My Third Empire

Chapter 1129 - Demonstration

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Remember [??] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

As an existing navy, the German maritime forces have been accumulating their own power. They have been unknown for a long time, but they have not done nothing for such a long time. Perhaps since Germany landed in the UK, the halo of the German surface naval forces was covered up by the German navy submarine forces, but this could not obliterate the German navy high seas fleet that had longed for the ocean.

Silence does not mean giving up. In such a long time, the navy seized every opportunity to master its ability to fight in the ocean. From the voyage to Australia to the reinforcement of Gibraltar, the German navy finally mastered the essentials of ocean-going operations. After the oil was replenished, he slashed to the east coast of the United States.

The Air Force and the Navy have their own plans for attacking the east coast of the United States. The Navy advances and sends a group of 20 submarines to carry out a harassing attack on the east coast of the United States. However, because the unit is single and there is no support for reconnaissance intelligence, the role of this fleet is very limited, and the results achieved are not so amazing.

The Air Force has proposed using a new long-range bomber to attack the United States, but the development of this new long-range bomber has not been smooth. The six-engine large passenger aircraft developed as a civilian project has a good test flight, but some indicators have always failed to meet the military’s requirements, and the top level of the German Air Force still has little confidence in the bombing mission without fighter escort, so the development progress has slowed down a bit.

This time the German naval aircraft carrier attacked the fleet, which was also the highest-level confidential operation within the navy. Even when the voyage was made, the high-level commander of the fleet was not notified, and even the captain did not know that this voyage would attack the east coast of the United States.

This secrecy is mainly due to the fact that there are spies near the German port, and the intelligence of the German navy leaving the port will soon be known by the United States. Therefore, the German fleet first attacked the Icelandic base to confuse each other and prevent the United States from strengthening its vigilance on the east coast. Taking the aircraft carrier fleet for a large-scale breaking engagement is also considered to be a more efficient form of maritime attack developed by the German Navy after enjoying the changes brought by the aircraft carrier.

Soon, the first batch of 10 attack aircrafts of the German Navy took off and achieved their results. A transport ship traveling from Canada to the United States was sunk, and then a US destroyer was also sunk in the nearby waters. It was only at this time that the US Coastline Defense Command, who got the news, realized that something was wrong.

“Telegraph the patrol fleet of the British Royal Navy and let them confirm the exact location of the German fleet after attacking Iceland!” A U.S. Navy general looked at the **** shipwreck mark on the map of the command center and commanded loudly: ” The emergence of German aircraft on the east coast of the United States … This is not good news anyway. Let the nearby naval patrol ships confirm the number and style of German aircraft as much as possible! “

“The information is too vague. The sunken destroyer reported that it was attacked by a German aircraft. We have not confirmed whether it is a single-engine aircraft or a heavy bomber. Their radio has lost contact.” Another American general said in anxious tone : “People in the combat department speculate that it is a German aircraft carrier. After all, heavy bombers are not easy to directly sink flexible destroyers.”

“Damn it! If it is a German bomber fleet? I need to confirm whether it is a new German bomber cluster! We have only 300 anti-aircraft guns on the entire east coast. If New York is attacked, those guys in Congress will dig a pit to take us All buried. “The commander of the East Coast Defense of the United States interrupted the other party’s words and ordered in a harsh tone:” Hurry up and take off all combat aircrafts. I need to ensure the absolute safety of the East Coast. Call me to call each Radar station, find the exact location of those German planes! “

“Report! The destroyer July was shelled by a German warship! They claimed to have found the German fleet, located in the x17 anti-submarine patrol zone.” An officer hurried into the command center and handed over his message After the generals in the headquarters, everyone was relieved for a time. After all, they were not German long-range bombers, so the problem was solved.

“Telegraph the British and send them to the Canadian fleet to fight for the German fleet.” The American commander, while mobilizing his own forces to drive the German fleet, also ordered the radar system to remain vigilant and avoid being caught. What did the Germans get there? For a time, the entire east coast of the United States was mobilized. Various patrol planes and fighter planes skimmed the sky. Many cruising ships received notifications to avoid the German fleet.

“What’s the matter? The German fleet? On the east coast?” The captain of a transport ship looked at the message he had just got, and looked at his men with a smile: “Just sail west, wait a day near Boston.”

“Cough, but Captain, our ships are all supplies that the United Kingdom desperately needs. At this time, when we are suspended for one day, we will be forced to stop working there …” After hearing this decision, the crew member said unwillingly: “How could the German fleet appear in such a place? Wouldn’t it be the Americans who made a mistake?”

“There is no time for us to confirm, I heard that the German fleet is nearby …” The captain did not want to risk his life, so he insisted on his orders. After a few minutes, their ship adjusted its course to the distant United States. The east coast sailed past. Like this transport ship, countless fishing boats and patrol ships, transport ships and passenger ships are forced to change their course.

The East Coast of the United States became a mess because of this sudden German fleet, and Lütjens at this time was also taken aback by the problems he encountered. He originally thought that after sinking at least dozens of American ships, the Americans would take it seriously. But he only sunk four ships on this side, and the Americans made adjustments and responded.

The increasing number of US reconnaissance aircraft in his airspace forced him to abandon the interference on the US east coast route and make a turning action away from the combat radius of the US carrier aircraft.

Looking at the distance of the German fighter jets driving the American patrol, Lütjens had to give the order to turn south again: “Accelerate southward! Damn it! The American deployment on the east coast is more powerful than we expected. It seems that this time we are destined to return without merit. “

The Americans responded in a timely manner and began to dispatch various aircraft to interfere with the operations of the German carrier fleet. Lütjens did not dare to fight the shore-based US fighter group alone. He was even more worried that the British fleet, whose position could not be confirmed now, would suddenly appear. Therefore, the German fleet did not love war, and the war and retreat chose the safest south and left the dangerous sea.

The purpose of Lütjens’s operation this time was mainly to show the strength of the German navy and contain the US Navy. Try to contain American forces as much as possible, and disrupt the rhythm of American routes as much as possible. As far as the results are concerned, they have achieved part of their goals, and now it is a very wise choice to retreat and leave the battle.

When Lütjens battled and retreated, the US East Coast Command was frightened by the sudden appearance of the German fleet. The main force of their fleet is in the Pacific Ocean, and most of the fighter forces also maintain suppression of the Japanese army in the Pacific. Do n’t underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Japanese. Even if they fall into a disadvantage, they are still a powerful opponent. For strategic advantage, the United States has to invest most of its combat power.

The entire East Coast was almost full of power just now. If the German fleet insists on not leaving, the Americans seem to have no decent way to deal with this **** fleet. The German fleet has one of the combat radius of American fighters. Besides, if they want to repel them, they can only rely on the British fleet.

It is a pity that the British fleet is still in the waters near Canada, and it will take a lot of time to rush over. It is a pity that Lütjens did not know these circumstances, so he was forced to retreat by this fleet that was hundreds of kilometers away, and the less powerful US Army aviation.

“We can no longer use a small number of planes to defend the East Coast. We need at least 300 combat aircraft, and we need them immediately!” I looked at the report I just received and lost the trace of the German fleet. I was relieved. The commander of the United States commanded loudly: “The Germans will not come only once! They are not short of oil now!”

Even if it was known that the German navy would not have too many attacks like demonstrations, the United States still dared not bet on the absurd idea of ​​”Germans would not come again”. They need to ensure absolute security in areas such as New York and Washington, so this will inevitably involve some of the forces that will soon be invested in the Pacific.

In fact, the Americans were indeed affected by the march. They intercepted two flying brigades that supported the Pacific theater and deployed them on the east coast. The British fleet also planned to move some south to ensure the safety of the US-Canada route. It took more than 2 hours for President Roosevelt to finish a meeting before he learned about this small-scale battle. The Americans lost a total of 1 destroyer and 2 transport ships, and 1 large fishing boat. However, this attack forced the United States to pay attention to the Atlantic naval warfare, and dispersed the combat power of the US Navy.

But these Lütjens don’t know now that this breaking engagement is not a victory for him, but a hasty demonstration. He desperately hoped that he would be able to come back again and really fight a battle that would hit the US Navy …

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