My Third Empire

Chapter 1112 - Weapon system

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If you hold a weapon and compare it with your opponent’s weapon, it is extremely amateurish and irresponsible. For example, the 150mm caliber towed howitzer currently equipped by the Artillery Corps of the German Wehrmacht is actually not as good as other artillery of the same type in other countries.

In terms of range, German artillery is no match for the US 155 and Soviet 152 caliber artillery; under the same conditions, the charge for launching projectiles is also less than the two enemy-equipped artillery. So if we only discuss performance, then the German artillery has been fighting with backward weapons.

However, this 150mm caliber towed howitzer was well received by German officers and soldiers. Because of the sacrifice of combat performance, this artillery reduces its weight on a large scale and is easy to tow and tow. It is a weapon tailored for the long-distance raid of the German army that has not completed mechanization.

This artillery can even be dragged with war horses, accompanied by the German armored forces rolling all the way forward, allowing the German artillery units to keep up with the advancement speed of the tank units, providing effective artillery support for the armored grenadiers despite the artillery battle The Germans often suffered losses, but it was still impossible to change the status of this artillery as the mainstay of the German artillery force.

Why is the German army equipped with such an artillery that does not seem to have outstanding performance? On the one hand, it considers the maneuverability of the armored forces, and on the other hand, it is because a large part of Germany ’s support firepower has been handed over to the Air Force attack aircraft.

On the other hand, after the Air Force attack aircraft shared a large amount of artillery work, various types of assault guns equipped by the German Grenadier Corps also took part in artillery support tasks. These assault guns can accompany infantry attacks, and support is more timely and direct.

It is precisely because the German Air Force has the ability to destroy the enemy ’s defenses, destroy the enemy ’s artillery positions, and disrupt the enemy ’s rear deployment before the attack is launched; and the German assault guns on the battlefield can clean up the enemy ’s fortification In order to directly cover the infantry’s attack, the German artillery was comfortable to use light but poor performance artillery. If this kind of artillery is placed in France, Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States, it is obviously a very garbage weapon, but it is placed in the hands of Germany, but it shows a special tool for supporting blitzkrieg.

Because of this, Germany’s firepower has been severely affected in rainy weather for a long time. In the entire support system, because the Air Force aircraft could not be deployed, it immediately showed the short board in artillery and could only fall into a hard battle with the enemy. This phenomenon is a good illustration of the weakness and weakness of a single weapon once the system is broken.

Then we also analyze that the Stuttgart 2 attack aircraft equipped by Germany has been recognized by the world as the best ground attack aircraft in active weaponry. The characteristic is strong and durable, and the speed is not fast. It can repeatedly hover over the battlefield to provide timely and stable battlefield support.

However, if viewed from a single point of view, this aircraft uses a low-cost low-cost engine, because of its own weight and limited engine capacity, the air maneuverability is not very prominent, and the characteristics of dive and pull are not even as good as that of Stuka. However, because it is cheap and reliable, it is still widely used in Germany.

If this kind of aircraft is taken out for performance, it can only be said to be a “flying” aircraft, and its performance is not outstanding or even lags behind. But this type of aircraft immediately became easier to use because the advanced fighters of the Luftwaffe fully mastered air control. The slow nature of flying has become an advantage, and the advantages of reliable design and cheap manufacturing are magnified infinitely.

So many weapons are actually very general in performance data, but they are still not to be underestimated. Conversely, a weapon may seem very powerful, but it is not necessarily a panacea that can rewrite war with equipment.

The ak-47 assault rifle looks very powerful, but if it is installed in the First World War, it will become a soldier ’s disaster trench battle. The rifle range of the two sides is generally more than 800 meters, but the ak-47 has a range of only 400. Meter. The result of the reluctance to arrange is that these soldiers with strong firepower can only be suppressed by the opposite side.

Similarly, the mg42 general-purpose machine gun developed in Germany is so easy to use that it covers its own shortcomings such as insufficient stability, so that the German Wehrmacht has not been equipped with decent heavy machine guns. The heavy machine guns left by the German troops were either seized or old materials that were previously sealed.

Akado is from a later generation. He is a traverser. He built the German army into a force as strong as possible according to the future he knew. In the process, he truly realized how the dream of “strong army” was implemented. How difficult.

As far as possible to achieve the mechanization of the army and improve the maneuverability of the troops, the fuel consumption of the troops has risen to a terrible level; equipped with a large number of car tanks, aircraft and artillery, so many advanced equipment have greatly improved the training and quality of the troops. Soldiers are becoming more and more precious and cannot be easily replenished; exhaustive methods to improve the troops ’fire-strike capability allow the troops to quickly break through the enemy ’s defenses, which has directly led to an increase in the army ’s ammunition consumption by several tens of times.

Therefore, it is not the front-line combat troops that need to be reformed, but also includes the ability to exploit resources, the production capacity of the rear, the transportation capacity of the country, the comprehensive quality of the population and the mobilization ability. And if these capabilities are counted, it almost represents the overall national strength of the entire country … To put it bluntly, it is to improve the entire country.

In ancient times, fighting, grinding a knife, carrying dry food on the back, set off. Such troops may collapse at a touch, but it is definitely enough to defend the city or hold a personal field. In modern warfare, every soldier must be trained to master how to use complex weapons to become a recruit. For those troops of low quality that have been temporarily recruited and armed, their combat capabilities have been compressed to historically low levels, and they do not even possess independent combat capabilities at all.

So Akado knew that after his troops reached a historic 7.5 million, Germany had exhausted the last trace of war potential and turned it into a downright poor country. His army cannot fail, because once it fails, he simply has no ability to expand the army and supplement it again.

After General Bock was ordered to leave the General Staff and set up Germany ’s last group army, the German army, the German army will not be expanded any more. The entire empire will maintain 16 group army until victory or defeat.

The frontline troops certainly did not know that their heads of state were so worried about them. These brave soldiers just knew that if they defeated Stalin within a few months, they could return to their homes and enjoy a rare Christmas.

So they put one shell after another into the artillery’s barrel, then closed the breech, slammed the heavy guns one by one, and fired hundreds of tons of shells into the city of Moscow. At this moment there was smoke from the place, and the burning flame even reflected the sky.

The war has begun a **** prologue, so there will be countless kinds of fighting on the long front. While the German navy fired at the enemy in the depths of the ocean, the German Army felt the fire on the long east line. Everyone has been changed their lives by this **** war, and now all they have to do is kill.

Beside a collapsed chest, German soldiers leaned against the ruins and smoked quietly. They had just experienced a mortal fight before they nailed their positions firmly to some low-rise buildings on the outskirts of Moscow Inside.

The two sides fought fiercely here, and the entire ruins were covered with corpses wearing gray-green defense uniforms and grass-green Soviet red uniforms. They all drained their own blood for their own country, and now can only be used as part of the ruins to witness the final ownership of this land.

Maybe God does not exist, maybe he does exist, but he fails to shine in every corner of the world. At least in this land, people do not feel the blessing of God, and people can only rely on themselves to survive in the rain of bullets.

“Rush!” On a distant ground position, a Russian password shattered everything that was still calm. All the Germans put their weapons on the bunker they had just leaned on, and pointed the cold muzzle in the direction of the enemy’s attack.

There, a group of Soviet soldiers was leaping out of their trenches and running madly forward with a rifle. They rushed into the bunkers of the Germans and drove them back to where they were a few hours ago. These soldiers shouted the slogan “Ula” and launched a fierce shock without fear of death.

“Open fire!” With the German official’s password, a German mg42 machine gun hidden in the ruins began to fire violently, and the tracer traced out a straight line and flew into the distant crowd. The blood began to splash, and there were rubble and bricks shattered by bullets everywhere, screams and screams of Ula, one after another, and the calm battlefield boiled like boiling water.

A German assault gun slowly revealed its ugly face among the ruins, and aimed the 75-millimeter artillery at the charged Soviet infantry. With the roar of the artillery, the smoke suddenly diffused. The German soldiers fought back more fiercely. Long guns and short artillery were added to the occasion. The Soviet army fell in groups. This scene continued until the battlefield returned to calm again before it ended.

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