My Third Empire

Chapter 1103 - Can\\\'t see clearly

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Remember [??] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

This time, Stalin did not reject Zhukov’s suggestion. He leaned on the back of his chair and stared at Zhukov’s eyes. After a long silence, he said hardly: “If I humiliate and summon Germany, then in the Soviet Union Prestige will definitely be affected. “

When Zhukov heard the words, he was happy. He thought that Stalin was not reluctant to make peace talks, but was only concerned about influence. So he quickly stepped forward and said: “Great leader Comrade Stalin, if we have peace on the Soviet-German border, then the troops in our hands can easily eliminate the voices against you …”

“I mean, how do I blame my voice after death!” Stalin closed his eyes and said to Zhukov with an irritable tone: “I am alive, of course people dare not say anything to me, but I am dead, What will the remaining people do to me? I let their son, husband, and father die for the Soviet Union, but I finally chose to live peacefully. “

He looked at Zhukov, who was there, and added his tone again. This time he said something more serious, and it made Zhukov re-recognize the comrade Stalin in front of him: “How can I afford to give the Soviet Union to my Comrade Lenin?” How can I be worthy of our revolutionary cause? Even if I died in Moscow, the Soviet Union could not cede an inch of land in my hands! I am Stalin! Stalin is not the name of a coward! “

“So … Comrade Stalin, how are we going to face this situation now?” Zhukov swallowed and then asked in a respectful tone. He felt that he only knew Stalin today, and he knew this Soviet ruler who was famous for his brutality. Now he knows that behind **** is extreme perseverance, and behind his brutality is Stalin’s bone-bound perseverance and fortitude.

Every great man worthy of history has its own personality characteristics. It is precisely because of these characteristics that they also have their own sexual limitations. These people make mistakes when making decisions, and they cannot be completely summed up for their stupidity or madness, because perhaps it is the same reasons that make them successful.

Fu Fu’s stubborn use of Hanmeng Wangmeng made him powerful before Qin. In making this choice, he was confident and persistent, and this decision did indeed have the desired effect. However, when Wang Meng begged Fu Jian not to go southward to Jin, Fu Jian was also confident and persistent. He believed that he could destroy the Jin Dynasty’s dream of unifying the Central Plains … so everyone knew the result.

Stalin is also such a man, he is arrogant and stubborn, stubborn and persistent, persevering and grumpy, but he has three points of wisdom in the grumpy. If it is not such a character, how could he be able to overwhelm so many elites in the era of Lenin and become the leading real power leader of the Soviet Union? And it happened that it was this character that caused him to set off a **** storm of cleansing and chose this tough line to fight with Germany in the end.

“What you have to do is actually very simple. Hold on to every inch until the last moment.” Stalin spoke slowly, tired, and threw the crumpled electronic newspaper at his feet: “Moscow wants Persevere until the end, until the German invaders are repelled, or fall completely. 【ㄨ】 “

“I get it! Comrade Stalin! I will stick to the last moment and hold on to Moscow!” Zhukov replied steadily. If his previous attitude towards Stalin was obedience under high pressure, then at this moment he felt that he should do something for this country and what he should do for this admirable leader.

“Cooperate well with Comrade Vatukin! As long as we hit the invaders here, then the Soviet Union flag will never be lowered!” Stalin stood up and walked around the table to Zhukov’s face and patted him. Shoulder: “I will be here, waiting for my own destiny.”

“So, things to negotiate with the Germans …” Zhukov seemed a little unwilling, so he asked.

“Of course you can negotiate, Comrade Zhukov.” Stalin smiled bitterly, and then rubbed his palm pipe twice: “However, all this has to wait for me to die. Stalin will never compromise or negotiate. understand?”

“I get it! I will insist on victory! Comrade Stalin!” Zhu Kefu saluted, then turned around and walked out of Stalin’s office. As the door of the office closed, Stalin did not immediately sit back in his place. He walked to the front of the bookshelf and looked up at the portrait of Lenin above without expression.

It was the man in the portrait who brought him to his present position. They worked together to create a great country with a vast territory and the largest country in the world. [ㄨ] At that time, he was so excited that he felt an endless power all over his body, and now he has white eyes and has to face the million enemy forces outside the city alone.

“Comrade Lenin, if you can, show me the way forward! I do n’t really know what to do now … I remember what you taught me, and thankfully I did it, now I want I ’m going to follow you, I hope you wo n’t be disappointed when I see you. ”Stalin muttered as he looked away from the portrait of Lenin. He walked with his hands to the window, outside The world is dark.

The German bombardment did not know when it stopped. The gunshots in the distance were sparse and unrealistic. Stalin felt infinite fatigue and powerlessness, so he could only drag back and walk back from the window. In fact, he rarely works in this office now, most of the time he can only sit in the basement, and can not see the slightest sunshine.

Four hours ago, the Germans’ 150mm caliber artillery shelled the urban area of ​​Moscow, and the war was no longer far away. Everything here has been shrouded in the enemy’s attack range, everyone must be careful to survive, including Stalin himself.

Pushing the door open, he walked towards the promenade step by step, and the guard at the door helped him close the door. There was also a group of close guards who followed him down the stairs, then pushed open the heavy door, passed the darker slope, and walked towards the deep buried basement. It is underground tens of meters deep and will not be affected by artillery fire.

In the deep and long corridor, only the footsteps of Stalin and his guards can be heard. At every distance, there are guards guarding the heavy steel gates, which are completely powered by diesel generators, with good lighting and supporting facilities. facility. The entire project was built together with the subway project, which has only recently been basically completed.

But no matter how dazzling the incandescent lamps above his head, the end of the tunnel was still so dark, Stalin could not see the front and the place where he was going, just what it looked like. He could only walk slowly step by step, taking his slightly heavy steps.

On the outskirts of Moscow, behind a position full of craters and broken barbed wire, in a deep trench, two Soviet Red Army soldiers were in a bunker reinforced with wood, watching the distant piece of darkness as if it could devour all.

The place where they are located is relatively safer because of the horizontally placed timber that serves as a roof to shelter them from the wind and rain. Behind them, there are layout drawings of local trenches, a small broken table, and the lunch boxes of the two of them, and some scattered expired documents.

This was originally a secret command post near the front line, but because of the continuous advancement of the Germans, it has become a hidden observation post and temporary machine gun bunker on the front line. There are traces of artillery mirrors on the rammed land, but these expensive equipment and officials who once lived here seem to have been moved to safer places.

Unlike in the city of Moscow, the front-line lighting control is very strict, not only strict, but on the other hand, no one wants to joke about his life. The lights exposed at night can reach far and far away, and any trace of it is a good reason for the enemy to fire.

The two leaned against the reserved observation port, narrowed their eyes through the starlight, and watched the movements on the opposite German position. On their backs, seven or eight Soviet soldiers lay on the ground. These people just slept here because of fatigue, so occasionally they can hear a slight snoring sound.

“I was thinking, whether there was a division commander or a commander who lived here, and the repair is really strong.” A soldier responsible for observing the sentry whispered to another soldier: “And the place is also large enough, maybe we are behind them Just put up two beds with quilts and pillows. “

Putting down the telescope, another soldier rubbed his dry eyes. He could hardly see anything in the telescope, and there was darkness everywhere. Hearing the companion’s whispering, he spit out the grass roots in his mouth and replied: “If I were you and had time for nonsense, carefully check the bullets in the machine gun.”

“Ding Dang … Dang Dang …” The sound of metal objects striking from a dark place in the distance. There are a lot of canned food from the United States in the Soviet logistics supplies. Soldiers are used to tying canned boxes to the wire fence after eating the canned goods. This can provide a certain degree of warning, which is similar to the role of bells.

“我 ¥ #%!” The Soviet soldier heard the sharp noise in the background of the rumbling artillery, and he screamed loudly for a second, “The enemy attacked! Get up quickly! The Germans Attacked! “

As if responding to his shouting, the unique sound of the mg42 machine gun began to growl in the darkness in the distance.

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