My Talent Is Really Average

Chapter 532

Chapter 528 : Rock Monster

Perceiving the movement from below, Bobaka and Xiao Qingnv stopped and guarded Yanagawa’s side.

At this time, the three dare not care.

But they have no retreat now, so they can only stop temporarily and see the situation first.

Not long after, it was obvious that the sound of “boom, boom” was getting closer and closer to them.

Gradually, the ground began to tremble, and dust even fell from the upper part, making the three of them a little embarrassed.

Unknowingly, a strong pressure came.

All three of them felt a feeling of suffocation, and a hint of surprise flashed in their hearts.

The strength of the comer is very strong, at least not weaker than them.

As the distance between the two sides gets shorter and shorter, the feeling of suffocation becomes stronger.

Fortunately, the mental qualities of the three of them are not bad, and they are not flustered by the upcoming unknown existence.

“Boom, boom.”

The sound gets louder and louder, and the ground shakes more intensely.

And Xiaoqing Girl and Bobaka have already set up their positions. If they are not lucky, there may be a tough battle waiting for them.

Suddenly, the rumbling sound disappeared, and all the movement of the outside world stopped.

This made the Yanagawa trio more nervous.

I just thought it was just the tranquility before the storm.


After a while, there is still no movement from the outside world…

Even the sense of suffocation disappeared.

The three of them looked at each other and thought it would be better to wait, they are not short of time.

The next hour passed…

3 hours have passed…

5 hours…

Finally, it took a long time, and Yanagawa also frowned.

He had a hunch that the unknown existence was still ahead, but he didn’t know why he didn’t come in.

And Xiaoqing Girl had been impatient for a long time, and she said directly: “Father, or I’ll go take a look.”

“Wang, let me go.”

Bobaka is also pleased.

But this time, Yanagawa thought about it and decided to go together.

Since the other party has not shown malicious intent, you can check it out first.

They have no way out anyway.

“Let’s go, let’s go and have a look.”

After speaking, Yanagawa took the lead and continued to walk down.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing Girl and Bobaka didn’t say more, and went on together.

They are not far from stepping out of this underground step at this moment.

Soon, the three of them came to the exit without taking a few steps.

The outside world looks equally dark, and it is impossible to see the specific situation.

The next moment, Bobaka’s figure flashed and rushed directly to the outside world.

As a servant, he should know what to do without the master’s instructions.

If there is danger, he will go up first, and the master will wait.

However, only a “bang” was heard, and then Bobaka’s screams came suddenly.

Yanagawa frowned, thinking that Bobaka was in danger.

then hurriedly walked forward.

But he can’t use his cultivation base at this moment, so he just wants to see what happened.

and Xiaoqing Girl is still guarding Yanagawa’s side.

She doesn’t care what happened to Bobaka, as long as Yanagawa is okay.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Wang, I’m okay.”

As a result, before Yanagawa approached, Bobaka’s voice was heard.

It’s just that there is still pain in the voice.

Yanagawa immediately relieved his heart, it seems that things are not as he imagined.

“Wang, go slowly, don’t bump into it.”

When Yanagawa and the two were about to walk out of the underground steps, Bobaka said again.

I saw Bobaka was touching her head, the expression on her face was also slightly embarrassed.

And in front of him is this huge original stone.

Bobaka just now, because of the speed being too fast, and the surrounding environment is too dim, it hit the huge boulder without notice.

Well, it was actually this stone that blocked the light.

Who would have thought that there would be a boulder blocking the way at the exit.

Bobaka did not expect it anyway.

is too wicked.

Yanagawa and Xiao Qingnu’s faces suddenly looked strange.

It seems that Bobak’s IQ is not very high.

You are also a Cthulhu anyway. Okay, if you hit a stone while walking, none of the Cthulhus except you can do it.

But the next moment, Yanagawa felt something was wrong.

No, if there is only a stone in front, the unknown creature just went there.

was clearly here just now, it is impossible to disappear suddenly like this.

“Oh, Bobaka, rewind.”

Liu Chuan suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted to Bobaka who didn’t know it in front of him.

However, he hasn’t waited for Bobaka to react.

A huge huge hand fell directly from the sky and held it.

Bobaka’s expression suddenly froze.

Furiously turned his head to look, but saw that the huge rock actually stretched out his palm.

There was no trace of life on this stone, so quietly, he found no abnormality at all.

At this moment, in the palm of this huge rock, he looks small and weak.

His body is not even half the size of this palm.

Compared with this palm, his power is almost nothing.

The gap between the two is too big, even if he struggles hard.


Bobaka panicked.

What kind of monster is this.

My luck is too bad.

Then the huge stone creature stretched out its two feet again and stood up slowly.

Yanagawa only then saw the exact appearance of the stone creature.

also knew why the stone creature did not come in.

It’s not that it doesn’t want to come in, but because its body is too big, almost the size of the Fusion Giant.

I couldn’t get in the narrow underground passage at all, so I kept waiting outside.

It’s just that the look of this stone creature, in Yanagawa’s view, is actually a little cute.

The body is in the shape of a ball, without a head, only one hand and two feet.

Compared with the larger body, the originally huge hands and feet are extremely small.

looks very funny.

But funny is funny, the power of this stone man is not a joke.

Bobaka is now like a chicken, without any backhand.

Just as Yanagawa was hesitating how to rescue Bobaka, the giant hand suddenly raised high.

At this moment, Bobaka thought he was going to die.

The giant stone hand was loose and threw it directly into the air.

Then there was a sound similar to “Hehehe” from the stone creature.

He has no face and facial features, and I don’t know where the voice came from.

Bobaka who was thrown away, his eyes were still a little confused, and he didn’t know what happened.

As a result, he just fell down and was grabbed by the giant hand again.

was thrown into the air again…

And the joy of “hehehe” became louder and louder.

Yanagawa and Diana looked at each other.

My heart became more and more weird.

This stone monster seems to be playing with Bobaka?

This is playing a game, right?


“Bobacka, don’t panic, this stone monster seems to be playing with you…”

Seeing this, Yanagawa also hurriedly shouted to Bobaka.

Although I don’t know what this stone monster actually means.

But there shouldn’t be any malice.

The mind is obviously not very mature. Those who like to play this kind of game are either babies or three-year-olds.

Maybe this stone monster is just a child.

Is it too lonely and want to find a playmate?

Yanagawa is also the first time to encounter this situation, but he can understand the mood of this stone monster.

It is really possible that this area has always been the only creature that exists, and all of them are extremely eager for the appearance of partners.

Thinking about it this way, this stone monster is indeed quite pitiful.

Bobaka is also very fortunate in his heart, although it doesn’t feel very good to be left playing like this.

But at least this life is saved.

Although he is a Cthulhu, he can still be killed.

It’s just that it’s not that easy to kill, but when he encounters this kind of strength crushing his own existence, he has nothing to do.

You can’t kill yourself once, and if you kill a few more times, he will be finished.

“Bobacka, it’s up to you, you coax him.”

Immediately, Yanagawa shouted out again, and then shrank back a few steps.

He is weak now, he can’t play this kind of game.

So I can only hand it over to Bobaka.

“Yes, my king.”

Bobaka was already a little uncomfortable, but when he heard Yanagawa’s voice, he quickly replied.

But when Liu Chuan was reminded, Bobaka’s heart moved, thinking of his old profession, and quickly tried to establish contact with this stone monster.

As an evil god, Bobaka still has some means.

He, who specializes in dry cleaning brains, can’t fool a child?

After a while, Bobaka’s face showed excitement.

He succeeded.

Successfully established a connection with the brain of this stone monster.

That means they can communicate with each other.

However, the next moment, Bobaka’s expression became stiff again.

He just persuaded the stone monster to stop, he has a better game to play with him.

But this stone monster refused without even thinking about it.

There are more fun games in this world?

I do not believe.

Bobacka was helpless, and could only wait silently for the stone monster to get bored with it.

Thirty minutes later, Bobaka was still flying in the air…

A little later, the stone monster changed its posture and actually threw the Bobaka away…

Two hours later, this stone monster is finally enjoyable.

Only then did Bobaka put down Bobaka in the extreme satisfaction.

Then the information was passed to Bobaka 3 characters.

That is:

“It’s comfortable.”

Nima, you are comfortable, but I am not.

Bobaka was very upset in his heart, but he couldn’t beat the stone monster by himself.

can only continue to laugh.

My best friend, Little Stone, my treasure, you just have to have fun.

Me, Bobaka, play whatever you want.

Ha ha.

After learning that the stone monster had played enough, Yanagawa also slowly walked out of the passage.

also gave Bobaka an admiring look.

Bobacka, you are so kind.

However, this stone monster did not show any interest after seeing Liu Chuan and Xiaoqing Girl.

It is as if only Bobaka is his good friend.

or true love.

But Yanagawa didn’t care at all, he wished the stone would ignore him.

He is not in the mood to play with children.

As soon as Yanagawa walked out of the passage, he felt his eyes light up.

The scene in front of me suddenly opened up.

Just now, he and Xiao Qingnu didn’t dare to get too close to the exit because they were afraid of being captured.

At this moment, Liu Chuan found that there was a starry sky above his head, and the stars were shining on the pitch-black sky.

It’s just one moon missing.

Otherwise, the night sky will look exactly like the outside world.

Be aware that this place is underground.

This underground world actually has a starry sky, which is really strange.

But if you look closely, these stars are actually blue.

is like pure and flawless sapphires, twinkle and twinkle, beautiful.

Furthermore, this place is actually a vast and boundless space. At first glance, it looks like in the prairie, boundless.

Just because the light is not good enough, I can’t see what is in the distance.

Then Yanagawa changed his mind again, this relic of the gods was originally a combination of countless worlds.

Maybe this is not underground, but a new world is not necessarily.

As Yanagawa and Xiao Qingnv were observing the surroundings, the relationship between Bobaka and the stone monster was getting better.

It didn’t take long for Yanagawa to hear Bobaka’s call.

“Master, it’s done, Little Stone knows how to get to the reincarnating pool.”

Bobaka’s voice was slightly excited, and the suffering she had just suffered was worth it.

If there is a contribution, there will be a reward. Isn’t this painful and happy?

Yanagawa is also overjoyed.

Good fellow, Bobaka, you are so kind.

However, you call this thing in front of you a little stone, don’t you think it’s a bit too much?

Tucao in his heart, but on the surface, Yanagawa still shouted politely: “Then the hard little stone will lead the way.”

Bobaka also hurriedly translated the meaning of Yanagawa to Xiao Shitou.

Hearing the words, the little stone nodded in satisfaction.

Hmm…Little Stone has no head, so he nodded…

Then he retracted his hands and feet, and the whole stone shrank into a ball, turning into a huge ball…

It seems that the little stone should be ready to roll forward.

At the bottom, there are two small feet protruding from the left and the right. Yanagawa guessed that it should be used to control the direction.


will actually change its shape, which is great.

Finally, the little stone twisted his body again, and the Bobaka on the side suddenly understood, explaining:

“Said Little Stone, ready to go, its speed is a bit fast, follow up.”

Little Stone is very satisfied, that’s what it means.

still my good friend understands me.

Yanagawa nodded, expressing awareness.

Anyway, he can’t use his strength, and he will still have Xiaoqing Girl or Bobaka take him with him later.

Fly all the way over.


The two little feet of the little stone began to slide back and forth, and then the little stone slowly rolled up.

The speed was not fast at first, but it didn’t take long for it to get faster and faster.

After a while, I almost can’t see the shadow.

Xiaoqing Girl and Bobaka also flew up with Liu Chuan on the left and the right.

Mou Zu Jin flew forward, for fear of losing even more.

Xiaoshi is right, it’s really fast.

And he moved forward quite domineering, no matter what obstruction was in front of him, he was hit by him instantly.

Yanagawa was also surprised.

Although this little stone seems to be a poor brain, it is still quite impressive.

Why don’t you try to contract this little stone?

Too difficult to top.

Tooth ache all day and night.

I really want to see it tomorrow.

can’t stand it anymore.

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