My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 10 Returning the body of the magic stick with the way of the magic stick

The next day, morning.

The sun rises, darkness and evil recede, and the earth returns to light.

The reincarnated corpses that ravaged all night all retreated to the sewer or other dark and cramped corners.

Lick your wounds or savor the aftertaste of last night's hunt, waiting for the next night to fall.

Chen Gou left the jewelry store where he had huddled up all night, and came to the checkpoint at the border between Red Hook and Manhattan.

Due to the fall of the Red Hook area, the New York Safety Commission sealed off the entire area, and everyone who wanted to go out needed to go through strict screening.

The screening method is uncomplicated and results are available within seconds.

You only need to scan the surface of the skin with a medical ultraviolet lamp. If there are no wriggling strips of worms, it proves that it has not been infected yet.

Otherwise, they will be caught on the spot, isolated and even destroyed humanely.

Chen Gou quickly passed safely.

Compared with the Red Hook District, Manhattan, which is still under human control, is obviously much more prosperous.

The rich are still feasting and feasting, drunk and dreaming.

It seems that all human beings have one thing in common - they will not shed tears without seeing the coffin.

Chen Gou inquired all the way, and soon came to St. Benedict's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

Of course he didn't remember the name of this church. There were many churches in Manhattan, but this was the only one presided over by a cardinal.

Archbishop Paul in red inside knows the whereabouts of the Fallen Light.

St. Benedict's Cathedral was built in the 19th century, a neo-Gothic classic building of 1.5 square miles, just like a castle, which shows that the archbishop is quite good.

Chen Gou walked into the gate, handed the priest in charge of the reception a gold ring looted from the jewelry store last night, and asked to meet the archbishop.

This proves that the law that money can make ghosts work is true everywhere.

Practice has proved that it is useful, and Chen Gou secretly named it Chen's First Law.

Chen Gou was quickly led into the archbishop's study, and saw the archbishop wearing a red cap, black robes, and a long red belt around his waist.

The archbishop looked up from behind the desk, glanced at the young Chen Gou, then lowered his head and wrote something: Son, if you want to repent, start now. I only have five minutes for you.

If repentance is useful, why hasn't God's holy light been seen because of the evil spirits outside? Chen Gou sat down on the opposite chair with a grin and said with a smile.

English is the official language of the Holy See of the Covenant in Canglan World, so there is no obstacle for Chen Gou to communicate with the Archbishop.

The archbishop looked up again, staring at him this time and said, It seems that you didn't come to confess, so let's talk about your real purpose.

I need 'Falling Light'. Chen Gou tapped his fingers on the smooth mahogany tabletop.

The Fallen Light is an extremely precious cultural relic. With all due respect, you don't seem to have enough funds to exchange it for it. The archbishop squinted and said with his lips pursed.

May I ask how much 'enough' your Excellency refers to?

Five million dollars worth of gold.

Chen Gou smiled and said, I have something more precious than five million dollars in gold.

for example?

Practice God's will and use the 'fallen light' to destroy the blood race outside.

I haven't received such a will from God...Your Excellency, please come back. The mayor wants to invite me to speak a few words at the charity dinner tonight. I still have a speech to write.

If the words are not speculative, the cardinal sees off the guests directly.

Chen Gou stood up and left. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head and asked, Your Excellency, do you still fear God?

The archbishop looked ugly and did not answer.

Chen Gou didn't expect his answer, so he left.

Is he worth five million dollars in gold?


So Chen Gou either went to rob a certain treasury, or robbed the archbishop in red.

But he wasn't going to pick either.


That's what rough people do.

There is an art to crime, especially legal crime.

He wants this sanctimonious god stick to offer the Falling Light on his own initiative!

Chen Gou spent the whole day in an open coffee shop.

In the evening, the archbishop left the church by car to attend a charity gala held by the mayor.

In the dead of night, Chen Gou quietly slipped in through the back door of the church over the wall.

He brought the Archbishop a present—a bloodworm in a sealed glass bottle.

He brought it from the Red Hook area on purpose, and put it directly in the storage space to pass the checkpoint without anyone noticing it.

From the very beginning, Chen Gou expected that the archbishop would not cooperate.

The church does not have professional security guards and guards, and its defenses are extremely lax. There is only one night watchman who is responsible for the night watch.

With Chen Gou's attributes, it didn't take much effort to hurl the night watchman away from the mountain by throwing stones and into the church.

And at another desk in the archbishop's study on the second floor, he found the priest who fell asleep on the desk because he was too sleepy.

That is, the one who accepted his money during the day before agreeing to introduce him to the Archbishop.

Chen Gou poured out the blood worms from the glass bottle and landed on the back of the priest's hand.

The blood worm sensed the blood flowing under the skin, immediately recovered from the weak state, squirmed excitedly, and burrowed into the skin...

After the bloodworm parasitizes, it will cause the abnormal growth of the human body.

Until it finally turned into a reanimated corpse.

This process varies from person to person, usually within a week.

Chen Gou quietly paid attention to the priest's situation every day.

It was discovered that from the third day onwards, he hadn't shown his face any more, and kept his house behind closed doors under the pretext of being sick.

He obviously realized that he might have been infected. After all, the newspapers and TV reported overwhelmingly every day, and the symptoms on his body were clear when compared.

But he dared not speak up, nor did he dare to ask outsiders for help.

He knew very well what would happen to those who were infected once they were discovered.

He would rather hide in the room alone and pray to God and repent, than be locked up as a monster.

Then he was tied to a hospital bed, filled with various medical devices, and became a test object until he was dissected after losing his research value...

As for so many people in the Holy See, why did Chen Gou choose him?

It's very simple, you have to do things after you collect the money!

Three nights later, Cardinal Paul was praying under the crucifixion statue of Jesus in the church.

Suddenly, a young priest who had just joined the profession limped and ran out of the side door in a panic, his face full of horror.

The bishop is not good, Father Ino, he, he...

What's wrong with Father Ino? Has he recovered from his illness? the bishop asked while comforting him.

The thin young priest swallowed his saliva and said, No, he...he was infected, and just killed Noonan with a disgusting tongue...

The cardinal opened his eyes wide: Impossible, Yinuo has never been to the infected area, how could he be infected...

He stopped before he finished speaking, because Father Ino, who had turned into a reincarnated corpse, appeared from the side door with seemingly staggering, but actually fierce steps and rushed towards him.

Bishop, what should we do? Ino is already crazy!

The young priest wanted to continue to escape, but it was too late. He broke his leg while running just now, and his retreat speed was not as fast as that of the old cardinal.

The thick and long fleshy tongue unique to the reanimated corpse ejected from Father Ino's open mouthparts, pierced his throat like lightning, and the sting needle pierced in, and immediately rolled his eyes and fell powerlessly.

Lord, save us, we are dying!

Lord, save us...

At a critical juncture, the only thing the archbishop could do was to turn around and pray to the statue of Jesus.

This is what he is best at and the only thing he has learned in his life.

When he was praying, he was already in despair.

He has served the Holy See for decades, and although he has awe of God in his heart, he has never seen God perform a miracle.

At this time, it was nothing more than emergency medical treatment.

But this time the Lord actually appeared!

Sinner, do you qualify for the Lord's forgiveness and redemption for what you have done in the past?

From behind the statue of Jesus came a majestic, hoarse voice.


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