My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 40 Crazy Fighting

In the cave prison, the five members of the wildfire team stood in a row seemingly at random, covering Chen Gou behind and An Zhanyu next door.

The two of them are secretly signing a contract, which is the prerequisite for the use of transformation skills.

At this time, An Zhanyu naturally followed Chen Gou's request.

After a while, the big bearded man who hijacked the plane before came in with two war hammers on his shoulders.

Let me introduce myself first. My code name is Violent Bear. I want to tell you a bad news and a good news... The bad news is that more than two-thirds of you are going to die!

All the prisoners changed their colors, and someone asked tremblingly, Then what's the good news?

Violent Bear grinned: The good news is that up to ten of you can get the chance to join us and survive, but you need to pass the test.

The voice fell, and everyone fell into silence again.

Join the Blood Umbrella organization... Once you start, you can only spend the rest of your life as a traitor, and there is no turning back!

After a while, a thin middle-aged man with pockmarked face asked in a deep voice, What is the test?

Violent Bear is 2.23 meters tall, taller than everyone present, looking down at everyone from a high position, and said with a grinning grin:

I will open all the doors of the cell later, and I will come back in half an hour. At that time, there must be less than ten people standing here, and these people will automatically pass through.

If there are more than ten people standing, then all of you will be sent directly to the laboratory as experimental subjects for the virus blood medicine.

Bastard, do you want us to kill each other? A female witcher cursed with tears in her eyes.

If you're not a beast, how can you join the Blood Umbrella?

Violent Bear's eyes were stern, and the corners of his mouth were full of joking: Not only will I let you kill each other, but I will also record them all with props! If any of you are disobedient in the future, then these videos will be sent to you. to the Holy See.

Shameless! Despicable! You are not human!

The female witcher stared at the violent bear. If her gaze could kill, then the violent bear would have already been hacked into pieces by her.

Faced with such abuse, Violent Bear was not angry, but looked at her with a meaningful smile and said, I expect you to survive.

Okay, from now on, you still have ten minutes to prepare.

Of course, you are basically trash, and the organization wants to select people who have a little value in training from the trash, so for the sake of fairness, we will use the ball of forbidden law to suppress the fluctuation of the law of the cave, so that all of you can be stronger Below the tenth grade.

After Violent Bear finished speaking, the followers behind him began to open the cell door and helped the prisoners loose the shackles of the forbidden law.

At this time, even if the mana was restored, the captives did not dare to riot.

First, since Violent Bear dared to do this, he was already fully prepared, anticipating all their reactions.

Secondly, the hearts of the people are not in harmony, and there is no communication in advance. Who would dare to come forward and seek death at this time?

The most important thing is that when they were on the airplane before, all the law props on them, especially the storage equipment, were all taken away.

Without equipment support, everyone's combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, and there is no capital to resist.

But Chen Gou is an exception here, because the storage space attached to the system has no external carrier.

Therefore, the Blood Umbrella couldn't find out at all, and only took away two important items from him, the death walker's silver armor and the bronze-level ghost cloak.

In addition, even the ancient silver cross was secretly put into the storage space by him.

Violent Bear came to An Zhanyu with a wobble: Master An, let's go, don't worry you can see this good show outside.

Wait first. An Zhanyu walked out of the cell, pointed at Chen Gou and said, I like this kid, take him away together, I want him to be my attendant.

Violent Bear's eyes were fixed, and suspicion flashed in the depths of his pupils. He sized up Chen Gou and said, This kid has no hair and his level is pitifully low. What do you want him for? I'll find you a strong and beautiful man. Female guard, you can do whatever you want.

I'm tired of playing with women, can you manage it if you want to change your taste?

An Zhanyu sneered and said, Don't talk nonsense, let him go, I want him!

After the words fell, the entire prison was instantly dead silent, and even the members of the wildfire team looked at Chen Gou with strange eyes.

The violent bear couldn't help feeling a chill, and backed away.

No! If you want to raise conditions, you have to make contributions first. The organization has clear rewards and punishments. You can't break the rules because of you. He has to pass the assessment on his own.

Violent Bear intends to make An Zhanyu understand his situation, and coldly rejects his request.

Don't embarrass me!

Under the eaves, An Zhanyu had no choice but to encourage Chen Gou symbolically, and then was taken away by the violent bear.

After the people from Blood Umbrella left, the atmosphere in the prison became more and more delicate.

Thirty-three people were quickly divided into several small groups based on the prison unit.

Some of them are inmates they just met, and they form a group with the prison as a unit.

Some, like Chen Gou and the wildfire team, knew each other and were locked in the same prison.

The prisons in the cave are arranged in order from the outside to the inside, and they are prisons one to six.

A total of six small groups of people walked out of the prison door one after another, looked around, and watched other people vigilantly.

In this respect alone, Chen Gou and the wildfire team had a little advantage.

Because they only need to face the people in the nearest prison No. 5, and they don't have to worry about being attacked back and forth.

People's hearts can't stand the temptation, and everyone's conscience is rapidly collapsing at this time.

It's time, you can start. Violent Bear's voice suddenly sounded.

The prison was still silent, as if everyone was watching.

But as time passed, every second passed, the atmosphere in the cave became more dignified.

I don't want to kill, but I don't want to die either...

The leader of Prison No. 1 in the outermost cell looked pained, as if he couldn't force himself to take action, but then he suddenly turned his face and shouted violently: If you don't want to die, there is only one way—kill!

Before the words fell, his figure rushed towards the people in the No. 2 prison.

In the middle of the journey, his body quickly absorbed the soil from the ground to cover the surface of his body, and his size skyrocketed in the blink of an eye, turning into a giant covered in thick mudstone armor.

The people in Prison No. 2 changed color instantly. At this time, they didn't have law weapons in their hands. Facing such a humanoid bulldozer wrapped in heavy armor... It was a disaster!

No matter how difficult it is, the team in Prison No. 2 has to face it.

At the same time, the people in Prison No. 3 also naturally rushed to Prison No. 4.

They can naturally choose to flank the people in Prison No. 2, but in doing so they are also very likely to be flanked by Prison No. 4.

So the safest choice is to fight head-to-head with Prison No. 4.

Prison No. 5 thought so too, so Chen Gou and the wildfire team were also involved.

There are also six people in Prison No. 5, including the huntress who scolded the bear before.

But she still didn't seem to understand it, so she fell at the end with a very hesitant expression.

Good sign! Chen Gou saw it and was overjoyed.

There are pig teammates on the opposite side, so they have a numerical advantage!

Just thinking about it, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Although the Wildfire team has the courage and awareness to fight, but their strength is really limited!

Originally, they hadn't reached the level to hunt in the foggy area of ​​the abyss, so they only dared to take a gamble under the leadership of Chen Gou.

But the others in the same group were all old witchers who had been preparing to enter the misty area from the very beginning.

Although the level was temporarily suppressed below level ten, the combat experience and skills were there.

Just like just now, Oman in the front row of the Wildfire team just took a small step back after being frightened for a moment under the impact of the murderous aura gathered by the five opponents from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

It was this small step, the fleeting opportunity seized by the opponent, and a violent charge skill directly knocked him over!

The difference between real fighting and games is that everyone has only one life, so it tests mentality, experience and on-the-spot reaction even more.

But there is also the same place, that is, the formation is extremely important!

The team had just started, and the tank shields in the front row had problems, and the chain reaction triggered was absolutely catastrophic.

Teammates with weak physiques will be directly exposed to the opponent's firepower!

As long as there are two or three people in the first time, the next step is to crush one-sidedly.

This is obviously the opponent's battle plan, but it is estimated that even they did not expect it to be so smooth.

Chen Gou could see a cruel grin on the other party's face.

The situation became extremely critical. Once the Wildfire team was over, he himself was no match for four hands.

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