My Third Empire

Chapter 1105 - The last way

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Suddenly, an unusually large roaring sound gradually pulled closer from the distance, then over the head of the German frontline infantry, and finally hit a street in Moscow City. + The apex novel, and then there is a blast of shaking mountains, the rubble splashed and the black smoke rising, which is much larger than that of other shells.

With the arrival of this huge noise, the scattered artillery of the Soviet army also completely stopped. For the rest of the time, it seemed that all German artillery performed in the same one-man show.

The caliber of the German train guns is very complicated. There are 340 mm caliber guns seized from France, and 320 mm caliber train guns produced by the French. Of course, the most advanced is the 283 mm caliber new train guns produced by Germany. Of the many artillery pieces, the best performance is of course the new artillery pieces produced by the Germans. Each shot is enough to deter the Quartet and shake the ground.

When these train guns started to roar, the towed artillery in the hands of the Soviet army and some old cannons were not enough to watch. So as a train artillery shell landed in Moscow City, the Soviet artillery also helplessly closed his mouth.

In the artillery world, power is the truth, everything must be decided by the range and the rate of fire and the power of the shells. My caliber is larger than your caliber, and I have more artillery than you, then I am more than you Have a say! Unfortunately, when there were more artillery pieces from the Soviet troops than from the Germans, they had to abandon these artillery pieces due to the attack by the Stuka dive bomber.

A small-scale artillery bombardment on a position eventually evolved into a full-scale artillery battle between the f-group army and the Moscow defenders. However, the last bombing ended with a full victory of the Germans, and the Soviet artillery was suppressed. The sound of the sound allowed the German artillery to destroy the Soviet outer positions.

The sound of guns in the distance was still rumbling. In the headquarters of the F Group Army, Marshal Klug and several of his combat staff were analyzing a map of Moscow. Now they may be only one kilometer away from the core position of the Soviet defense. The German e-group army in the north of Moscow has begun to advance northeast of Moscow, making a look to completely encircle Moscow.

“General Liszt ’s forces are crossing the river and will soon be able to threaten Yaroslavl from behind. As long as the e-group army cooperates with the armored forces of the a-group army and captures Vologda, then Moscow will have little need to struggle.” K Lugar backed his hands and listened to his staff to analyze the current situation. His troops are the main force in attacking Moscow. As a supporting force, the A Group Army will use the infantry belonging to the Group Army in the north to cope with his offensive.

“General Guderian’s forward forces are changing their direction of attack, and they will strive to capture Ryazan within 30 days. After capturing there, his forces will be ordered to continue to attack east, threatening Gorky.” Another staff member pointed his finger at the guide The trend of the German troops in the region introduced Klug, who said nothing.

The Germans can now say that the situation is good, and that it is the kind of steady and steady situation. Most German troops have undergone a period of recuperation. The g-armies and the e-armies, which have lost much, have been replenished, and their starting positions are not far from the front line, so the distance and the consumption of logistics supplies are also compressed. Within a fully affordable range.

Compared with another time and space, the Germans are more fully prepared this time, with stronger military strength, better logistics supplies, and more powerful weapons and equipment … In short, the card in Akado’s hands is very good, at least with some capital Let him squander.

In contrast, the Soviet army, because the strength of the Moscow theater was compressed into a small space, most of the two-winged defense lines did not have enough power to defend, so the Germans from St. Rudolph rushed along the way, and the front-line troops of the n group army had Approaching the Ural River.

If it wasn’t for the infrastructure of this route, it was too bad, and a large amount of stockpiled military materials could not be transported to the front line. Presumably General Küchler could attack further. However, because of the increase in the attack on Moscow and the increase in naval activity of the Air Force, Küchler’s fuel was delayed, so his attack temporarily stopped.

Another German unit, the G-group of Guderian, has not stopped its offensive steps since the second Kursk battle. After handing his rear to Moder ’s d group army, Guderian ’s troops entered the unmanned area and attacked all the way to the northeast. The only thing that could stop the Germans ’footsteps was their own fatigue, and they were waiting for supplies Kind of problem.

After crossing Kursk, the Soviet Union’s infrastructure construction immediately dropped by one grade, the construction quality of the railway was worse, and it was not compatible with European railway standards. Most of the roads are gray-paved gut trails, which are very different from the German standard roads.

These problems hindered the advancement of the Germans, and their role was much greater than those of the defeated Soviet defense forces. These temporarily cobbled Soviets had no way to stop the G Army. They could only watch the German tanks pass by them, and then surrounded them in the wild mountains and mountains. After being tortured, they were captured by the German infantry who were caught up.

The streets and alleys were filled with Soviet troops captured by the Germans. These poor soldiers, who had no food to eat, hugged their heads with both hands and walked listlessly slowly on the road. From time to time, they have to be rushed to both sides of the road to make way for the German trucks and armored personnel carriers and tanks passing by.

Compared to the battle on the frontal battlefields in Moscow, the counterattacks in these areas are like child’s play. The German troops easily occupied a large amount of land, and the huge pincer attack that surrounded Moscow began to slowly close behind the Moscow side.

“The frontal attack can’t be stopped. Change 3 infantry divisions if necessary, and replace the tired troops!” Kluger finally gave orders to continue the attack after he heard that allies in other directions were about to encircle Moscow: “Let the frontline troops keep the attack rhythm.”

Then he pointed to a thick stack of data on his desk and said to his men: “This is the tactical data used by the n-army when attacking St. Rudolph. Including the loss of troops and the record of the results … You guys have studied it carefully for me, but I came from Küchler with a cheek. “

“Yes! Marshal!” All the people nodded quickly. Several anxious people had picked up a pile and read it carefully. A good tradition of human civilization is to be good at summing up. Since ignorance of the future has been doomed, people are madly summing up lessons and trying to reduce the cost of exploration for the unknown future.

Sometimes summing up experience allows people to go farther, and sometimes it is stereotyped and makes people pretend. The Song and Ming dynasties ’summary of the Tang dynasty ultimately forced the two dynasties to be suppressed and unable to resist external humiliation; while Japan ’s experience of naval warfare still affects their joint fleet … but people still summarize their past In order to better face the future.

At this moment, the Germans are also summarizing. They summed up every detail in St. Rudolph, the battle of Stalingrad, so that they can reduce their various losses during the battle in Moscow.

Do n’t underestimate these reports and documents. If you can, the United States may be willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy these things. Every sentence here may save hundreds or thousands of lives at a certain moment. Every experience and lesson here may be exchanged at the cost of the death of hundreds of soldiers.

The current German army is arguably the most experienced army in urban street fighting in the world. They have fought all the way to the present, and have captured countless enemy cities. They have seen various urban street fighting situations. Although this battle still made them feel uncomfortable, they have to admit that they are indeed the most street fighting soldiers in the world.

In Vattukin ’s headquarters, the Soviet commander of Moscow ’s city defense just dropped his phone. The Kremlin was just hit by German long-range artillery. This round of artillery fired several craters on the Red Square, and a section of the Kremlin The outer walls of the palace collapsed because of a violent explosion.

“Comrade Stalin asked, did the enemy’s attack stop?” Watujing put down the phone and smiled bitterly at his assistant: “They didn’t attack at all … it was just a symbolic bombardment.”

After talking, he moved his eyes to the map, looked at the vast territory behind Moscow, and wailed, “Do people still need to fight in? As long as we waited for half a month, we were completely surrounded … At that time, we did n’t have to enter the city to fight with us on the street, we could starve to death here. “

“General! It’s not a way for us to wait here for death! The 720 division and the 655 division …” the staff beside him murmured lowly, seeing Vatukin’s face halfway through. Not so good, he closed his mouth.

The 720 Division and the 655 Division are both garrison troops in the rear of Moscow. Originally, they should be a force defending the rear of Moscow. Even if they are surrounded by the Germans, they should stay on their positions. But the two divisions retreated as the German siege circle approached, and took the lead to retreat outside the Moscow siege circle-according to military law, this is Hong Guoguo’s escape.

“Don’t say it, we only have one way to go now, that is, the war is here, as the last Soviet, the war is here!” Vatukine gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

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