My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.35: Burning [Love&Hate] House Things

Welcome to another Chapter!!!! Have you tried out our CRAZY TREADMILLS?! Maade with highly durable Vivallicum, these treads will regenerate from all sorts of damage! Have claws that can cut concrete, piercing Tarsi? bladed legs? club-like limbs? This Treadmill can handle that and more! Please take a seat as we demonstrate its features!


Once at home I sat down at my desk, dropping body as I tried to sigh out my mental exhaustion. Today was way too much, no it was shot at the sun and just barely miss insane! That door had a pink void world in it with a giant smiling disc that I swear knew what I was thinking! Or that those creepy crystal glass women! They were super dedicated to their work in an obsessive way. I don’t know if I want to go back to the library based on those two alone, let alone secret passages and magic sex books. And the worst part about today was the word activated molestation underwear! Not only did I let my instincts take control but I acted like a fucking ass! Why the hell are my instincts so demanding?

I dropped my head on the desk, sapped of everything and living, only feeling a soft tap as it hit the desk. ”Why do I have to have this stupid body? Why couldn’t I have been something non-dangerous with less crazy instincts. No scratch that, no instincts was way better!” I grumbled to myself. After a few seconds of loafing on my face, I sat up and stared at my mirror. My ever constant mirror companion looked awful, her hair was in a twisted mess and her eyes looked so empty, that I thought she was a corpse. “You look like shit.” I mumbled to her. Puffing out more air, I got up and began to work on finding a fresh change of clothes and a towel.

Walking into my bathroom to take a shower and pulling everything off, ignoring everything that jiggled or scaled. Stepping into the large standing shower, I put it to as hot as the shower would go, if it wasn’t hot enough then my body wouldn’t loosen up. And since this body handles normal hot water like it was a thin blanket, it has to be boiling hot.



After my shower, I went over to the TV in the living room and turning it on to find a news broadcast was on. It showed a high speed chase as a bug person flew super fast. Dodging other flying monsters, diving under a harpy and then arching back up just narrowly avoiding what looked like a large black bird that zoomed after the bug monster. I guess the bug realized the size of the bird chasing it as it dived lower to street level, just barely missing the cement. As I watched the chase, I couldn’t help but feel that someone could be hurt because of stupid people like this one. What if they hit my mother?! A second later the bug slammed into a car only to be bounced into a street light. The car slowed and pulled to the side of the road and it looked like the driver was screaming at the bug monster all while the police flew down and restrained the bug. One officer that looked like a giant bat approached the driver and began writing on a small tablet before handing it over to the driver who signed it while shouting at the cop and gesturing to a cracked headlight.

I glared at the TV screen, even in this world there are stupid people and those who shout at cops. I was happy they caught the idiot but was still pissed that the bug had to crash into a car to end the chase. I was about to change the channel when a very lean and toned man (?) maybe girl popped up on screen.

“This event only happened moments ago. While police were in hot pursuit the bird catcher unit remained on strike. Demanding better pensions and days off, all while our finest are forced to chase the thief. This leaves me with one glaring concern, what further damages will happen while bird catcher is twiddling their thumbs?” Said the news host, turning his head with an angry glare. The only problem was how dramatic they acted, was he filming a movie or was he actually worried about future problems?

I turned the TV off after realizing how similar a news channel was when compared to my old world. Dramatic and full of fear, the worst part was that I just bought into it. But you know what, this is a perfect excuse to do something and hopeful take my mind off of this.

Pulling out my phone from my shorts’ pocket, I opened my messenger app.

‘Hey mom. Thought I’d check in on you and send love your way.’

I put my phone down while I waited for a response. Looking at a pile of paper made me curious about monsters, not the ones that’re actually alive no, I was wondering if this world’s version of me also drew monsters from the TV shows I watched as a kid. The only problem was how the house was changed, so even if he did, I probably wouldn’t find it.

“But I haven’t drawn since middle school I think. Maybe….” I wondered out loud. That’s when my phone buzzed, checking it, I saw my mother replied.

‘Hey sweetie! You’re too good to me! I’m doing pretty good, I just saved a beginner from accidently activating the secret boss on my floor! The last time that happened you were only tall enough to hug my knee. You were sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! I hope you can feel my love bursting from your screen!’

I couldn’t help but smile at how much it felt like she wanted to jump out of my phone.

‘Oh no! I think your love is too much for my phone! It looks like it might explode! ‘

‘Darn! I thought it would’ve gone super nova. Oh well…………. Just means I’ll have to give you a mega love bomb later!’


After texting my mother for a little bit, the I heard the sound of the front door opening and the sound of heavy boots walking in. the noise made me jump to my feet, thinking it was an intruder or someone dangerous, I even opened my wings to look larger and more intimidating. But the person that walked in was a gruff looking Cole, his eyes had bags under them and his skin was almost deathly white. He wore a bulky black jacket, gray pants and black boots with silvery metal covering the toes. He lazily turned his head to look at me, he only glanced at me before walking down the hall.

“Cole! What happened! You look like someone took your soul!” I called after him as I began to slowly follow him. It felt like it was years since I last saw him, I wanted to talk to him, maybe melt the ice.

“I’m fine Oliver.” he said while saying my name as if he was talking to another person. Cold and distant as usual but I wasn’t going to give up on you!

“Ok but if you want to talk or-“ I began when he cut me off.

“If you want something go bug mom…. Princess.” He said dismissively but grumbled the last part as if tasting rotting food. That made me…that felt-I hate that.

“Don’t call me that, I’m still a man on the inside.” I said in a cold almost warning voice. That made him freeze as his body trembled for a moment before he pulled open his jacket.

“Fine…” he said before walking to his room and locking the door, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Without wasting a moment, I stomped over to the workout room and began to run on the treadmill. I didn’t care if I wasn’t wearing the right thing, I had a fucking crap ton of shit to work on and that asshole just put it on fire. No deal. There’s no problem. Nope, none at all. I just want to see how fast this treadmill can really go! Pushing the dial on the speed, I half hoped there would be some ludicrous level I could put at. Fuck it, I want to go past light speed. I didn’t care.

I dug my claws into the treadmill as I ran, my muscles surged with electricity, it felt like lightning bolts with every movement my legs made. I could feel my heart pumping like a psycho boxer trying to destroy their punching bag and it made me feel like I was blasting off into the sky. My body was finally set loose as every muscle pulled or pushed, every inch of me was excited. I wanted to push myself even more, I had to see how much I could do and no one would stop me!



“Hey Oly! I’m home!” called mom in a super happy voice. She must’ve heard me running on the mill because she stepped into the room right after she called me. “Hiya!” she said in her best anime girl voice. “How long have you been at it?” she quickly asked giving me a more serious face.

Slowing the speed until the treadmill stopped, I shrugged. “Uh… don’t know. Probably an hour?” I answered in a confused voice. Looking around I realized the sun already went down. “Maybe two hours?” I said changing my answer.

My mother walked over to the machine, pressing a few buttons before shaking her head. “Oliver, it says you’ve been running for almost five hours!” She said pointing at the treadmill screen. And sure enough it said I ran for four hours and forty minutes. “What happened?” she asked in a stern voice.

“I was just caught in the moment and wanted to see my limits.” I said trying to be casual. I didn’t need to worry her about Cole saying frustrating things.

“In your jeans and your t-shirt? Oliver, your clothes are falling apart. And don’t say it’s the style, I tried that with my mom and it didn’t work.” She said in a dead serious voice. She wasn’t going to let go an obvious warning flag and I mentally grumbled, she was like a shark spotting an extra fat seal, ready to act and rip apart the problem.

“Today was a little stre-“ I began but her eyes glared a hole into me. “Ok, today was crazy and it really felt like it was peeling my scales off. So I wanted to burn off the stress in a healt-“ Her eyebrow raised. “I ran until you showed up.” I clarified.

“Oliver, you shouldn’t feel nervous to tell me your problems. I’m your mother, it’s in my career description to help you. But if you think it’s fun to worry me to death then I guess I’ll go sulk alone.” She said turning to leave me alone. I didn’t like worrying my mother but at this point I was doing more harm.

“I think I might’ve spooked my friends with my instincts going wild.” I admitted. That made her immediately turn back to me with a concerned face. “I looked like a jerk and the worse part was, they forgave me, blaming themselves instead.” I added with an annoyed tone.

My mother grabbed my hand and softly squeezing it. ”well… when instincts are involved it becomes a lot harder on everyone. Instincts are there to help lead you, at one time defend you but this is where it’s weird. Instincts are a part of your needs and desires, making them a small part of your personality as a monster.” She said in a serious tone, this only made me more worried.

“My personality? Then I’m not completely me! I’m being changed from the outside going in!” I remarked in fear while feeling the bitter bite of anxiety creep in.

“If it didn’t, then people wouldn’t be able to fully accept their physical bodies or properly take care of themselves. Besides it’s not enough of a change to lead you to lose yourself, you’re free to decide how you live, what gender you identify as or even if you want tattoos.” She said in a relaxing voice.

“But that doesn’t excuse my behavior, if anything it proves that it was me behind the actions. What if it led me to hurting someone!” I said in a cold voice. The idea of hurting anyone, even my friends made me feel a twisting pain inside.

 “That’s why you’re learning how to control your mana with…. Uh, jokkke?” she said in a confused voice.

“Jaque? I mean sure he’s taught me some things but what does that have to do with instincts?” I asked feeling really confused.

“Well… I’ve done some research on my own and one of the easiest ways to manage instincts is through your mana.” She said with a proud smile. “But it’s not the ultimate answer, you still have to meet your instincts’ needs. Can’t live in society if you don’t take a shower after all.” She said with shrug.

“What! How!” I shot out without a second thought.

“I don’t really understand how it works, it just makes you more aware of what your instincts are doing….or was it aware of what it wants? Not too sure, one of the floor managers kind of sucks at explaining things. But he can handle floor invasions and a boss at the same time, so he has to know something otherwise he would’ve snapped from all the stress.” She said not super sure how to explain it.

“So then I might have another way of staying in control but how does it work?” I asked as my excitement began to build wildly.

“That’s where it becomes kinda hard. You have to focus your mana a certain way, it had something to do with controlling the mana in your own body. I guess it’s like casting a spell, maybe it’s a spell to communicate with your instincts?” she added, giving me with a curious look. “But that’s why you’re training your mana with that white smear guy. Apparently someone like him might know how to do it, he has traveled around stuffing his face after all. I guess you have to ask or train until you reach a level that he’ll teach it to you?” she said with a grumpy face.

She really didn’t like Jaque, thinking back to when he tried that counter move, I wondered if he blew up my mother’s things on multiple occasions? Maybe he did something stupid in his younger days? But how does she know him? Annoyed I pushed my floating thoughts away, now wasn’t the time for that.

“So… what about my friends…” I began.

But she stopped me. “Just try to apologize to them, maybe make it up to them but you should respect their space if they ask for It.” she said with a hand on my shoulder.

That’s it? You’d think it would be a bigger issue considering what I tried to do….


After some more talking and apologizing for being reckless with my new body, I let slip that Cole was back. My mother’s eyes grew so huge that I thought she was from an anime, before I could say anything else she took off to his room. I followed but at a wide distance, I didn’t want to be burned by his attitude but I wanted to see my mother’s reaction to him, so I hid behind the corner of the hallway. As she rushed over to his door, she almost grabbed the door knob before stopping herself and taking a deep breath to calm herself.

She then knocked on the door and waited for a moment before the door cracked open, Cole looked at her before he opened the door. But before my mother could say anything, Cole went in for a big hug and even lifted her off the ground. I could see tears building up in their eyes as they hugged each other.

I on the other hand left them alone, I had a show on tails to watch in my room.


Hey! Hello and Welcome! It's good to see you again. So I'm a little curious if you guys have any suggestions or thoughts on this story of mine, maybe you want to see a character pop up or you want an idea of how their ice cream tastes like. if you got something feel free to point it out.

Any way, this chapter shows some TV and how crazy a world with flying monsters gets! Oh yeah! Cole shows up again! But then he's mean to Oly.... man, I hope he's ok. Also there's a sudden surprise of controlling instincts! Maybe Oliver can finally have total peace of mind, I'm crossing my fingers.

As always, Thank You for reading! Writing this story has been a lot of fun and a growing experience for me. I hope I continue to grow and bring even better chapters! Beyond me, I hope everyone is doing well and has a super fun weekend all while discovering something beautiful about yourself or those who are family or friends to you. Also be safe out there!

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