My Third Empire

Chapter 1133 - Counterattack

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Akado is currently busy with some Israeli export contracts. The Jews are well-funded but poorly located near Jerusalem, so they are more willing to move German machinery and many things to their new home. Some of these things can be exported and are encouraged by Akado to export, but some are also in short supply in the Third Reich, which must be carefully screened one by one.

Countries are not as simple as ordinary people think, at least they cannot be summarized by simple definitions such as enemies or friends. It stands to reason that Japan and the United States should be a hostile enemy, but in the twenty-first century, they still seem to have a seemingly strong ally relationship.

Israel has maintained a neutral relationship with Germany since its establishment. Thanks to the special relationship with the United States and Germany, the development here has even exceeded the imagination of many people. Ballman became more and more passive in the United States, while Mr. Enrique was a fish in the Middle East. Through Germany ’s suppression of the east wind of Saudi Arabia, it showed the savvy nature of a generation of scheming Jews.

“My head of state, the list of deaths in the last month has been counted. We have a total of 19,000 people killed or missing in the war on the Eastern Front. The specific list has been issued to the Committee of Consolation.” Still so smart, her mind was full of all kinds of things, but there was nothing wrong with chaos and forgetting. Akado is very satisfied with this working secretary, making his work more organized and efficient.

Every day, countless people die in the war, civilians and soldiers. Some people can still leave a cemetery and a name in this war-torn era, while more people ca n’t even leave a name. All the way from Germany to Ukraine, then to Smolensk, and then to Moscow, every road can be seen one by one cemetery, some wooden crosses are also buckled with helmets, German helmets and Soviet helmets are available.

Akado put down the file in his hand, and then took over the statistical roster. The names next to each other were a bit dazzling on the white paper. They were all living lives, but now only one is left. The broken nameplate.

“Let the condolences committee carefully write each letter of condolence, and then remember to remind me that I have to talk to Reinhardt during the meeting. I must make sure that every consolation money is paid out These families who lost their loved ones. “After a pause, Akado said to Sindra:” Let Minister Fanny make a special radio and TV program, at least remember the warriors who sacrificed for the country. . “

“Yes! My head! I get it!” Sindra nodded and then replied: “I will remind you. In addition, the new ambassador from Turkey has arrived in Berlin, Minister Ribbentrop gave He held a welcoming party and the Krupp Vice-Chairman represented the Great German Party to preside over the party. “

It is purposeful for Krupp to meet this Turkish ambassador. Many industrial products in Germany are already in surplus, and some machinery is in urgent need of export. After the occupation of Ukraine, a large number of agricultural products began to flood into Germany. The problem of shortage of materials for a while seemed to be a thing of the past, so many merchants began to resell goods in order to seek greater profits.

When Germany maintained the wartime material rationing system, many German workers and merchants had money in their hands but could not buy what they wanted. Needless to say, high-end products such as watches and TVs, even bread and candy are in a state of pricelessness. But these things are very abundant now, as long as they can be bought in the street shops.

Therefore, Krupp, on behalf of a large number of German businessmen, formally contacted the Turkish ambassador, hoping to open up the Turkish market and dump a large amount of the surplus of production into the barren land of Turkey. Including outdated machinery as well as socks clothes and various pots and pans and even gas masks for weapons and ammunition.

After the counterattacks and incursions by the United States and Britain, the territory of Turkey was dying. Because the weak nature was exposed in the Axis Alliance, and the Middle East and the Caucasus were successively occupied by German forces, the remaining chips in Turkey are already pitiful. The geographical location of the original advantage has now become less important, and the strategic task of containing the United States, the United States and the Soviet Union has disappeared. Now in Turkey, the remaining role is only like the location of dumping commodities.

Therefore, under the coercion and temptation of Germany, the previous Turkish ambassador finally signed a Axis Uniform Weapon Standardization Treaty, promising to purchase all armament products from Germany to ensure that the combat effectiveness of the Turkish army was improved. This treaty also stipulates that an army with priority German equipment should enter the Caucasus as an expeditionary force and serve as a force under the command of Manstein to sweep the Soviet guerrillas in the Caucasus.

This is undoubtedly a new huge cake, waiting for the hungry German fire merchant to divide up. Germany transferred various rifles to Turkey and charged twice the production cost to continue to produce more advanced weapons such as g43 and mp-44 for the National Defense Forces. The 100 outdated No. 3 second-hand tanks should have made the Germans sell 130 Tiger King tanks. This has to be said to be a miracle.

What is more exaggerated is the fighter jet project. The Turkish side decided to purchase a more advanced fw-190d fighter jet. As a result, the Germans knocked hard. A total of 50 German fw-190d fighters demanded 70 million imperial gold marks, allowing Fokker Wolf to make a lot of money.

Of course, these are stories that happened a few days later, and Akado still does not know how crazy these merchants of the Third Reich are. After he heard that Krupp was going to organize the party, he nodded, and picked up another document on his desk, and approved it wholeheartedly.

As a schoolmaster who can help teach first-class institutions before going through, Akado deeply understands the meaning of those who walk a hundred miles. He knows that there have been countless failures in history, because the last moment failed. Therefore, he is constantly urging the various departments under him to ensure as many things as possible and fight the Moscow battle well.

Marshal Lundstedt was Germany’s first general to attack the British capital, London, and the first general to be promoted to marshal in addition to the old senior Brauchich. The A Group Army he commanded is also one of Germany’s best powerhouses, and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Now the tanks of the Group A striker under his command have surrounded Moscow in the north, and they are constantly advancing from the suburbs to the city center. An armored unit stormed southeast along the Leningrad highway, preventing them from advancing, not the Soviet defenders, but the Moscow Canal.

Several German tanks opened fire on the west bank of the Moscow Canal and shelled the city buildings opposite the canal violently. The Soviet defenders inside fought back violently, and the battle lasted for a whole day before they gradually subsided.

Because of the bombing of several nearby bridges, the Moscow River completely divided some Soviet defenders in the west. Their weapons and ammunition are all supplied by transport ships on the river, and the wounded are also transported back to the east bank by these transport ships. However, these troops were destined to be unable to retreat. They were blocked by the river on the west side of Moscow’s core defense line, and they were holding on to the commanding heights of the Trinity Cathedral.

The Tuchino region was the first to be occupied by the German vanguard, and the Soviet defenders here finally chose to give up resistance. Because they had no weapons to prevent the advancement of the German tanks, the ammunition was depleted and could not be replenished in time, and they had to endure the German artillery fire with almost no stopping every day. Their surrender completely broke the Soviet defense line west of the Moscow River. After more than ten days of competition, the Soviet army voluntarily gave up most of the defense line in northwest Moscow.

Near the Kosovo Cemetery in Vosklia, an armored grenadier regiment of the German F Group Army and the Soviets engaged in a fierce exchange of fire. Many tombstones were used as bunkers, hit by bullets flying in half. The Soviets were eventually forced to retreat because of lack of ammunition. After the Germans occupied the cemetery, they had to set up another 300 new tombstones nearby.

The Germans had to pay a great price every step forward. The f and a group of troops attacked the Soviets from left to right, but they could not echo each other because of the terrain. They are basically fighting each other, fighting for a house or a street from early morning to late night. The ruins, barricades, and numerous buildings have become snipers’ paradise. Every day, the gunshots are endless. After a little carelessness, you will be smashed by the bullets that don’t know where to come.

Compared with the offensive Germans, the Soviet Union is more desperate to persevere. They found that the German army of the e-group army commanded by Liszt began to appear on their side and rear, but they could not draw more troops to deal with the constantly lengthened defense lines.

Zhukov frequently engaged with Guderian in the south, and neither side meant to compromise. Although the Soviet defenders suffered a lot of losses, they still maintained their main defensive positions and did not take a step back. But Zhukov himself knew very well that the reason why Guderian did not rush to break through his defense line was entirely because of taking care of casualties, not because of how strong his Zhukov line was.

In this pitiful situation, a combat staff entered Zhukov ’s headquarters and read out Stalin ’s latest order: “Comrade Stalin hopes that your troops can make a limited counterattack southwest and repel Klug ’s forces. To strive for greater strategic space for Moscow. “Mobile phone users, please visit m.

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