My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 159 Human Skin Lantern

Under the sea, the city of Aram.

The entire undersea city is covered by a layer of transparent defensive enchantment. If you don't want to alarm the sea monsters in the city, you can only enter through the four city gates.

But after the group reached their destination and dived into the sea, Hai Lanzhu didn't take Chen Gou and Kui'an to the city gate, but sneaked in through a secret passage that could lead directly from outside the city to the inside of the city.

The exit of the secret passage in the city is a remote pointed building guarded by a female Naga Siren.

Although this sea monster is not a mermaid, he was saved by Hai Lanzhu once, and he vowed to repay it with his life.

After the riot broke out, he also volunteered to stay and help Hai Lanzhu garrison this secret stronghold, keeping a glimmer of hope for retaking Yalan City in the future.

My lord, you are finally back. Did you find Her Royal Highness and prepare to counterattack?

The biggest difference between the Naga people and the mermaids is the tail. In addition, the head and hands also have some fish characteristics. The overall appearance is definitely much worse than the murlocs.

The female Naga named Yili was overjoyed at the appearance of Hai Lanzhu, but when her eyes fell on Chen Gou and Kui'an, she immediately showed obvious disgust and guard.

Because they drank the tears of the mermaid in advance, they also turned into male mermaids, and temporarily gained the ability to breathe underwater.

After experiencing that riot, Yili also hated male mermaids.

Yili, don't be rude. This is my current master, Your Excellency the Silver Knight of the Holy See! Hai Lanzhu said while giving her the envoy's wink.


Or human?

The female Naga was directly stunned, and looked at Hai Lanzhu with strong suspicion, obviously very puzzled and unacceptable to all this.

How could a young human being be supported by Hai Lanzhu and the mermaid, even regarded as their master?

Hai Lanzhu explained with a smile: It's a long story, but you'll know it later. In short, the master deserves our allegiance.

After a while, Chen Gou and Kui An were led to swim directly from the hollow in the center of the room to the second floor of the building.

When they were still in Huadao, the two had already been familiar with the mermaid's way of action, so although it was still a little unfamiliar at this time, it would not have much impact.

This was their residence during their stay in the city of Aram.

From the balcony on the second floor, you can overlook a large area, and the view is extremely wide.

This underwater city is not located directly on the bottom of the sea, but on the flat and huge summit of an underwater mountain.

Most of the seafloor is never as flat as people think it is, but rather uneven, with features such as hills, mountains, and even large cracks.

And the seabed of the Xingluo Broken Island sea area is a large criss-crossing huge mountain range!

Those that are high enough to stick out of the sea become islands, which is why there are so many scattered islands in this sea area.

Although the underwater mountain where Yalan City is located is still under the sea, it is only more than 300 meters away from the sea surface.

At this time, Chen Gou stood on the balcony and looked down, and saw that the wide streets were lined with western-style pointed buildings.

The same goes for the Kraken walking on the street, either wearing armor, or a vest, or simply wrapping an animal skin around their waist.

It was not far from what Chen Gou expected, but when a strange thing came into view, it immediately aroused his curiosity.

It was a lantern floating in mid-air, and the frame was some kind of unknown rattan, with a purple flame burning inside, emitting a faint light, not only did not feel the slightest warmth when it shone on the body, but was extremely cold.

What is even more frightening is that the outside of the lantern is not covered with oil paper, but with scales.

More precisely, it should be the skin of a mermaid!

A mermaid lantern?

Chen Gou was stunned on the spot. This kind of oriental-style lantern looked very out of place compared with the surrounding environment.

The weirdest thing is that the flames in these lanterns are still burning even though they are in the sea water.

Candle pupil!

Chen Gou's eyes flickered with candlelight, and he peered towards the lantern. This lantern is definitely weird!

Strictly speaking, the use of mana at this level is not considered a skill, so his mermaid state was not released.

[Mermaid Lantern: Evil Artifact]

【Origin: Canglan】

[Introduction: An evil existence peeled off the mermaid skin to make a lantern, and used evil magic to trap its soul in this lantern and could not escape. 】(Only the candle pupil is visible)

[Skill 1: Light Monitoring - The evil existence that made this magic weapon will be able to see the surrounding places illuminated by the light of the lantern from a long distance through the lantern. 】(Only the candle pupil is visible)

[Skill 2: Lamp Soul Shock—By burning the soul of the mermaid imprisoned in the lantern, it sends out a mental shock wave, directly causing mental damage based on its basic intelligence during life. 】(Only the candle pupil is visible)

After seeing the message of the lantern, Chen Gou hurriedly retreated from the balcony to the room.

The existence of the skill Light Monitoring made these lanterns a monitor.

And it's not just this one, almost the entire city of Yalan is covered with this kind of lanterns, comparable to eyes of the sky.

Chen Gou's complexion darkened. The occurrence of this situation meant that the so-called evil existence had secretly controlled Alan City, and it was just letting the three sea monster forces stand on the bright side.

Otherwise, how could these weird lanterns float over the entire city of Alan?

Soft footsteps came from behind. It was Hai Lanzhu. Chen Gou looked at those weird lanterns through the window and asked, Did you have these lanterns before you left Yalan City?

Hai Lanzhu also looked out of the window, and said in a low voice: I've seen it a few times, and it was only after weird things happened that this kind of lantern appeared, and it was aggressive, so whenever I saw us at that time, I would try to destroy it , it is impossible to let so many float in the air together.”

Chen Gou nodded, and suddenly changed the topic: Have you heard about the hiding place of that evil spirit?

No, Alan City is very chaotic now, and Yili seldom goes out during this time. Hai Lanzhu shook his head.

This is troublesome.

Chen Gou frowned deeply. If there were no human skin lanterns above his head, he could find them slowly by relying on his candle pupils.

However, under the condition of being under 24/7 surveillance, and wandering around the city of Yalan all day, I am afraid that he will be targeted in a day or two.

Go down first, and let me know any useful information you think of.

After Hai Lanzhu left, Chen Gou stroked his chin and began to think.

The clearest memory related to human skin lanterns in his mind is a Hong Kong movie called Human Skin Lanterns.

The protagonist of the movie, Ah Hui, was a lawyer in his previous life, working for Su Xiong, a mafia tycoon.

Ahui fell in love with Xiao Furong, the junior sister of Su Xiong's mistress Hongling Huixian. Su Xiong was vicious and did many evil things. Xiong committed suicide after being insulted.

Su Xiong learned Maoshan Taoism. In a rage, he cursed Ah Hui to make him unlucky for ten lives. He even peeled the hibiscus and made it into a human skin lantern. His soul was also imprisoned in the lantern, and he would never be reborn...

The following plot has nothing to do with Chen Gou, because it was not him who traveled to the abyss world, but the demons from the abyss world who did.

If Su Xiong was really manipulating behind the scenes, Chen Gou wasn't very worried about his strength.

Because his sorcery might be very powerful against ordinary people, but not so good against awakened ones.

And from the fact that he did not directly occupy the city of Alan, but indirectly achieved his goal by inducing riots, it can be inferred that his absolute strength is still at a relatively low level.

Who is willing to use time-consuming and labor-intensive tricks when things can be done with just a few steps?

At this time, Kui An, who had been standing by the side doing nothing, suddenly asked in a low voice, Agou, are you worried about how to find the hiding place of the evil spirit?

Yeah, we only have one chance. If we startle the snake, we won't have any chance.

I have a way.

You have a solution? Chen Gou looked over in astonishment.


Kui'an nodded and smiled innocently: My innate skill is the mountain soul - one of the abilities is that as long as I stand on the mountain, I can integrate my mind with the mountain and get some mountain feelings.

When Chen Gou heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, So, can you directly determine the situation of everyone in Alan City?

The city of Yalan was built on a mountain under the sea. If Kui'an could turn into a mountain soul, he would naturally know everything about the mountain top.

As a result, Kui'an touched his head with his thick and big hands, and smiled embarrassedly: No, my level is too low, and I can't do the level you said, but I can sense the law of each area... ...The place where the evil spirits stay must be very dark.

Chen Gou's eyes lit up. Although it was not that precise, it could still achieve the goal.

If the sorcerer Su Xiong is really hiding behind, even if he is not a ghost, the yin and hostility generated by the continuous production of human skin lanterns are enough to make his hiding place the most eerie place in the entire city of Alan.

I'm going to try it now.

As soon as Kui'an said that, he went directly downstairs. His innate ability can only be activated by direct contact with Dashan.

At this time, Chen Gou was already thinking about how to approach and kill Su Xiong, and what kind of gains he could get.

To be reasonable, Su Xiong's sorcery, although cruel, is still quite useful.

For example, this human skin lantern is perfect for detectives, whether it is Huadao or him in the abyss world, it can be used.

Of course, if he wasn't an enemy, he wouldn't be able to peel people's skins. There is still a bottom line for being a human being, but you don't have so many worries about skinning demons...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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