My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.66: Floral Skies; Kindness

Sorry about the late update, a lot of things popped up this weekend and with Thanksgiving right around the corner. It just was a busy few days which might bleed over into this coming week. Anyway please enjoy the chapter!


Even though she explained the materials calmly, she just went quiet. Her brows pinching together, focusing on folding, bending and pressing her spells into the Petals. But every now and then I’d notice her glance at me only to quickly look away. I tried to ignore it but she kept doing it every time I moved or fidgeted, it felt like she was worried I was messing up the work! She even nervously bit her lip as I reached for a nearby brush like I was grabbing the wrong thing. Yeah I’m annoyed Maeve won’t be here till she respawns but I’m putting my all into this too!

Getting annoyed I cleared my throat. “Phoebe What’s going on? You keep looking at me like I’m making a bomb.” I said eyeing her sternly.

“That’s because you are! You’re making mistakes! Your brush strokes are too cautious that you’ll make it explode!” She explained in a wild haste. “We can’t go making fools of our work out there! One slip up and That sham will win!” She said nervously before chewing her finger knuckle.

“I’m trying my best! I don’t want to screw up any of this but I’ve never done any painting before! I’m sorry I’m not Maeve!” I shot back making Phoebe freeze, her face going from anger to one with wide eyes and a deep frown like her mom was just brutally injured in front of her.

Slowly adjusting her posture, Phoebe finally sighed. “I didn't want to end up like this…” Setting her work down, her hands curled into fists, trembling. “A Trauer came out of this event.“ Looking back at me as tears started to pour from her eyes. “I’m sorry. this wasn’t supposed to go like this but in the end I used my friends and a Trauer even got Maeve!” She cried.

“Hey! It’s ok, Maeve will respawn and push us on. ALso I wanted to help you, you’re one of my friends. Win or lose We’ll have fun doing it!” I said, trying to cheer her up while being surprised at her outburst.

“You don’t understand! A Trauer will hold you until an event is over! Maeve isn’t going to have fun! I should’ve stopped you guys from rushing off!” She shouted, raising her fist above her head.

It looked like she was about to either hit herself or smash the table from my angle. so without waiting to see, i grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. Her body shook and trembled as she still held her fist in the air, fighting to bring it down with force or maybe to drop it lifelessly. I held her in my arms as she cried and pressed her face into my chest, sobbing and using her other arm to hold on to my back. while I rubbed her back and watched her fist trembling in the air slowly lower itself before finally dropping to her side.

“I’m sorry. I'm sorry.” She repeated in between sobs and gasps for air.


After a few minutes of crying, she pulled away, she wiped her face but kept her head low. “If you’re mad with me then I won’t force you to continue.” She quietly said to me.

The anger that built up felt so small after all that, I couldn’t help but remember how my brother once wanted to sail a toy boat, losing it and then making one. It was weird he didn't cry but tried to move forward, telling me he will sail his boat. “Well, I’m not wasting the chance Maeve made. although, I hope you tell me why you don’t like Rez sooner than later but other than that, I’m not abandoning you.” I said, looking her straight in her eyes.

“But-” She began.

“We’re friends Belle, I’ll help you get up even when you’re being dumb.” I said bluntly before flashing a cocky smirk.

“But I was usin-” She tried arguing.

“Then just be honest why you need my help and we’ll go from there.” I finished before turning back to grinding these sticks into powder. we weren't going to get more of  this ink without action.

Phoebe stood there for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Then please help me beat Caitlin and get her out of this town.” She said, looking at my face with a sharp look.

“Then Let’s make our exit a big one!” I said with a big smile.

Giving a nod, Phoebe grabbed a few silver needles as big as her body. “Let’s!”


With that Phoebe sewed and folded while I grinded or applied ink, drawing lines between the glowing petal pieces. We folded a few smaller petals, about the size of a dinner plate, into Six tear drops which I drew these lines on the inside of before adding them to the sides of our main petal plane. But it kinda looked like the tip of a + shaped harpoon and this wasn’t even the main piece! It was known as a chaser and it would follow one of our other Kai-mays.

From what she told me, Kai-mays come in different types, leads, twins, pursuers, chasers, loves and mates. a lead is the main Kai-may and all the others would follow it, twins were ones that start as one piece that would separate into two and fly around leads. the twins could actually separate into four or even ten, each one would enhance the lead with visual effects like colors, symbols and shiny effects. mates were the opposite of twins, two Kai-mays eventually meeting and becoming one, you can have them use up their spells before meeting or combine them into a second lead. 

“Loves are meant for pursuers. They draw the attention of a pursuer and often release a powerful spell once they meet. it’s supposed to represent the sacrifices fairies and pixies made to live a better life. while a pursuer always aims for a lead and takes it down or captures it. Basically pursuers were people that wanted the magic of fairies and pixies for themselves and would even kill them for it.” Phoebe said as she began work on a pair of twins. She sighed. “As dark as it looks, this event is supposed to symbolize the hardships they went through and well throw their sorrow past the horizon.” She forced a smile. “painting the night sky in their passions and seeding the world with their hope.” She sighed before she looked at me with a fragile smile.   

I gave her a light nod, not sure how to respond but I could tell this meant a lot to her. Rez trying to change this event into some battle tournament wasn’t a great sign either. If she changes this event then what else will she step on in her goal to advance the sprites into a new way of life? then there’s the fact someone else might be helping her out. someone that can easily change the event already but then again why didn't this person already do that? if there is another person involved then maybe there’s some motivation? At this point it could be anything from blackmail, money, power or even personal goals lining up.

It’s a bit too much to consider hard evidence, it’s better if i consider the fact Rez did something a while ago and she didn't change her stance. Then there’s what Brittany said about a case, maybe she meant Rez’s backpack? She is the first pixie I saw with something like that. I could try and check but leaving Phoebe doesn't sit right with me………………….. Then I guess I'll just have to keep a look out and stop her if possible. Maybe I can make an explosion if Rez does something dangerous and make it flashy too, maybe a little flowery?


“Pinepin! Are you alright?” 

“Huh?” looking around, Phoebe stood in front of me.

“You gotta focus on your mana otherwise our final adjustments won't work.” She reminded me. right! without Maeve i’m the only other one that can power the petals with my mana. though i still don't know how much i can actually manage. I mean you’re supposed to just think it and they start going through spells  though I don’t think I have much to worry about, seeing as Phoebe will be meaning the controls. I'll be playing copilot in this case and just keep the petals ready to act.

“So we test the waters first?” I ask as Phoebe uses her mana weaving to a good portion of Kai-mays, apparently it’s like a limited mana based radio wave. you just have to imprint your mana onto the activator and boom. you start the countdown, everything else is based on how you make them follow each other, though I don't really understand that part.

“Pretty much. Since Rez will be attacking our petals, we’ll have to deal with how she reacts to us and hopefully confuse her while we’re at it.” She explained as she pulled mana from whatever I collected from charging myself.


“AND so begins the moment you've all been waiting for! The launching of the kai-mays!” Came the announcer’s voice. “We will give our teams a few quick moments to make any final preparations they need. In the meantime please enjoy any and all food as we give a brief eulogy to the sprites that died in the past. and everyone who died last week.” The announcer said in a somber and yet nostalgic way.

while we gathered our kai-mays the announcer began to talk of the past.

“This event is to mark the end of suffering that all sprites faced. A time when we were gathered, held captive in mere jars, held like snow globes forced to power whatever kind of spell. pinned and pulled apart for a mere curiosity. in the past we had to hide from the forgotten shadows of monsterkind, the ghosts of our past. and yet today we see pain born again as the loss at the cat’s hope was splintered by selfish individuals!” He shouted in rage before slowing down.

“This is our way of saying goodbye and our hopes to meet again in a new life.” The announcer lowered his head as a sign of respect. “So please! Be merry, drink, eat and wash away your sorrow in remembrance of them and our future together!” He shouted with a joyous smile while tears flowed down from his face.

The audience was a mixed bag. Some cried and shouted with the announcer, others hugged those close to them and others gave scornful faces. It was way too soon to talk like that, after seeing the pain that people were going through at the hospital, I couldn't help but form a fist. if only i knew the guy that did this! found him! held him off anything! I’d even ki-

I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from my circling thoughts. “You ok?” Phoebe asked with a worried face. right, I can’t worry those close, just smile.

Taking a breath, I turned to Phoebe with a smile before sighing. “Just annoyed Maeve won’t be here to show off with us. we were practicing a grand routine for when we won too.” I said with an annoyed smile. 

“I….” Phoebe gave me a sad look. “...Yeah, I'm upset about that too.” She said as she looked away to the prepared kai-mays. “Let’s win this.” 



After what seemed like a year of waiting, the audience broke into a prepared shout as the announcer's once short stubby frame grew and stretched, his arms and legs doubled in length but his crown of feathers still covered his face as his black tux began to glow with red symbols. The symbols looked like detailed flowers and plants that I thought were tattoos at first. He then sunk his fingers under his crown, ripping it off his head and throwing it into the air which exploded into white smoke shaped like a rose. but this also revealed a head covered in black smoke and a pearly white smile that smiled way larger than a normal humanoid could possibly smile.

reaching into his sleeve he pulled out a blue napkin which he blew into it making it grow like a long balloon that he slammed on the floor creating a long silver and red staff with a microphone attached to the top.

Taking a breath the  announcer jumped into the air. “Let us see the end! Let us find dreams! Let there be Future!” He screamed into his mic with pure excitement and joy.

the crowd cheered, it was as if the announcer evolved into his better! Even I was actually feeling better as my chest puffed out suddenly as my pace quickened to the top of our base, it felt like I listened to some really catchy music, I had to dance to.

“Let us set the field! Set the floor! Build the skies!” chanted the audience as they all stomped their feet.

the announcer put a hand where their ear should’ve been and smiled widely at the chant before raising his fists in the air. “LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSS!” He then brought his hands to his sides, popping them open creating wild flashes like a firework. “PLAY!” he waved one hand as if wiping away wax.

Suddenly the dungeon shook, the dirt trembled and some of it shot into the air turning see through before vanishing in the air. The flowers pulled away from each other, their stems peeling apart in slices before the flower heads shoot into the air, creating a trail of sparks in their wake. Some exploded into puffs of smoke, dropping a few petals to the ground while others rocketed higher into the air until hitting an invisible ceiling in the dungeon. painting the evening sky in pinks, yellows and reds, it was as if an artist took their brush and with the speed of an anime fist fight filled the darkening sky with bloats of color. 

After a moment longer, the sky turned completely black while the color bloats were sucked into their centers. creating stars matching their respective color while stars clustered too close to each other gathered together, creating cloud like nebulas that arched across the cosmos.

It was so beautiful that I nearly fell over trying to watch the whole thing, only for Phoebe to help me from falling as we watched. It made me wonder what other glamorous things lay out there, just waiting to be discovered. Was there anything bigger than myself out there? this world might actually have deities or even gods. were they like this starry sky? complex and beyond my understanding?

taking a breath, I looked at my hand and then to Phoebe.  if only Mark, Steph, even Emily and my family were here to see this together. That would be the only wish I ever make on a god.


“Now For the new addition!” Shouted the announcer as he swung his arms covering his face.

This made the base to shake and rumbled back and forth before it shook a second more wild time, sending me and Phoebe to our butts. what the hell! I was having the time of my life here and now this is happening?! The base was turning like it sat on a wheel and that’s when I noticed the other base was turning too. Once they faced each other, there was another shuddering rumble before both bases stopped moving.

“Now the event can truly blossom! Please remember we are blasting at each other’s Kai-mays this time around!” The announcer called as he waved his hands in the air.

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