My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.62: He’s Super HOT, I think I’m dreaming!

That was weird in the most wrong way possible. I shook my head in disgust and frustration. Before reaching the loading zone. Something fucked happened and it left Belle in a lost daze.

Everyone in the garden building junction was staring at Belle. Their eyes watched his every move as if they were trying to make a mental recording of how his body moved. Sure he has a cute wiggle when he walks that makes his tail move around more but they weren’t even trying to hide it!

One group of those giant flower people were talking about taking Belle and filling him with so much nectar that he’d may as well be a girl. Another flower guy stared, while two of its flower mates kissed his body and eyed Belle as if to hint that this could be him. licking their male counterpart like he was their lollipop, making him shudder and smile at Belle.

“Hey-Heeeey oh! you’re such a pretty Maju-mew!” “Ripe and juicy in all the right places.”

“Heard they make greeeeaaaat fuck toys!” ‘Really?! I think I could test that theory.”

“He must be her favorite then! Think she’ll share?” “Oh! that’s some forbidden fruit, I’d die for!”

This made Belle hold his arm as his body slouched inward, trying to shrink his size as he looked away with a face that looked as if his own mother called him ugly. Without thinking I stepped in front of the crowd, my blood felt like a flood of pissed demons, each one trying to rip their way out after the crowd. I could feel my mana pushing out my body, I wanted them pushed into the ground. My body feeling like thousands of hornets buzzing inside made me jerk open my wings, wide enough to begin building heat into them for a quick roasting. while I bared my claws, ready to cut into them and make a salad and giving the crowd a death glare. These fucking bastards are going to learn some god damned manners real soon, just give me a reason!

Some wilted, turning yellow, a few sunk into the dirt and one covered their mouth. You challenge me and this is how you respond?! The flower people all shook and trembled as if waiting for their destined doom but another group gave a completely different reaction. The Oni and succubi in the crowd began pulsing with chilly wind and hissed or made guttural growls at the plant people as if the plants insulted their loved family. But I just stared at any plant people, hoping one would be stupid enough to do something.

“You show disrespect to our dragoness’ partner!” An Oni roared.

“Are you pact breakers?!” A succubus shouted in a hurt voice.

“Mating season or not, you should present yourself first to her Mightiness before seeking one of their partners!” hissed another Succubus, eyes glowing white.

 Before I could do anything else, Belle grabbed my hand, snapping my anger away for a moment. He shook his head. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” He begged. My eyes narrowed for a moment before I finally nodded.

Turning back to the crowd I shouted. “This is your one warning! DON’T. FUCK. WITH. ME.” watching the crowd quickly nodded as if their pointless lives depended on it. With that the Oni and succubi calmed down, the succubi’s tails poked out from under their clothes as if to present them to me and the oni bowed their heads. Nodding to them I closed my wings letting the heat to float away and walked off with Belle whose tail seemed to stand taller than normal as he followed me closely.


On our way to the Loading zone, Belle didn’t say anything but his tail hung high in the air and he had one ear facing me. it would twitch whenever I breathed, it was as if he was trying to hear my heart beating from how much he leaned in close. I wasn’t sure what to do, one moment he was uncomfortable and now he would bump into my arm before pulling away again. I even think I heard him purr the few times he got closer to me.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get aggressive, I just didn’t like the crap they were saying about you.” I said to him hoping I didn't add to his discomfort.

The tip of his tail slowly curled as if it was rubbing itself before he finally faced me, he had a small but cute smile and his green eyes were now giant black orbs. “It’s ok……it’s j-just their mating season……….” He seemed to wait for something, watching my face like I was the most beautiful person in the world.

I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Sure, but they shouldn’t be so aggressive towards you. They should respect you.” I said trying not to be distracted by his magnetic face.

His smile seemed to grow while his cheeks turned a sweet pink color. “…..Yeah………b-but I’m a Maju-m-mew………” He seemed to be implying something, stating his race. When I gave a confused look, he continued. “We…….Maju-mew…um, are g-g-great prizes………..m-many like the idea of a w-w-wife………………..” He finally said. His words hit me like a freight train, crushing any thought in my head for a while.

We just walked the rest of the way to the loading zone. Belle kept his eyes glued to my every movement, watching when my hands moved, my legs. I think he was watching my tail too or….. It was like he was watching my muscles move under my scales. I don’t think I'm ready for something like that, I don’t want to pull your pants off and mark you in my essence, tasting his sweet squishy cheeks…….. I don't think I should let his instincts do the talking for him.

I just wasn't sure how to really respond to this. Was he drunk on instincts? It felt a little weird to stand up for a friend being creeped on only to get the same looks from them in return. Hopefully he’ll go back to normal and we can forget this happened.


Waking up inside the town square, I saw several stem-like pillars that had several flowers growing around them. Banner made of some woven leaves and petals with odd runic letters hung between the pillars. A few glowing fairies flew up to some lamp caps before opening a satchel and pushing in a slimy orb into them like a lightbulb. Once in, they tapped it twice with a glowing finger and the orb flickered on, creating a warm sunny yellow light. The cottages and plant buildings were even being painted in certain areas by non-glowing fairies and petal people. I guess they were covering up certain areas to make the area look better? Heck even the stone walkway was being dusted in some sparkly powder that made the stones glow for a moment before returning to normal. There was even branches growing around the sidewalk with tiny see through acorns instead of leaves that were each colored a red color.

It looked like they were setting up for a night event, the same way an amusement park would have thousands of lights set up on buildings or along paths. Wait! Will there be a firework display too!? I haven’t seen the town at night but if I could watch the night sky light up, now that’d be, beautiful.

“Hey Pinepin, you alright?” Asked Phoebe from behind me.

Turning around I froze as I saw her. Instead of her white magical girl-like clothes, she wore a pearl purple and blue dress with a short skirt giving me thoughts of a ballerina, around the hips was a flowing ribbon that hung like an open belt for pants. But this gave her a reverse coattail look that cascaded down like a wavy waterfall. But behind her, were four glass like wings with edges shaped like feathers. At first I thought they were just display but they each fluttered slightly, making sparkly embers of blue and green fall from them.

“Whats- Oh! Did you like my battle clothes?” She asked with a big twirl.

“You’re a fairy here?” I asked, stunned. half happy she wasn’t acting the same way as he did outside.

“sorta. My gear is set up to look like the legendary mothen fairy. Buuuuut I pass for a pixie more than a fairy. You know, no magic wings and all.” She chuckled nervously while playing with her hair.

“I see.” I said, still watching the embers fall from her wings. It seems like they’re back to normal, maybe it was just my dragon instincts hallucinating that situation? 

“So let’s hit that sewing shop!” She said, racing off.

Following her, we made it to a little bowler hat that was painted with fern motifs embroidered on it and had a plastic like window covers and a wooden door. The final touches were rolls of thread and needles in or around the hat building.

Phoebe made me wait outside while she grabbed whatever it was she was picking up. Luckily I didn’t have to wait too long as she popped out again really quickly. Before handing me a token with a cute smile.

“What’s this?” I asked confused.

“Something the shop owner helped put the finishing touches on. Try it out.” She said with a wink.

She wasn’t flirting was she? I mean Belle was acting weird but I don’t think it’s like that here? Accepting the token a window popped up asking if I wanted to put on the ceremonial wear. Clicking yes, I saw that my incarnation suddenly had clothes on. I had golden armbands with a see through fabric that went around my back to the other armband and flowed like wind was blowing it. The fabric wasn’t constricting and it was pretty stretchy. I wore a leafy skirt that opened up in front with a pair black elastic shorts. But there wasn’t a shirt, I guess it makes sense for a guy’s version?

“This looks pretty cool, is it for the event?” I asked.

“Yup! Even the pixies wear something similar even though they don’t really like clothes.” Phoebe shrugged.

 Not bad, I think I like the clothes, not restricting, not too tight and kinda like some power up costume. I wouldn’t mind doing some poses with Maeve in this. Speaking of. “Where’s Maeve?” I asked.

“She’s making amends.” Phoebe said while adjusting a shiny badge that was shaped like some horse mixed with a wolf, a long horse face with the ears and cheek fluff of a wolf. “She blew a dungeon floor apparently just to get me material for this badge. She didn’t have to do that to cheer me up. Last week was just…” She looked at me. “Weird.” She said.


After that she took me to the Blossoming fields, a place that you had to go through a gate similar to the ones in the library in all its chunky, slimy glory. Apparently it was a special zone that acted like a dungeon, in the sense that flowers would wildly grow after a select number were knocked over. Effectively replacing any flower and keeping the game going.

“Ok, so your job is to knock over or cut down flowers and bring the petals to me and Maeve to prepare them. It starts off easy because we’re surrounded by flowers but after a while we have to go farther and farther to get them. Luckily the batter can only move with their legs so flying doesn’t matter for you.” She explained while pointed at a diagram. It had three pictures, one where the flowers were surrounding everyone to one where the gap grew between the players and the flowers. “Then you have to watch out for the dirt shaking and moving because that’s when a flora stampede happens. Shooting flowers from the ground, it basically becomes dodgeball at that point. Watch for moving dirt and listen to the alarm to warn you when a stampede happens and you won’t be smacked.” She explained to me.

My eyes were big at that. At any moment I could be gutted by a growing flower, I might even be sent flying with a well time hit too. “Um… will it hurt a lot?” I asked with some concern in my voice.

“Yeah… but since this dungeon zone is more for games and challenges you won’t be kicked. Just knocked out for a few seconds and it’ll mostly feel like a light punch. Then you respawn, unless you and the opposing team knock out together, then you gotta work together to find our bases.” She explained as we walked up to a forest of flowers.

The forest of flowers wasn’t super dense but it still seemed to allow for only the smallest of ants to pass. Phoebe knocked on one of the stems three times and said toast. Before I could question if she was confused, a door opened. What the fuck! The door looked like the clusters of flower stems, some weren’t even close enough to actually make a sold door! And inside the door looked like a thin doorway as if there wasn’t a forest of flowers.

“Hehehe. It helps if you don’t think about it too much. Fairy magic bends space in a weird way, or was it, folds space?” She shrugged. “You’ll just give yourself a headache.”

“Right…. I’ll just focus on the game.” I said, still eyeing the weird door that shouldn’t work with a nervous leer.

Walking through the door closed behind us, disappearing as if there was never a door there. Looking back Phoebe wasn’t watching so I tried to feel for the door but………………………….there wasn’t any door. It was just the tall flowers, my hand just went through like it wasn’t there at all. Nervous that the world would then try to eat me like that weird book, I inched away, hoping to god there wasn’t an eldritch being watching my back through that door-not-door.

Catching up to Phoebe I saw what looked like an open air lodge, it had a ground floor and a second floor with weird tubes attached to some wooden wheels. The ground floor had little folded papers and even fuses? I wasn’t too sure what to make of it, I guess we might be making fireworks? But Maeve did it differently.

“Hey, how does this sending of petals work? Is it really more than magic?” I asked confused.

Phoebe looked at the lodge, a small smile forming on her face. “Yeah….It’s more than magic.”


SO! I wanted everyone to Know we are now entering a little Arc for this event, I'll try to edit it some more but it's a bit lore fat in some chapters. This doesn't mean that's were the poll went into, so there will be more candy after that!

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