My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 324

Chapter 312: The Era Is Coming To An End

At dawn, Lu Yu found a group of new faces in the Pope’s Tower area.

The vacant positions of the Pope Knights were filled by a group of Halo warriors. These warriors who had just obtained the Halo title entered the Pope Tower area in an orderly manner under the leadership of the black nun.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu knew that a lot of things happened late last night.

When Sera was feeding Laurent with porridge with a spoon, the nun in black who disappeared overnight appeared.

Laurent asked, “As I guessed?”

“Not bad at all.” The black-clothed nun was smirking, “In the name of protecting you, they called it negotiation, but with a little questioning, they stuffed the halos in.”

Everything is going according to their plan, which makes everyone in the room smile.

Laurent said: “I summoned everyone in the Guanghui Institute at night and said I had something to announce.”

Lu Yu smiled and said, “Will they mistakenly think that you are going to announce the Pope’s candidate?”

“They’d better think so.” The playfulness in Laurent’s no longer clear eyes gradually deepened, “Since you are doubting the person I love, let the torment continue for a while.”

It was night, and Laurent announced in front of everyone that in order to avoid suspicion, the black-clothed nun would also withdraw from the Pope’s Tower. At the same time, he requested that the members of the Radiance Academy send his family’s heirs into the Pope’s Tower to confirm him at all times. physical condition.

The Pope’s Tower, which had always been blocked by clouds and mist, began to be transparent to everyone under Laurent’s order. Those who had sullen doubts about the nun in black also bowed their heads and accepted the result with satisfaction and shame.

The Pope’s decision is temporarily assigned to all the bishops until the new Pope is coronated. He currently only retains the right to transfer the glorious incarnation, and this right will automatically disappear after his death.

No one finds it strange that Laurent suddenly released his right downwards. He who always put the teaching nation first is obviously already preparing for the aftermath, and death can never be properly prepared, and accidents will come at any time. In order to prevent the chaotic handover of power, it is Laurent’s responsibility to all the people of the church to let go at this time.

The last important thing of the night was to discuss what to do with Laurent’s body left on earth after his visit to the God of Radiance.

Laurent still casually put forward his hope of returning to the loess, but everyone in the Guanghui Academy held the oldest Antonio, and expressed their request to put Laurent’s “deciduous” under the silver maple tree.

Every reason explained by Antonio is related to the future of the teaching nation. Laurent, who has always put the teaching nation in the first place, could not refuse, and in the end he could only slightly decapitate with a tired face.

The archbishops breathed a sigh of relief. Laurent’s reputation was too high. Even if he died, the Ecclesiastical Nation would not be able to avoid the blessings he left behind for a long time to come.

In order to stabilize the rule of the Church, it is undoubtedly the best way to upgrade everything in Laurent and let everyone worship.

After getting everything they wanted, everyone in the room left one after another, and they got everything they wanted.

Lu Yu and his party, who were watching this silently in the dark, were very satisfied, and they also got what they needed.

No one noticed that Laurent had completed the transformation of his identity. Although he was the spokesman of the **** of glory and the **** of splendor, he was also an ordinary person who wanted the happiness of the nun in black at the moment.

Laurent came down to the balcony with the help of Lu Yu and Sera, and the two rows of torches extending all the way to the distance illuminated the satisfied faces.

Laurent, who could not see clearly, listened to Lu Yu’s description, coughed, and said, “They are still so insensitive… Although I am very happy to say this… But when I think of the future of the teaching nation to them… cough cough…”

The words were interrupted by the sound of coughing, and Laurent, whose face was flushed, burst into tears.

Lu Yu comforted: “You have done everything you need to do, as you said, now, it’s time to fulfill the wish of the nun in black.”

“People have become accustomed to moving forward smoothly under your arrangement, thinking that the sea is always calm, and they have enjoyed the tranquility for decades, so they are path dependent. If you leave you, the Church will be miserable and confused… But this is what they want in the end. Facing the truth,” Sera said, “rest…for now you just have to watch us.”

Laurent’s last concern was also over. He let go of Lu Yu’s hand and hugged the nun in black beside him with his arms that had no strength.

From this moment on, he is no longer Pope Laurent of the Holy Nation of Silver Maple.

The country that he carefully carried on his shoulders would also slip a little from another person’s shoulders.

Laurent cried like a child, never showing his vulnerable side in front of outsiders, and finally let go of all his burdens.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…for making you wait so long.”

The deep guilt in the words made Lu Yu and the others sore noses and red eyes.

The nun in black touched Laurent’s pale hair, her voice as gentle as the wind and sweet as nectar.

“It’s okay, I said it back then… I will always wait for you, as long as you don’t drive me away…”

Crystal tears dripped to the ground from behind the veil of the nun in black.

The eighty-year-long wait has finally come to an end, and she can finally be generous, without caring about anyone’s opinions and rhetoric, and embrace Laurene into her arms to the fullest.

Laurent no longer belongs to the Church… At this moment, it belongs only to her.

“You want to compensate me…” The black-clothed nun swallowed even harder. “You said that when you became the Pope, you would give me a gift and take me to see even more magnificent scenery… But you broke your promise, you liar, liar!”

Lu Yu and others consciously closed the door for the two of them. Through the crack of the door, Lu Yu saw that the nun in black took off the veil…

The three lay on the grass in the garden, silent for a long time.

The pure and sincere love deeply shocked them.

Lulu pretended to be looking at the stars, but secretly aimed at Lu Yu-although Sera was in the middle.

The quiet beauty that belonged to the three was shattered by a carefree and lively figure.

The black-clothed nun Zi Xing came to Lu Yu despite the obstruction of the old nuns.

Facing the three pairs of eyes looking at him, Zi Xing shrank first, then swallowed and spit out the words that had accumulated in his chest.

“Why are you driving us away!”

The young nun, who was always optimistic and smiling, burst into tears after speaking. Her twitching facial muscles formed gullies and hills, and the sadness flowing on her face roared towards the three of them like a tidal stream.

Many people are destined to cry tonight, some are relieved, some are joy… and some people are like abandoned and homeless children.

The old nuns caught up with Zi Xing, and their dry hands had already pressed on Zi Xing, but when they heard Zi Xing’s words, the gesture of pressing down lost its strength, as if two dead vines were wrapped around the trunk.

“We… are the Pope’s bulwark… Why did they drive us away… Why did they take over here… Shouldn’t the Pope be the master?”

Purple Star is pure, otherwise her name would not have been written on the scroll by the nun in black.

Loyal to Laurent, she could not accept being rejected. She was sensitive to the surging tide of the Church, but she didn’t know where the tide came from.

She just knows to be loyal…

The old nun clearly understood everything. After this peaceful night, the rights of the Patriarchate had begun to transition, and a new chapter in history was about to begin.

The Snake Man is the custodian of the black nuns, who has been in charge of the black nuns for decades. When Laurent leaves, those loyal to Laurent will also end – the new pope will not use the closest to her and Lauren. German of them.

The old will get a respectable position, and spend their old age in the glorious light of the Patriarchate.

Young people who have never seen the wind and waves will watch the big ship that has been sailing smoothly for eighty years rise and bump again, and there is already a kind and kind old man living in their hearts – it is difficult for the new pope to like them.

Sera actually liked this lively child very much. She hugged Zi Xing, took her to the corner, and patiently comforted her.

“There will be many such people…” Lulu murmured.

“A lot of … a new era belonging to the Patriarchate will cause many people to feel pain, and we can only pray that the next pope will reduce this pain as much as possible.”

It was very close to the time to leave. The nuns in black arrived under the Pope’s Tower. At this time, the sky was bright, and they were almost integrated with the surrounding like a lonely ghost.

They looked up at the tower and knelt down slowly.

It cast a shy warm light from the sky before it was bright, and illuminated the top of the Pope’s Tower. This warm morning light was like a signal for the beginning of the performance. At the same time, the nuns in black began to sing a melody that Lu Yu was very familiar with. .

It was like a throbbing elf leaping through the mountains and forests before dawn, and the bubbling clear spring was held up by him, and the coolness dispelled the irritability of summer and the constant drowsiness…

Ethereal, serene…It makes people feel Laurent often sings for him with the nun in black…because it will bring him back to the forest where they met eighty years ago .

The melody was short, but the nuns in black kept repeating, and the melody converged into a stream that flowed under the Pope’s Tower.

Along with singing again and again, above the tower, bathed in the morning light, Laurent bowed to all the nuns in black with the help of the nuns in black.

There was a vibrato in the chorus, like a pebble falling into a gentle stream.

The Halo warriors who came to hear the sound saw the nuns in black all pressing their heads close to the ground, and the dull weeping came one after another.

Under the urging of the members of the Executive Court and the Inquisition, and looking back again and again, directly under the orders of Laurent, the black-clothed nuns who were resident near the Pope’s Tower left the place they had guarded countless days and nights.

Regardless of whether the Church is ready or not, the era that belongs to Laurent has begun to slowly come to an end.


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