My Third Empire

Chapter 1115 - Crossroads tank battle

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Remember [??] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

“Yes, the battle near Michael’s Church is in progress. The Soviets did not seem to have easily given up here. They mobilized tanks and a large number of infantry, and used the dead terrain of the familiar terrain and buildings to fight back our army violently. “General Carrickoff, the commander of the German 82 Infantry Army, is actually a very good infantry commander. If it were not because of the late Kluger, it would not be a lieutenant.

Speaking of which, he and General German Friedrich, who also command infantry, were classmates of the same period. In terms of commanding infantry combat skills, it is not much more difficult than Friedrich in the future. And General Frederick, who swept North Africa with Rommel, was already the No. 3 character of the African Legion, and was already a general. However, Carrick was mixed with a poor lieutenant general in the f group army.

Originally holding a nameless karma, even the Soviet soldiers who were chased by themselves started to look for trouble with him. How could this not let the noble Karikov get angry? So he grabbed the phone and asked his superior Klug to support him, and deployed the artillery directly under the army to him, so that he had a more absolute fire advantage in the battle against the archangel Michael Cathedral.

At this moment, Carikoff is holding the phone and hurriedly asking for help from Kluger of the Army Command: “Marshal! The frontline troops are very enthusiastic about attacking. Please support me with an ammunition base. I promise to take it. Michael Church, stabilize the line of defense! “

On the other side of the phone, Marshal Klug was actually very embarrassed. He really wanted to support his men to continue the attack, but now there are not many spare shells left in his hand. You have to know that the Germans with large caliber shells have very limited reserves, most of them are weird, so it is not easy to add.

First of all, some of the train guns in the hands of the German army came from seized French train guns, which originally could only consume French stocks. The original French inventory was still sufficient, enough for the Germans to squander for a while, but unfortunately the Germans played a bit too indulgently in Stalingrad, which caused the reserve ammunition of these French train guns to become nervous.

The large-caliber artillery guns produced by the Germans have only been equipped in recent months. It is said that the stock is not much, so it can not withstand the unlimited consumption of the German troops. Whether it is a French or German train gun, plus those large-caliber towed artillery, in fact, each gun is really real gold and silver, a gun is hundreds of kilograms or even a ton of various metals. With chemicals, the cost of a round of shelling can definitely be considered expensive.

In addition, the Germans and the Soviets had artillery battles outside Moscow City a while ago. In order to suppress the Soviet artillery and exert their own momentum, the German artillery consumed a large amount of ammunition stocks. Replenishing these ammunitions takes up a lot of rail transportation capacity, and Klug is a little worried that if it is so costly, his troops will have difficulty in supplying them.

In this case of worry, Klug was a little reluctant to let his troops be consumed. He was more willing to wait for Marshal Lundstedt ’s a group army, Liszt ’s e group army and Guderian ’s g group army. Arriving at the designated location, and then enclosing Moscow to disperse the defensive forces deployed in the front of the Moscow defense zone before launching the offensive.

However, he knew that if he denied the request of the frontline general at this time, it was a very morale act. So after he gritted his teeth, he nodded and agreed with Karikoff ’s attack request: “After ten minutes, I will order the artillery to attack the designated location, and there are only two rounds of artillery strikes. You can take care of the rest!” “

“Thank you, Marshal! I promise to capture the church and put the banner of the empire on it!” Over the phone, General Carrick was already very excited. Kluger could hear clearly even his long voice across his long phone line. The head of the newly promoted marshal dropped the phone with a smile on his stomach, and then deployed the task of shelling for a while.

And on the front line of the German defending position not far from the Archangel Michael Church, a medium-sized trailer was hanging the damaged leopard tank with the equipment for towing, and several German engineers were commanding the vehicle to retreat slowly. To move a path for other equipment. Next to this leopard tank being dragged away, next to two long-awaited Tiger King tanks, several armored captains were confirming their missions for the last time.

The German armored forces never had the habit of being beaten passively, and after they had achieved all the proud records, they did not have the reason to be beaten and not to get back. Soon the two Tiger King tanks came over, and with them came a new round of attack orders.

“Still the original battle plan, the Tiger King tank replaced the original Leopard tank first to cross the intersection. If the Soviet Stalin tank fired, then the Tiger King tank stopped to fight back. The second Tiger King came from behind this Rush out, disturb the enemy, and destroy the Stalin tank! “After the leader of the Tiger King, who had finished his mission, he jumped into his tank. The elongated barrel of this Tiger King tank was painted White record mark. Obviously he is also an ace captain with at least 40 records.

The other tank was next to this tank, and it seemed a bit shabby, but there were also dozens of tanks. Obviously, it was not a rookie. The two tanks started up one after the other, and black exhaust gas was sprayed from the tail exhaust cylinder and filled the air.

A minute later, the artillery position under the group army finally began to utter its own roar, swallowing the sky and swallowing the Soviet Union’s counterattack. The streets and buildings near Archangel Michael ’s Cathedral underwent another baptism of destruction. Building after building collapsed in an explosion.

The Soviet garrison secretly survived the ruins and rubble, as well as the smoke and shrapnel. The broken glass flew everywhere, hitting on the stones and cement. Such a large-scale shelling turned this place into hell. Thankfully, it seems that the Germans did not intend to flatten this place, so this round of shelling lasted only a short time and subsided.

Just before the euphoria of the Soviet defenders inside the church had passed, the gunshots of the Germans followed. Another round of new attacks has begun, and another round of fighting is coming. The battle at the crossroads has once again become the focus of the battle between the two sides, and the ownership here determines who will be the possession of the Michaeler Cathedral, which has been ruined in a corner.

In the Soviet tank, the gunner stared at the dangerous intersection intently, and when the next second came, his pupils shrank suddenly for seeing something that surprised him. Inside his sight, a German King Tiger tank ran out of the corner, revealing the terrifyingly heavy armor directly in front of it.

“Tiger King Tank!” The Soviet artillery shouted to remind his companion, and then stepped on the fire pedal without hesitation. The 122-millimeter cannon fired smoke and a deadly shell, hitting the German King Tiger tank at the far end of the street with a sudden thunder.

“Bang!” The Tiger King tank seemed to be hit by an iron hammer, and the whole car body shook slightly. But everyone in the tank knew that their armor had not been penetrated, they had just been beaten hard. They stopped and began to aim, skillful and extremely fast.

The Soviets are a little bit messy. After all, their loader has to bend over to pick up another part of the shells. The disadvantage of sub-loading shells is really crazy, but to deal with the German armor advantage, they can only use this critical moment. The firepower system is always slow in the first half. Just as they were loading, the Soviet artillery saw another Tiger King rushing out of the street, and rushing out from behind the parking Tiger King!

“Two Tiger Kings! Retreat! Retreat!” Before the Soviet artillery commander shouted, the captain of the Stalin tank screamed in alarm and ordered his driver to reversing the car quickly. After all, the Tiger King tank is too much aimed at the Stalin tank, especially the heavy front armor of the Tiger King tank, which is really a nightmare for the Stalin tank.

Before the Stalin tank withdrew a distance of one meter, the main gun of the first Tiger King tank emitted a thick smoke, and then the sandbags and iron plates tied to the armor of the Stalin tank body were just like It exploded like a blast and was scattered apart, knocking down a group of Soviet infantry that followed and retreated.

These things are to strengthen the armor of the Stalin tank, the temporary debris piled up, there are sandbags and iron plates welded to hold the sandbags. Obviously they played a certain role. The shells of the first Tiger King tank did not penetrate these bits and pieces. But before waiting for the Soviet crew to rejoice, the shell of the second German King Tiger tank once again hit the armor of the Soviet tank.

“Boom!” The dust spread out. After shaking the Soviet tank twice, it finally stopped on the roadside and stopped moving. Flames jumped out of the cracks of this tank, and the Soviet soldiers who were rescuing the wounded of the friendly army around. After seeing this situation, they began to collapse backwards desperately.

The German tank began to advance slowly, and a large number of German infantry followed the tank, carefully groping forward. Some soldiers began to rush into the ruins of the buildings on both sides, and the Germans finally opened the situation at this intersection. ——

Long Ling ’s illness is not good, Long Ling ’s wife ’s grandfather passed away yesterday. As a result, Long Ling is going to rush from the northeast of the motherland to the south to attend the funeral. The train of more than 20 hours is really heartbreaking … I can promise everyone to guarantee the update as much as possible, please bear with me …

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