My Third Empire

Chapter 1124 - Cavalry in the desert

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

1939 was a good era, and the skills of negotiation in this era mainly depended on the performance of the cannon of one’s own country. ↑ The apex novel, the range of the cannon is the land, the sound of the cannon is the size of the voice, and the number of cannons represents how many people will listen when speaking-fortunately, the Germans obviously speak harder The other side.

The artillery here obviously does not simply refer to the artillery, but represents the weaponry of those systems. The greatest reliance of the Third Empire on its invincibility is its high-quality 7.5 million regular army and equipped with tens of thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of fighters. These troops are the most efficient and powerful killing machines in the world, and even the equally powerful Americans are afraid of three points.

Amidst the rolling yellow sand in the Arab region, a German leopard tank is moving forward quickly. This tank, which has reached a maximum speed of 45 kilometers per hour, provides unparalleled mobility for the German armored forces in the Arabian desert. Among them, it was widely welcomed by German soldiers.

Behind this German tank is another German leopard tank painted in a pale yellow desert camouflage. The armored forces under Rommel prefer this mediocre but fast weapon, compared to the Tiger tank and Coming from the Tiger King tank, this weapon has better overall performance in the desert.

Further behind is a six-wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle. The captain of the turret leaned against the antenna and wobbled back and forth with his armored vehicle in the yellow sand. On both sides of this armored vehicle were German scouts riding goggles with goggles. The armored unit was vigorously killing its own target on the scheduled route.

Behind the armored vehicles, there are several more tanks. There are at least one tank company and one reconnaissance company in the number. It also strengthens the fuel trucks and infantry. The typical German armored configuration has very high mobility in the vast desert. Sex and independent combat capability. The body of these armored forces has a coconut tree outlined in white in a less prominent position, which is the symbol of the 7th German Armored Force.

Of course, although their logo is a coconut tree full of regional customs, the enemies who have dealt with this army still like to call this German armored army with extraordinary combat effectiveness “the devil”. The title “Devil Armored Division” has become the highest honor of this division, and the evaluation from the enemy seems to be more pleasant than what others have given.

Following the glorious tradition of another German army in World War II in space and time, many troops in the German Wehrmacht with their own glorious traditions will be awarded cuffs of honor by the General Staff. This cuff, which purely represents the honor of the army, is hung about an inch away from the cuffs of the clothes, and the motto belonging to this army is embroidered on it.

In this life, Rommel ’s 7th Armored Corps had its own cuff, and the motto above was even granted by the head of state-“incarnate the devil to fight for Germany”. At this moment, on the dirty light summer military uniform of the German armored forces, the dark cuffs hanging on the edges of the short sleeves on the greasy placket looked more conspicuous.

In the last month, as Marshal Garibaldi returned to power in Italy, Rommel obtained the absolute command of the German-Italian coalition in North Africa. He led a whole army of 400,000 troops in Saudi Arabia, slamming the lost soldiers of Mountbatten to the east Run away. All the major newspapers in Germany are promoting this extraordinary record. After all, these records really have something to be proud of.

Compared with the war process on the Eastern Front where only 500 meters or even 300 meters are moving every day, Rommel’s data of moving forward 15 kilometers or even 30 kilometers in the Middle East is even more inspiring. Because of this, the propaganda department chaired by Fanny did not hesitate to focus his report on the Middle East warfare that sounded more attractive.

If Zhukov, Vatukin, and others under the Moscow city are struggling with beasts, then General Mountbatten in the Middle East can only be described by a clever woman. The troops in his hands couldn’t be compared with Rommel’s German-Italian coalition forces. Since Rommel had fought the Suez Canal, the situation of his troops was even worse.

Since General Patton was defeated by German paratroopers in Damanhur in North Africa, the British and American coalition forces in North Africa have been at a disadvantage against the German-Italian coalition. In addition, the Mediterranean transport line was gradually controlled by the German-Italian coalition, and the German-Italian coalition was in absolute lead in terms of weaponry and staffing.

With ample ammunition and reliable supplies, the German-Italian coalition’s decisive battle in Egypt went smoothly, although Montgomery tried his best to insist on the results, but did not reverse the ability of the world. After Cairo was occupied by Germany, Mountbatten took over the Suez line. At this time, the British and American coalition forces had no ability at all to stop the German and Italian coalition attacks.

It is good to ignite the oil field reserves and counterattack against Turkey. These are small actions carried out by the British and American coalition forces to disrupt the war situation. There is simply no way to shake the German and Italian coalition’s dominant position on the battlefield. Of course Mussolini ’s anti-water is the last hope of the Middle East allies, but unfortunately an action eventually turned into a farce, and the hope of defending the Middle East army was completely shattered.

The German tanks and planes are obviously more powerful than the British Indian big-headed soldiers. Although Mountbatten struggled to support the decayed Middle East war situation, he still could not recover the result of the rapid defeat of the Allies in the Middle East. Germany has deployed two army groups in the Middle East and Egypt, with more than 490,000 people. Italy also has 800,000 troops in North Africa and the Middle East. Although the front line is so long that the front-line strength of the two countries is only 470,000, this is still not comparable to the Allied forces. Powerful.

Don’t doubt why such a huge front line can only maintain the size of 470,000 people. After all, German and Italian troops spread from Tunisia to Saudi Arabia. Local security also has garrison forces, coupled with frequent vacation rotations caused by the harsh environment, as well as supply difficulties such as oil transportation, which allows Rommel to experience the opportunity to command 400,000 people at a time. tried.

Since the loss of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Allies have completely cut off the important supply channel of the Mediterranean transportation line. After losing this close supply channel, if you want to reinforce the Middle East, you can only rely on the path of southern Africa. Too. The cost and time wasted in such a big circle, even the rich US, is absolutely miserable.

If it wasn’t a while ago, because the ridiculous landing operation in Italy eventually failed, resulting in the final 40,000 US troops being sent to Saudi Arabia, Mountbatten may have collapsed and retreated to India. However, these tens of thousands of American soldiers are now being consumed by the weather and the German attacks, so Mountbatten gave up his position again and retreated in the direction of India.

Allied soldiers in Syria and Turkey and Iran also began to contract quickly. Charles de Gaulle’s free French troops laid down their weapons and chose to surrender. Because the French government of Vichy used the hidden 400 tons of gold to do the work of the Third Reich and included these troops-since the Germans who were so powerful as the gods spoke, Turkey immediately forgot these free law teams. After killing tens of thousands of Turkish troops, they happily sent them to the truck, transported them to Istanbul and then boarded the ship and returned to France.

In the rolling yellow sand, the advancing German armor stopped in front of a huge force, and the backward Arab cavalry in the opposite team carried their rifles and sat on the camel watching the servants of the wind and dust. German. Then a few top-ranking leaders came to the front of the German armored squadron and expressed their intentions in jerky German: “We came to negotiate with the distinguished German representatives on the orders of King Ibn Saudi Arabia. The two sides can be peaceful and friendly in Saudi Arabia, and do not have unpleasant conflicts. “

“Ignite the oil field and burn the reserves of fuel, is that what they say is getting along with each other?” A German pilot leaned on the tank hatch and tilted his head to ask the captain with the military cap crooked on the turret: “The cavalry It is a bit behind the Poles, and we can kill half of them in one shot. “

“Shut up!” The captain was obviously not like his men, all he was thinking about was **** all the enemies in front of him. After frowning, he pressed the larynx talker and reported his findings to his battalion by radio: “Battle? Battalion? I am the commander of the K team, and we found a group of people who wanted How to deal with Arabs in negotiations? Please answer. “

“His … His …” There was a disturbance of electric current in the headphones, and then the answer was intermittent. Their distance is close to the communication limit of radio equipment, so the quality of the call is not very good: “Arab … take them … to ensure safety … bring back …”

Helplessly confirmed again, the front-line commander understood the opposite command. He nodded and then said to the group of Arab leaders who were a little anxious, “Follow us, do n’t do anything small, Otherwise I will order the fire. “

As he spoke, he gestured, finally letting the Arabs who were not very good in German understand what he said. So a group of people quickly nodded, and let the group of Arab cavalry follow in a distance, just so vigorously followed the German assault unit code-named k, and started their pace towards a remote temporary command post in the rear.

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