My Third Empire

Chapter 109 - Defensive line

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In the combat staff room of the National Defense Forces headquarters, a group of generals are looking at a huge sand table map, clearly marked with many strongholds. From the German side, the French border seems to be a huge fortress.

“The French are working **** the border. We are exporting 200,000 tons of cement to them friendly. Now the Mackinaw line of defense has begun to take shape. This line of defense is arguably the most robust and permanent construction to date.” The famous combat staff officer pointed at the French border with a long whip.

“The French built a large fortification from Longuillon to Belfort, with a total length of about 390 kilometers. It includes the Metz fortification area, the Saar flood zone, the Lauter fortification area, the Lower Rhine fortification area, and the Belfort fortification The region. “The staff said while pointing with a long whip. Akado on the side seemed a little absent-minded.

“The news from our intelligence personnel is that the entire line of defense consists of a safeguard zone of 4-14 km in depth and a main zone of defense of 6-8 km in depth. The French spent billions of francs on this line of defense. The two fortified areas of Metz and Lauter are the strongest. The Saar floodplain is made up of natural river barriers and swamps. Only this year began construction of fortifications and the weakest fortification. “Gascole pointed to the sand table The generals around him nodded with their hands holding their chins.

This line of defense was built by the French, and it can be said to be the pinnacle of the experience of the first world war. The French government and the army want to use this line of defense to warn the Germans about to move. Once Germany attacks France, it will fall into an endless war quagmire.

The lower Rhine fortification site uses the Rhine, Rhone, and Caiin Canals as natural barriers, and builds a supporting point composed of permanent shooting works in the area along the Rhine. The most important section of the fortification area of ​​Metz and Lauter has a comprehensive fortification group that combines ground and underground parts and is suitable for circular defense.

The ground part is armored or reinforced concrete machine gun work and artillery work, and the underground part has several floors, including command post, personnel lounge, food storage room, ammunition depot, ambulance station, power station, filter ventilation room, etc. There are passages between the fortifications to connect the electric vehicles.

The weapons in the shooting fortifications are specially designed and installed. The entire defense line constructed a total of about 5,800 permanent fortifications for various purposes, with a density of 15 fronts per kilometer. The top cover and walls of the strongest reinforced concrete fortifications are 3.5 meters thick, and the armor of the armored tower fort is 300 mm thick, both of which are resistant to direct hits by two 420-mm mortar shells.

The anti-tank obstacles in the defense line mainly include anti-tank trenches, cliff walls, cliffs, and metal and concrete piles, and are reinforced with minefields. The anti-infantry obstacles are generally metal piles or wooden pile wire fences, and some areas are also provided with electrified wire fences.

The largest caliber artillery of the German Army is now only 150 millimeters. Even if the warship is still included in the drawings, the largest caliber of the German Wehrmacht artillery is only 280 millimeters.

So on a positive note, the German Wehrmacht could not break through this line of defense. If it forcibly attacked, the staff estimated that within five days of the attack, Germany would lose at least 100,000 people. This is obviously not the result that the military is willing to see. Because it has always pursued the policy of elite soldiers, no one is willing to fill this big pit with 100,000 elite defense forces.

Since hearing the news that the French are building defense lines, such regular meetings have been held no less than three times, and almost every time they ended in frustration. Akado was specifically allowed to participate in such military meetings as a special adviser, but he had his own small abacus in mind, and naturally he would not take out the killer tool to share it so early, so he simply wandered away. Everyone was worried about the two-line battle in World War I, so they were not willing to fall into the trenches that the French were good at.

Bypassing this line of defense and having to invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and other countries, this is tantamount to declaring war with the world. The German side and the government have not made such preparations, so this plan was temporarily denied.

At this stage, the strategic focus is set on Austria and Czechoslovakia. That is to say, Germany is trying to make an eastward move to confuse Britain and France, but does not want to do too much to annoy the Soviet giant.

“General Brahich.” Akado walked to his confidant and yelled softly, and then the two came to a relatively few corner.

Akado didn’t go around and asked directly: “What’s the preparation for the Eastern Front?”

“Now there are eight divisions of troops being prepared. Our ammunition and fuel are sufficient to attack at any time. But I am worried that we will be dragged by the Czech Republic and the French behind will fall.”

“In your name, put forward a proposal to build a defense line called Siegfried on the border line to confuse the French.” Akado thought for a while and said, “But I don’t plan to spend too much on this defense line. Money, do you understand what I mean? “

“Understood, but to what extent?” Blauchic asked.

“If the armor plate is insufficient, replace it with cement. If the cement is insufficient, replace it with wood. The machine gun bunker does not need people to enter. There is a fake shooting hole. I want a big project that saves money and looks majestic.” Ah Cardo glanced at the border between Germany and France and said: “I want the French to really think that we will not attack, but to fight trench defenses with them.”

Anna pushed open the door of the conference room, looked up, then walked to Akado’s side, and whispered in his ear: “Mr. Prime Minister, General Tukhachevsky flew in Berlin an hour ago. The venue has landed, and we are waiting for you in the reception room on the other side of the corridor. “

“Let’s go! Ask our * friends, why they failed to fulfill the signed contract.” Akado smiled and nodded to General Brohich. “Sorry, I have important things to rush out now Handle. As soon as you say something to General Hammerstein for me, you will say that I am very sorry for leaving midway. “

General Hamelstein certainly would n’t mind Akado ’s leaving midway, and Brousic personally sent Akado to the door of the conference room, and also politely spoke with Miss Anna, the prime minister ’s secretary.

Soon after, Akado met General Tukhachevsky in the reception room. The two long-time old friends embraced enthusiastically and then separated with a big laugh.

“Congratulations on becoming the German Chancellor! Akado! You always surprise me.” Tukhachevsky congratulated loudly before releasing his hug.

“Thank you.” Akado also thanked with a smile.

Tukhachevsky did not give Akado the opportunity to speak first, and immediately said: “I came this time for the arson case. I deeply regret this matter.”

“General Tukhachevsky, my friend, you have done too much this time! You promised me that I couldn’t do it. The Soviet Union cannot develop in Germany *, it is our agreement.” Akado Sit on the sofa and took a cup of coffee from Anna, complaining slightly annoyedly.

Tukhachevski spread his hand, with an innocent expression: “This arsonist is indeed a criminal, but he is of Austrian nationality, so you cannot arbitrarily blame the Soviets.”

“You know the twists and turns,” Akado said, narrowing his eyes.

“You must know the twists and turns,” Tukhachevsky replied with his chin raised.

“Well, let’s not talk about these unpleasant things first. I first congratulate your Soviet battleship for launching.” Akado took the coffee cup in his hand and gestured.

Tukhachevsky raised his eyebrows and found that the young man named Akado was more and more prosperous in his circle of skills: “Thank you! You have made a huge contribution to the rise of the Soviet navy, so this time I will do it for you Brought a medal of victory, which was handed out by Comrade Stalin. “

“Can this medal change the attitude of the Soviet Union on Austria and Czechoslovakia?” Akado took a sip of coffee and asked, seemingly casually.

“The Soviet government does not want to see Germany have any requirements for the eastern territory! This seriously threatens the security of the Soviet regime.” Tukhachevsky replied: “Comrade Stalin hopes that Germany will not play with fire on Austria and Czechoslovakia. . “

“It’s too late.” Akado raised his mouth and smiled. “The United Kingdom and France support Germany’s eastward advance. Austria and Czechoslovakia’s territorial issues are their bargaining chips. So this time I am determined to win.”

“It’s very easy to cause conflicts,” Tukhachevsky said, frowning. “I believe you are not willing to be British and French stooges, right? Deteriorated relations with the Soviet government will not benefit Germany.”

“In this arson case, I will suppress it in my country and not affect the Bolshevik activities in Eastern Europe.” Akado threw another chip: “In addition, we can provide the Soviet Union with another 500 million US dollars to buy oil.”

“Comrade Stalin wants you to be in the school in the Soviet Union. The school that teaches soldiers to fight with tanks! We will send people to study first, and then take over steadily after a year.” Tukhachevsky soon opened Soviet conditions.

He thought about it and added: “In addition to this time, you have to ensure that there will be no more territorial claims to the east. The Soviet Union wants to have friends, not a villain who stretches his hand everywhere.”

“It’s reasonable!” Akado stood up. “Dine in the evening? I invite you to a meal in the best restaurant in Berlin.”

“No! I want to rush back to the Soviet Union as quickly as possible.” Tukhachevsky waved his hand and said, “I hope I don’t have to rush to Berlin in such a hurry.”

Akado nodded: “I agree, next time I invite you to Berlin to be a guest! Eat the best!”

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