My Third Empire

Chapter 111 - Last effort

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

To be honest, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is the real fascist. He put forward the word fascism, he formed the fascist party, and he has always advertised himself as the world fascist leader.

Mussolini quickly rose after the First World War, because the situation after the First World War was very suitable for his opportunistic policies. In order to gain the support of the people, he took advantage of people ’s fear of the ever-growing * movement while appealing to the growing patriotic dissatisfaction of the people because of the little Italy had gained in the post-war negotiations.

On March 23, 1919, he directed and launched a “fascist movement” and established the world’s first “fighting fascist party” in Milan. The political program of this group is a combination of the slogans of syndicalism and nationalism.

In the turbulent years of 1919-1922, Mussolini used his black shirt assault team to fight strike workers, *, socialists. In 1920 * human threats subsided. In the 1921 general election, 22 fascists were elected to Congress. Fascist parties are organized nationwide.

Mussolini established the National Fascist Party, Mussolini was called the “leader”. A long-term general strike in 1922 was destroyed by the “Charge”. As a result, the carefully planned “Roman March” (October 28, 1922) cleared the way. During this crisis, Mussolini himself stayed in Milan until the indecisive Emmanuel III rejected the advisers ’arrest of Mussolini ’s proposal and called him to organize the cabinet (October 31) and was appointed as Prime Minister, gain power.

The Italian fascist leader has always been very dissatisfied with Germany ’s current policies. He does not want to see moderate and transparent German foreign policy. He needs a madman to support his grand expansion plan.

And he has found this lunatic candidate, that is Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Nazi Party. So Mussolini’s stormtroopers have always been the main supporters of the Nazi Party’s brown shirt stormtroopers. Without Italian support, the Nazi party’s violent institutions may have disappeared.

Now everyone knows the origin of the German Nazi Brown Shirt Army? This is completely a copycat product of the Italian fascist black shirt army. Do you really know the name of the German Nazi Stormtroopers? This is really the plagiarism of Hongguo, who is too lazy to change his name. ——It seems that the cottage is not a Chinese invention and patent. Everyone has developed from that time. Crows should not laugh at coal black …

This time Mussolini was invited to visit Germany, but in fact it was also a measure of compromise that Italy had to take. The fascist party ’s spokesperson in Germany, the Nazi Party, has been suppressed. Eventually, a man named Akado Rudolph climbed to the peak of German power, which marked Mussolini ’s series of investments in Germany.

Acting now, Arcado Rudolf, who is on the winner’s side, sent an invitation to Benito Mussolini. Mussolini can completely put off his meeting if he puts it at another time, but now this invitation is based on the issues of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Mussolini cannot be hesitated.

So Mussolini had to come in a hurry to meet a German man who made him very uncomfortable. Because in Italy he is respected as a leader, and this man named Akado is also respected as a leader in Germany-according to the usual truth, there must be an open fight between the two leaders.

In fact, prior to this meeting, the Soviet government had implicitly acquiesced to the fact that Germany annexed Austria. They no longer offered any **** justice for Austria. They just guarded against the development and growth of Germany and took advantage of this opportunity to develop and grow themselves.

The French government’s domestic financial chaos caused by the economic crisis and the funds used to build the Maginot Line were unable to form a threat to Germany in a short period of time, and the Germans were allowed to make waves in Austria. And French Marshal Betan overestimated the Siegfried line being built in Germany, thinking that the French team “will pay countless lives on this line.”

Therefore, Mussolini’s visit to Germany this time was regarded by the entire Europe as the last diplomatic effort of the powers to maintain the status of independence of Austria. With this diplomatic effort, Italy has four divisions heading to the border. Mussolini made it clear in an interview with reporters: “Austria’s independence must be ensured first.”

To be honest, many people in Aka did not have a good opinion of Italy under Mussolini. During the whole World War II, the Italian army has been like sleepwalking. In North Africa, the British were tortured to death. After the Soviet-German war broke out, the Italian army had little fighting power.

According to an unofficial history document read by Akado’s previous life, after the Battle of Stalingrad, Mussolini flew to Berlin to ask Hitler about the loss of the Italian army, and the angrily head of state replied to him: “No! Italy No loss! Because they all run out! “

So Akado has not been anxious to find Mussolini like Hitler and study the so-called “axis of the world”. This is also the main reason why the Great German Party led by Akado and the Fascist Party led by Mussolini are not close.

Therefore, Akado really did not take the issue of Italy’s troop movement into consideration. He was very confident that the German team of the two divisions could easily defeat the provocation of Italy. The only thing that worried him was that he was still in the cradle. Will the German Air Force expose its strength prematurely.

But this does not mean that Akado despised Italy, but on the other hand, he was carefully prepared for this meeting with Mussolini. After all, this country is still one of the major powers in Europe today, with a naval and air force advantage that Germany cannot compensate for.

Akado hopes to use this meeting to attract Mussolini to join his camp and obtain Italian support on Austria and other issues; Mussolini hopes to expedite Germany and thoroughly teach the new German leader, tell him who It is the boss of the dictator. So Akado and Mussolini met in the German Chancellor’s office.

But the national leader is a national leader after all. Mussolini put on an intimate look when he met and hugged a thin and tall man who was half a head taller than him: “Akkado, my friend, I’m very happy see you.”

Of course, Akado wouldn’t be left behind, it was very friendly to show off various p0ss to let the reporters take pictures, and then the reporters left, leaving two people for a separate meeting. The atmosphere was suddenly not very friendly.

“Prime Minister Akado, I have always hoped that Germany is a democratic and free country.” Mussolini knocked on the table and put on a big brother’s education face: “So I don’t want to see eviction in Germany. And abuse of democrats. “

“I suppose Italy must be a democratic country.” Arcado sneered, and his momentum was not weak: “Since everyone is doing the same thing, don’t blame each other for this kind of thing, neither you nor my ass. clean.”

Akado was very satisfied with his answer. If he was the prime minister of the Manchu government, he would not be able to express such a straightforward counterattack. Bacheng could only nod and bow his head with a smile. It seems that having a strong country as a backing is indeed a very proud thing.

“I suggest that you cooperate with the Nazi Party. After all, you can only sit in one position and give the prime minister to Mr. Hitler. I have the support of many countries and it is in your own interest!” Mussolini did not ask for benefits. He can only change his strategy. After all, he didn’t expect to benefit from Germany this time, mainly for Austria and other issues. Speaking of Hitler ’s Nazi party, it ’s just waste to use a bargaining chip.

Akado laughed: “Don’t think it’s amazing how you can become the leader of Italy. On June 10, 1924, I heard a message that someone killed Yakomo Matteo. Now you understand Is it right? We are not enemies, on the contrary we should be allies moving side by side. “

Who knew a man named Akado Rudolph in 1924? Mussolini frowned and re-examined the young man opposite him. He had a coup about ten years ago that was incredible. So at this moment Mussolini felt dangerous, and he knew that with the national strength of Italy, it would not be possible to threaten the present-day Germany through the economic crisis smoothly.

“Of course we can be friends, or even determined allies to sign the treaty.” After thinking about it, Mussolini decided to soften first and avoid some unpleasant disputes. As for the Hitler Nazi party he has always supported, he certainly secretly Decided not to give up easily, and now it is good to let Hitler drag Akado’s hind legs without saying that he can support Hitler’s arrogance.

However, he expressed his basic position for the first time: “But I still don’t want to see the influence of the Nazi Party continue to decay in Germany.”

“This is the choice of the German people! I can’t control it.” Akado said with a smile: “And Germany has passed a bill that prohibits the promotion of various activities of radical parties.”

Akado got up and walked to the front of the map. He smiled at the inexplicable Mussolini and said, “Don’t intervene in Germany’s internal affairs. I think your coming this time is mainly for Czechoslovakia and Austria. So let ’s not circle each other anymore. “

“Italy will not give in on this issue! Austria must remain independent!” Mussolini snorted coldly: “This is my final bottom line.”

“Don’t rush to the conclusion so much, Mr. Mussolini.” Akado pointed to the document on the table and motioned to Mussolini to take a look: “You take a look at my chips first, then consider my proposal.”

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