My Third Empire

Chapter 1092 - Waiting for american news

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In the Presidential Office of the White House in Washington, DC, the United States, Roosevelt coughed and said nothing. His assistants were reporting on the ongoing naval battles in the Pacific and Atlantic.

“On the battlefield in the Pacific, Japan invested in a suicide attack aircraft unit and launched a fierce battle with our fleet in the waters near the Bismarck Archipelago. As of two hours ago, our army had been damaged by 7 warships, and the Japanese warships also suffered heavy losses. The specific situation is still developing. “The assistant put the telegram on President Roosevelt’s desk.

Recently, President Roosevelt has been questioned more and more, and many politicians have begun to publicize their views against Roosevelt’s war policy. These people put forward a new plan that is more in the interest of the United States: reaching a peace agreement with the European Axis Powers Group, abandoning the collapsed Britain, and making every effort to make up for their lost interests on the Pacific battlefield.

Some Jews have begun to support this view, because a genuinely neutral Jewish state has been born in the Middle East. This country, established with the support of Germany, did not fall back to the Axis State, but chose an independent development path for the outside world.

This choice has left a very good impression on the Jews in the United States and other worlds. More and more people support Enrique, who is now the first president of the State of Israel, and among the American Jews Bauerman has to face increasing pressure.

“Is there any news from General Nimitz? Are we sure that our fleet will completely wipe out the Japanese fleet in the waters near the Bismarck Islands?” Roosevelt’s recent health was not good, he coughed violently before he He asked the assistant who had just stopped.

“After all, in the vast sea, it seems impossible to wipe out the cunning Japanese fleet. If nothing happens, this time we can hit the enemy forces and create one for the next attack on the island of New Guinea. Very good environment. “The assistant told his own president what had just been told by a naval liaison officer, and the battle was still going on. The most optimistic promise can only be said to this extent.

Sure enough, Roosevelt nodded, and no longer continued to ask about the interest of this matter, he looked at the huge Pacific Ocean on the map, did not know what was thinking. Silence spread in the president’s office, there was a suffocating sense of depression. In the end, Roosevelt himself broke the silence and continued to ask: “So, what is the situation on the Atlantic battlefield?”

Mentioning this, the assistant is obviously embarrassed. Because within the framework of British-American cooperation, Atlantic defense has always been entrusted to the British Royal Navy for protection. The main force of the US Navy has always been in the Pacific Ocean, which is the fundamental reason why it can crush the Japanese Navy in quantity.

However, with regard to recent Italian actions, the United States threatened Britain to take out its coffin, and the fleets of the two sides jointly dispatched to **** the landing forces to attempt to attack the Germans in Italy by sneak attack. But this huge plan was destined to be difficult to succeed, so the huge Anglo-American fleet was forced by the equally powerful German high seas fleet, traveling around the South Atlantic.

The most direct consequence of this labor tour was the emptiness of Iceland ’s maritime defense forces, and a German squadron took advantage of it. Under the cover of several cruisers, the German battleship Redell naval marshal shelled and defended the empty Icelandic coastal facilities, directly redeeming the old face of the British king.

The bombardment of Iceland had too much information to the top of the United States and Britain, to the point that Roosevelt was desperate. First of all, the German heavy warships were once again intensively dispatched, marking that the German navy had solved the actual problem of its lack of oil. Solving the problem of oil shortage means that the five aircraft carriers in Germany can be dispatched at any time, threatening the east coast of the United States.

At the same time, the battleship approached and bombarded Iceland, which also showed that the German navy psychologically got rid of the original curse of being soft on both feet when encountering the United Kingdom. For the Allied forces in the two oceans, the same is not good news.

These signals are dangerous and terrible, because the Allied forces lack a fleet against the German navy in the Atlantic Ocean. Once Germany starts to take the initiative and seek maritime engagement, the American fleet on the Atlantic will face a disaster.

“Mr. President, four hours ago, the German battleship that shelled Iceland had left. The British side was only mobilizing their main fleet to defend Iceland’s combat deployment.” The assistant whispered the question from President Roosevelt. Even he saw the lack of confidence in the Royal Navy.

If placed in the previous era, any enemy warship that dared to provoke the authority of the Royal Navy will be hunted down and killed by the large fleet of the Royal Navy ’s global deployment. .

But now, the overall strength of the German high seas fleet has surpassed the main fleet of the British Royal Navy. The huge carrier fleet can rely on more advanced carrier aircraft and more complete electronic equipment to sink the British Empire. Proud battleship. I do n’t know when it will start. The glorious tradition of the British Navy ’s “combating the enemy” has become a “negative avoidance” that has been criticized today. It can be said that the British Navy has been defeated in the so-called state of mind

Although the old General General Dudley Bond still maintains the last dignity of the Royal Navy; despite the huge number and training of the Royal Navy, it has the capital to fight against the German Navy; even though the homeland has been occupied in the past The empire, and countless diehards who believed it could be born again … but it really did not have much capital, enough for its decision makers to squander again.

“If we can’t come up with something to strengthen the strength of the British Icelandic base, Britain may be squeezed out of the war …” Roosevelt frowned and whispered his own thoughts. He knew that British resistance was now maintained. The last bargaining chip is the pretty good strength of the Royal Navy. If the Royal Navy fails, then Britain is likely to collapse completely.

The United States, which has lost Britain, is likely to be forced to reconcile with the Third Reich, and the reconciliation bargaining chip is the already defeated Middle East and Atlantic interests. The United States will be forced to withdraw from the stage of world hegemony and give up the alliance established by one hand to Germany.

In that state of forced peace, it is not just a British government in exile in Iceland, but also a French exile government in Charles de Gaulle. As long as the United States loses the Atlantic Ocean, these exile governments from Europe will be wiped out, even Not even a piece of waste paper will remain.

“While we still have overwhelming dominance in Parliament, give Britain a few preferential policies, and then find a way to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the Atlantic Fleet.” Roosevelt said after a while, said: “Give support to the arms merchants Call and ask them to provide a support plan to support the reconstruction of the Icelandic Air Force Base. “

After saying this, he fixed his eyes on the position of Iceland on the map. Finally, he did not know whether he was persuading his assistant or his own saying: “Strengthen this base and use bombers to destroy Norway at any cost. Iron ore, this is our only chance. “

Just as the US President was worried in his office, on the bridge of the Royal Navy ’s Ark Carrier, Dudley Bond was carefully studying the route of the German Navy ’s battleship squadron with the officers.

“There are so many routes that the enemy can use. We have no way to track down the battleship Marshal Redell.” A naval aviation officer with his arms on his head said: “They can return directly east. To the Norwegian port, you can enter the protection range of the Norwegian land-based aviation force in half the distance. “

As he said, he drew his hand from the back and pointed to the relevant location on the map: “If they head southeast, they can enter the air defense range of the British Isles … There is the Northern British Air Force of Zhang Berlin, often there are me-109c fighter patrol. Of course, if they have enough fuel, they can return directly to Wilhelmshaven, and we ca n’t catch up. “

“The distance is too subtle. Their carrier fleet is within the operational radius of the land-based aircraft, and they can take off the aircraft to cover this battle fleet. If we attack recklessly, we will suffer losses.” Dudley Pound’s current situation It is a typical clever woman who can’t cook without rice. Most of the nearby waters are within the combat radius of German land-based aircraft. His navy wants to make a difference, it is really as difficult as going to the sky.

“We must find a way to lure the German navy fleet near the east coast of the United States, and it is possible to annihilate this fleet in the vast ocean.” The captain of the Royal Ark stood beside Dudley Bond and said: “The odds are too small. Germans will be fooled unless they are stupid.”

The officer in charge of the navy submarine unit shook his head, negating the plan to lure the German fleet: “Even if we put enough bait, only the **** submarines under Dennitz will be hooked. The German navy surface ships More cautious than their submarine force, they have not yet entered the middle of the North Atlantic. “

“Everything still has to be considered long.” Dudley Bond said with a whimper: “All we need to do now is to prevent the German navy from continuing to threaten Iceland. Other things, waiting for American news.” Mobile phone users please visit .

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