My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.47: Sister’s Worry

“Alright so there seems to be some cracks on the gold plates on this side.” I pointed out with the tip of my claw. “Also I don’t know if the lens are supposed to be different colors but the left lens is darker and the other looks a little paler?” I ask, turning back to Mark.

“Wait!” He grabbed a pair of metal glasses, pressing a button twice making his eyes look huge like he was from a cartoon. “Your eyes has a magnification ability?! Dragons are awesome!” He raised his voice almost shouting.

“Yeah, my eyes are pretty useful.” I say proudly as a small grin grew on my face.

“If only I had eyes like that. Then I wouldn’t need these old man glasses.” He said pointing at his eye wear with huge bug eyes.

 “Even though some girls go for older men?” I asked with a smile.

Mark tapped his chin for a moment. “Hmmm. On second thought maybe I could finally get a monster girlfriend with these babies!” He said while flexing with a smile. The corners of my lips twitched at his face, he really looked like the stereotypical nerd, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah… no, heehehe, you look funny in those.” I said between my laughter. He rubbed his neck before looking away.

“Come on man! I could’ve walked out there with these on!” He shouted in annoyance.

“Sorry about that. But you look kinda funny in those.” I said not admitting that I wanted to see his silly flexing pose he does when he’s excited.

“Suuuure.” He said in annoyance. “Anyway, going back to the other glasses.” He quickly turned his back grumbling to himself. “It looks like the Nexus case had some fractures. I guess the wiring wasn’t set up right or maybe the mana had some kickback.” He sighed. “Or the mana steel is too weak of a conductor.” He mumbled to himself, taping his chin.

“Maybe it has to do with its strength? Those glasses glowed so it’s very possible the wiring can’t hold the power.” I said turning to the glasses. Oh well, I can mess with my friends later.

“Well if they mimic dragon scales then I guess you have a point. Your scales do hold mana in them. Hmmmm” He looked at a few pieces of metal on a nearby table. “Maybe Corrous will work?” He looked back at me, examining me so I came closer and lifted my arm. “Your skin underneath might be the answer.” He pointed to the dark shadowy hue between my crystal scales. “I think this area here might act like a two way siphon. Or at the very least maybe a door?” He looked at me. “May I touch your scales?” He asked.

I slightly smiled. “Go for it.” I said with a nod.

He poked the dark spot, pressing his finger on it. “It’s like a coating but maybe not? Could you charge mana into them?” He asked keeping his eyes focused on my scales. No problem, I might learn more about my dragon side. Warming my body, my mana began charging my body and filling my scales with small flickering flames.

“Interesting…. It seems like the Scales absorb the mana like a sponge. But then why does the mana look like a flame? Then it can’t be a sponge. It’s more like uh…. What’s it called?!” He kept snapping in frustration.

“A lighter?” I asked hopefully.

“No, not that. It’s more like a generator but like something else? Also, really? That pun wasn’t that good.” He said, rolling his eyes.

“That was an accidental pun.” I shot back with an annoyed face.

“Sure, and I’m friends with Lustio.” He tossed back. what's that? some famous person? I'll probably have to play along.



We pretty much spent another ‘couple’ hours before the sun started to sink below the horizon. It was almost dinner time before we realized the difference in time.

“Markie hurry up dinner’s read- Eeep!” Came a scared shout. Turning around I spotted a small little girl, the odd thing was that she was almost pitch black like the night and had two little nubs on her forehead. She wore a pink and light green dress with a cartoonish donkey and goat stitched on a big pocket on her chest.

“Stelly?” Mark said surprised before looking at me. “Oh this is my friend Oliver, he might seem scary but don’t worry. He’s friendly.” He tried explaining to her but all it seemed to do was make tears well up in her big pink eyes.

“Mark I think my mana’s too much for her. Maybe take her while I leave.” I whispered to him only to get a confused face in return. I looked at him like he chose a stupid haircut. This little girl obviously can’t handle this.

But before Mark could realize anything, Stelly ran in front of Mark and spread her arms out in a protective manner. “N-no! Y-y-you can’t h-hurt my big brother!” She shouted with determination in her watery eyes. Brother? He’s got more than one sister?! Then his mother followed that three children thing.

“Stelly.” Mark looked touched to the point he started tearing up. I gave him a ‘are you for real?’ look as he was obviously mentally gushing at her bravery.

“P-p-p-please ms d-dragon don’t beat up my b-b-b-brother.” She stuttered in a cute girly voice. Looks like Mark isn’t going to do anything, guess I’ll have to play a part.

I took a few steps back so I wasn’t towering over her. “I’m not here to hurt your brother. He asked me to help with his important project.” I said in a calm soft voice.

“You’re not? B-b-but why d-did you look mad!” She shout back while giving me a pointed glare.

“Because dragons make a lot of mana so I wanted your brave brother to keep you from getting hurt.” I said as reassuring as possible.

That made her eyes widen with surprise before turning to look at Mark. “Y-yeah! My big b-brother is super brave!” She cheered. “You must be a smart dragon to s-see that!” She looked super proud as she puffed out her chest put her hands on her hips. While this was happening Mark’s eyes were sparkling from his sister’s cuteness, I was worried he might faint.

“Thank you for noticing.” I say with a friendly non-toothy smile. “Anyway I’ll be leaving now before my mana hurts you.“ I said with a slow friendly wave.

As I turned to leave them together, Stelly called to me. “Wait! You’re friends with Markie then can we be friends too?” She begged with big almond shaped eyes. She was too cute and her love for Mark so sweet! I couldn’t say no to such a brave girl.

“Alright. I’d be happy to be friends with you.” I said a huge smile on my face.

She turned to Mark and crossed her arms with a smile. “I’m brave too!” She said with her cute voice.

“You sure are.” He said, happily petting her head. “But why did you want to be friends with Oliver?” He asked.

“I like the dragon lady! She sounds just like mommy!” She happily proclaims. Mark eyes widen before he slowly looks up at me, a smile threatening to break into laughter.

I narrowed my eyes slowly shaking my head, mouthing, ‘Not a word’, to him. He tilts his head as a smug grin spreads across his face. Shit. Best case he teases me about it, worst case he gets Kathy in on it and she doesn’t forget easily.

“Mark! Stella! It’s dinner time! What’s taking….so…..long….?” Shouted Mark’s dad before noticing me in the workshop. “When you said Oliver became a dragon, you didn’t say a dragoness.” He said with a surprised face.

“Yeah…I guess I can see the confusion… well, Oliver wants to be treated like a guy.” Mark said rubbing his neck and nervously chuckling.

His dad leered at him, shaking his head like Mark was being stupid. “Moving on. So how are you Oliver? Your mother mentioned you were having some difficulties with convergence.” He said while watching me.

“Uh? I’m figuring things out. Thanks for your concern.” I said a little surprised how forward his dad is, actually his dad looks a lot better too. He originally had a sort of beer gut and looked like he hardly slept but here, he’s a lot leaner and even looks more fashionable too. His cotton coat hugged his arms showing off the muscle underneath with a white t-shirt, his shoes were brown loafers and some jeans. “You’re looking pretty good.” I said admiring his glow up.

“Thanks! My wife suggested this! She really knows her stuff.” He beamed.

“By the way, what did you mean by Dragoness?” I asked concerned that he made the distinction.

“Oh that? I guess you wouldn’t know. Well from what I’ve heard from some higher ups, dragonesses are really powerful and what I feel from your mana. I believe it. Speaking of, Stella how are you feeling? Not too cold?” He asked his daughter in a calm voice.

“Nope! I feel super warm right now! Your pin is green too.” She said showing a shiny gold badge that had a soft green light on it.

“I guess the limiter is working then?” He checked a similar badge on his shirt, same green light. “Strange… I still feel his mana.” He shook his head. “Well if Stella’s fine, do you want to stay for dinner?” He asked.

“No, I promised my mother, I’d be there today. So I gotta go.” I lied. I didn’t want to put too much pressure on Mark’s family with my mana, Stella might just be trying to brave in front of us and I think I could use some time to think to myself.



After Oliver left, my dad sighed before squeezing his trembling hand. Was he afraid of Oliver? No, it had to be his strong mana. I mean it was pretty icy before we talked, demanding even. Maybe his stress with mom leaving for that big project has him worried and Oliver’s mana just tipped him over?

Stella noticing his hands trotted over and hugged his leg. “It’s ok daddy. Mommy will be back soon.” She said trying to be soothing. Dad sighed before smiling at her and picking her up and kissing her cheek.

“Thanks honey for worrying about me.” He hugged her and rubbed his cheek against her. “I’m feeling a lot better now. Could you please go get ready for dinner?” He asked, giving her smile.

“Ok!” She cheered with a huge smile before he put her down and skipping away, humming a song about bubbles the unicorn.

“Mark….” Dad turned back to me with a conflicted face. “You’re not in a pact with Oliver are you?” He asked. What? Why- is saying something like about Oliver?

“No. Why would you say that? He was a guy before this! I wouldn’t screw around with my best friend.” I said raising my voice.

He just put his hands up. “Look, I’m not trying to say you’ve set yourself up with him. It’s just you’re not wearing the mana limiter I gave you. And you’re walking around Oliver like it’s a Tuesday afternoon.” He said sounding super worried.

“Dad, what do you mean? His mana was cold to me but after we talked it changed to something warm and relaxing. I’m pretty sure he lowered his mana effect on me.” I said trying to prove Oliver wasn’t some stranger.

He rubbed his lower lip for a moment, probably thinking. “Alright. You’re probably right. but… he most likely doesn’t know and his mom might not either.” He sighed deeply. ”Dragons are something you should be really careful with. Their instincts are incredibly strong and there’s a lot of strange rules around them. So if you’re going to be his friend, you need to promise me to never accept anything magical from him. No pacts, rites, items or even something as small as a clip of hair.” He said staring me in the eyes.

No way he’s that serious! Oliver isn’t some dangerous person. His eyes were annoyingly dead serious. I don’t know how to feel about this. “Can I at least tell him about this?” I asked as my thoughts started spinning with worry and fear.

My father sighed. “Only in private.” He paused for a moment. “Blame it on me being overly worried.” He added with a nod.


Hey All! How are you doing? is there any big plans for this heated day? I went to a small park with a cool lake/pond and even got some ice cream!

Any who, This Chapter continues right after last chapter as Mark and Oliver work on those enchanted glasses! Oh and we meet brave Stella who managed to slay Oliver's cold exterior with determination alone. Also she's told me that she likes popcorn, I don't know why but I know you should be encouraging to kids so they grow up with a big smile and a healthy mindset.

As always, Thank You for reading! Please be safe in the heat and don't push yourself to the point of breaking. I want everyone to keep an eye on their physical and mental health unless you want to risk burnout or other awful situations. Please be safe everyone!

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