My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 82 - Changhong Old Man

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“It doesn’t matter…”

Hearing this, Liang Shangjun couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, but at the thought of Chu Yi’s method just now, he was afraid that even the military commander would come over. If he wanted to escape, he could still do it.

As for the guru, it is not an extremely easy thing to want to enter, especially for a special guru like the Scar, the entire underground world of China is strictly regulated.

However, Liang Shangjun is still very cautious: “I know Teacher Chu, you are not afraid, but these people may come out from anywhere, and they are quite a headache, and they are extremely unpredictable, not to mention the power of the people who have entered the underground world in these years. There are so many things that we can’t eliminate them one by one. If one is not good, I’m afraid that even Tiantian International might be overturned.”

“Dad, the underground world is so dangerous, it is impossible. Nowadays it is a legal society, how can there be such a horror.” Liang Bochao’s face changed when he heard this.

“You haven’t been in contact, of course I don’t know.” Liang Bochao shook his head. “It’s still a legal society. Today, if you take Wu San to die, there will be no subsequent text. Even if it is found, it will be impossible.”

“What’s more, with the method of Teacher Chu, we were shocked, but in the underground world, I am afraid that many people will. The ones your company recruits are just looking for warriors.”

Chu Yi nodded. After all, the Fairy Gate is opened every millennium, and maybe there will be complete spells and Taoism spread out. This is why I didn’t want to be involved in this matter before.

“And this scar, with its high strength, was a guru’s realm as early as a few decades ago, and now it is even more terrifying. He has a good relationship with some gurus in the West. If they come together, it will be a disaster for China. .”

After all, Liang Shangjun has an old friend in the realm of a half-step master, so he knows this very well.

“The great martial arts master can easily avoid bullets, and the general can resist physical bullets. The general thermal weapons are no longer dangerous to them. If it is a guru, how terrifying you think about it.”

Liang Shangjun looked at his son and granddaughter. They were all excellent, but they knew too little about the world.

“The flesh resists bullets?!” Liang Shier stunned. “Is this still a human being, clearly a god.”

Chu Yi didn’t say anything. He hadn’t touched the underground world on earth in the last life. This time it happened to use Liang Shangjun to understand.

“Do you know Chen Zhantian?” Liang Shangjun asked seriously.

“Isn’t that the head of the North China Military Region? Who doesn’t know that the most recent foreign war was led by him 20 years ago and won a great victory.” Liang Shangjun said solemnly, but this is his idol, his opponent and his own About the same age, but already the head of a military region.

Liang Shangjun continued: “The victory of that war was that Chen’s leader was thousands of miles away, taking the enemy’s first level… he, but a generation of guru.”

Liang Bochao and Liang Shier were really stunned. They had never heard of such a thing in Beijing.

A generation of masters, killing the enemy for thousands of miles, and they are the general Chen Zhantian they worship.

“It’s too far to say this, you should all often see my old friend, that is, your uncle Chang…”

“Do you think he is crazy all day long? Wrong, he is a half-step master.”

Liang Bochao was stunned by the news again, and he was horrified. Before that, he still looked down on his father’s old friend and did nothing every day.

But now I know that the other party is a half-step master, that is to say, he can’t even hurt him with a bullet.

Liang Shangjun looked at Chu Yi and said with a smile: “Mr. Chu, this time I was in critical condition, but still came to Jiujiang, it was because my old friend was good at performing tricks, and told me that maybe only here would I have the chance to meet the curse-relieving person. , And happened to meet Teacher Chu, but what I didn’t expect was that Teacher Chu was also the teacher of my granddaughter.”

Liang Shangjun marveled again and again, this world’s coincidence is really amazing.

If it were not the deduction of Changhong old man, he would not come to Jiujiang, at least not immediately, and without Liang Shier’s matchmaking, he might not find Chu Yi.

With all kinds of coincidences, it is now.

“A half-step guru is also good at deduction?” Chu Yi was interested, because he had a terrible cause and effect. When he first arrived in the fairy world, he also had many courses, but all of them failed.

After becoming an Immortal Venerable, it is only by virtue of the realm that it is abruptly improved, but among Immortal Venerables, the cause and effect are also at the bottom.

In short, in this respect, Chu Yi does not have any talent, so he is very admired for talents in this area.

“It’s not a secret. I have notified my old friend before. It’s almost time to calculate.”

Before speaking, there was an equally hearty voice outside the door, but he saw a bald old man in some ragged clothes, and a snarling look from the outside.

His pace seems to be sparse and ordinary, but Chu Yi found out that the span of each step of the opponent is exactly the same, and even the swing of the front and back hands is almost the same.

Chu Yi remembered what his teacher of cause and effect said. People who are good at cause and effect are all obsessive-compulsive.

“Your old bald head, the time is still accurate. You will come as soon as you talk.” Liang Shangjun stood up, because there was no curse to suppress it, and he was extra spirited.

“Uncle Changhong.”

“Grandpa Changhong.”

Liang Shangjun and Liang Bochao stood up and shouted respectfully. The other party was their elder and a half-step master. They were naturally afraid, but more curious.

Old Man Changhong squeezed his few sparse beards and smiled: “I’ve been deducing before. You have come here in advance, so I came ahead of time. I didn’t expect it to happen.”

His eyes naturally shifted to Chu Yi’s body, “I want to be this little friend.”

“Senior would call me Chu Yi directly.” Chu Yi stood up and smiled.

He can see at a glance that the other party’s body is wrapped with dense causal threads, and countless threads are intertwined, which is connected to the cause and effect of millions of people.

Together, causality, to put it simply, is based on big data, the more connections with the outside world, the more you get, and the easier it is to analyze.

What Chu Yi did not expect is that this old Changhong is just above the earth, but his achievements in this course have been quite good.

“A pinnacle of a martial arts master can actually solve the curse left by the master.” The old man Changhong was a little surprised, especially when the other side was facing him, he was neither humble nor humble.

“Chu Xiaoyou, be careful.”

If the flat exploded, the old man Changhong suddenly shot, his palm was flat and plain, like a simple protruding, but whether it was Liang Shangjun or Liang Bochao, there was a feeling of time and space misalignment at this moment.

Liang Bochao’s face changed: “Uncle Changhong, no, this is the life-saving benefactor of our Liang family.”

This is a half-step guru. He is not even afraid of bullets. No matter how powerful Mr. Chu is, he will not be his opponent now.

Chu Yi smiled on his face: “Haha, come on well. I’m about to try. What is the strength of the half-step guru here.”

He was not afraid, in fact, something that could scare Yan Luo Xianzun had not yet appeared.

Chu Yi’s body was like a bow, and then ejected with a swish, but when approaching the other party, he actually slowed down strangely.


He pushed with both hands and used Tai Chi’s ability to disengage the opponent’s power.

“Well? I can make the warrior afraid of me by this trick, and it is easily resolved by you. Are you a descendant of Tai Chi?” The old man Changhong was slightly surprised.

Tai Chi has a deep pulse and a lot of talents.

“Come again!”

He palms out one after another, like a dragonfly, but every move can’t be underestimated, everyone just feels that the surrounding air is controlled.

If they were not seen with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

Chu Yi kept fighting back.

Although the other party is proficient in causality, after all, cultivation is there, and the strength is definitely not weak.

Swish swish!

Chu Yi’s figure was scattered, like fallen leaves, and like a fish. Although the old man Changhong suppressed his own strength, he was more and more frightened.

In his own experience, there is no room to fight back, unless the strength is raised to the general.

Suddenly, he had a sudden meal, with deep horror in his eyes, his hands stopped in the air, and he no longer attacked, even letting Chu Yi give a pointer.

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