My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.73: Lost footing

“Oliver! wake up! you’re going to be late!” Shouted a voice.

“Te…twenty more years….” I grumbled, turning to my side and wrapping my wing over my body. 

“Oh no you don’t!” The voice shouted before something wet poured down my side.

my whole body shook and vibrated as if the concept of pure cold was tap dancing on my body, stabbing me with icicle shoes! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-” I instantly jumped out of my bed before tripping on my bundled blankets and falling face first into the floor.

“Ol-....Hehehehehehe-hahahaha!” My mother began laughing that she soon fell over too, rolling on the floor.

Pulling myself into a sitting position I stared at my mother with narrowed eyes. I am not amused, not in the slightest. “ha-ha. now could you hurry up and let me change?” I said as I pulled myself off the floor.


My pajama shirt ripped around my shoulders, elbows and neck, the sound of my clothes ripping echoing throughout the house. My mother instantly stopped laughing and locked eyes with me, her face turning stone serious. “I knew you’d be growing but, overnight?” She gave me a hard studious look, raising an eyebrow and leaning in close like I was some alien pet. “I guess dragons do get bigger than this compared to other larger known dragons. Well you’re probably not going to fit into anything form fitting so the most baggy clothes it is.” She said walking to my door before stopping. “I think you grew an entire foot, maybe more…so it be careful.” She said before leaving me alone.

My sleeves, waist and legs felt super tight like i wore something three sizes too small and the more I moved the more i ripped my clothes, making me annoyingly grumble. I’d have to go through more clothes shopping again! Great….More people to gawk at me again. turning to my drawer, I noticed the time was eight fifty! SHIT! I rushed to my drawer to look for something that might still fit only to rip my clothes even more.

“Fuck.” I grumble to myself. Slowly I try to remove my clothes but the seams of my clothes are at the very end as the back of my shirt rips as I bend down to pull off my pj pants. DAMN IT!

after finally taking off my shredded clothes, I quickly dig through my drawers to find anything that fits, that’s when I freeze. My damned bra is too small to hold my sides! ANd my fucking underwear is getting a little to familiar with my privates! Quickly, wrapping my annoying chest in bandages I found in my restroom and as a bonus it kinda makes them look smaller too!


“Honey…Your breasts look a lot…You didn't try using bandages did you?” My mother asked as she rushed me into the car.

“No……….maybe..?” I slowly say.

“I see…. WELL, let’s just get you to school then!” She said avoiding the topic.

“MOM, what were you going to say?” I say half annoyed and half anxious.

“Mhmm? OH! uh, that I’ll have to get more bandages and probably get you a few bras …maybe a few new sets….THAT'S all, hon.” She said giving me the most, ‘don't worry about it’ voice

Looking down at my chest and back at her. "It's not big! These make it a more manageable size!" I defended myself in frustration. 

She sighed, looking conflicted. "It makes it bunch up more honey. Once you reach a certain bust size, bandages end up making it look larger than without. Don’t worry about it too much, I’ll stop by Amanda’s shop and see if we can figure something out. You’ll be good to go tomorrow.” She said in a calm voice.

Sadly I was forced to face facts, these things called breasts were going to show and if it was one thing I knew, I had to keep up appearances. “I can make it through today.” I tell her with a false patient look. Really half the problem was just saying it to the world, the other half was keeping to those words, I just needed to keep to my words. 



“Our Mighty Mistress Looks so beautiful today!” “She looks ready to conquer the whole region!”  “They do kinda look……………nice…” “Think she’ll be at tomorrow’s blossom honey holiday? Bet she’ll get freaky!”

The succubi and Oni were very excited to see me today, many giving me huge welcoming smiles, others showed off their chests trying to make their breasts look larger. some of the male Oni even flexed their muscles while standing at attention like soldiers while the lamia waved their tails in circles, wearing serious faces and nodding as I passed them. That felt really…warm? Maybe a cola buzzy kind of feeling? At the same time, I could hear some louder people, making my skin crawl at their drooling eyes. They openly wanted a piece of me like some pinup model! Worst was the reminder of that stupid horny flower event. No way in hell and beyond that am I going there! I have fucking standar………ds……

… it smellls fruity…

Hmmm? Those breasts actually look good on them….. big soft mounds begging to be…….Oooooh his arms! He definitely works out~! And that Oni looks like he could be his own anime villain….. SWOOO COoooool……… Hey~! Her ass looks like the perfect heart shape! I bet it jiggles if you hit it the right way…….. just a little touch….. just need to get a little g-g-g-grip…

The succubi near each other or lamia and Oni, pressed their breasts against each other, some lowering their collars to show off cleavage, other succubi swayed their chests and hips playfully with excited smiles. Many succs even began glowing while their tail tips vibrated wildly making a loud buzzing sounds, some found partners to play with, even found places to push their buzzing tails into.

 The Oni began to wrestle each other and anyone willing, pressing their bodies together and grabbing each other’s sides, some even pushing each other to the floor and kissing each other, tongues at battle. For each inch an Oni won or lost, they would give playful nibbles or piston their body against their opponent. The larger stoic Oni were like jungle gyms to anyone willing to climb them, most climbers tried to get a rise out of them, using their ass or tits as foot holds and giving little licks. The tall male Oni weren’t as respected as several girls and guys rushed them either trying to to knock them over or maybe show their strength off. Some girls even grinded on their toned musculature, moaning and cooing. 

The lamia coiled their tails around others and used their arms to pin their partners’ heads into their breasts. There were groups of pure lamia who coiled against each other, wiggled their tails in sensitive areas and danced swaying side to side, curling their bodies into S and C shapes. creating a pile of writhing snakes and loud almost painful moans escaped the pile. Some even tied each other in their own tails creating small hills of knotted shifting moaning lamia. Two lamia even used their tails to tie up a cute goblin girl while they explored her body. licking and pressing tits or hands everywhere they wanted.

And I was right there in the middle of it watching everything that looked meaty or jiggly. MOVE! Maybe a little more? Maybe do a little searching my sel-NOOOOO NOT happening! I have to get out of here! Get away from this sudden orgy! BUT is it really an orgy? they’re not even fucking, WELL~ the succs’ tails are but semantics. I could use one myself though, maybe i’ll call one over! 

NO! I can’t live like that! I'm not some sex crazed chick! but of course I am, I have breasts that ache for touch, I have a meaty tail in need of handling and those thighs of mine are made for lovin. no i’m no….

“What the Seven tundras! where’d all this….. phar……..who’s at fault!”

“Olive…….r……You must control your…..elf…………wak…….”

The world began to swirl and colors began to mix together into a nasty vomit brown. And then it slowly dimmed until I was left alone with my female body and words that echoed through my very marrow.

I am

I am

I am

I am





"I hate you!"

"Then do something about it. Hehe. No one’s watching."

"I'll kill you!"

"Then why am I still standing?"

"You fucker!"

"Useless dirty kid, hahah!"

"Shut up…."

"When you're bigger than me."



"Oliver! Are you ok!"

"Huh….?" I groaned as I tried to move. My body felt oddly stiff and like I was pushed into a bed of pebbles. "What happened?" I ask as I blink my eyes awake.

"You were very close to masking your mana but at the last moment your mana blinked into an attack!" Jaque shouted with an amazed voice.

"I see…." I said rather flatly. 

"Uh…. Apologies but my barriers couldn't stop you from flying through the dirt as you did." Jaque said to my lackluster response.

I grumbled a little as I pulled myself out of my crater, dusting off my clothes which sadly were turned to swiss cheese. Loaner clothes again…..! Damn fucking…

"Is everything alright young oliver?" Jaque asked with a focused look.

"It's nothing, just my clothes are ruined again." I sigh, giving an obvious answer.

"Are you certain such a issue is…" Jaque tapped his chin as he watched me shoulders. "Something seems…off? Your au-" he continued but i just ignored him as i began to collect my mana again. My body just felt like ants crawling under my skin and my back was a lot stiffer as I pushed my mana into one point.

"…..I see… then try to think of breezy sea water a.n….mak…….to……….a…" Jaque began but…..


"You know you're wasting your time"

"I'll figure it out on my own."

"Hehe. Funny! Told your ~~~~~ the same thing. Not that I care tho."

"Fuck a bear."

"Kinda did! Ha! You're a few years too late for that!"


"What do you suppose the cyclopic artist Gorgi meant when he spoke of wasting time?!" Asked Mr. Minnow as he drew a cyclops watching a huge blue star.

"Oh-oh-oh-oh!" Emily’s hand shot up as she almost began hopping in her seat.

"Anyone?!" Mr Minnow asked, turning to the other side of class where Emily wasn't sitting. "What could an artist that finds beauty in the smallest things consider a waste of time?!" 

One hand slowly raised before he picked them. "People should follow hot chicks instead of weird colors!" Asked a guy with a big grin while Penny rolled her eyes behind him.

Mr. Minnow eyed him, his eyes narrowing at him like a neighbor's dog took a huge crap in front of him. I wasn't sure if he wanted to kill him or was super disappointed but before i realized it, he nodded. 

"That answer somewhat works but can anyone give me any other answer?!" He asked the class.

It was Belle who raised his hand next. "People need to take care of their close ones?" Belle asked with a curious head tilt. Mr. Minnow nodded but continued to ask for more responses that’s when I realized Emily was following him but stayed behind him where he couldn't see her.

Mr. Minnow looked over where Emily should've been sitting and smiled when he didn't see her raising her hand, turning to look for more responses. Only to quickly look back, realizing Emily wasn't in her seat, his face filled with worry and he even started sweating. "Emily, where are you?!" He called for her with confusion and maybe some nervousness. The whole class began to look around as if trying to find her but no one ever noticed her behind Mr. Minnow. 

"I'm right here sir!" Emily called behind him while raising her hand and jumping. 

Mr. Minnow’s body shivered like a ghost licked his back while the rest of the class either screamed or hid their faces. He slowly looked behind himself as if the horror monster was behind him, wanting to see his fear filled eyes. “EMmmm-ily! COulD yOu NOt sneak up behind me?” He asked in a trembling voice.

“OKAY!” Emily said as she smiled with a big puppy eyed look. “OH! while I have you here, here’s my essay on your question and possible meanings behind it with a footnote on where you can find my references at the bottom of each page!” She handed him a small paper before heading back to her seat.

“Pages?” Mr. Minnow looked at the single folded paper, turning it side to side.

“Yup! My new magic tutor showed me how to fold space. I didn't really care at first but when she said I could fit a vast amount of the same item in a fold I knew it’s true purpose!” She said happily like a fan girl going on a date with her favorite hot actor. “You unfold it and blamo! essay ready to enjoy!” She said with drool racing down her chin and eyes filled with stars.

“Another tutor?” He asked, looking scared to which Emily nodded. “That makes four no-”

“Six and a half actually.” Emily corrected him.


watching the interaction I sighed with a small smile on my face. At least nothing weird is going on here. Maybe it was all just a weird thing going on. I’ll just have to focus on cooling my head and-


secretly looking at my phone I saw a text from mom.

‘Shopping after school kay!’

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