My Third Empire

Chapter 1088 - Manage a country

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Managing a country is not a simple job, it may be one of the most complicated jobs in the world. Don’t underestimate those leaders who hold high salaries before they seem to do anything, because they may really do more than you do.

Just point to a position, sneer, and leave a comment that I can do, which is an irresponsible total denial of the work of others. Let’s not talk about how to climb to that position step by step from the grassroots level, just analyze the problems that need to be weighed in this position, maybe it is not someone else can do.

Foreign investment may hurt local companies, local companies are hurting the environment, and tourism is generating income for the entire region, but tourists are ruining local businesses, and major shopping malls are too big for taxpayers to delay. The business district has disrupted the construction planning of the entire area.

To coordinate the interests of all people in the region, ethnic, group, community, etc …. Everyone has a controversy about these jobs, and ultimately there are no talents who can propose solutions. Do you know how many scholars shouted to go to war during the Sino-Japanese War? After the fight, only a few pity members joined the army.

Seeing Japan insist on opening a station for one person, it shouted loudly: This is the gap! But who can really realize how much the country needs to pay for such a privileged care for 1.3 billion people? If the country really insists on providing services to a small number of people for a so-called “feeling”, these critics will start to yell again and speculate on the so-called “privilege theory” or “insider theory”, right?

Imagine if China is as big as Shanghai, with only 1 million people, then relying on the throughput of the port will allow these 1 million people to live like Dubai. The infrastructure is not inferior to Manhattan in the United States. Per capita income Contempt for a tyrant country like Saudi Arabia. But does such a country really have no weaknesses?

There is no right to speak in the world, and the victims of the struggle of the great powers, there is no possibility of being strong in their lifetime, and they can only endure in vain when they encounter difficulties caused by the great powers. Do n’t clamor for independent research and development of weapons, because there are few small purchases in the country, and all weapons can only be purchased; do n’t say anything brave, because such a country is really beaten, and there is no resistance.

In his office, Akado was almost scorched by what was before him. The ethnic dispute in the Balkans turned it into a place where guerrillas were rampant. These guerrillas were not directed against the Germans, but A small army of locals attacking each other. They did not dare to fight with the elite German troops, but in their nests they fought dimly for something trivial.

Some of the policies and construction work carried out by Germany here are difficult to implement because of the messy local security environment, and the infrastructure that was handy was also chaotic due to the doubling of the German land area. How old was the Third Reich? Now that it covers nearly 70% of the entire European land, can that set of policies governing the original German be used now? Or is it easy to use?

At that time, Akado found a few chaebol tycoons casually for half an hour, promised something, and lent a sum of money. It was easy to build nearly 100 kilometers of highways and railways in Germany. These roads are German Economic construction has injected new vitality, and also allowed German troops to move quickly within Germany. 【ㄨ】

However, if we now want to build a transport line that runs through the east and west sides of Germany, the capital required is not a small amount. Even if the army is mobilized to help and work for a whole year, building a new railway from Saint Rudolph to Paris is an impossible task.

“Let’s put the Balkan question first, at least General Hott can still control the situation there.” Akado threw these documents aside in a headache, and then picked up a new document, opened the first page One page “Norwegian iron ore supply fell by 7%”.

Of course, Norwegian iron ore cannot be reduced for no reason. The Icelandic base where the Allied bombers took off has not been dug up from the rubble. How could it be possible to bomb Norway. Moreover, the German fighter force is unprecedentedly strong in Norway, they are sharpening the target waiting for the door.

And Germany also attaches great importance to the production of Norwegian iron ore, so the inexplicable reduction in supply will definitely not be because there are other problems in mining.

Since it is not Norway ’s production capacity that is a problem, it is a problem in transportation and hoarding. Seventy percent of Norwegian iron ore is in the hands of the German Wehrmacht, and the rest is mortgaged to a consortium in Germany as compensation. Akado frowned, then threw the report on the table fiercely.

“Lenas Sebastian!” There was a name in his teeth that changed the conversation in the German financial world, and he knew it well enough. Just after the Germans captured the Baku oil field, the owner of this name also visited Akado and made a request to use this oil field to repay the imperial national debt.

He of course rejected this unreasonable, or rather excessive request, and the other party took a few harsh words and went away. Obviously now the other party has started to retaliate, directly using the steel capacity in the other party’s hands to put pressure on the head of the empire, Akado.

“Interesting! Interesting!” Akado looked at the report again, then suddenly a smile appeared on his face. There is a very interesting saying in Marx ’s capital theory, and now Akado just remembers this sentence: if there is a 20% profit, capital will be ready to move; if there is a 50% profit, Capital will take risks; if there is a 100% profit, capital will dare to take the risk of strangulation; if there is a 300% profit, capital will dare to trample on all laws on earth.

Akado can’t imagine how much profit will be gained by monopolizing all oil supplies in an empire that spans Europe, Asia and Africa. Because the most wealthy person he had heard in his two lives combined, he only controlled one-twentieth of this goal. The tycoons of Saudi Arabia and the UAE who add up to the rich side, and then count the oligarchs who sell oil in Libya and Russia, is the ultimate goal pursued by Linus Sebastian. If you think about it, Akado is absolutely excited extremely.

“If he really has the ability to do this, then I think the world is not so much as the Third Reich or the United States, it is better to say that he is Linus? Sebastian himself!” Akado praised after a sentence , Putting his hand on this document: “Unfortunately, capital is nothing but capital.”

After Akado muttered this, he turned his head to the Anna who had been leaning against the sofa and watching his work. He ordered: “Let Mercedes disperse the prepared materials from the channel where we can’t find us. . In addition, notify Gascol and let him come to my office. “

When Gascol rushed to Arcado ’s office, Arcado was replying to the Bavarian heavy industry base to continue to increase production capacity. He asked these companies to produce two times more cars and tractors because he was convinced that after the war The restoration work, as well as the huge Asian market, can support this capacity until 1970 or even longer.

“Long live Akado? Rudolph!” Gascole standing at the door stood meticulously and performed a big German hands-up ceremony. He did not lower his standard because Akado did not raise his head, because he was full of respect and unconditional obedience to Akado.

“Send a message to the hive and let them find a way to fabricate a person in the old Soviet archives.” Akado lowered the file in his hand and then looked at Gascole: “This person’s father once funded During the October Revolution, he was Stalin ’s best friend abroad and his most solid supporter. He was instructed to lurk Germany and destroy all German wars against the Soviet Union. “

“Guru.” Gascoll swallowed, because he knew that, no matter who he was, after being fabricated with such an identity background, he would be killed on the spot if he verified it slightly. This person ’s family will be sent to the concentration camp, and this person ’s reputation will be completely erased in the Third Reich … In short, anyone who is wearing this hat, no matter how important he is , Are dead.

“The reason for arranging this kind of thing is because we can’t afford debts to Mr. Linus Sebastian anymore.” Akado smiled as if to say something very interesting. But Gascoll can hear the cold feeling between his lines, so when he heard the name Linus Sebastian, he knew this super chaebol about the Empire ’s economy. Bad luck.

“We owe this person 17 billion imperial gold marks. The items used to repay include 4 companies in Belgium, 2 shipyards in the Netherlands, 6 arsenals in France and 14 labor camps in Poland. Now I have to give him An oil field, half of Ukrainian farms, and taxes for nine occupied territories! “The more Akkado spoke, the faster he spoke, and Gascol kept his eyes closed.

Waiting for Akado to finish all the troublesome things, Gascol raised his eyes and slowly said: “In fact, my head. I don’t need to know why he **** … All I need is your order. You ordered him to be killed. Then tomorrow morning I will strangle him on the bright balcony … Even if he is a good person, he has a blind daughter who has a paralyzed child. The old mother is also dead. “

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