My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 337

Chapter 325: Winter Is Approaching

The weak Laurent said too much in one breath, coughed again and again, and the slightly chilling wind made him subconsciously tighten his clothes. This action was quickly captured by everyone, and he was brought back to the Pope’s Tower without any explanation.

“I want to talk to Lu Yu alone.”

Lu Yu wanted to refuse, because Laurent looked tired, and now he would feel uncomfortable talking too much in one breath.

Last year’s serious illness completely took away Laurent’s vigor and vitality. Now it is not the disease that wants to defeat him, but the helpless magician and doctor of the country, and what is currently very equal to all living beings – aging.

In Dusk City, he avoided decay with his split consciousness, and finally became a ninth-order puppet master in the superposition of Clorence.

Laurent grabbed Lu Yu’s hand, his eyes firm, as if pleading.

Mao Jing grabbed the fog demon who was chasing a kitten and closed the door gently, leaving enough time and space for the two of them.

Lu Yu sighed and carefully tucked Laurent’s exposed arm back into the quilt.

“Tell me about the plan.”

Confirming the normal operation of the shielding circle, Lu Yu described in detail the plan he and Sera made to steal the ashes.

Laurent sometimes thought, sometimes frowned, sometimes closed his eyes, and sometimes raised the corners of his mouth. Judging from the final expression, he was very satisfied.

“Actually, we have also thought about whether it is possible to steal your body directly…”

Before Lu Yu could finish speaking, Laurent’s eyes changed, stern and serious, but in just a moment, he sighed heavily: “Don’t do risky actions for me, if gambling is not the best choice, you will Restraining impulses and choosing to act wisely is what I admire about you.”

“The plan for the ashes is very good. Let’s do it. Promise me, never take any chances on this,” Laurent said. “The risk of failure is beyond you and your territory.”

Lu Yu nodded: “I see.”

Being kind is also one of the reasons why Laurent likes Lu Yu.

“Have you thought about the future direction of the territory?” Laurent asked, “I’m not referring to the development plan, which I’ve heard enough about Lulu and Sera recently, I’m referring to… the core goals and Something on a bigger scale.”

According to Lu Yu and Lu Lu’s original vision, the territory is actually a paradise for them to escape their troubles and stay away from nobles and troubles.

Lu Lu was fed up with being deceived and calculated by the nobles. She couldn’t tell what purpose the other party was approaching her, so she simply closed the door and lived her own life.

She succeeded at one point, if that big bang hadn’t happened…

Lu Yu was fed up with dealing with a group of people who thought they were smart but were extremely selfish.

Along the way, starting from Yas, passing through Grand, Soresen, Mostana, and Kelai, in addition to the mushrooms, werewolves and magic foxes in Blue Water, I felt the rare warmth in this land. , Lu Yu’s heart is very cold most of the time.

He tried his best to make himself less visible in the crowd so he could fit in with them, but he couldn’t be them.

The land that nurtured him gave him unique values, but he also knew that he couldn’t go against the trend of the times. The long history told Lu Yu that those who dared to do so would definitely die.

Lu Yu was incapable of saving too many people. Just as Clorence passed on a prophecy to him from an orphanage, he decided to protect the people and things he cherished within his ability.

something bigger…

Lu Yu thought thoughtfully: “If I have the ability, I will release some seeds.”

“What seed?”

“A seed that can stir up a stagnant water environment a little.” Lu Yu said, “Have you heard of Vanessa?”

“Sierra told me her story, and I really did not expect the great Sayer Lucamia to have such a powerful companion who has never been recorded in any tome.”

“She kept a diary in the hut where she lived, and there was a passage in it…”

“I will do what I can and open up everything I know, not for fame, not for return.”

When Lu Yu was reading, she was deeply shocked by Vanessa’s spirit. She has been suffering since birth and became a magician who surpassed the times step by step.

Unlike those magicians who clung to the knowledge in their hands, she tried to break the blockade by herself.

An unknown accident made her disappear into the long river of history, and Lu Yu couldn’t help thinking, if Vanessa hadn’t disappeared, would she be able to bring a little bit of living water to this stagnant, stagnant world of magic.

In an instant, Laurent understood Lu Yu’s thoughts, he patted Lu Yu’s hand approvingly, his face full of relief, but soon, he smiled bitterly, and the smile turned sad.

His expression was so complicated that Lu Yu couldn’t find the exact words to describe it.

For a long time, Laurent said: “Don’t forget your original purpose, everything should be carried out without affecting the territory. If you want to sow the seeds of knowledge, then intermittently, gradually throw, don’t put yourself Standing on the opposite side of all schools… National conquests need to consider interests, but schools don’t need to consider them, they restrict craftsmanship, you already know about the martial artist, the use of force is commonplace, and the ruthless means are endless.”

“The tide of magic will temporarily disrupt the order of the school, causing the academic tower they have carefully built to collapse, but after accumulating knowledge and experience again, the tower will rise above the earth again, and the cycle will repeat… Everything is but a cycle.”

Laurent urged seriously: “If you can, it’s fine if you don’t sow, protect yourself…and everyone in the territory…”

Lu Yu suddenly thought of Clorence.

Laurent and he have seen it through – history repeats itself over and over again, and everything that has happened in the past will also happen in the future, the only difference is that a group of actors has been changed.

It is as strong as Laurent who has spent 80 years just trying his best to hold up the teaching nation. He is powerless and unable to resolve the contradictions hidden in the deeper layers.

Because once he touches it, the enemy he has to face is no longer a specific person.

It is a monster that is thousands of times more terrifying than the impregnated spirit and the dragon, enough to overturn a country in an instant.

“I also told Sera these words, she will supervise you and Lu Lu.” Laurent smiled smugly.

Sounds like Sera leashes him and Lu Lu?

“Have some confidence in me. I want to have a home more than anyone else. I have been floating for too long without a root… It’s time to take root.”

Laurent did not expose Lu Yu.

Lu Yu once said that he came from a far-away country, where there is his family and the land that cannot be separated, but in fact… he is very lonely.

Just like Serra, who was struggling on the ground in the great cold wave of that year – an abandoned wild child.

Laurent doesn’t care about Lu Yu’s past and his hidden secrets. He only knows that this person in front of him will bring peace and stability to the nuns and the Pope’s Knights in the territory, and that he will play with Sera and Lu Lu. An interesting daily routine that makes the corners of the mouth rise.

“Do you like Lulu?”

Thinking that it was time to take the medicine, Lu Yu, who was about to give Laurent the medicine, shook his hands, and his hands were so fast that his eyes would not splash on the bedding, but the trays were dripping everywhere.

He frizzy began to clean up.

“Ah, it’s leaking out, I have to wipe it up quickly… sigh… why is this bowl still so hot… oh… how can this splash on me…”

Laurent couldn’t help laughing as he watched Lu Yu, who had always been steady, in a hurry.

“This question is very destructive.” He couldn’t help but tease.

Lu Yu decided to change the topic, and he picked up the medicine bowl again: “How about you take medicine first?”

“Put down the medicine and answer my question first.”

His expression didn’t change, but with a flick of his eyebrows, Laurent’s entire personality changed.

His voice was so calm, but Lu Yu could hear the unmistakable taste. This was the majesty that matched the status of the Pope. It was also the first time in a long time that Lu Yu really felt that the kind and kind old man in front of him was a four-year-old man. The head of the religious state with the longest holding power and the highest prestige in the history of the great power.

“Isn’t it… Does this question need to be moved out of this momentum?” Lu Yu’s pressure suddenly increased, and he couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

He put down the bowl obediently, and Laurent immediately had a smile on his face, which made Lu Yu wonder if he simply didn’t want to take medicine…

The taste of being stared at directly was not very good, Lu Yu was sitting with his arms wide open, trying hard to think about how to prevaricate… uh… make it up.

Looking at Laurene’s earnest gaze, Lu Yu still couldn’t bear to take the lake, and he nodded shyly.

But then he immediately made additional modifications: “Actually, I’m not quite sure if this is liking or if it goes further, it belongs to love… Maybe you have noticed it too, in fact, Sera also likes Lu Lu very much, and there are some things between me and her. Agreed…”

“Agreement?” Laurent became interested.

“Work together to correct Lu Lu, let her discard the wrong perception created by Tania and become a proud great magician again.” Lu Yu sighed, “Sela is right, Lu Lu’s love for me may partly come from The influence of Tania, she was just trying to find someone to rely on, and I just filled that void, making her subconsciously…”

Lu Yu looked out the window: “Anyway, I hope Lu Lu likes me out of understanding what love and love are… I don’t want to take advantage of others’ danger, that’s a bit shameful.”

At first, when Lu Yu found out that he really liked Lu Lu so much, he really felt a little shameful…

Lu Yu once felt that in the eyes of uninformed people, holding up Lu Lu himself would lead to a certain degree of misunderstanding. Being pressed on the floor by the trial court or the enforcement court should be one of the pictures that can be expected… I hope they can keep it for themselves. Time for an explanation, not just emptying the magazine… oh, thank goodness, there’s only magic guns and no Glocks and Maxims.

Sera was very confused about Lu Yu’s imagination, and she patiently explained to Lu Yu two races – elves and jellyfish.

There are some individuals in the elves who will always retain their youthful or youthful appearance and height.

Some branches of the jellyfish family can turn their magical body into the size of a human slap. This transformation is completely controllable. Although none of the highly intelligent jellyfish that can be seen so far has chosen to transform into a human, it is impossible to guarantee the next magical power. You can see the tide.


There is no misunderstanding, Lu Lu is a normal body shape, and it will be strange that Lu Yu has too little knowledge.

Listening to Jun’s words is better than ten years in prison… It seems that Lu Yu is still conservative.

Laurent was very satisfied. He tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth that were about to rise uncontrollably, and seriously threw the second question.

“What about Sierra?”

Lu Yu quickly became vigilant, like a beast smelling a dangerous breath.

“What… what Sierra?”

“Don’t you like her?”

Lu Yu aimed at the medicine bowl, but couldn’t find the courage to interrupt again.

“I like it…but…don’t worry, don’t worry…”

Laurent didn’t say anything, but Lu Yu was under inexplicable pressure.

He stood up, waved his hands again and again, and quickly explained: “I mean… no, no… oh, right, right…”

“I really admire Serra, her kindness that treats no discrimination, her self-confidence beyond words, her wisdom to quickly understand the essence of things, her strength beyond her peers, and her incomparably profound knowledge…”

Laurent interrupted Lu Yu: “I know Sera is very good, what I’m asking is… Sera seems to be in appearance, doesn’t it conform to your aesthetic?”

Lu Yu sweated more and more: “What do you want to ask me from me… Don’t say anything Sierra is really charming…”

“Be specific.”

Still specific?

Lu Yu only felt that he was carrying two bags of gifts into his father-in-law’s house… Something was wrong, why did he think of this metaphor in the first place?

“It’s cute when the rabbit ears stand up and droop down again…”

“anything else?”

“The red eyes remind me of spicy rabbit head, it’s delicious…”

Laurent was stunned for a second, and then he said slyly: “That one just doesn’t count, what else?”

“Also…and…well, she’s in good shape…”

Seeing Lu Yu trembling with fear, Laurent laughed.

“Don’t tease me!” Lu Yu couldn’t help saying.

“I’m just curious as to why you didn’t like my little Serra, I can’t help it, sorry.”

Lu Yu heaved a sigh of relief and spit out: “You should know that she likes girls, so what if I like it?”

“Oh, you mean, you do like Sera, but you gave up because she liked Lu Lu?”

Lu Yu covered his face, he wanted to give himself a big mouth, and withdrew the words just now.

The cheerful conversation in the room suddenly stopped, Laurent’s eyes were blurred, and his vision seemed to pass through time and space.

Lu Yu didn’t bother, but quietly picked up the medicine bowl, and when Laurene recovered, he urged him to drink it.

“Take care of her for me.” Laurent had tears in her eyes. “She hides all her soft sides. In fact, she is also a child who is afraid of being hurt… I’m always a little worried.”

Lu Yu nodded.

Laurent held Lu Yu’s hand and seemed to be waiting for something.

Lu Yu said: “In the territory, she will be happy… for sure.”

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