My Third Empire

Chapter 1109 - We were found

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

How powerful a German submarine is, perhaps the most powerful voice is the commanders of allied warships who have been fighting it for a long time in the Atlantic. They are frightened by this haunted wolves tactics, and those are like myths. The incredible German ace submarine record is more than enough to explain why the British and American navies have changed their opinions about German submarines.

These German submarine officers and soldiers, who usually wear sloppy and sloppy costumes and like to lean on the railings of the submarine control tower, have created the great myth of annihilating ten times or even dozens of enemies in the Atlantic Ocean.

It can be said that every German submarine can write a novel, there is absolutely no shortage of legends and adventures, and it is absolutely attractive enough. And the German sailors who finally remained silent on the bottom of the icy sea also used their actions to complete their oath of fighting for the motherland to the last second.

“Stay alert! We may have been targeted by a large group of German submarines! Damn it! There can be no German submarines in this area. Our whereabouts must have been leaked.” Put down the telescope in our hands, The commander of the transport fleet codenamed “Alpine Dog” frowned and complained.

On his side, an adjutant comforted: “Maybe it was just a returning German submarine. This kind of unexpected incident happened here every day. Many people claimed to have encountered a German submarine, but it turned out that it was just a whale or Something else. “

“I hope you are right.” The commander was obviously not as optimistic as his deputy: “Let the **** destroyer continue to closely monitor the nearby waters, and don’t let any clues! The German submarine cannot follow us, from Then transfer 2 destroyers to the left to strengthen the defense there! “

“Observe! General!” The adjutant immediately executed the order in salute. He only comforted his chief, but he was not blindly optimistic. Any carelessness would overwhelm the entire transport fleet. Those terrible German wolves would never Easily give up the fat to the mouth.

“In the waters near the North Atlantic Ocean, a message was sent back from the submarine U-136 returning to the waters near Canada. The captain claimed to have found a huge allied fleet in the waters of No. 44. Accelerating navigation near Iceland. “A German naval staff officer sent a message to Admiral Dennitz at the same time.

“Damn, will they appear on this route to alert the British and the Americans?” Dunnitz took a close look at the message, then whispered with his hands behind his back. The discovery of the Allied Transport Fleet in that sea area definitely proves that the deciphered Allied Code is indeed valid. However, German submarines are not often seen on that route. If two German submarines appear there in a short period of time, will the Allied generals be suspicious?

“We did not specify a route for the return of the submarine force. This is an accident!” The staff stood next to Dunnitz and heard the general ask this question, and quickly explained: “If, if you feel really unsure, send a telegram to let Pu Captain Lien gave up the plan and withdrew it? “

“It’s not worth the loss! We had no plans to attack the fleet on a large scale. If we let them arrive at Iceland without paying a price, wouldn’t my submarine commander be negligent?” Dunnitz changed his thoughts immediately. After vetoing his original plan, he pinched the message and commanded the staff: “Everything is still implemented according to the original plan. Now we give the British the initiative to let them consider whether to change the password!”

At this moment, Dunnitz thought about several questions in his mind, and finally he felt that he should not give up this temptation easily. After all, this is only a small-scale submarine attack. If strictly speaking, it may only be an accident. It is impossible for the British side to change his password because of his fleet being attacked by a German submarine. Dunnitz is quite sure.

The time passed slowly by one minute and one second, and the sky gradually darkened. The evening was the best time for the German submarine to operate, and at this time, the U-47 submarine commanded by Prien had just arrived near the route of the Allied **** fleet. Because of the precise information, everything is just right. Prien ’s submarine maintains the periscope depth, cruising on the allied fleet ’s only path, and sharpening his sword to wait for his prey.

“Found the target! I saw the enemy!” The first officer put his eyes on the periscope and suddenly shouted loudly. Prian standing beside him hurriedly took the periscope in the hands of his first officer and put his eyes on it.

From the periscope marked with full scales, he saw the huge silhouettes of the ships against the setting sun. The speed of this fleet has been increased, apparently afraid of the German submarine’s night attack, so some countermeasures were made in advance.

It is a pity that these countermeasures are still effective against German old-fashioned ocean-going submarines, and against the latest U-type submarine in Germany, it is a bit of a joke. Prian smiled slightly and issued a combat command: “Discover the Allied Fleet! Six torpedoes on the bow are ready to launch.”

“Heading 48, speed 22! Repeat! Heading 48, speed 22, the torpedo adjustment is complete!” The passwords spread one after another inside the submarine, and everyone started to get nervous. This huge submarine was quiet like a shark in the water Swimming, it slowly adjusts its position, and then tries to keep its course on the side of the Allied **** fleet.

The location he chose was very particular, at this moment the u-shaped submarine was sailing in front of the left of the Allied fleet. It was the most tightly defended area of ​​the Allied fleet, but torpedo cruises took time after launch. When they arrived, they just let go of these **** ships and drilled into the transport fleet from weak flanks.

Magnetic torpedo is a kind of torpedo that has finally started to be used on a large scale after many experiments in Germany. It is not a long-range active guided torpedo, but it can make some route corrections at close range to attack allied ships more effectively. Of course, this torpedo is not a panacea, so German submarines basically mix it with collision torpedoes.

With the order, the German u-47 submarine was in the most suitable position, and he completely emptied all 8 torpedoes, 6 bows and 2 sterns on standby on his submarine. These torpedoes immediately rushed towards the Allied fleet as if they were unbridled wild horses. With the launch of these torpedoes, the U-47 submarine shuddered slightly, and then began to sink at full speed.

Early magnetic torpedoes were easy to target their own launching submarines closest to them. In order to avoid this accidental accident, when launching magnetic torpedoes, the submarine should immediately dive to increase the distance from the torpedoes. Of course, this is only a preventive measure, but all submarine captains have consciously implemented this rule.

Because no one wants to be sunk by a torpedo fired by himself, even though this possibility is only 1 in 1,000, everyone still does not want to bet on this very small probability with their lives.

“Dive! Dive!” The first officer, while supporting the handrail beside him, ordered the helmsman and the sailor who controlled the water tank to move quickly. Prien waited for the good news to come in the shaking submarine, as long as the torpedo hit Target, sonar soldiers will hear wonderful noise.

Looking at the sun that was sinking behind him, all the sailors of the “Alpine Dog” convoy were filled with anxiety. They were frightened by the alert command during the day, and they were very worried that there will be more than a dozen German submarines from all sides tonight. Launch an attack on the fleet.

At this time, when the sky is going to be dark but there is still nothing to see, it is the ideal time for the German submarine to launch an attack. Everyone’s eyes widened, hoping to find their enemies in advance, and most people were destined not to find what they were looking for.

“Something on the left wing seems to be approaching. It’s getting dark and I can’t see at all!” A left-wing watchman raised his binoculars, frowning at the report with the help of the last rays of the setting sun. And in the destroyer cabin not far behind him, a sonar soldier raised his arms at the same time: “Hear noise! ​​Definitely a German submarine!”

Upon hearing the news, the captain of the British destroyer was frightened, and what he was most afraid of happened after all. The German submarines that were haunted were very cunning, and it would be impossible for even his anti-submarine destroyers to be planted in the hands of these submarines. But it ’s one thing to be afraid, and it ’s another to sit still, so the destroyer captain quickly issued a combat command: “Sound the battle alarm! Pay attention to avoid torpedoes!”

At almost the same time when he issued the combat command, the soldier in the lookout position finally saw the water. So he put down the telescope and began to shout loudly: “Torpedo! Torpedo found on the port side!”

At the forefront of the fleet, on the command ship of the entire “Alpine Dog” transport fleet, the general stopped his heartbeat for a moment after hearing the warning of the approach of the port torpedo. He frowned and waited for nothing to say. Hearing the flanks of the fleet, a transport ship loaded with steel and cement was blown into two loud noises.

Then, just momentarily, a transport ship was hit and exploded into a gorgeous firework. At this moment of near dimness, this flame illuminates the entire transport fleet, and also makes everyone in complete despair.

There was only one lament left in everyone’s heart: “It’s all over! We have been found!” Mobile phone users, please visit http: //

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