My Third Empire

Chapter 1122 - No purpose

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For the German navy general Lütjens, he did not know how far the German navy could go in his hands. Under the protection of new cruisers and destroyers, the three aircraft carriers sailed on the vast ocean, and the sharp bow cut the turbulent waves.

The more modern warfare, the more and more sophisticated combat departments involved. In the 21st century, the departments involved in a war need to cooperate with each other, just like the gears in a watch, but there is no error in the interaction. It is precisely because it is too precise, so the word synergy is raised to an incomparable level.

It’s as if the German navy is coming out of the nest at this moment, and it’s not just that the navy will take the warship out of the port. At least a day ago, the German weather forecasting agency was still calculating whether the climate on the Atlantic for several days was suitable for naval aircraft carrier formation combat. They used various methods to verify their conclusions, and even some of the results were calculated by the prophet computer.

Moreover, when the naval fleet sailed, the port was still gloomy, which made all naval officers and soldiers unsure whether they could carry out an expected battle in Iceland. But when they were away from Wilhelmshaven, and within an hour of the confluence of the supply ships from Britain in the North Sea, they saw the sun and the waves weakened a little.

“The reconnaissance plane of the 5th Squadron found two British anti-submarine patrol vessels, and they were about 140 kilometers ahead of us.” A naval aviation commander pointed with a pointer on the huge chart in front of Lütjens Here is the latest information: “The intelligence department informed us that the Royal Navy has departed from Canada and rushed to the waters near Iceland. But from a distance analysis, we still have a full day to attack Iceland.”

Lütjens discovered that the war seemed to have changed its shape unconsciously. At least for this battle, the things that determine the outcome of the war are still lying in the laboratory of the Imperial University. The Prophet’s computer deciphered the British Royal Navy’s cryptosystem. For the Germans, the entire Icelandic defense system now looks like a naked girl. There are no secrets at all.

This war is not a fair matchup between knights. In fact, war has never been about fairness. The fact that the enemy ’s every action was taken in full view made Lütjens the commander very frustrated. He felt that as long as he was not a lunatic sitting in his place, he seemed to be able to win the battle.

“Don’t pay attention to the little ones in front of us, we have to approach Iceland as soon as possible, and destroy the airport and other facilities on the island.” Although there is some interest, Lütjens still has to perform his own commander Responsibilities, so he very simply issued an order that he didn’t care about, and let his fleet hit like a rhinoceros.

Sometimes it is not because of recklessness to go straight forward without using a roundabout strategy, but because it is the most powerful method chosen after synthesizing intelligence. Lütjens ignored the risk of his fleet’s position being confirmed by the British because he knew that there were no enemy fleets that could threaten his fleet.

No! None of the fleet! After the last time the Battleship Redell naval ship sneaked into Iceland, the Royal Navy began to discuss countermeasures against such a sneak attack. In the past, they had fighter planes escorting on Iceland, so only the anti-submarine force of destroyers was kept nearby.

When there was an airplane, the German navy naturally dared not come up and look for abuse. However, as the main airport in Iceland was destroyed by a German long-range bomber, this airborne umbrella disappeared. The shortcomings that the main force of the British navy could not be deployed in the waters near Iceland were fully revealed. 【ㄨ】

The huge battleship of the Red Marshal Navy and the accompanying cruisers are obviously not able to cope with the antisubmarine destroyers of the United Kingdom and the United States, so these warships obviously cannot fight the German fleet at this time. Thinking about it, the British came up with two of the most reliable ways. One was to repair the Icelandic airport that was blown up by the Germans in order to restore their airborne umbrellas as soon as possible. The other way was to let the battleship Scoundrel have some more The cruiser was cruising in the nearby waters to counter the German provocation at any time.

The use of the battleship USS Scoundrel is also a last resort for the British Royal Navy, because the US battleship has some subtle differences between the British and German in terms of the main gun caliber. Therefore, the shells purchased from the German battleship had no place to supplement that the British were trying to order a batch of ammunition in the United States, but this batch of ammunition could not be produced in a short time.

Another reason is because after the British cruisers such as Hood were sunk, they suddenly found that they had no battleships at all and could catch up with the new battleships produced by the Germans. With the exception of the Scoundrel, none of their warships can match the speed of the battleship Marshal Redell, and the construction of new battleships is obviously unrealistic.

But even so, the German navy is now coming out of the nest. The fleet of three aircraft carriers is absolutely invincible in the Atlantic, and it is definitely a decisive force. Obviously, this German high seas fleet is definitely not a battleship that the villain can deal with.

Who would have thought that the German navy, which had no major movements, actually began to increase the activities of surface ships frequently within just two months? Libya ’s oil fields have brought too much change to Germany. The changes have been so great that spies in the United States and Britain have not had time to transmit so many changes back to their own countries.

Looking at the gradually clearing weather, a British destroyer captain standing on the bridge lowered his telescope. This weather is undoubtedly a very good weather for the commander of a naval destroyer like him. After all, if the weather is bad, then his anti-submarine mission will become difficult.

“I said, the German plane I just saw is really a single-propeller plane?” He kept his telescope, looking for the ultra-long-range, which can fly here from Britain in the legend. German … single-engine airplane. It is not that he has forgotten the German carrier fleet, but that the German carrier fleet has not been dispatched on a large scale in recent months.

So in his subconscious, he never considered those distant German aircraft carrier fleets. He was more willing to believe that the Germans had made some bizarre advanced weapons, or his lookout sailor had misunderstood.

“Yes, the plane flew far away on the edge of the clouds, and then left. Maybe it’s a twin-engine aircraft … but I look more like a single-engine fighter.” The witness witnessed what happened Said the British sailor affirmatively.

Just when he was sure that everything he saw was true, a telegraph officer walked behind the captain on the bridge and handed an emergency telegram from Canada to his commander: “Sir ! This telegram comes from Canada … There is very urgent information on it that needs to be notified to you immediately. “

The captain of the destroyer took the telegram and looked down at the text above, so a small line caught his eyes: according to reliable information, the aircraft carrier of the German Navy ’s high seas fleet sailed yesterday. The warship commander must be careful.

“German high seas fleet? Aircraft carrier? Single engine?” The captain whispered, and suddenly his eyes widened: “Immediately turn the rudder south! Sailing away from the sea at full speed! Hurry! Hurry! Germans The plane took off from the aircraft carrier, and their main fleet is near here! “

Realizing that the captain of the British destroyer, who is now in a dangerous situation, immediately sounded the battle alarm on the ship. Those untrained anti-aircraft artillery operators sailed nervously and ran to their posts. Everyone wore life jackets and put each Various weapons pointed to the sky in all directions.

“Report to Iceland immediately! It means that the German fleet was found in the nearby waters! Let them prepare for air defense operations.” While speeding up to escape, he quickly passed back his message to the Icelandic base behind him. The captain was obviously quite A seasoned officer has done the best he can.

So just less than 10 minutes later, Iceland also sounded the air defense alarm, and the battleship Scooter and two cruisers cruising nearby drove full horsepower to retreat west. They dare not stay nearby. It was discovered by the Germans and sunk in the nearby waters.

Just as the British hurriedly prepared their own air defense work, the German carrier-based aircraft began to take off on their own deck. With the order of Lütjens, 24 German carrier-based attack aircraft were mounted. With various bombs, they rushed towards their targets like vultures.

“General, I don’t understand … why do we know that the British found that we were here, and they wanted to launch such a big attack?” The officer standing behind Lütjens asked frowningly.

“Oh, just look at the present, of course you don’t understand … We have other plans for this air raid on Iceland.” Lütjens sneered, and then looked at the attack aircraft that were away. Said: “Wait, wait until this plan begins, let alone the Americans and the British. Even you, you will be surprised!”

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