I’m jealous.” Mark looked away slightly red.

“Wonder how converged slimes feel about splitting. Must be weird when it happens.” I said, happy that they didn’t ask how I felt about my own converging. At least my friends are familiar, just like back home.


After school was over I began to gather my things when the cat guy poked me. Jumping back at the sudden touch I looked back to see the cat… girl- uh dude… works, yeah, I don’t know their name after all.

“Hey, you doing ok?” the totally cat dude asked, his bright green eyes observing me. His voice was oddly cute for a guy.  

“Ye-yes? Why do you ask- um?” I stuttered. Had he noticed something! My back getting stiff and my shoulders raising.

“Belle.” He said with a cute smile. “I noticed you were kinda panicking every now and then.” Belle said with concerned eyes and his cat ears lowering.

“Really? Uh, I’m just surprised is all. You know life changing and all, I’ll get through it. Just need to sort it out.” I said nervously. Belle’s worry for me was surprising but I wasn’t sure what he wanted. People can be hurtful if you weren’t careful.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He said backing up a bit. “I was just worried that this was being extra difficult for you. I understand that you need to think, hopefully you come to a speedy conclusion!” he said with a small smile while tilting his head.

“Uh- alright then. Thank you for your concern. Any way I gotta go.” I said with uncertainty on my face before leaving. I can’t be this obvious, I can deal with this on my own.

Walking past a couple students asking what they will probably become, one shouts that he’ll be a fox girl. Looking at the guy that said that spooked me into picking up my speed. Rushing out of my class into the tall hallways of the school and trying to get to the nearest exit, hoping to get a breather.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going, you stomper!” called out synthetic voice.

Coming to a complete stop, a or-slime bounced up and down, loudly slapping the floor.

“Uh… sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you.” I slowly say.

“Maybe I should summon the demon champion on yo-oh was that an apology? Then this great one will let you leave with your life.” The slime looked to have puffed up before quickly turning and rolling away.

“Wow! That’s the first time a slime of the demon’s Coccus didn’t keep fussing over stepping on them.” Mark said walking up to me. His face was shocked. “Maybe they sensed something nearby that calmed it down?” he said looking at a red giant horned guy.

“Maybe, anyway lets head out before it comes back with a posse.” I said trying to get home sooner.


walking our way to my house, I was amazed at how much the outside world changed, I hadn’t fully paid attention on the drive over to my school. But this world felt bigger compared to my old world, the buildings looked like those modern homes and a mix of roman styles. Certain buildings also sported the same segmented entrances that the school had though they were much lower than the school’s. the sidewalks though starting off large like those at amusement parks narrowed down considerably, though still larger than normal sidewalks. Far off in the horizon I saw what looked like huge cliff with maybe trees growing on it. Before I could wonder if there was another huge mountain, the cliff slowly glided across the sky until revealing a floating island! The floating landmass slowly began cutting into a nearby cloud the same way a boat cut across foaming water. Atop the sky island, I could even see something like a cluster of glittering sticks and fog lights? Are people LIVING ON A SKY ISLAND!

My eyes followed the sky island, taking in the sight before I caught sight of a giant brown tree just growing out of two taller buildings. the tree had long red vines hanging from its crown of yellow and red leaves, the vines all anchored themselves on the roof of a nearby building. I could see several bird like monsters flying around and landing on the tree like it was a resting spot. but what grabbed my attention was the branches closest to the tree's body shifted and adjusted themselves like sleepy student at a desk!

"You good?" Mark asked me with a straining look.

Shit, all the crazy stuff is making me gape like a fish out of water! "Yeah, just saw a couple cute spider girls." I said with a forced playful look.

Mark leaned in close, almost observing me like I was a talking animal. He stared a while before breaking into a smirk. "Yeah! Lota cuties out here. But I was sure you'd go for a girl with larger tits." He said as he watched a passing woman with curved horns and eyeing her large chest.

"Everyone has their charms." I said with a shrug like it was obvious. 

"True. I'll keep an eye out." Mark said with a smile. Good, less eyes on me means I can take in the world around me without sticking out.

As we continued I saw a white and black sign that said we were entering Bianca Banco district; small 3-4 ft. to medium 7-8 ft. I guess they separated everyone by height? looking at the sign, there was even a picture showing that larger races had to stay off the smaller race's designated paths. looking at the sidewalk you could see an out line hugging the building walls.

Looking down the main road I could see several different shops and restaurants, some built with tan or orange brick while others kept to the same white of the sign and a small number of that were of roman modern style. Skyscrapers could be seen behind these buildings a block or two away I guess. There was several monster races and humans walking around, more spider girls that were brown and white walking down the path for small races. a group of fluffy tailed women with large or small pointed wolf like ears, a tall reptile guy (?) leaning against a wall was talking while a small tablet floated in front of his face.

Though we didn’t go down the main road as something told me to turn here. Taking a left we walked under a large archway like bridge connecting two of the nearby skyscraper before nearing the residential district called Baia Calda. The buildings becoming much smaller versions of the main road ones though there was the odd large house here and there. I also noticed many of these houses had larger lawns, I got the feeling it was more extra space then actually a lawn as some held construction materials.

“Hey man, wanna hit the corner scoop? I got a huge craving for those decretive Sundays. Soooo much chocolate!” he excitedly said hugging himself, a face of pure joy.

“Maybe next time I got a day one homework assignment, something about family heritage and such.” I lied as I made an annoyed look as I drooped my arms.

“Must be a big thing if your skipping out on Sam’s master art work. You want help with it?” mark frowned before asking to help me out.

That was weird normally he wouldn’t care about homework.

“N-no, I’m good! It’s a lot of those weird and embarrassing stuff.” I laughed nervously as I tried to get home earlier.

“Aright!” smiling at my refusal. “More for me! I’ll see ya later dude, good luck!” he shouted as he rushed off.

“Same old mark it seems.” I sighed as I found(?) my way home.


The rest of day went by as I kinda went through the motions. Trying to keep my mom calm about my situation, I told her I was doing alright and class was a lot of info. That I learned a good lot of things and that it was interesting. She still gave me a hug before asking if I wanted a cake or something else this year. Remembering by birth day was a few days away, I thought about it, deciding on a cookie cake with ice cream. I hadn’t had something sweet in a long time and I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.

Before spending my time distracting myself with one of my old games, well old to me but new in this world, It only came out a 3 weeks ago. It was your typical post-apocalyptic open world game but booting it up In a town I saw that had picked a female spider character. I was surprised at this as this game series never let you play as any other race then human, you couldn’t even be a mutant unless you modded it. Looking at my character, I nodded as she looked like my typical character, brown hair in a ponytail, cute round eyes and a slightly athletic build. But the spider part reminded me of my own convergence as I frowned. The me of this world must have been trying to get himself mentally ready for the change. I held that thought as I looked up the race online only to discover that the Arachne, spider girl, can glitch around building corners that gives certain weapons infinite ammo. I also found that climbing buildings to snipe people is rather op and climbing can even skip certain enemy encounters. Face palming at my constant desire to be the strongest in a game world and how I’d keep mashing into the metaphorical brick wall until I’d eke out a win. Shrugging, I decided to see where I left off on, immediately climbing a wall, smiling at my crazy power.


this chapter I wanted to focus on what our lead is feeling and to show how he behaves due to this new info. but regardless of how he feels, his body is going to change because obviously he doesn't have control of his very DNA. though that would be cool, I wonder if that's how shapeshifting works? but that last part was a little hard to write as I wanted to describe the sensations but kept telling and not presenting them. but I pushed forward into something I liked, after editing it a few times, what can ya do? Anyways, Thanks again for reading and hope your day goes better then you planned!

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